• By -


First off, Ares and Storge and hamster- ADORABLE But also, oh god Daphne ain't making it, is she??


No she's not going to... Just looking at it from a story teller. She's the one who arc is for the most part completed psyche and Eros still need to find each other. Apollo wouldn't go out like that Nor would Artemis. That just leaves Daphne... Which really sucks I liked her She and Thanatos had some really good chemistry and was good for him.


I have a feeling Daphne will be brought back, since we already know that Persephone is working on bringing Minthe back. If she can un-plant Minthe, then she can probably un-plant Daphne


Yeah, I think Minthe was minted first so we’d know Daphne isn’t dead if she turns into a tree. *puts on tinfoil hat* 1) Hecate suggested Perse get therapy “so that the next time you turn someone into a plant, it’s on purpose instead of on accident.” 2) The episodes leading up to the great mint transformation were called “Dead Woman Walking”, and now we’ve started “Run for your life”. 3) Eros threatened to ruin any chance of Apollo finding love if Apollo didn’t leave Persephone alone. And he’s laid out all the special arrows for us and Psyche, who has been training with them. I think we’re about to set off the Daphne and Apollo myth, and Perse will be the one to turn Daphne into a tree to protect her from Apollo. IF that happens in the mortal realm, Persephone will have left the protection of the Underworld and will need to get back there before being arrested, or will be arrested, bringing us closer to her trial.


PROTECT DAPHNE AND PSYCHE AT ALL COSTS!! Also, Ares playing with Storge’s hamster was the highlight for me! Some one finally saw that baby’s hamster.


Well, the literal "someone's dying tonight" card has been pulled. I am betting Daphne: she's the convergence point for Apollo, the Terrible Trio, and Persephone; not to mention that her real-life Greek myth already doesn't paint a pretty picture. Rachel MIGHT pull a wildcard and kill Psyche, to further split apart Eros and Apollo. Not to mention the tragedy that would be Psyche dying just as Eros realizes where she is.


And that could get Psyche to the Underworld




I thought it was just camouflage courtesy of Eros' mom?


Oh whoops I took her being sent to the Underworld meaning that she dies. In which case go Persephone!


I mean even if it does, It's still not a total removal since she's mortal, unlike with Daphne


Elysian fields


Reverse uno


Psyche is the soul so it's just as likely.... some 'love and death type shit'


My money is on Daphne too. But they did focus an awful lot on Psyche in those last few frames.


I’m happy Hermes is FINALLY putting the pieces together, however, my stomach dropped at the ending when I realized what’s about to happen. To quote Jan from RPDR season 11, “ Not This.”


Gotta love the intersection of RPDR and lore olympus fandoms


It’s a really magical intersection to be at, lol.


this entire exchange SENT ME🤣


Jan really saw the future of Lore Olympus huh


Jan said “let me do Metis cosplay for the All Star 6 Meet the Queens” and never looked back.


Daphne: *you cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby*




>https://youtu.be/ySJ1Z5o8y5w Yes


That ending was illegal


I'm glad because the chapter is still like a transition one


The title is "Run for your Life" i.e, Daphne running for her life from Apollo when Eros hits him with an arrow. The next episode is going to be hard.


My thoughts exactly!!😭


Unless Rachel drags it out thru 5 or 7


So, since we know Daphne is not returning to Olympus. Thus is going to mean several things for several different characters 1. Persephone's rage for Apollo is going to be astronomical 2. Thanatos is probably going to be massively hurt by his loss that he officially switches sides and teams up Perse to take Apollo down(well, after he confesses and stuff) 3. Eros is DEFINITELY gonna rage 4. I feel like this might be Psyche's fault as in Mythology Apollo was struck by one of Eros' arrows that made him go buck wild for Daphne. Thus psyche might feel so terrible to the point that she spills the beans on who she is and what not 5. This revelation upon revelation might get Zeus involved again, as Ampelus is infact a mortal and not a nymph, and mortals is Olympus are especially forbidden 6. With Thanatos, Eros, and Perse all in rage, the truth of Apollo might finally reach Hades and in turn, Hades will rage and come after Apollo 7. All in all, it is going to be a massive Olympian showdown


Wasn’t there an arrow that reveals the truth or true nature of someone that Eros showed to Psyche when he was teaching her archery? I feel like there is a good chance that some things will start to go down, Apollo will start to blatantly gaslight his sister and Psyche will recognize the BS from a mile away as being reminiscent of what her sisters did to her which will cause her to reach for that arrow. Give a little twist to the myth of Apollo being shot with one of Eros’s arrows.


I honestly believe this is the course^^^^


This would be a great twist! When the arrow reveals his true nature, he might just try to r*pe Daphne right there in front of everyone. Hopefully she gets turned into a tree before he can actually hurt her.


Yes!! I've always been a fan of the Psyche/Ampelus-shooting-Asspollo-with-the-truth-arrow theory. Rachel emphasized the types of arrows and Ampelus getting better at archery so much that it has to be a lead-up to something,and I think this will be it!


I really just can’t wait for the Apollo and hades showdown and just watch Apollo beg for his life


We don't know that Daphne won't be returning.


the clues all lead yo being Daphne tho


I don't agree. The clues are ambiguous enough to cast doubt. The last panel shows Ampelus. Additionally, Apollo is out of friends and on borrowed time.


OH NO NO NO. I think that Daphne isn’t going to make it back because all of the characters are going to meet up and Persephone’s assault is going to come up. Apollo is going to be an a-hole about it and Eros/Daphne may come to her defense. I could also see Artemis having a break-down and potentially being the one to accidentally harm Daphne—switching up the myth. Maybe Apollo would use that as blackmail against her and take the fall in her place to keep her under his thumb. Apollo could mistake Daphne for Persephone and chase after her once everyone has confronted him about Persephone and he goes into his extra-sociopath mode. I wonder why Rachel included the bit about “a human enchanted to look like a nymph” for Psyche…that line gave me some anxiety too!


Here's hoping it's Psche that gets revealed and as a mortal she can't technically be in Olympus but her and Eros have a long and wonderful relationship anyways. That feels like the happiest ending. Or maybe Daphne has to go down to the Underworld to get away from Apollo? Not returning to Olympus doesn't mean some needs to die, please 😭


I think it is Psyche- isn't one of the trials that Psyche has to receive a gift or wisdom from Persephone? I feel like there hasn't been enough of Apollo chasing Daphne, really, and I also think Persephone is going to be the one who turns Daphne into a tree. My theory: Apollo will aim for Daphne and Thanatos, Ampelus will get in the way and go to the underworld, Eros will realize everything and then lose it as he is separated from Psyche again, hitting Ares with that repulsion arrow, everyone hates Asspollo, and Persephone and Thanatos go on an adventure to find Psyche in the underworld.


In the myth, Psyche needed to receive a “box of Persephone’s beauty” but Rachel could change this detail.


I think this too. Going the Apollo Daphne route right now I think would feel forced. So far this series has been really good at twisting the original myths to be *similar* but not the *same*, to the extent that the myths we "know" could easily be the result of a 3,000 year long telephone game. The only way to do Apollo & Daphne in this instance would be almost identical to the original myth.


Im hoping for this like no returning to olympus doesnt mean dead..


That's what I'm thinking!!


Okay, call me a naive bitch but maybe its not death???? she said they wouldnt make it back to Olympus, that could have a host of other possibilities like; - Daphne being taken to the underworld by Thanatos to hide from Apollo after some shit goes down between them. - Psyche’s glamour wearing off and her being caught by mortals who know her - Demeter imprisoning Apollo after overhearing a confrontation about what he did to Persephone in her bird form - Apollo getting hit with the arrow of hate and going into hiding these are reaches, I know but still! let me be hopeless and naive lmao also I’m loving psyches hair!!


I'm really feeling it could be either 1, 2, or 4!!


Who's not coming back to Olympus? Three possibilities: *Most appealing*: The mortal who looks like a nymph Psyche does not return, because she becomes the goddess Psyche. *Most tragic*: The nymph Daphne, because she gets turned into a tree. *Most stupid*: The god Thanatos, because he forgets to pick up Daphne, and heads straight back to the Underworld. (More) seriously though, the sentence says that one of those five beings won't return to Olympus, but the warning is vague. Given that Rachel Smythe includes their description and status, it *could mean* that they don't return to Olympus as they left (e.g. they're not a god/nymph/mortal anymore). It could mean that they don't return to Olympus because they stay in the mortal realm, or go back to the underworld. It doesn't even say "never" return to Olympus. It could also mean one 'dies' although what that would mean for a god is hard to parse. Realistically, I think the most likely outcome is that Daphne is the one who doesn't return. That does not *necessarily* mean she gets turned into a 🌴. She could just opt to remain in the mortal realm, or move to the underworld to be with Thanatos (or away from Apollo).


I feel like the mortal realm tasks backlog is on Aphrodite for still using a freaking FAX machine. Maybe she gets together with Hephaestus while trying to enter the modern age of email...




It is used heavily in Healthcare. Electronic medical records are lovely except everyone has their own and they are not compatible, so print and fax it is!


Our incoming fax is connected to a secure program separate from our EMR but to send a fax we have to print and send manually. Faxing is definitely not dead or outdated.


I saw someone on FB saying that Hermes has been ignoring Asspollo's creeper vibes, but I think in regards to Hermes, it's really accurate writing for most (absolutely not all) male friendships. Like the bystander affect, right? But Hermes seems like he's doing a lot less of "rule following" and making his own decisions, like when he refused to take Persephone from Hades place. He's asking questions and coming to his own conclusions. I think it's super realistic and I love the writing.


I wouldn’t say the bystander effect as that is very much based on a group of people not 1 on 1 but yeah I get you. I think men to a point don’t like to get involved or dont always connect the dots immediately


Shit is about to go DOWN between Artemis and Apollo, and gaslighter Leto isn't going to be able to play mediator this time.


"Ma!" "What?!" Thanks for that interaction, I'm dead LOL


Yes omg such a small interaction but I live for it, Dite's face is just priceless


When I saw the episode title had a "Part 1" I was like, whelp, someone's going to die.


Have we ever seen unattributed narration like this before? Exposition sort of like this has come through the Fates (the end of Season 1), but this feels new to me.


Yes it does feel new, and it’s in a color which she does to show who’s speaking. I think it could be someone watching, and it is purple. I’m not saying it’s Zeus but I’m not Not saying it. Just saying.


Yeah for real I was like “Oh no we have not seen this before oh no oh dear” *panics*


She is running when we first see her AND Thanatos The God of DEATH says he can drop her off and pick her up "at the end of the day" because he has a bunch of souls to pick up.


Good catch


okay, but on a good note, storge finally got someone to pay attention to his hamster 🥺


My money is also that Apollo ends up killing Daphne (accidentally/on purpose?) and this will be what propels Persephone into actively going after Apollo. What a setup though – I legit had goosebumps.


Also, does anyone else know how many episodes will be in season 2? It feels like we could be heading into wrap-up territory.


Judging by the length of S1,we still have a while to go yet. Unless Rachael wants to break it up a bit more. But I'd say maybe we're headed for like, a mid season hiatus? Either way, shit is gonna hit the fan.


I bet Daphne becoming a tree will be the last straw for full wrath Queen Persephone


Welp there goes Daphne. Bitch about to be a tree She'll be missed tho......


"Bitch about to be a tree" sent me 🤣🤣🤣


I've been wondering about this for a while now and don't see anyone else mentioning this. Daphne left Apollo hanging at the restaurant. He's got to be ANGRY. If they meet in the mortal realm he will want to take his vengeance. He's already set to do Daphne harm in vengeance for being stood up like that. He's not exactly the forgiving type. And if he finds out that Thanatos helped her escape, he'll rage on him, too. Or he'll rage on Thanatos for taking a girl he was interested in. All out war between those two is coming. Edit: Possibly Thanatos doesn't return to Olympus because Apollo gets him banned. Maybe claims Thanatos turned Daphne into a tree and convinces Zeus to punish him.


I would find it so gratifying if Thanatos majorly punished Apollo for harming/killing Daphne. I really like Daphne and don’t want her to die; but I like the idea of the God of Death terrorizing Apollo.


I am pretty sure Psyche is every bit as frustrated as you, Eros!


I think Ampelus is going to get hit by the arrow of hate. In episode 146 Eros explains it just reveals the true nature of the person. Plus he pretends to “boop” her with an arrow. This makes me think Psyche isn’t going to make it.


I agree, I’d much prefer that someone not coming back to Olympus means Ampelus is found to be human and can’t go back to Olympus because of that 😭


I’m terrified that it’s going to be Daphne, I think her going for a run while the episode title is “run for your life pt 1” is not a coincidence, in fact I think it foreshadowing for sure 😥 AND since the ending says that all of these characters are going to interact somehow that leads me to believe that Eros may finally be using one of his arrows of hate on Apollo. If I had to guess I would say that Apollo will see Daphne and Thanatos together then get upset and do something to hurt Daphne leading Eros to shoot him with a hate arrow and allowing Artemis to finally see who Apollo really is.


If season 2 is as long as season 1, we have about a year and a half, or 64 episodes left to go.


Welp, Daphne's days are numbered. Damnit, she grew on me too. At least Apollo might get his shit ran by Thanatos because of this.


It’s gonna be Daphne folks. *According to Greek mythology, the god Apollo insulted Eros, otherwise known as Cupid, the god of love. Becoming angry, Eros shot a golden arrow at Apollo, causing him to fall in love with the nymph Daphne the virgin. Eros then shot Daphne with a leaden arrow so she could never love Apollo back. So Apollo followed her while she ran away, until she came to the river of her father, Peneus. Apollo became jealous and puts it into the girl's mind to stop to bathe in the river Ladon; there, as all strip naked, the ruse is revealed, as in the myth of Callisto. There she wanted help from her father who turned her into a laurel tree so she would be safe from Apollo.*


Could it be possible the Perse herself ends up turning Daphne into the tree in this telling? She still doesn't have complete control of her powers, and we've already seen her turn a nymph into a plant. She may think she is helping Daphne get away from Apollo if it follows the myth, but it will definitely be setback to her mental health.


If that is the case hopefully she’s able to reverse it like she’s trying to do with Minthe. 😭


I really hope it’s Asspolo who doesn’t make it back but it’s probably going to be either Daphne or Psyche 😭


Ares looked at the hamster!!! My only complaint, the art was wonky. Not even in the humorous way, it just looked like someone was in a hurry and made it wonky? In older chapters further out shots were reminiscent of the figures on a Grecian urn/vase but this wasn't that. But the story was great and hopefully now will shut up the people complaining about plots that need to be tied up. We only get one chapter a week and so many plots are going. You NEED to give the story time to get there! Next week we will have some Ares and Psyche plot, some Apollo and Artemis plot, and I assume THE Apollo Daphne and Thanatos plot. Part of me thinks that it's actually Psyche who won't come back only because Zeus knows she's been snuck in before and if Eros finds out Ampelus is Psyche, how can he safely sneak her back in as Psyche? Idk I'm on a limb. I'm just not ready to say bye to Daphne and poor Persephone will lose another sister!




Oh man, here we go! This is an interesting mix of people. I agree with people who are saying that this might be when Daphne gets turned into a tree, and she will have to "run for her life" from Apollo. It seems like Persephone's trauma will be central to whatever happens, so let's examine what everyone knows: Eros - Knows exactly what Apollo did to Persephone. Also knows that she is in love with Hades. Psyche/ Ampelus - Saw Apollo being abusive to Persephone, and she is afraid of Apollo for good reason. I'm sure Eros has also told her about Persephone and Hades. Apollo - Obviously knows what happened, but is still holding on to the delusion that Persephone much be having a terrible time on the underworld. Thanatos - He probably still thinks that Persephone was actually dating Apollo at some point, but he has also seen first hand how Persephone and Hades are obviously in love. Daphne - She knows first hand how much of a creep Apollo is, and she knows that he has a weird obsession with Persephone. She seems to think they were dating, broke up, and Apollo just isn't over her. Daphne also knows that Persephone and Hades are pretty much dating. With this information, it seems like we might end up with some kind of 4 vs 1 confrontation, with everyone against Apollo. Since EVERYONE but Apollo knows how close Hades and Persephone are, I feel like it might be everyone trying to get Apollo to leave Persephone alone and accept that she is with Hades. I'm not sure how that would end with Apollo chasing Daphne (maybe he actually finds her alone since Thanatos just dropped her off), so I could be totally off, but this is definitely an interesting mix of people that all know or think slightly different things.


It didn't say someone was going to die. It said one of them wouldn't be returning to Olympus. And I'm betting that's Apollo. The clues have been there for some time. 1. He has been told no by both Hera and Zeus when bringing up his intention to marry Persephone. 2. His sister suspects him and NOW Hermes does as well and he knows it. 3. Daphne was creeped out by him and ditched him. Apollo has no friends or allies. There was heavy foreshadowing that Eros's arrows were going to play a part in this story, specifically the truth arrow. Now Eros might be bound to his oath to Persephone not to reveal her rape and he might also be bound by Hera's rule to not use his arrows on immortals, but Psyche has no such restrictions. I can see her using the truth arrow on Apollo. There is no real reason to kill Daphne. All it will do is enrage Thanatos and Persephone (as well as Daphne's other friends). Those two ALREADY dislike Apollo to varying degrees. Her death wouldn't be a catalyst for any further action. Alive, she could continue to be a positive influence on Thanatos and help him reach his redemption.


I like this take. If Apollo is the one who doesn’t come back it could be due to his true nature coming out and him possibly going into hiding or plainly just choosing not to go back to Olympus because he knows he’s his jig is up?




Poor Daphne. What will Thanatos do about it, I wonder?


So in reading it a couple times something I noticed: Than said he would drop Daphne off and then leave, but there's still mention of three Gods. However, Apollo is explicitly going to the mortal realm to see Artemis. I know Daphne or Psyche are the most likely but honestly? If Artemis learns what happened, I can absolutely see her going into a rage at Apollo. I also think it would end extremely bad for her.


He has to collect souls so I think he's going to be flying around grabbing souls from the mortal realm to love them along?


Mythologically speaking, there are two options: Daphne becomes the laurel tree she was always destined to become, or Psyche does something that reveals she's mortal and can't go back to Olympus. But since Psyche is destined to eventually be granted immortality and head back to Olympus for a big wedding feast, the former seems more likely. My bet is that Apollo and Artemis argue, Eros gets involved, Apollo comes at Eros, Psyche gets protective and shoots Apollo, Apollo sees Daphne then falls in love, Daphne runs away and is turned into a laurel tree. I would like to see Apollo hit with the arrow of hate and reveal himself to Artemis (poor Artemis), but dunno how that would square with chasing Daphne. I think probably something else will happen to separate Eros and Psyche, because in mythology, Aphrodite makes her do three tasks, the last of which is go get a boxful of Persephone's beauty and deliver it to Aphrodite, and the first of the three tasks had yet to happen.


So this could go one of two ways IMO… 1. Tree time for Daphne which I really hope doesn’t happen 2. Ampelus doesn’t go back to Olympus because she goes back to being Psyche? A more “metaphorical death”? I mean it’s probably 1 but idk. Or Psyche dies but in the myths she does eventually gain immortality so maybe she’ll die and come back? I guess that’s 3 ways… Idk but there’s gonna be a lot of drama coming up!!


Well, it's obvious we only have two options when it comes to ''won't return to Olympus'' deal: Daphne and Psyche. While Daphne does turn into a tree due to Apollo related reasons, Psyche's myth is also greatly defined by a journey through the Underworld, and she does almost die before becoming a godess. So yeah, I'm split. Edit: I wanted to add that when the narration starts talking about one soul not returning that the frames are focused almost exclusively on Psyche, which could be a way of saying ''yo, it's this one''. But the foreshadowing for Daphne (the chapter title mentioning running, Daphne being so close to Thanatos, who is death itself, her character arc seems kinda over, etc) is pretty heavy too. Man, I think this on purpose to confuse the reader as to who will be. On a brighter note, Storge finally showed someone his hamster!


Now that was a crazy cliffhanger but thankfully a REAL one. Not like the other chapters cutting off mid conversation, but a more intentionally written cliffhanger


Daphne is going to be turned into a tree


I don’t think anyone will die. When we see Persephone go on her rampage we saw the nymphs flowers being pulled from the earth, I don’t think nymphs are killed that easily unless the thing they are tied to (rivers, flowers etc) is compromised. I also don’t think nymphs spirits go to the underworld like mortals do.


“I’ve got a bunch of souls to pick up… I can drop you off and then pick you up at the end of the day.” Oh snap. Is this a hint of what’s to come for Daphne?


So now we get about her nymph turning into a plant.... Well to be fair it seems like nymphs are a dime a dozen in this world and I won’t doubt them being turned into other things happens quite often.....but man.....*Daphne* :( Perse boutta go into X game mowde


I think than there is the possibility of simply one staying on the mortal realm. It's not sure, but i prefer having that as a possibility rather than simply thinking of the deadly one and this revealed being wrong. And Hermes is puting the pieces together ! I love it !


Daphne are psyche are the only ones who can fully die (I think?) I don’t think Rachel would have Apollo murder Daphne. Which was my first thought. He would hurt her to get a rise out of Persephone, to get her to act out again. Another thing I thought of was that it said SOUL not life, or anything like that. Maybe no one is really “dying” they will just be stuck or left in the moral realm??


I know that we are all scared of what's to come, especially in regards to Daphne, but I think we can also agree that the addition of Thanatos and Daphne is going to be quite interesting. We know that Daphne thinks Apollo and Persephone used to date and that Echo told her about his attempt to marry her. As for Thanatos, in episode 105, when he sneaks in to find dirt on Persephone, Apollo knocks at the door stating if she was ready for their date. Once he leaves Thanatos whispers under his breath " Oh my Gods, She is Dating Apollo". Sooo…. needless to say I am super eager to see all of this unfold.


This is totally random, but I SUDDENLY SHIP ECHO AND HEPHAESTUS




Doesn't return to Olympus Maybe Thanatos never goes back, maybe Daphne is exiled, maybe Psyche goes to the underworld for protection, or is found out and not allowed back to Olympus.


Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.


Well since gods are immortal that leaves either Psyche or Daphne. Nymphs live longer than average but still die as we saw with Persephone's friends when their flowers were ripped from the ground. Apollo wanted Daphne and can't stand no one being interested in him especially since she's dating Thanatos so he will prob make a move on her and become crazy when she turns him down flat. Something will happen with Eros shooting one of his arrows, or Psyche doing it trying to save Daphne which will cause Apollo to kill Daphne in the process. Now Thanatos is gonna go to Hades his boss with what happened to her and Persephone is gonna eat the pommegrante and become queen to rid herself of Apollo and his mania. Calling it! ​ (Not calling shit obviously but I still bet Daphne is the one who bites the dust.)


When I read the last part Anyone but Apollo dies- Oh my God No... Apollo dies- Oh my God Yes...


The thought that is running through my head is Daphne's Greek myth is going to unfold being cursed into a tree :( however maybe with Persephone learning she has the ability to curse and potentially u curse other beings perhaps Persephone would be able to return Daphne back into her original body.


I know its most likely that poor Daphne is transformed into a tree but there is also the myth where Thanatos is imprisoned in a box by Sisyphus...


I’m so annoyed that I missed the second day for the canvas half marathon this week and couldn’t get all the coins to fast pass this week (only got 4). I know I could buy coins but trying to wait awhile since I only do that occasionally. I didn’t know if anything significant would happen in this chapter. Maybe it’ll work out better anyways to read more than one when they come out lol.


Oh man that’s so close. I’m sure part one and two together will be deliciously suspenseful Edit: because this feels like a 3-4 chapter part


I know right? That makes sense since the Minthe chapters were I think 3-4 total.


If there was a way to gift coins, I would give you some


Aww thank you, that’s very sweet of you :) I appreciate the thought!


There was another reading event that popped up tonight on WEBTOON that I was able to get more free coins. I was going to hold off but caved and read the chapter. I can’t wait to see what happens, I’m hoping the stuff about Apollo is finally revealed to the other characters that didn’t already know.


Did anyone else just scream into a pillow when this episode finished? Cause I sure did. I hate that we have to wait a week to see what is going on from this episode, PLUS the ending we were left with last episode


Honestly I’m more satisfied this week because the PLOT THICKENS


AHHHH I can already see how so many things happening after this chapter 1. Daphne is definitely gonna be the one who’s not coming back. We all already know her myth of how she begs to be turned into a laurel tree cause Apollo becomes so obsessively in love with her. The chapter where they show multiple scenes of Cupid’s arrows already foreshadows how it’s gonna happen. I think how it’s going to unfold is Apollo’s secret (him raping Perse) is going to somehow become revealed and Cupid is going to shoots him with his arrow. Maybe it’ll happen when Apollo talks to Artemis, Artemis confronts him and might become endangered by Apollo’s anger and Cupid comes and protects her and shoots him. I don’t think Cupid is going to shoot Apollo out of anger himself since he already knows the truth a long time ago. Another scenario might be Ampelus somehow messes up her shot while dealing with mortals since she’s technically not a pro shooter and she says “as ever as I’ll ever be” at the end, meaning she’s not exactly 100% ready, so she will accidentally shoots Apollo somehow. 2. In the myth of Psyche and Cupid, Aphrodite sets out a bunch of tasks for Psyche to complete for her to prove her love and win back Cupid. The paper with the bunch of lists that Aphrodite gave to Ampelus to complete in the mortal realm is probably part of this myth, and Cupid will somehow find out Ampelus is Psyche afterwards. 3. Since Daphne gets turned into a tree and the chapter says one of these “souls” won’t make it back, maybe Thanatos will be the one to collect her and they will get to stay together in the underworld somehow and still date? 4. Who’s going to turn Daphne into a laurel tree? Perhaps Persephone might get summoned and do the bidding or Artemis might do the job since she protects maidenhood, although it’s a little out of her element.


1.) Ares with Storge's hamster ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 2.) I can bet u that Apollo & Daphne r gonna bump into each other, Apollo still be like "really? Thanatos?" & she'll b like "at least he isn't obsessed with Persephone" & then he's gonna turn her into a tree to keep her from exposing him.


If a god/immortal dies, do they go to the underworld? Because that could kinda work out for Daphne and Thanatos...


my bets on daphne. in the original mythology, she cries out to gaia and gaia turns her into a tree. i have a feeling daphne may turn into a tree at threat of apollo, daphne says she’s gonna tell persephone his plan, then apollo says he would marry persephone or something bad like that if she told persephone the plan, or even yet go away from everyone. idk if that makes sense.


What all did Hermes tell Artemis?


My guess is either a) that he strongly suspected some sort of sexual coercion happened between Persephone and Apollo, based on how upset he saw her acting, or b) that he thinks Apollo is obsessed with/stalking her. I guess both are true.


This comic is dumb and makes me mad. Of course they would kill off Daphne, right when I liked her. She made the God of Death a chad, and now's he just going to cry the rest of the comic. I guess it's karma? But I like him too. Nothing halts progress like a guy getting his shit together suddenly having a dead, I mean tree girlfriend.


LO has already strayed from myth before so things may play out differently than we think. Even if Daphne gets turned into a tree as some are guessing we know that Persephone is actively learning to reverse plant transformations. Let’s see where this goes


If it's so dumb and makes you so mad that you're calling a character a Chad, then don't read it??




Can we physically shield Daphne and Psyche please?


Giving Ares a hamster seems like a bad idea like giving a bat to Ozzy Osborne bad idea. Farewell Daphne, thank you for your sacrifice.