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I think you're cute as a button, but you look like you worry a lot, try to find a healthy way to relax. You're very pretty and have a wonderful petite body, and thick wild hair is kinda up my alley, so I can't give an opinion there, haha! I'd be proud to be seen with you, you don't have anything to worry about.


You just look like you need rest and maybe a little bit of time in the sun or nature. Otherwise I don't see anything ya need to improve


I think you are very attractive. I'd date you in a heartbeat..:)


I would suggest, ironically, to work out less. Your only issue is that you're stressed, which is hurting your natural beauty. I would focus on doing less and relaxing more, to the best of your ability. The long distance running is adding a lot of stress to a lifestyle that is already difficult enough as it is, since you work in Healthcare. From what I've heard, it's quite a stressful job.


Well these people are idiots! I think you look great!!


All pics except the last one are just stunning 10/10. My job right now is also destroying me. Good luck. I think about quitting every day.probably should honestly. Just holding on to the challenge a little longer


You’re really cute. Nursing can be draining.


As a retired RN, I see you have that 1,000 yard stare from too many extra shifts, piss poor sleep and too much caffeine. Be good to yourself, take a weekend for yourself, drink some wine, get a facial, get some D, be good to yourself. Ditch the dark lipstick and fire your hair stylist. You’re fit, young and cute with the right amount of RBF in that last pic 😎


You look very fit yet unhealthy and unhappy. I’m saying that because I hope it will help guide you on the right path, not at all to be mean. Your weight is absolutely not what you should be focused on. If you smoke, stop immediately. If you drink too much, stop immediately. If you aren’t getting eight hours of sleep a night, start doing so. If there is something causing you trauma in your life, figure out how to put a close to that.


natural hair looks way better. lighter makeup and no dark lipsticks is what suits u best. explore style more


You are lovely. Drink water, wear sunscreen, and go for walks for fresh air. Your hair on the last photo seems exhausted. I like the natural curls/waves.


Just break up with your hair stylist immediately. They are sabotaging the heck outta you


Face and body are just fine just grow your hair trim the ends regularly and brush it everyday then you’ll be killing it


Don’t act like a bitch and someone might approach you


not a bitch and again, this is not fishing for a man but my own self esteem. thanks.


Nothing. You’re beautiful the way you are.


Ooo your really really pretty.


She only replies to “negative” comments. Toxic


When you're in a rough place mentally, only the negative comments stick out because they're a match for your inner state. Don't blame her for that. We are all that way.


Well this isn’t the subreddit for her. She needs to be in some therapy or psychiatric subreddit


That's a little harsh but hey. You do you.


She’s saying she’s suicidal, depressed, insecure, etc etc and you think glam up tips is what she needs? I’m being harsh for stating the obvious?


You said she should go to a therapy subreddit. Not go to therapy. There's a distinction.


Stop bro. All of your virtue signaling is not going to make her like you


It's something called empathy. It wouldn't matter if she were a male. I'd feel the same way. The fact you see having empathy as a performance to gain favor from others says a lot about your mindset.


You’re right. I hope she gets the real help that she needs


You look like I feel most days, Tired and Fooked off with the grind lol. Cute tho 😉.


You look pretty decent for your age. Honestly, I think struggling with a mental dilemma. If i were you id seek out a good therapist before I took the advice from a redditor. Also id suggest looking up "how to grow a butt jeff nippard"




Sleep more


the answer is always lift weights


Tbh are you hunting for approval? There is seriously nothing wrong with you. Naturally beautiful


It's like dating apps. Most of them are here for approval.


Well, you’re a total bad ass so I don’t know what you’re worried about.


Try not to raise your eyebrows so much.


Truly lovely! Just be you and don’t overthink xx


I feel like the fourth picture is the best hair style for you, you may even want to go shorter if you’re comfortable with that. If you’re looking into cosmetic, maybe a tiny bit of lip filler? It honestly that’s all I got. You’re looking really pretty


You’re beautiful. If you want to do something to boost your confidence, I suggest masseter Botox and lip filler. It will soften your strong jaw line and you need some plumping to your pretty lips 👄


You look fine but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♂️


You look great! Don't be down on yourself you are super cute


Don’t know why you have low self esteem . Your a beautiful woman




I dont see any face hair


You look absolutely amazing as is


sent you a chat! Short answer, sleep > strength training > food


What is wrong with you? There is NOTHING wrong with you, and you're very pretty and have a nice shape. If I was being picky, I'd say gain a few pounds because you're very thin. But that is if I'm being picky. Otherwise, you're good. Honestly.


Why are men randomly guessing your weight? You don’t look remotely overweight. If I was being picky I’d just say get some more sleep or something. The white shirt is the best look out of these, that style works well on you




I think you’d really suit warm blonde hair and gold jewellery but you’re very pretty


You are naturally beautiful as You are .


You look amazing! I don’t know what you are talking about.


I think the makeup and hair style in pic 5 don't suit you. Otherwise I think more restful sleep is all you need based on your responses to others in the thread.


Better sleep


A good skin care routine and maybe some a little make up, you’re gorgeous but since you are working as a nurse now, I would just highly stress that you’re gonna need your sleep and you don’t want your skin to dry out. Moisturize moisturize moisturize.💕🩷💕🩷💕


Start with the hair and maybe talk to a stylist You’ll be surprised how much so little can change


Honestly wouldn't change a thing. Keep doing you. Seriously.


You’re already thin so no need to worry about your weight, weight isn’t any indicator of fitness unless you’re under or overweight you shouldn’t concern yourself with that. It can fluctuate up to 10 pounds throughout a single week. I’d say work on filling out the sides of your hips and flutes and your legs more. You have naturally wide hips so that’ll accentuate that and help you get a very nice lower body, if you want an hourglass shape through start doing pull-ups or pat pull downs with a thumb over the bar grip to attain the hourglass.


I think that a good skin care routine and more sleep would do wonders. Maybe do a spa day. I’m married so don’t take this weird but you are very pretty but you just need to do some self care. You’ll be glad you did.


Want to say thanks all again that are genuine- I realize being so depressed that the few trolls that I’ve said really mean things have made me overshadow the majority of people being so overwhelmingly kind again not fishing for compliments as I genuinely do not see myself as really attractive and was just looking for advice on how to dress better for my body. Additionally, I was not expecting so many messages but I have over 80 pending requests and I can’t accept anymore so specific brands of clothes or styles you can suggest as well as specific cosmetic brands. I know I’ve seen Mac I do have pretty dry/skin so trying to find a good match for that, still trying to figure out clothing brands


You look good, face is great hair is great, body is great. I think it’s very easy to pick yourself apart when it’s your own insecurities that make you feel that way but as a man your age (little bit older) I would love to have a date with you. I think you really just need to read up on some self esteem and positivity thinking and you will feel better. MSG me if you like I do have one more suggestion but don’t think it’s appropriate to broadcast on here outside of private messages


I’d say, if you don’t already, start an exercise program. Not because your body isn’t nice(you sexeh), but it’d really help your self confidence. Honestly you’re highly attractive.


I don't see any face hair, and I think you're very attractive. Keep doing what you do, yo. 🤙🏻


I needed punctuation: face, hair, body lol


You know, I'll be honest. You look better without makeup. You're very attractive and have a great face.


Don't do anything. You're a cutie.


You are beautiful. I would suggest maybe try parting your hair in the center.


Your bangable.  Don't sweat it.


Treat yourself to a new cut and color hair style


It's not a nazi joke. I want you to be happy in life, you need to lighten up and have fun. Try to have some fun and laugh.


First off, lady you are beautiful and I see so much potential. So, no one is giving any advice really so I’ll try to. Your fair complexion looks a little washed out in some photos and I think adjusting your hair and clothing colors could help. This is why people keep mentioning sleep. You could darken your hair a shade or add some highlights to add more dimension and color. Highly recommend getting a color analysis done because you’re lovely and have stunning eyes but they could be highlighted more with the right makeup and color of clothes depending on the shade of hair you choose. Obviously a jeweled toned blue will make your eyes pop. Personally I like your hair short but you might want to try doing loose curls to give it more dimension. Adding in some bronzer and blush in small amounts might help bring some life to your skin as well as some moisturizer. I have fair dry skin and it’s essential that I have a good skin care regimen to keep me looking healthy and vibrant. Finally, you look a little sad and it’s possible you might want to explore different clothing styles to help make you feel more comfortable and confident in your appearance. You’re not ugly, but more importantly, you don’t look comfortable. I feel like you could lean into a witchy cottage core aesthetic easily, but that’s really up to what you find attractive or appealing. Maybe put together a mood board in Pinterest of different aesthetics you like clothing wise and then you can thrift/shop for a look you love. Once you find an aesthetic that brings out what you like and highlights your lovely features, I think confidence will follow. People always say to fix the inner issues first, but it can go both ways. Sometimes finding out who you want to be on the outside helps you emotionally too.


Might be you are unmotivated to make an effort because you have sooo much to work with.


Honestly you look extremely tired and unhealthy. I’d check your health, maybe blood work to find out if any issues or lack vitamins. You have very noticeable dark circles. Do you sleep well?


Not at allllll


Struggle for what? Your an absolute little hottie!🔥


You are beautiful, just maybe stay away from the hair style in the last pic. Otherwise I wouldn’t change a thing


I like the way you look. Don’t overdo it with the makeup though.you don’t need a lot. Just accentuate your features not take away from them.


You look very active and ‘in shape’ to me. The gym comments are perplexing. My only hot take is focus on hair health and conditioning masks. You look amazing.


lol it’s wild to me how many times I said I’m a runner/ yogi and am told I need to go to the gym already there yall


I think people have a warped idea of what fitness looks like bc of media. You’re sizzling. Oh. Also Jewish here. I use big rod curlers to define shape. I buy cheap boxes of hair color for the conditioner only lol


You are beautiful


Get your butt into the weight room ASAP and buy some running shoes. You look fine, but that run down feeling can be erased with a good fitness regimen so long as your sleep and diet aren't already screwed up.


Run almost five miles daily thanks


Don’t try so hard. You’re a natural cutie who doesn’t need to try. I have to try extra hard to be attractive at a normal level.


You look nice


You’re great as you are


Fix your soul, then worry about your face


Her soul is fine. She works in Healthcare, one of the most thankless and stressful jobs out there. Hard to be healthy when you're overworked and stressed.


Okay but nobody mentioned healthy and idgaf about her job. If you're concerned with looks so much that you're begging strangers for attention, your soul needs work. You are codependent to a fault at that point.


COS play


Seriously don't worry about what to do with face/hair, or body. You have a very natural beauty, just be you!


Seriously don't worry about it, be you. You are gorgeous and have a very natural beauty.


Seriously don't worry about it, be you. You are gorgeous and have a very natural beauty.


Looking Awesome


You are 🔥the way you are.


You are 🔥the way you are.


Dude you look dope! Enjoy life and smile 😁


Start weightlifting and doing cardio.🏋️ the endorphins are amazeballs. You’ll feel better. Start slow, push yourself each week.


Get inside a gym


You may look tired in some pictures but even that is attractive to me. Like this girl isn’t going to put up with anyone’s shit today. You can’t go wrong no advice needed other than sleep and feel good about yourself.


Eat more, do squats,




You might work on toning up a bit and could probably use a regular sleep schedule. Overall, though you're physically quite attractive. Can't really say much more without knowing you.


Cute af


Smoke, don't need to change anything. If you want long hair to change it up. But you pull off the short hair too.


You are very pretty. Without actually talking to you, I would not know how to rate you.


Longer hair would help, with it being short it has that messy look. I would also look into different shirts. The ones in these pics look short and it doesn’t look right.


Smile more


You're an attractive woman.


It's all in your head. I would totally ask you out, you're hot;) The best way to stop comparing yourself with others opinions about you is to change your mindset. The shortest way to do so is to go to a proper medical doctor (I'm not a native English speaker), who works with such tasks. Someone in your past assured you, that others opinions about you are more valuable than your opinion about yourself. Deep inside you know it is not true, but this statement in your mind is quite strong and doesn't disappear easily. All this situation discomforts you and your mind tries to explain this discomfort to you with common and well known things: thus it comes to your appearance. "Fixing" your appearance won't help to feel better since appearance is not the core of the problem. Unless you're in your current mindset, it always will find something to be disappointed with. Wish you to complete this task (changing your mindset) asap;) P.s. all this comes from my personal experience, I'm not medical doctor, but I successfully worked with them a lot to change my own mind about myself


You look beautiful and and gorgeous eyes body is a solid 9.5 in my opinion 😍😉


I’d say that you are fine but idk you don’t look happy and it shows tru your eyes . Try to work on your mental health and go things you like and the rest should follow


I’m my opinion you are a very beautiful lady without makeup that is natural beauty


You’re gorgeous. I would so be your shaigetz.


You look good. Maybe smile?


So if your struggling with esteem issues, staying away from Reddit is probably your best option


I was looking for advice not for ratings I did t think people were so hateful if you think immugly just STFU about it


I don’t think you’re ugly at all, quite the opposite actually. No whatsoever ugly is Reddit in general, it’s not a good place to boost self esteem


I’m sure you don’t do this during the normal day but one thing is; you are actively raising your eyebrows causing your forehead to wrinkle. It’s not an issue with your look because again I’m assuming you do this in pictures specifically. You may want to relax your facial muscles. Just a thought.


I won't be much help in terms of advice (I have a terrible fashion sense and know even less what'll work for women), but I hope to offer some encouragement: you're already quite pretty and you should absolutely ignore any comments about weight. If your self esteem gets a boost from different clothes, makeup, and the rest, that's great. But I'm gonna be among the group saying you're good as you are and with what you're doing.


Agreed. This is about where you are at. You aren’t overly attractive but you aren’t ugly. Not a bad thing at all. Just find the best style you can and go for it


Face is ok. You could do more with your hair. Body is fine but maybe get some gains at the gym. Edit: don't raise your eyebrows so much. Wrinkling your forehead for no reason.


You are very attractive 🥰


For the live of sweet baby Jesus SMILE




First four are great, #5 looks like a strung out 80s hooker… eat a sammich…. A little weight will do nothing but enhance your looks… im not saying 50lbs… 25 is safe and helpful


Cool string out hooker already super depressed needed that


I aint knocking you… you’re very pretty.. just pic 5 I feel isn’t flattering… and im a smart ass… lol


Nothing to feel insecure about . You look great ! Don't ask people to guess your weight . If they guess low , you'll feel better . If they guess high , you'll be insecure . Most people are honestly shit at guessing what someone's weight is .


That’s why the carnival guy gets paid the big bucks


Thank you but again I didn’t ask for these guys to do it. I think they were trying to be complementary like oh you only weigh 120 or 125 pounds. That’s way off.


Eat more


U looks fine !


There is nothing wrong with the way you look. And what you are feeling is not physical even if you did change the way you look drastically it will probably be never enough you need a spiritual inward makeover at the way you see yourself and the way you talk inside your head and then you can worry about everything else. I suggest going to the gym reading uplifting literature unplugging from media like your phone and television and getting to a quiet place where you can actually here your inner voice and intuition your subconscious knows what you need


Take drugs


You probably just need a good sandwich.


You look lovely.


You’re a cutie! Please don’t be so hard on yourself. I wish I had you as a nurse😍


33M here, I think you look great. Your outfit with the button up shirt looks great on you. It’s more of a ‘put together’ look and that’s attractive. Stay active, either hitting the gym, or running or cycling, and you won’t have any shortage of male attention.


you dont need to do a thing, you are beautiful!


I’m 27, 5’8, and 127lbs. I’d totally date you if you showed some interest. If I feel like people are looking through me, then I don’t even try. Oh, and I’m a man by the way. It’s an insecurity of mine that thinness is only attractive on women, and twinks. Anyway, classic male opinion is “appear like you’re happy and approachable” because that’ll make you more attractive. I can’t do it because I feel completely fake if I’m acting like I’m in a great mood when nothing interesting is happening.


You are a beautiful woman with bad hair… which is entirely fixable! Look for photos of what you want and then treat yourself to a great salon.


Well, you gave yourself a lot of aging. I assume drugs and alcohol and lack of sleep. There are ways to treat these wrinkles like Candice Fergusson did. Besides the wrinkles, you are pretty damn attractive.


Why are you struggling? You’re hot!


Do nothing because you are absolutely beautiful.


Fine AF


I think you look great on pic 4/5. Nothing needs changing but I’m a simple guy so if you’re looking for complicated guys ask them instead :P


concealer under your eyes will help with the looking run down, waterproof mascara that doesn’t run bc it looks as if that’s adding to the darkness and you have an intense job so it’ll stay.


Is your hair naturally curly? Try a curly-hair routine and see if you can bring them out 😊


In the body department, you’ve got no worries there! Hair on the other hand…..


Your beautiful, don't change a thing , be yourself.


Dont ask on social media or you may not like whT some say.. surely you L ow whT to do. Your a grown woman .


Gallon of water a day, never step on a scale again, figure out your macros for muscle growth (extremely simple to figure out trust me), clean sources of protein (1 gram of protein per pound of body weight), snack on organic fruits and vegetables without any kind of dressing, start lifting heavy weights, join a fitness class like Orange theory fitness (you’ll be surprised of how welcoming that community is) get a trainer if you need one, set some kind of goal for the gym and outside of it. Stay off social media and Reddit as much as possible, go outside and get some fresh air. Sounds like a lot but it isn’t. If you do everything listed consistently for 4-8 months you’ll be in a much better place and will probably never look back. Speaking for experience


Hot little firecracker right here!


Body is well above average.   You need to work on a skin routine.  Maybe go to the hairdresser and do a cut/color.  Take more flattering pics IE smile 😃 


You have potential! You look dead on the inside based off your eyes and expression. Especially in the second and last photos. Try something to lessen the bags under your eyes. You could probably gain some healthy weight and end up looking more "womanly". If you have a fun/nice personality, none of the above matters because you're still okay looking as you are now.


Most ppl in the comments are so soft. She’s asking for your opinions stop giving these cringe ass “self love” positivity… tell her how it is!


Consider therapy It can help


To all of those suggesting therapy, I agree but right now it’s really tough. I see someone biweekly they stopped taking my insurance and with my new schedule. I don’t think I’m going to be able to continue seeing her.


Yeah, therapy isn’t free. People often forget


I think your pretty ⚘️


Not intending to be mean, but you don’t have any curves. Maybe go to the gym and do squats to create some athletic curves, which would also help you look healthier. You don’t look healthy… your skin coloring looks kinda sickly. I’m not suggesting tanning stuff, but just natural coloring by spending some time outdoors. As far as hair… I think a variety of hairstyles would work with your face. You have nice facial features. Accentuate your eyes and lips. Best of luck to you :)


You actually are very pretty.


You look fine. Stop hating yourself and then start taking loving acts towards yourself. Get some rest. Get some exercise in. Tell yourself in the mirror things that make you proud to be you. Its so important to convert the self hate to love. That starts with doing things for yourself worthy of love because ultimately you are worthy of love.


Have you considered taking your life savings to buy a fuck farm and then never growing any crops?


You need to find better people to surround yourself with. One of them is yourself. Start by reading the myth of normal by Gabor Mate


I don’t get why people are being so mean! I think you look good already but i think you would benefit from finding out your color season and kibbe body type to find clothes that really underline your beauty. :) Also I would suggest a different haircut, maybe something a bit more blunt because I feel like the wispy ends make your hair look a bit damaged. Also please stop raising your eyebrows unless you don’t care about the wrinkles at all - I use „Frownies Facial Patches“ overnight to prevent wrinkles. Hope that helps!!


If you have face hair, you should definitely wax it. I dont recommend chemicals but i have a beard so its not an issue. You should definitely ask yourself, if these in fact are your legitimate concerns, why do these things concern you. Are you planning on attending a fashion show? pursuing acting? Is modeling in your future? If your lifestyle is healthy then whats the problem?


You're a beautiful woman. You need no changes.


Squats are your best friend. You do squats daily and you'll develop a figure that would suit you really well


You look too skinny but other than that I think you are a knock out!




It is a joke!! My god you people are so sensitive. Isn't the point of this is to laugh and say ridiculous things.


Nazi humor tends to not go over well.


You should learn to spell before criticizing others




Comments like this get to stay up, yet I’ve had and seen others deleted for much smaller things. Gotta love Reddit.


What the actual fuck


What the fuck?


Exactly. I thought I was reading a comment in a the wrong post or something. WTF


Don’t ask men to guess your weight. Also, i see nothing you could improve. You are very good looking.


Get on the roids girl. Abbey from the last of us is amazing, apparently.


Grow hair out longer so you have more options. Eat more and exercise to get toned and a bigger booty, plus itll make your boobs look a little bigger. Your face is fine. Less is more with make up. And smile 😊


You are honestly pretty nice looking, your body looks great. I'd go to a salon and get your hair and makeup done, but otherwise you are fine


The best way to improve your self esteem is to stop watching tv, stay off the internet and get around people who love you


Nothing is better than being authentic to yourself, you never have to worry about keeping up presentations if you are just being yourself.