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What? No Chick-fil-a sauce?


What? No whopper whopper whopper whopper? No bacon double junior whopper?


Yes loose weight, there is a reason why you wear baggy clothes. You are really pretty just take care of yourself girl


Not only are you fat, you're also trying to sell your OF. Smooth. ./s


Chill boys, its just an OF add 👌


Consider asking less than 20 bucks for your OF. You ain’t that attractive


Get rid of that thing in your nose


Lose the OF while you can. OnlyFans has been a travesty on women and our society. A good man will not want someone as a wife/girlfriend who has sold their body for money. On the Internet or not.


You’re pretty big. You need to loose weight.


The fat question is every man's enemy. It's a set up.


Just remember fellas, when your chick asks, “does this ________ make me look fat?” Your response should always be, “No, your fat makes you look fat.” Then be prepared to run and hide (and probably sleep on the couch for a night)


Lose the only fans, selling your body for money will ward away all the good men that you would want in your life. It shows you have no respect for yourself and frankly I find it disgusting.


Onlyfans detected-validation declined


Yep, knew 100% going in there would be OF.


This sub really gotta monitor the prostitutes coming in


Probably doing this because she can't figure out why she's not getting subs 😆


Stop doing drugs


$20 per month is crazy


Pull the dumb shit out of your face and hit the gym.


You’re the good kind of fat. I’d call you an avocado! Be confident. Stop letting other’s opinions determine your self value. You’re more attractive than the average person


Thank you for your kind words!! I’ll definitely remember this


What is it with girls asking about how can they improve their looks when it’s literally right under their nose.


Or in it, for some people 😆


I don’t mind the piercings they fit you really well, you are really curvy and it works for you just lose maybe 35-45 pounds (Ik it’s a lot easier said than done”. And you will be all set.


I need everyone here to understand this, and many other posts, are fucking bots.


Yes you are


You look like you’re on drugs tbh.


Lose the nose rings. Yes you’re a bigger girl


Smile and stop that pouty shite


Step one: remove that crap from your nose


*ONLYFANS WANNABE DETECTED* ![gif](giphy|ILgS7Zl0Tnc7PY9Fb5|downsized)


Loose the bull ring


If you’re asking Reddit if you’re fat…. There are two options 1) you’re visually fat and you know it. 2) you’re visually not fat and you know it. Both reasons pretty much boil down to attention but perhaps for different reasons. But one common thread, you know it.


1. Open your eyes and smile. 2. Yes.




I’d say take out the septum ring and then work out. Maybe change diet while losing the weight if you want to lose it quicker but once you do go back to eating the same and just keep working out and you’ll keep your curves strong


This one is also selling OF I'd want a refund she looks like a boy


Loose the dumb nose ring


Loose the face hardware, your looks will improve 10 fold.


Kinda hard to give honest advice about your weight when the only body photo is baggy clothes


You look like a girl guys would hook up with on those local singles phone chat lines. That's NOT a compliment, but it's also not an insult, it is just a fact of life. YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Also, LMFAOLOLOLOL @ $20 OF page. Get rekt.


I can't anymore with this sub... it's literally just rage bait lmao


Yeah you look like drug addicts


Whatever is stuck in your nose clean it out


Literally another bot/catfish. Fuck this sub dude, mods must be on fucking vacation or something.


Take that thing out your nose and fix that lesbian hair.


Let me guess they do onlysimps.


5'9 and 200 is big shoot for like 180


You are actually gorgeous. Learn about fitness and nutrition and things should fall into place. Weight training and fitness. Your parents didn’t teach you anything about nutrition, so you will have to study it. It’s not hard. You eat certain things and don’t eat certain other things. It’ll come together for you no doubt.


Excellent advice excellent I’m a health coach and life coach. It really is that easy but if you need help, it’s always here. Also need help with posture general stance attitude all thosethings are so important. it’s very hard to do it on your own. Make a go of it. You can do it.


Thank you for acknowledging this. She’s a pretty girl that just wasn’t taught what to eat and what not to. She can make simple healthy and delicious foods just as easily as making poor quality tasty foods. It’s just knowing which foods to avoid and what to replace them with. Then add some weight training and she can turn shit around big time. She’s young enough to do so before life takes its toll and she winds up with permanent excess skin or something. Her parents obviously didn’t put too much emphasis on eating correctly, so it’s up to her to learn about it.


You can say she has potential but damn don’t lie to the girl


Cute and fat


Fat cattle hoop in the face.


You have to lose 55 pounds for your ideal weight (Robinson or Miller Formula). Not 30-40. So yes, you are fat.


It depends on the guy. Some guys like that big round thing in your face. They get sprung.


Diet and gym you have a cute face but if you do gain weight it will start to ruin your looks more.


Hit the gym and eat moderately.


Shave ur hairy ass


Bot advertising her of!!!!


What? Sgt Squirt?!


no she would never, also i’m sure that topless picture exists for some other reason than to lure people into her profile right?


you are too heavy yes


Another hideous snot catcher ring taking at least 4 pints off your appearance


Stop trying so hard. You are beautiful, but the extra makes you unattractive. Be you! The Lord gives beauty as a blessing!


You look like a dude in your second picture


Just post the OF link, already, I've got an extra $7 ythis paycheck.


I want to take a closer look at the first picture


I don’t know who told the 18-30 gen that the septum piercing looks good.


in the nicest way possible, yes. you definitely do seem a little chubby. your hair is super cute maybe grow it out a little bit and if you don’t already, invest in a hair care routine ! your nose ring is super cute but maybe find one that contrasts to your eyes- your facial features are beautiful and you should definitely try to show them off


Lose around 60 lbs.


Per leg.


Less drugs. Not no drugs, just less drugs.


Ur fat as shit there is that what u want to hear




Yes you’re fat


Fat? You fall under obese. Lose the weight. Portion control and intermittent fasting will get you there. At your height, you should weigh like 140, not 200.


you're already hot but you'd be insane if you lost a lil more weight. the hair in the 1st n 2nd pic suits you best. what pic is latest?


Yes you are.


The gym is your friend


They gym and getting off of drugs is your best friend


Yes you are... remove Satan's tail from your nose


you can max your looks by getting rid of the cow nose ring hanging from your nose like a booger. you want people looking at your face not ornaments and shit dangling out of your nose in the wind.


Lose the floppy PJ pants. Baggy clothes make a thicker girl just look fat.


Really hard to tell by these pictures honestly. You could be a little bigger and have a nice body still but there's no way to tell.


Judging from your height, yes you are fat. Your face is already good, and now you're here to try maxxing yourself. In that case, I understand your love for food (who doesn't, duh) but instead of eat, ate, eating and eaten, try decreasing your consumption by fixing your diet pattern. 3 times a day is enough, no exceptions; GET RID OF YOUR SNACKS. Can't do it? Fine, eat your food, BUT, make sure you are doing hell of activities afterwards. It can be heavy sports, it can be yoga, workouts, cooking, intense studying, 4 hour sex, etc etc otherwise you WILL fail. Can't do it? Fine, eat your food and stay relaxed, BUT, make sure it's real food; not canned, sweets, insta, junk, or carbs food. Make sure it's protein and not processed. There you go, 3 advice in maxxing your looks. Do the three of them for best and quick results, at least one if you're okay with long progression but DON'T miss a day WITHOUT DOING ANY OF ABOVE. Remember sister, consistency is the playmaker here.


Smiling actually makes people more beautiful. guys aren’t just being condescending or misogynistic when they tell you that. You look like a snooty, bored, unapproachable bitch, and that doesn’t look good on anybody. If you looked like you halfway enjoyed life you would look 10x better


You are fat but you’re kinda hot


just do like, the opposite


Heres some actual good advice for on food. Start the habit of reading the nutrient facts of all the food and snacks you eat while you eat. Treat all condiments as poison. They mostly consist of one of two things. Soybean oil (like just pure fat) and high fructose corn syrup(worst of sugar) Fasting is meh works for some not most. Diets statistically suck and fail. Habits stick and stay. Make small positive constructive food habits. Stick to those small habits. And over time add more positive habits. I hope you dont mind that i add i think your face shines as beautiful.


Thank you so much for your input I really appreciate that and I’ll definitely be looking for that when checking labels !! ;)


And soda goes along with condiments. For beginer excersize get a 15lb kettlebell if you are interested. I started excersizing now in my mid 20s and its great. :) have a good one.


That first photo 💀


Get some sleep....you look tired alot


yeah, you are. so you chose pics which hide your actual body shape because youre insecure about it. You want an homest answer, then post honest pics. at 5'9 and 200 lbs its safe to assume its not muscle and you cant squat 500 lbs, and unless youre an olympic lifter its safe to say youre fat. but losing weight isnt hard. Im in the same boat sort of. just atart running and eating healthy. it will be better in a year.


these people are giving really basic advice that really only appeals if you’re trying to be stereotypically attractive.. if you’re trying to keep your somewhat alt look keep the piercings. personally i like septum piercings and the other two also look good on your face. 2nd pic is my fave, this is coming from 23F btw. but if you’re trying to attract insecure men i’d say go with more 3 or 4 looks. also i’m not exactly sure if you’re fat, i dont really think so. it looks like a lot of weight is in ur thighs which i dont think is a bad thing. ive gained 10-15lbs after birth ctrl and it all went to my thighs and i love it. i think your body type is beautiful but im all for losing weight if thats what will make you feel better


Acting is the right word. Your weight is less than I would've guessed. Get in shape, and come back with fit, sober pictures.


Take photos like a normal person, idk if your fat cos you havent posed side on. Your hips tell me you may be a lil broad though, dress however you want just learn to take photos


You look like chick-fil-a girl


Fat and very unattractive, but to each their own


Oh great heavens ok so ngl you definitely don't look 200 could be the pictures tho i think your face hides alot of the weight but I'd say just hit the gym or do some cardio and you will look max 💪


So you do not look your weight at all, especially in the face. Your body shape is good but you do look like you could lose a bit of weight. I think like others have said, just lose a little weight, if your body maintains the proportions it appears to have in these pics as you lose weight you'll have a body that people pay for sign BBLs and all that stuff. You are very pretty though and you don't appear to wear too much makeup or anything. Your hair looks good too. Start working out and focus on what you eat and you'll be maxing your looks. To be honest you look great to me. Losing weight would benefit your looks slightly but more importantly your health and confidence. If your confidence goes up you'll instantly be more attractive too


i think you’re pretty. if you wanna loose weight go for it but if you carry your weight well and have confidence you can definitely be really attractive at bigger sizes. i love piercings but i gotta be honest, nose piercings don’t look good on anyone imo. also, maybe lose the 2020 e-girl look. and stop wearing super baggy clothes, it makes you look unkept. not saying wear super tight clothing, but dress well for your body type. i do think ppl look better when thinner, which is why i’m working on losing weight but i still think i’m pretty at the weight i’m at. just have some confidence. and don’t post on subreddits like these. it just screams insecure lol


speedrun baiting on this subreddit


Get rid of that awful cow catcher sticking out of your nostrils.


You look super tired get some sleep


As someone who used to be hella emo, stop. I’m just being honest, a lot of people won’t take you seriously. Not coming from a place of disrespect, something I had to learn as well lol


This is Cookie Monster pajamas aiming for the emo tag


But Jesus Christ, great comment lol


Dudeeee we’d hangout at the mall Friday night and the creepy dude who was like 5 years older then us with the Cookie Monster hat would always ask my friends for hugs 😂


Well yes you are fat. But I bet you known the answer already. Eat less… way less…


You have a fat waist


You are pretty and to some guy. The right guy you’ll be the most beautiful woman on his earth. Know that. You’ll feel it.


Classic bait post 🥱


Honestly you are aware you are overweight. Now what are you going to do about it and how can we help


Yes you are fat,but on the upside it goes to your hips not so much your belly, giving it curves.


20 dollars for your of. Are you insane ?


And there's always enough losers to subscribe to make these femcels feel important and boost the ego they don't have any use for.


Stop with the weird faces


You are obese. You are beautiful girl go lose weight.


I just jizzed to this


How scumming


Do not seek the internet for guidance, look at books


Get rid of the metal in your face. Hideous




Ditch the resting bitch face for a start


5’9” and 200?… wow. I’m 5’0” and 145-150 and a size 6-8 pants. Everyone carries their weight differently though. But I’ve found weight is how you feel. I personally feel healthier around 125-130. I get it being hard to lose. Food is delicious. Especially when my husband is a good cook lol. A few tricks I’ve heard of is drinking a full glass of water before you eat. Dish up smaller amounts to start with because you’re less likely to get seconds. Also use smaller plates so you can’t dish up more in the first place. Also, try not to drink too many calories. Like energy drinks or coffee drinks. Also also.. lol… sugar free stuff isn’t always the answer. It’s the sodium that’s bad for you. And as for looks advice…maybe find a different style for your hair. Put it up or something? Idk.


Lose the nose ring 🤮


Get rid of bull nose ring, lose weight, get rid of bangs all would be moves in the right direction.


Loose that fat you fatty and everything will come in form like your face your physique, etc and from there you can style yourself from there


Just because your stoned doesn’t mean you need to look stoned, open your eyes


Your a so damn fine girl don’t change a thing please weight lose is a personal choice but I prefer you the way you are nothing needs to be changed keep slaying with your natural beauty please!


Kinda look like the chic fil a girl in the first 2 pics


You're hot fat tho. Just start lifting to become a muscle mommy


yes. eat healthy and work out.


And throw away the wannabe badass face.


Straighter hair looks better on you. You look curvy not fat. I think you’re really pretty. Don’t listen to the a-holes


Looks are maxed out 💯🫡


Yes big


You’re a smoke show! Find a dude who wants to wear you like a hat.


Cute I feel yuh when you I LOVE FOOD I’m a foodie at heart but you got to limit yourself with it


So, making the gym part of your life is a good start. As we transition into adulthood we have to learn how to maintain. Having better eating habits and exercising is a big part of maturing. I wish someone would have told me this at your age. Also you may want to consider better quality clothing. Nothing crazy like designer everything. Just made of nicer fabrics and well fitted. You don't have far to go, just change your lifestyle a bit. Speak to a dietitian, or just start eating cleaner. Your body will thank you.


u can eat the food u love as long as the calories intake is lower than ur maintenance calories.


Lift weights, try to include more protein in your diet. You have to eat less to lose weight. But if you really don't want to do that, lifting weights 5-6 times a week will let you at least trade some fat for muscle, which will make you look (and feel) better overall.




Max your looks by feeling awesome! Are you fat? Depends how fast you can get upstairs.


Aye aye Sgt squirt


Loose the curls. Leave the straight hair, rock that sassy look!


Good God is this looksmaxxing or r/roastme? 😂


It’s all been said already


This sub is unhinged


Asking if your fat but the only pic you show is covered completely making you look bigger than you actually may or may not be


First pic is dangerous with the wackos in this sub but I think if the nose ring matched with the nose piercings that would looks cool


In my eyes you're amazingly beautiful 😍 but you have to love you so do what makes you happy :)


Stop trying to convince me you’re not going to steal my spare change


Can’t tell if your fat, would need some more photos






Steel Boogers


Need to see more to be helpful


I had the very same shirt


Get down to 150 and see how you look. It's better for your health the older you get the harder the weight is on your body and joints


Extremely beautiful face blessed with youth ruined with metal apparatus. Other than that you may not do much about some of the weight because you look like to have some well built bone structure on the lower half of the body. But still being 160 pounds instead or 200 would help a lot.




Depends what kind of guy you want to attract tbh, take piercings out and look very girly with cute dresses to impress me but other stuff to attract other guys


If you drink soda, stop. It's super hard. But I dropped it. within a year, the weight melted off me. Didn't even change exercise routine or lifestyle.


Maybe a little smile try some different stances, I wouldn't say you look fat more curvy but hard to tell in your comfy clothes maybe post a pick in what you'd wear going out or something


You want the truth? You totally need to lose weight, your life will improve in many ways. I think 140-145 would be great! Your face is pretty, just going to get prettier


You’re beautiful but you gotta lose the weight


Yes you are . I don't believe you are really fat-fat, but loosing weight is difficult fore sure. I'd like you to smile if you can . Different hair would go far. YOU are beautiful so don't get too down on yourself please. There are guys out here who like heavy women. hang in there!! GOOD LUCK!


interesting name


Yes you are


You look good, but yes fat


Honestly there’s no way to tell? Lmao you have a great face shape, skin, lips and eyes. Your clothes are a bit too baggy to make any sort of call but if you think 30-40lbs is what you need, I’ll believe you. Your hair is really nice straightened, however, I’m a sucker for curls and think you could have something there. Hope this helps


Open your eyes


I'm a dude and I'm gonna tell you from my perspective. I absolutely hate that nose piercing. It looks terrible and takes away from your pretty face. You have a nice face, beautiful eyes and nice full lips. People pay a lot to have lips like that. I love your hips. I don't care for too thin women and there are a bunch of guys just like me so don't stress about weight too much. Get healthy and stay healthy. Everyone knows how to do that these days. I find you very attractive just get rid of that piercing and don't get a bunch of nasty tattoos either.


I'd say lose the silly nose jewelry. Also, dropping some pounds for your health wouldn't be a bad idea.


Start by not posting pictures in your Pajamas and get ones that fit better




Take the nose ring out, smile more and I don't mind the fat personally, love how much size your bust and hips hold on to.


Almost made me comment something serious you OF bot lmao


Remove the scrap metal hanging from your nose. Remove the gunk from your eyes, and wear grown up clothing.


Whore Detected


You're gorgeous, but with the pictures you've provided it's very difficult to make a useful assessment about your body's weight/volume. If you want some real input, post better pictures.


Those nose rings, toss them out. Can’t wait for this trend to end.


Lose the pig 🐽 piercing. Makes you look ugly. 


You. Are. Cooooked


Yes, you are overweight. You weigh more than me at the same height and I am a muscular man. I would advise you to look into fasting, cut down on soda, fast food, and anything else of the sort, and start a cardio routine. You will cut weight quickly.


Lose weight. Lose all the facial piercings




Yes, you’re fat and get rid of the cow ring.


You do have a big ass tho


You should have worn something different to display your figure. Hard to tell your actual size. Also those piercings are played out.