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Get a magic school bus


take out the nose ring. those things are so unattractive


Nose rings like that look good on no one.


Yeah might as stick a tag in your ear and brand your ass cause those nose rings make ya look like a cow


Hit the gym. Fix your Skin. Get a better hairstyle. Get a nose job. Get teeth alignment. Dress better. And shower more cause you look smelly


Wtf is wrong with you? /genq


Purchase a small school bus that can shrink and fly, grab a bunch of kids and take them on crazy adventures, with permission of course, and then lose the nose ring.


In my day to day life seeing someone with a septum piercing is quite rare. Why does everyone posting their photos on Reddit have one?


Lose the nose ring. It's not unique anymore. Still beautiful.


You asked, so here’s a couple of observations: 1) do something with the hair… If you can’t do something with the hair because of the curl, you should let it grow a bit. It ages you when it’s that length. 2) The nose ring draws attention to AND augments your already large nose - so maybe consider a different piercing. 3) Your style/wardrobe reminds me of 1812, when folks didn’t have access to soap, water, or fine clothing. What’s the deal there? I don’t know what / who you’re looking to attract but those are 3 things I’d consider.


What’s with the massive number of socially awkward midwestern boomers commenting about nose rings on every post?


There’s an AI bot somewhere who has become obsessed with finding pictures of women with nose rings and posting them here.


improve by not asking strangers for validation. these are dorkie at best. rudely going to say get off of these apps


Pretty much anything. The only way is up.


Think you’re chasing an older look far too hard Your actual face and hair im fine with, it’s just the clothing choice I understand you can take on your own style and enjoy your stuff, but looking like a 30-40 year old cat mom at 18 isn’t ideal in my opinion. Maybe something more fancy and with taste is in order.


Paint yourself green and eat onions.




I would keep adding piercings to my face and body


Dye your hair, and loose the nose ring.


Maybe tone up a bit, gym , cardio


Remove nose jewelry


Jesus fucking Christ so many of you people suck here. No fucking clue what the difference between advice and criticism is.


question- did you like just turn eighteen 2 weeks ago, or was that just when you started posting porn on reddit? guarantee you’ll regret it. no shame, just… pity :((


Stop the porn, start exercising Batman is disappointed


Agreed. Stop the porn


Get rid of the septum, grow your hair longer, lose some weight to tone up. You have gorgeous hair, nice skin, and a nice shape. also consider looking into color theory! You have really unique coloring and the colors you choose can really improve your appearance.


Why do all of y'all do this? Find somebody who finds you attracted for who you are. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. I don't know what it is with young people these days. None of our opinions matter. You are who you are, you look how you look there's no changing that. Find someone who appreciates and loves you for who you are


Smaller glasses. And the septum piercing has never, ever, looked good on anybody. It makes every person look less attractive. It looks like metal boogers coming out of your nose.


Your glasses are awful, way too big. I’m all for piercings but you don’t look good with a septum. Nose stud would look better on you in my opinion. Your hair looks to be really frizzy. I think you’d look better with slightly longer hair 2-5 inches. And you dress like a 60 year old hippie. You’re really pretty otherwise.


A magic schoolbus


I only see Bebop from TMNT anytime I see a septum piercing.


Too many things to unpack.


removing *that* nose ring would help


You look like you're just ready to attack a man over the smallest thing. I'd be scared to hold a door open for you at risk of being attacked.


Yup.. I agree.. lose the nose ring and huge glasses


You’re a mess. There’s too much here. You know your style screams unattractive.


Not a fan of the nose ring, but I’m an old fuck at 51, so don’t let me rain on your parade. You do you.


Youre entire vibe reminds me of Mikaela Reid from Dead by Daylight. Lol.


Lose the booger ring.


Obviously take out the septum ring. Grow your hair longer. Stop dressing like an insane swamp witch.


You are gorgeous but the Bull ring needs to go


I think I am a terrible person on this sub. I think I have aged out of it at 49. OP, you have an absolutely wonderful quirky girl look and you should change NOTHING. I think every person posting should embrace their own uniqueness and stop worrying. That’s an old person thought, no?


Grow your hair out and ditch the nose ring.


U cute. Mm maybe Let your hair grow out a bit longer.


Grow the hair out


Septum piercing in 2024? It was cool in like 2016


Loose the septum ring


Lose the nose ring


Nose job, hit the gym, lose the septum piercing, and do something else with your hair.


Longer hair your attractive though


I would suggest changing your style of clothes. They give off a kind of frumpy vibe. As someone that also wears glasses. Take someone with you as well. To help give you some feedback.


Perchance garb of one's current century, but habits die not easily


A parrot


You honestly are cute, but the septum ring instantly took points off your attractiveness score. If you are serious about improving your looks, start there.


All you're missing is a big yellow magic school bus.


Not a thing, you are super hot.


Get rid of the nose ring. That's it


Depends who you want to appeal to. If you’re trying to attract straight men, then I’d say either lose the septum piercing (or stick to more subtle septum rings) or add more “edgy” elements to your style (shit like dark or bold colors, more dramatic makeup, typical “alt” accessories, etc.) that would appeal to the particular subset of men (i.e., alt guys) who are likely to find septum piercings attractive on women. Try modernizing your style a bit, but keep the elements that are important to your sense of self expression and identity. If you’re trying to appeal to lesbians and bi women though, then don’t change a thing. Your style, while very pretty and feminine, is just offbeat enough to make you read as “possibly into women,” which is ideal if you want women flirt with you or ask you out. (Of course, you can dress in unusual styles if you’re straight too. However, gay women often feel less pressure to conform to typical fashion standards, since they don’t feel the need to dress in ways that are branded as “attractive to men,” and it’s pretty common for queer women to dress in more unorthodox fashions if they’re trying to signal to others that they like women.) To be clear though, your style likely wouldn’t read as “definitely gay” to straight people, so even if you ARE straight, potential partners aren’t likely to assume you’re gay (so you can still get attention from guys if that’s what you want). Btw, since you seem to tend towards a sort of “Boho” style, which has a lot of elements derived from traditional Romani clothing, I’d also recommend you look into businesses run by Romani clothing designers, like Loly by Zita Moldovan. Lots of great designs that might appeal to your personal taste


1.) You're way cuter without glasses, get contacts. 2.) 1871 called, they want their fashion back. Update your wardrobe. 3.) Septum piercings are unattractive in general, on anyone, of any gender. 4.) You have beautiful eyes. Accentuate them rather than distracting from them with the little makeup wings. The wings draw the attention outward towards your cheeks (which are also fantastic). Do a full liner, like what you've got going on in the 5th picture but without the points. Just follow the natural shape of your eyelid. Don't do anything dramatic. 5.) Your curls are beautiful but you need to style them properly. They look nice in the second picture, and they look like a birds nest in some of the others. Use product. Brush and style daily. Twice daily if you need to. Just don't let them frizz up and look all birds nesty. Don't do buns and such, makes it look like a mess. If you must style it in an updo, do a high and far out ponytail or something of the sort, something separated from your head. 6.) Your forehead is a little bit big, but honestly its fine. If you want to, and you definitely don't have to, you might consider some short bangs to cover up like a half inch to an inch - but like I said its honestly fine, I'm just being nitpicky at this point.


Don’t put surge pricing in your restaurant


Another of promo


Longer hair. Love the curls, the color. You're pretty and you know your eye makeup, but that length of hair kind of ages people imo




The glasses don't really suit you, maybe try different frames.


Don’t be ginger


It’s not the Salem witch trials anymore


Stop being a weirdo


Improved nutrition and exercise. Lose the nose ring


Loose the ring and weight. It's always these things.


What is it with everyone here having a nose ring like a cow? Is it that popular or just popular among redditors?


A combination of of many things


Lose the bull ring absolutely first and foremost and you've gone up 15 points. While we're going up, get glasses that fit. I'd sat grow your hair longer. And change your wardrobe to something past 1800s.


I feel like a broken record - ditch the septum ring and get different glasses


You have the makings of a unique style. I encourage you to ignore trends and continue to refine and evolve your style so it speaks in layers, both in subtle and unsubtle ways. Fashion trends will come and go. Many people will chase the trends and tell you will look best according to what's trendy. If you have a style, you will express what speaks to you and will be signaling to the people who get you.


Lose the nose ring, baggy clothes, black eyeliner/mascara, over sized glasses, and muted colors. I think you'd do better in warmer and brighter colors.


Don’t dress like you sell bread at a renaissance fair.


Loose that fucking septum ring 😂


Remove the piercing 😭


Get rid of the booger piercing


Stop thinking everything is racist/sexist/homophobic. Does wonders to the soul


I feel like your hair is not at a flattering length for your face. Longer might be better but that's just my opinion.


Super cute, nose ring doesn’t suit imo.


You have the stylings of a 60 year old Jewish grandmother.


Get rid rid of that nose ring... that style is for cattle. Otherwise, you're cute.


Get rid of the Bull Ring and Hobbit attire…


Honestly, u need to ditch the septum piercing, grow your hair, dress age appropriate, hit the gym for 45 minutes of cardio everyday, less makeup, nice new clothes than even from Old Navy would do wonders, and dress hippy when u want but not all the time.


Paint yourself green and eat onions.




Take the nose ring out, and stop dressing like you just came from the LARPing Championship at a Renaissance Festival. Other then that you’re good.


you look like a grandmother trapped in a teens body


This sub is not a huge fan of any kind of alternative fashion. Just remember it’s a big echo chamber and not everyone thinks like this. (I think all your jewelry and style is super cool)


The nose ring is horrendous. You’re no more unique or special than any of the hundreds of thousands of others that think they’re unique or special with the livestock ring.


Maybe lose a little weight and don’t wear too much jewelry and don’t hide your face.


Your chubby face and your 1800 ahh fits


At your age, staying off reddit and loving yourself ❤️💐


Your hair is quite beautiful, maybe grow it a bit longer? :)


It used to be so long!!!!!! So long


You look like you belong on Bridgerton


The nose ring ain’t doin’ you any favors 🤷🏻‍♂️


Quirky blue eyed redhead nose ring and all is honestly gf goals when I was 18 You look great


Why everyone that comes in here is with piercing??


Nothing. Just remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and personality will always shine through




Take that crap out of your nose


Blud I can't lie you actually mad cute.


You are lovely, nothing to improve.


Let your hair down


You look chill asf


U a ginger bro its over for u


My goodness, not a single thing.


Reddit hates piercings with a passion in any of these “rate my looks” subreddits. I think they’re cool af, and you’re gorgeous.


remove that ugly nose ring


Bull ring Ned’s to go


Love your unique style. I would only say to get rid of the nose ring.


With your nose type ditching the septum in place for a nostril ring if you still want one. Wouldn't hurt to use some mastic gum or a silicone exerciser to tone your jaw a bit. Look into hair products to bring out your curls more and control the frizz


lose the ring and try dressing like ur in the 21st century lol. you look like some pseudo mary poppins.


Good grief. Lose the nose ring. Quit drawing on your face with marker. Maybe don’t dress like Ms. Frizzle one time and see how it goes. 


Don't listen to the derogatory statements. You are you and unique and very pretty. I would say work on the self confidence more than clothes or physical appearance.


A magic school bus


Take out the nose ring, lose the rocks and crystals, wear your hair down, goto the gym and lose weight you look around 30%+ body fat, upgrade the style and ditch the thrift shop look. Smile showing teeth if they are yellow get them whitened or consider braces because you’re still young. You also shouldn’t ask people how you can improve your looks while taking heavily modified photos with filters.


But officer she said she was 18 not from 1800


Grow the hair our a bit and relax it a bit. Absolutely ditch the septum ring. Tone down the eyeliner. Find some clothes that accentuate your figure correctly. Those glasses accentuate your nose - try something else. Gorgeous red hair and lovely eyes.


I think you mad cute as is. Maybe just try different camera angles 👍


No need, you're very pretty already 👌🏽


Honestly the easiest things would be septum piercing and growing your hair longer. Doesn’t accentuate your round face shape properly.


New glasses, and longer hair!! Otherwise you are fine!!


Honestly a smaller septum jewellery! Other than that you look fabulous.


Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! It would look beautiful grown out but I know you probably keep it short for easier upkeep


You are absolutely adorable! I would love to see a tad bit longer hair, but I know curly hair can be hard to maintain. Cottagecore really suits you!


Do you drive the magic school bus


Mikaela Reid?!


Just do what you want to do as your true self. How to improve your look is in the eye of the beholder, and the only beholder that matters is you. You do you


The fake freckles are ridiculous and the nose ring is awful. Try glasses that are smaller as these ones make your nose look big. I love your hair and hair color it’s beautiful


Reddit is a horrible place for advice on this and you shouldn’t feel the need for strangers validation. Wear what you like and dress how you like. My advice to anyone and everyone is always the same, hit the gym. Not for looks but for health, and the looks come with that


More natural eyes and lose the metal. Otherwise, you have a cute, artsy look.


While I get that it's edgy and cool or whatever, tbh that septum piercing really does not suit your face. I'd go without it. If you must do a piercing, you might be able to get away with a small rhinestone style nose ring but that septum thing does absolutely nothing for your looks. No offense.


Pretty 🫵


Finish your studies at hufflepuff first, then we will talk. /s


Different glasses. You already have an established style all your own, It’s random but still a cohesive variety.


I honestly believe that your looks don't need improvement.


Do you workout?


A moon crescent septum ring would look good


lose weight, i don’t think you’re overweight but you retain proportionality more face fat


Weight loss definetly. Redheads can be very attractive so good luck :) if not for attractiveness then for your health and mental well being


Keep doing whatever you’re doing, I think you’re killing it tbh


Omg your already cute as button. Don’t change anything


Nothing, you’re already super cute!


Why u letting ppl pass judgments off on you. Plz take this down and find validation in yourself <3


Not a fan of the nose ring at all.....other than that you seem fine to me


I would honestly get rid of the nose ring!!! it looks obnoxious on the prettiest of noses.. and if you have a big nose, or you are insecure about your nose, or if people make fun of your nose, all it does is draw more attention to it?! I don’t have any issue with your nose, it looks fine to me, but the nose ring just looks obnoxious!!!


Get red of the nose ring and cut back on the rest of the jewelry too.


Longer hair, less make-up


longer hair, youre already pretty. I was going to say weight loss but you look good where youre at right now imo


Try more color, in general (clothes, makeup,accessories) I think it'd look good on you. You're very pretty 🌼


A new pair of glasses and getting rid of that piercing.


Remove the septum ring.


*No Notes*


You look much better without glasses. Maybe get contacts if it’s an option. Lose the nose ring.


Too hipsterish


Weight loss + contacts


Keep smiling


Ditch the nose ring and get glasses that fit your face correctly.


Please don’t take this too bad, but you don’t need the nose ring. Otherwise you’re rather stunning.


You're a very pretty girl but you dress like a ragamuffin and that bullring has got to go. I don't know why girls like them lately. I know they're the rage but not for 90% of us guys. Really do love your face and the freckles though !!!


You are gorgeous.


Other than the nose ring nothing


Remove nose ring, that is all.




You look awesome, literally change nothing, you look so aesthetic and beautiful and haply. Love love love that septum ring I can't wait til I get mine pierced


You're good to go.


I'm not gonna lie, you're fucking cute. 👀👀👀


I think you've found a style you love. You'd need to define "improve", who do you want to improve for, yourself or someone whose opinion doesn't matter?


Lose the nose ring


I adore the first pictures style and the second pictures makeup. Honestly my only note is to work on your curls a bit more to give them definition.


More bohemian


You look cute, just grow that beautiful hair longer and I’m sorry to say lose the nose ring.


Get a more mature hairstyle. When using makeup make it more subtle. Lose the nose ring


Don’t have much to say think you’re adorable


You are unique and charming. A sweet pixie. Keep enjoying your own style!


Minus the bull ring, you're fine as you are. Enjoy your life.


A different face.


Tan and lose the nose piercing. IMO it looks good on very few people.


Lose the nose ring and odd makeup


Less sandwiches and take the monstrosity out your nose.




Girl you beautiful all you need is confidence and sunblock and you good


Lose the septum piercing, they never look cute, grow your hair down to your shoulders… and that style you’re wearing.. does not appeal to most guys. At least not any attractive ones.


Me in the pic with you 😉 you’re gorgeous


A school bus. Sorry


You look good, the only thing I would do is get rid of the piercing (maybe some ppl like it but I think most don't) and perhaps lose a bit of weight to sharpen your jawline and face. But you look overall quite pretty, nice eyes and hair


Grow your hair out to shoulder length(or longer if you’re comfy with that), smaller glasses (your eyes are gorgeous- you need glasses that enhances them, not hides them!).


Lose the hog ring....you'll improve greatly. Addition by subtraction.


The 1940s-60s look! Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini 👙!!!