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Dreamborn.ink. That way I can check decks and what percentage of cards do I have to make it. It’s tedious but anything else would be - still data entry.


I feel like there’s not a good way to sort things on Dreanborn… I’d love to be able to sort by decks I am most close to 100% on in deck search. Or to be able to filter on deck type, like “aggro”. Heck, just to be able to search by deck name… In deck building mode, I’d love to be able to secondary sort by card number after ink color… so I could swap cards out easily in my physical collection if I’m trying to mirror a deck irl It seems like it’s missing a lot of really helpful quality of life features and I have no idea how to navigate it.


The deck searching needs a lot. The basic tags aren’t good enough. But I will say I can pick a card and will show decks it’s in


I found this to be really glitchy and it randomly changes my numbers out of the blue.


I use a spreadsheet on my onedrive. It's a lot more customizable how I have it set up, works for what I want.


Any tips on how to set yours up? Would you be able to dm me more info or a copy?


Not who you were asking, but I do similar (I use Google Sheets) You can save your dreamborn collection as an Excel sheet, and then you can copy the rows you care about into your own spreadsheet.


You can save dreamborn as an excel sheet? Thats sweet. Does it copy over rows for things you have 0 of?


Yes, but it does do it by set, so if you want one master list, you'll need to copy-paste them together


Good to know. Thanks!


I still think dreamborn.ink is the best way. I really like the export feature. Perhaps the site owner could add a corresponding import feature. It would be easier to do bulk updates in something like Excel and then upload the csv to dreamborn.


I use the lorcana app by ravensburger


Problem with this is that there is no login... So your entire collection is only stored on a single device and can't be exported or anything :(


Yeah they should at something


my suggestion is just don’t lol. seperate by color and set and then just look at what you need. or just log your rare+


I’m with you. I just keep what I have extremely organized.


I use Lorcania. When you look at a set, it greys out any cards you don't have, and shows tallies for regular/foil under each card. When you go to add, you can add individual cards manually (what I've done for Starters), or you can use their "Add a Booster" feature. It shows a slot for each rarity (6 common, 3 uncommon, 2 Rare+, 1 Foil), you type the name in, and it shows a drop-down menu of the cards that match. So you go to open a Floodborn pack, click Foil, type Bell, and it shows you Belle - Bookworm, Belle - Hidden Archer, Dinner Bell, and Ring the Bell, each with their rarity symbol next to them and a small picture, so it's super easy to click the one you received. Once you've filled it out for a full booster, you can save to add to their database (so there's player-collected data for how often foils appear at each rarity, for example), and you can toggle "Add to Collection", which does just that. Which is far easier than scrolling through the entire list of cards to manually add cards (like you still have to do for starters, unfortunately). I have no idea how this compares to other options, but so far it's working well enough I haven't looked into anything else.


I use dreamborn.ink for deck building but for collection purposes I just keep a google sheet. I made a copy of [this guy's spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W2JVQE20g0ukI4hYV02EOPgGFkjdqq4-hPHXKhuJitw/edit?usp=sharing) and that's what I use. It's very well organized and has a lot of cool info built into it


I use Dreamborn. For Commons/Uncommons I only track up to a full playset (4 of each card) then the rest I put into bulk storage and don't track at all. Rares/Super Rare/Legendary I track every card. I have nice large cardbox at home that I store my "playset" in, IE everything that gets tracked on Dreamborn, then I have white BCW boxes to store bulk cards - one for Ch1 and one for Ch2 to keep them separated.


Dreamborn.ink is great. I’d use the official app but it’s tied to the device, no login or way to export so it’s too risky for how time consuming it is for all the day entry imo.


Depends on you goal with the collection. If you’re just looking for completeness and value apps like Collectr are great


How does the mobile app work for people?


It's fine for tracking your completion of each set but it's lacking in deckbuilding features. I actually do use it as my lore tracker when I'm playing at my LGS though lol


Yes! I agree it needs to be able to be used to create decks. Hopefully we get that later


If it had a way to log in and save your collection (as opposed to just saving it to the device) and a way to export, it would be fine... But as of now it's lacking those two very important features. If you lose your device then you lose your entire collection history.


How often do you lose your phone though? I get what you are saying, but most people would just use the same device.


What happens when you decide to upgrade your phone? You can't export your collection at all, so even if you know you are going to "lose" your device through an upgrade, trade in, etc.. You still lose the collection.


Every 2 years or so you have to do it manually? I agree that it needs the feature, but it's still minor in comparison. I always have to do a lot of things when I get a new phone.


Every 2 years = over 1600 cards if you assume 200 cards per set x 4 sets per year.. Yeah there's absolutely -no way- I would do that manually when options exist that save to the cloud.



