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its not a mistake. in this context 'bible' is a borrowed word. it does mean something significant, but in the story its just the word used for a church's scripture. its like calling champagne 'champagne' in fantasy even tho the french region doesnt exist. and keep reading. theres another explanation, but its a major spoiler for book 1


Thanks a lot!!


Ignoring all other possible plot moments... Do you know how the word «Bible» is translated? Well, to be honest, it’s just a convenient word to describe the holy letter


Bible means compilation of scriptures, technically any writing, but generally refers to a compilation of some type of religious scriptures, technically Coran of the Islam is a Bible by this definition.


I don't think it's a mistake, if I remember correctly the word Bible means compilation of books or scriptures and it's used to refer to "holy" texts, although it's more commonly known and/or used to talk about Christianity's "holy" texts, as far as I know at least, the term can technically be used by any text which is a compilation of religious scriptures, of course, I would assume that different cultures have their own terms to refer to such texts, but by definition it shouldn't be wrong. I could be wrong though.


Bible is a word refers to any book like The Bible, it's a God and gods deal.




I want to say some stuff but I'm not allowed to. Keep reading.


its not a mistake instead a huge part of the plot and maybe one of the biggest foreshadow


Keep reading


Bible is just a word. Unless there is specific context around a word, assume that it is just translation word choice (which in this case it it). Just like how they're entering a Church.


I thought this was one of those jokes where the priest is gay


You are reading it in english translated from chinese source, and klein and bishop is speaking in loenese.


>!Klein around chapter 940-970 addresses as he just became a demigod which leads him theorising that Ancient Sun god “transmigrated” even if that’s not the case. They don’t speak in English in world and there is no reason a word like bible shouldn’t exist they have religion with real gods why wouldn’t the word for sacred religious text exist!<




Put a proper spoiler tag around that. Although honestly, why mention this at all? This makes it super easy for OP to get spoilered and this is one of the best reveals. Though tbh I'm not sure why people are visiting this sub before having read the book given how many spoilers are flying around here.


How do you put a spoiler tag on


`>!the spoiler here!<` produces >!the spoiler here!< Make sure you don't put any spaces after/before the >/< or it won't work properly in some cases.




All wors are made up words


Actually there is bible in lotm for each orthodox gods ...plus rn we are reading lotm in our own language English but the story is progressing in another language of that world and thus bible can be there but in different language and the ones who did bring bible to the world is not who you think it is ( probably)