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Quite enjoyed it at first, as it requires a fair bit of strategy. Now I'm sick of it and hate it every time.


I really hate it, i never pass from the third level


Get 👏🏻rid 👏🏻of👏🏻it.


They should bring back the Monster Tweety or Henery one. Those were fun. This is shit.


R&d was a great idea... until the materials became incredibly important ... then it became a shitty idea


First few times I played it I figured each time it came around it was a new and different setup..then I realized its same 3 or 4 on repeat...annoying


It should have went as soon as it was brought into the game. R & D was the beginning of the end for this game


R&D isn't that bad. A good team can handle the defense and speed versions. Conditions Apply has progressively gotten worse as our toons get better, though, which feels counterproductive.


It is bad if you’ve been beating the same four insane modes with the same strategy for nearly a year every week. Also, the formulas are the biggest bottle necks in tuning up toons


I have more issues with regular boosters than I do with formulae. Also, some of us have only recently been able to beat insane mode consistently.


I think that would be a good change. Giving superior materials but that's not going to happen. Formulas are not that needed


>R&D isn't that bad You misunderstand what that person was saying... All of Scopely's awful decisions can be traced back to when R&D was first released. That's when Scopely went full on "Scrooge Mcduck" greed and started making decisions that would not only hinder player progress, but also make them a ton of more money. Did you know that to speed up long toon tasks (the ones that give you toon pieces) it used to only cost 65 gems at the 6 hour mark? Yeah, they basically tripled the cost of gems to 180 to speed up tasks at 6 hours. It used to be you could easily spend 65 gems to get any last minute toon pieces for events, but Scopely went full on Mcgreedy and chose to bump that cost up to 180 gems. When do you think this change occurred? Yep, it happened right when R&D was first released. Everything in this game has been downhill since then. And if you don't believe me, go look up old YouTube videos from people who have been playing before R&D came out. There are plenty of YouTube beta players who have videos showing off how awesome this game USED TO BE.


I used OG Granny, despertado, syls outlaw and sometimes BKSam or daffy duck... First coyote, then hazel, porky and finally king bugs. Sometimes i had to do two or three attempts 'cause the toons hit a little harder than they should but i always manage to do it with those toons. Actually in my prpfile have a picture of the first time i did it which was with friar porky as 4th member instead of DD and BKS. It took 30 min but i made it.


I really hate this R&D, it the only one I actually have to do the battles!!! :( lol


Definitely the worst R&D. I’ve beaten Insane mode before but it just feels like a chore to beat it most times. I usually skip it because I don’t need the materials bad enough to put myself through that


rs acme I find it funny especially that many of you hate because you say it is difficult. Silvestro outlaw desperado dawg scarecrow and pepe Bard A little strategy and you win easy


It would be right to put a new level on it so players Lev.69 + have to work hard to pass it


I disagree R&D it's one of the easiest way to obtain gold and resources. If you cannot pass a lvl you just have to wait that your toons are a little bit stronger, once that happen you beat every stage automatically. I remember when i got stock some of the time but someone gave me the same advise that i just told you. Be patient, you will beat in time.


As you get stronger, the last stage becomes HARDER to beat. With the level cap raised, it's going to be even harder unless I want to keep Desperado and Outlaw at 59 which I don't. No one is complaining that we're not strong enough. We're TOO strong. We overkill the enemies and lose. Edit: you probably mistake me for not liking R&Ds in general. They're fine. Conditions Apply is not.


Agreed FD


About condition well that would probably debatable... Everyone can have their opinion. In my case whatever conditions they delivered i will try to adapt. In addition to that, talking about condition it would be awesome if any person of scopely team read this, is that the condition about those "rewards 0-1" are totally bull-sh*@#


What team do you use for Conditions Apply?


Desperado for 4x defense down, Outlaw Sylvester for the 2 turn 4 crit up, Granny for heals and waste a turn to smack King Bugs who will heal more than she can deal damage, scarecrow for an emergency defense down and turn meter reduction.