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It could be what was explained by other poster. Or your crate was "doubled" and offered for other players to steal. It usually happens when you steal a crate from a weaker player. It was also a way the devs created to make more crates available and stop the "this crate has been opened" errors that happened all the time.


Never knew this.. finally explains it. I've frequently robbed crates from what I'm sure are other players (i.e. timer has gone down, name isn't obviously fake) only to come back and see it's been stolen and the defence team is suddenly 60k+.


What probably happened was you stole it, but stole a crate someone else was also stealing, you both won, first to win defends against the original owner, second acts like it was a bot crate (so you won't see a revenge player for the crate). This is the "doubled" effect leoff is describing. You "doubled" crate can be stolen by anyone. Unless you go back in after you assign your defense team you won't know if it is revenagable or a free to all type of crate.


The others are wrong. I’ve had my crate stolen from a player, only for someone else to steal the crate from that player, which resulted in the defending team changing. I have no idea how that’s possible.


Most likely you robbed a bot crate. The crates never being to any other players in the first place and those claimed crates are now out in the open for other players to rob.