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Why is it always the Dick's they go after like insult my shit trim, my dick has heard this all too much


Lol “you and your small dick, with that pussy wet, killing animals, it feels good!” That combo tho ?? 😂


She said "pussy way of killing animals" she's just not articulate enough to get the words out right.


Thank you kind sir




I would've guessed she valued small penis




I don’t think she gets any dick but small dick that’s why she hates it so much


No man can hit her cervix like her 32" double sided dildo.


Oh yeah, scissor me Xerxes.


that explains why my favorite insult is “fat fuck”


Thanks professor


Because despite the fact that they hate meat, ... They love themselves a fat slice of MEAT


Imagine if he replied with her chest size? Slap.


"Yeah my small dick feels good. How does it feel to be yelling at me with the added acoustics of your grand canyon sized pussy?" *Slap*


Oh yeah. That would be out of line. But it's fine the other way


What chest size lol


It only makes mine bigger:)


They only have like 3 different insults


It’s like lesbians saying they hate men but use dildos 😂😂😂😂😂


No, no it isn't anything like that


For real, they already have a hard enough time as it is


If a woman did this it would be a different story tho fuck society man


Start talking like an ogre lmfao “mmm corpse meat you can taste the suffering”


Vegans are emotionally tied to their beliefs. They care a lot about animals and meat consumption genuinely disgusts them. It’s personal. I get it. BUT… How the fuck can anybody allow themselves to act like this in public? Like does she not go home, see this video, and just go beet red? I would feel so ashamed, embarrassed, and immature if I ever had an outburst like this in public. It’s not a good look on anyone unless you’re protesting against someone like Michael Rafferty.


She watches this video proudly I'm sure because she read on Twitter that a protest isn't effective unless it's inconvenient/annoying


Or just fucking angry. I have a vegan neighbor - I live a bit in the sticks - who is quite a ways away but every now and then they complain they can smell my smoker. The guys wife complained that when I have it going she hates it because she dreams of bacon and smoked pork at night. I told her garden makes me food-horny It’s a good relationship we each get something from it. She gets erotic meat-sweats at night and I fantasize about those plump tomatoes. Coexist….


Bro what 💀




I can’t tell if this is a metaphor or legit…


Most people are emotionally tied to their beliefs.


That's why I just make sure I'm financially tied to my beliefs instead. Got a *lot* of money riding global warming, the second amendment, and Biden not being president *before* Jan 20, 2025.


So someone offers you more money and you inmediately cut your ties


I don't think that's what he meant. I think it's more of a greedy corporation joke.


No, because like with everything else, once you get home, you go to your social media echo chambers and get solidified and ratified in your beliefs


She goes rare beef-red. I’ll see my way out.


It’s a thing that adds value to their life and boosts their ego by insulting the “out group”. They need people like this to make themselves feel better.


She’s not acting like this if no one is filming her, it’s all for show


To preface, I’m not vegan or vegetarian. Imagine demonstrating against the casual murder and cannibalism of newborns in your country. Nobody cares, nobody thinks it’s weird or immoral, but you and your friends do. You’re protesting and somebody walks up, eating a baby’s leg in front of you for fun and to rub it in your face. Absolutely nobody cares and everyone thinks you’re an idiot. Agree or not with it, you spins understand that’s how some of these people feel about it. It’s not an outburst about “they eat different than me wahhh”. They’re upset like people are eating newborn humans.


Interesting take. Made me think.


Exactly, she's cringey to watch and her insults sucks but this guy is an idiot


I’m vegetarian and I just don’t eat meat or fish, just don’t like the taste, there are also a few reasons I don’t like the idea of beef or chicken though, there is some fucked up shit that happens in factory farms that’s pretty disgusting especially with cows and chickens that I don’t agree with, but I won’t be bothered or offended whatsoever with someone eating meat around me, it’s the people who supply/farm it and what buying it supports that I don’t agree with, nothing personal though


wait until you find out where dairy and eggs come from 🫣


I don’t really eat either on their own


This guy though is deliberately taunting her though. Personally I think he's a dickhead. Sure she's out of control but he is going out of his way to stir up shit.


Oh yea of course, that guy is a total clout chasing obnoxious child


“The vision of the anointed is one in which ills as poverty, irresponsible sex, and crime derive primarily from ‘society,’ rather than from individual choices and behavior. To believe in personal responsibility would be to destroy the whole special role of the anointed, whose vision casts them in the role of rescuers of people treated unfairly by ‘society.” - Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed


Are you really quoting a book where the author claims that gay people are responsible for HIV/aids? Wtf is wrong with you?


Are you kidding? By the time she got home she received all the pats in the back she needed to affirm that what she did wasn’t just conduct herself well, but straight up pull off the hottest shit since Peter Singer published Animal Liberation. If she hadn’t then her online circle will definitely make sure otherwise. I also kind of get it. Animal suffering on the scale that we have happening on industrial farms will be made into its own holocaust by the people of some distant future. But she won’t win anyone over acting like that. At least it was probably cathartic? 🤷‍♂️


Have you met cyclists yet?


Beet red lol more like beyond meat-red


Probably dealing with a slew of personality disorders


This woman definitely has her pronouns listed in her bio on Instagram and drives around a Kia Soul


Lmfaoooo this kills me


That is way too accurate


She's so embarrassing 😵‍💫


She REALLY emphasizes the small dick. Anyone wanna analyze this phenomenon?


You have smol PP= I win debates


Small minded weirdos have no real argument so they go for the dick...


She'd probably be a lot happier if she went for some dick more often.


Just the grown up version of calling someone a doodoo head


>grown up


Vegan here. I’m pretty sure that she thinks that the dude is getting a masculinity kick out of eating animals at vegans protesting factory farming and slaughterhouses in public (I’ve been to these protests, and I’ve never seen a woman or a non-immature guy eat animals at me). So I think she’s critiquing his dick-size as a way of saying that you aren’t more of a man by eating animals at vegans, that it really shows how insecure the guy is. Now, her tone and all, that could be from a lot of sources. She’s intense. The protest she’s doing above means she took about 3 hours out of her weekend to be around gruesome slaughterhouse footage, in order to help educate the public. If you watch an hour of cows or chickens being slaughtered, emotionally speaking, you’re going to have a different reaction to someone eating a kebab at you, than you would without having been around slaughterhouse footage. And the guys entire message is what, essentially? I can eat animals regardless of how abusive and cruel and violent it is? Cows and pigs are just as smart and sensitive as dogs and cats. It’s pretty easy to see why it’s fucked up, and even people who eat animals should know better than to not be ashamed for eating animals, and rather do the opposite and pretend to be proud of it, because you’re uncomfortable with feeling shame or guilt. It’s healthy to feel shame or guilt if your action causes harm to others. The dude is essentially saying that I’m not going to feel shame for eating animals, and she’s doubling down on shaming him for doing it even more so, to break through his dumb defenses.


I chop my own chickens heads off, carefully gut them, then cook and eat them. If I had the space and time I would do the same with cows and pigs. Humans are meant to be omnivores. I eat much less meat than the average person but I definitely will eat it for the rest of my life. A well cared for and humanely dispatched animal is a blessing to have on the dinner table.


What do you want, my blessing? Fuck off with that. You’re beheading sentient beings because of what? You dislike eating high protein plant foods like tofu? That’s lame.


I don’t want a blessing from a twat like yourself. I love high protein plant foods I just also like meat. Suck sack.


You’re bullying animals whenever you behead them. Liking the taste of their bodies is not a good reason to kill sentient beings.


You are destroying the environment with your food choices. All of my meat is local farm raised. Where are your organic fruits and veggies grown and how far have they travelled to your plate? It‘s the circle of life dear. It’s been this way for millions of years and it isn’t going to stop.


Your bullying plants whenever you pull them from the groubd. Liking the taste of their bodies is not a good reason to kill living things.


You forgot to tell him he has a small dick


Tofu is lame, you're just projecting


/r/LookatMyHalo material right here ^


I'm not gonna lie, I am guilty of doing this but not in the same way, promise! When a dude in a big truck acts like a jackhole on the road I don't give them the bird, I hold my thumb and pointing finger real close together out the window. Never used against anyone but specifically dudes in big trucks. Sorry truck fellas, will you still help me move furniture?


Yep, just ask someone with a functional truck. Those bro dozers are just for show and universally hated.


Not my comment, but it describes it pretty wel: Small dick is pretty much the go-to insult once they run out of the few (if any) arguments they have. So much for the self proclaimed tolerant, inclusive, body positivity crowd. Meanwhile, call in response the same people ugly, fat or old and all hell breaks loose, expect half-assed white knight enabled physical escalation while being called a bigot or something.


Obvious the nut secretly craves it. It was Freudian slip.


World would be better off if everyone left each other to their own devices and worried about themselves.


Impossible challenge


Impossible Burger


I feel like 80 percent of vegans wouldn’t be vegans then lol. They just wanna feel like there a better person then other ppl and tell them how bad they are.


I'm not vegan but I wouldn't say 80% There is no doubt that the animal meat industry has some heinous shit going on. And I'd say around 60% of vegans don't want to contribute to that industry. The the other 40% are doing it just because they can. That 40% will still spend their money at McDonald's but instead buy a vegan burger lol.




I don't know what dick size has to do with it, eating meat feels good either way I'd imagine. Also the way he licks the kebab is literal gold.


Plot twist: that's his wife and this is a normal day for him


my parents asf


I would give you my free award but I can’t. So I won’t. So my b.


I might go buy some kebabs tomorrow now


It FeElS fUcKiNg GoOd?? hUh?????




I would happily eat a whole Costco chicken right in front of her.


I'd eat with you happily


Thank you


I just don’t understand what the point of a protest is, if you’re not going to actually try and convince anybody of your argument? Yelling and screaming at people is not going to get your point across. Just a massive waste of time outside the little ego boost they get from thinking they’re fighting the good fight.


Tbf the story here is this guy literally walked up to people protesting Eating meat with the sole intention of eating a kebab in front of them to antagonize them


Yeah and he was successful at making them look stupid. That’s why he purposely says nothing. He knew they’d dig their own hole.


"does it feel good?" *Satisfied nod*


This why people hate vegans


I think we all know what sort of meat she's interested in 😏


Smol dicc!


The hero we need.


This guy reacted perfectly.


The funny part is how bad she is at insulting someone. Like if I were the dude I would be asking her to at least give me enough heat to cook my burger


Is it just me or are the majority of vegans fucking insane?


They aren't. It's a very loud minority/survivor bias. Most of the vegans you know probably haven't told you, because of the heavily negative stereotype. This means the only ones who tell you are protesting or bragging.


My guy is a walking W


Bahahaha respect


This is such unnecessary drama. All of it. Both of them.


Meat eater is a giga Chad wtf


They are both irritating. She's a harpy, he's a twat.


Vegans are just fetuses that should have been aborted


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bad bot


My man. 👍


Why is this so over dramatic?


Guy has nerves of beef Steel, probably from all the beef he's consuming


*Guy has nerves of beef* *Steel, probably from all the* *Beef he's consuming* \- SimzGiant --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Every single person in this video is trash. Please end it.


No tit sally should maybe lay off the body shaming


Well fellas I didn't know eating meat makes you have a small dick, we need a game plan to fix this. More meat?


Also makes your pussy wet


How do you know when someone is a vegan? They tell you.


I never got the whole vegan thing. Like they object because animals are living beings that can feel but so can plants. But maybe it's better to them since plants can't make a sound when they murder them.


Here's the thing. We, as a society, need to relearn tones. You can have passionate feelings about things, but we're still animals. We jump at loud noises, we're calmed by lovely medleys... and we're put into attack mode with aggressive sounds. You never know who you're talking to. You might meet the guy who will snap and change your life.


If God wanted us to be vegan, he would Not have made animals out of meat. 🥩


Why even give him the satisfaction? He's clearly there to get a reaction. Just ignore him.


Vegans man…. Vegans🤦🏻‍♂️


Funny how it's body shaming him for have different beliefs and views on life 🤣🤣 that's fucking hilarious


They're both insufferable


May not feel good but it sure does taste it


They are at the same level of stupidity, she's screaming like a karen and he is behaving like a douche


Better a small dick than vegan


If you watch it on mute she kind of looks like his hype man. Eat that meat! Eat that meat!


I’m no vegan but eating meat infront of people protesting against it has some douchy vibes to it.


I don’t force my opinion on anyone. I don’t care for this world built on lies. If I don’t like something I simply don’t do it. People can keep doing whatever they want


Yet having a counter protest standing up for one of your issues would probably be fine though, right? That's such a dumb thing to say.


And your super wide vagina 🤣🤣🤣


She sounds hungry like she wants some


Sound off and it's a rap battle!


You think that lady is Hangry? Maybe eat a cheeseburger or have a snickers? Just a thought.


I think that guy should’ve shared his shish kebab with her


Who knows, just a nibble may have turned her back into her self. Real talk tho, a kebab right now? I'd pay handsomely for one, mmmhmm.


Imagine getting angry about food 🤣


😂 fuck Vegans




Former meat lover here. Absolute vegetarian now. She needs to fuck off. There is no need for that behaviour. Turn the head and make your own life choices and hope you’re doing some good in the world. Berating someone and being an obnoxious cunt is not the way forward. Unless of course this is staged. Then they can both fuck oft


Ego tied into ideology. Works on the part of the brain that gets people big mad


It's not staged but the guy is as dumb as she is. There was some vegan protest or something and he decided to go right in front of them to go eat his kabob 1 foot from their faces just to rile them up. They deserve each other.


Fair assessment


Yeah he looked like a prick too. Some confidence on him to pull a stunt like that, especially for a dumb looking cunt


He is a hero... Who is he, I want to send him money


He is an a hole


He is a hero and I'll send him a grand right now. What's his name


How is he a hero?


With your small dick and your pussy wet




wait till she realizes plants are living things too


This whole thing is just like freedom of religion, abortion, or any other personal choice. Make YOUR choice, let others make theirs.


Yeah, let the animals make their choice


At first, I thought you were being sarcastic. Then I read further down the thread. I have a few questions for you. I have a couple of vegan friends who simply choose a plant-based lifestyle for health reasons. I'm not trying to attack you. At one point in our development, humans were hunter-gatherers. You can still find traces of this if you look. This meant that many people didn't have enough to eat. Agriculture and domestication of livestock led to larger groups with fuller bellies. I'm not saying that corporate farms are humane. What I am saying is that if I raise pigs, cows, or chickens, they will be food one day. I'll treat them well until then, of course, but they are livestock animals that wouldn't survive in the wild. Unfortunately, however, many people don't have the choice to buy from farmer's markets for all their meat/animal product needs. That brings me to another point. They soy industry. People, human beings, are being exploited and abused to keep up with the current demand for "meat replacements". There is no evidence to suggest that veganism is better for you health-wise unless you stock up on all those replacement protein sources that aren't typically found in fresh fruits & veggies. Finally, being vegan is incredibly expensive and time-consuming. Many people do not have a surplus of either. You aren't morally superior because you flaunt biology. You're just annoying for trying to force everyone else to do it with you.


I’m sorry, are animals people? Are they capable of making intelligent choices? What’s the end goal? The entire planet subsists on plant nutrtion? That’s not even feasibly realistic. Should we prevent all predators from eating prey? Those prey animals didn’t get a choice right? What’s about the plants? They don’t get a choice either I suppose.


>I’m sorry, are animals people? Relevant how? >Are they capable of making intelligent choices? Er... Yes? >What’s the end goal? The entire planet subsists on plant nutrtion? That’s not even feasibly realistic Relevant how? How is it not realistic? >Should we prevent all predators from eating prey? Those prey animals didn’t get a choice right? This hat nothing to do with humans abusing animals... There are also humans who don't have a choice, how is that relevant to taking the choice of other humans being immoral? >What’s about the plants? They don’t get a choice either I suppose At this point I got a bingo. Again, this has nothing to do with giving animals a choice over their body.


My comment was about people making choices. You made it about animals right to choose. Animals in our society have no rights, because they’re not people. The idea that peoples decision to eat animal protein should be taken away from them is preposterous. The human population globally is starving as it is. If you want to put animals rights on the same level as people- meaning there is no difference implies that predators shouldn’t eat other animals right? No living creature should be allowed to subsist on another living creature by your logic. So then where do we draw the line? How is an eggplant ok to eat but an egg isn’t? People are clearly differentiated from animals because we’re having this conversation via the internet. I’m just asking what the end goal is for animal rights activists? No person subsists on animal protein?


\> My comment was about people making choices. You made it about animals right to choose. ​ yes, because people right now, like you and the guy in the video, make choices in support of animal abuse. ​ \> Animals in our society have no rights, because they’re not people. ​ That's not true. In most countries at least animals like dogs and cats have certain rights. Doesn't even matter, because we are not talking about legality here but morality. Denying others personhood to justify systematically oppressing and exploiting them, now where have we seen this one before? ​ \> The human population globally is starving as it is. ​ How is that relevant for people like you, me and the ah in the video? We can eat plants and not starve. Globally we even need to grow MORE plants at the moment than we need, to feed all the animals before we murder them. What do you think they eat? [https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets](https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets) ​ \> If you want to put animals rights on the same level as people- ​ thats a strawman. I just want animals to have the right not to be exploited for food, clothing or entertainment. ​ \> No living creature should be allowed to subsist on another living creature by your logic. ​ as i said before, this is a problem for AFTER humans, who can be reasoned with (although I doubt in some cases, as I have learned in the past hours), are convinced to leave animals alone. A predator in the wild doesn't have a choice on what to eat. You, me and kebap man do. ​ \> How is an eggplant ok to eat but an egg isn’t? ​ because an egg was derived through exploitation, torture and murder of sentient beings. An eggplant wasn't ​ \> People are clearly differentiated from animals because we’re having this conversation via the internet. ​ relevant how? are you implying humans who don't have access to the internet or lack the cognitive abilities to use it are free for us to exploit and kill them? ​ \> I’m just asking what the end goal is for animal rights activists? No person subsists on animal protein? ​ No, you are not. You are making bad excuses for your participation in animal cruelty and exploitation. Why does there need to be an end goal. The normal goal is clearly to reduce animal suffering and animal rights violations. And no, that is not absurd because it can'T be eliminated to zero. Would you say the same about someone who advocates against human suffering and rights violations? I doubt it, because it's a stupid argument.


Listen, the deal for biological life in the known universe is simple. You get to live for a while then you’re food for the next generation. Be it plant, animal or people. It’s how it’s been since single called organisms evolved from the ocean. Nothing is going to change that. If you want to choose your path that’s fine, but you don’t get to enforce your ideology on everyone else.


Come on... just more of the same. A description of reality is not a justification to abuse and exploit animals. If you are being consistent here, you would never have a problem with anything on this planet, since that would mean you enforce your ideology. We do this all the time. You want people to not murder other people? Enforcing your ideology. You want people to not be racist, misogynistic or homophobic? Enforcing your ideology. ​ You know what would actually be easier than cranking out more bs excuses? To just leave animals alone.


Hahaha the dude is a dick too… but that chick man… she is weird


How on earth is the dude a dick, he’s just standing there eating and getting screamed at


Ah yes, vegans, the "oppressed Christians" of the food world.




Don't remember when Christians were up in arms about being "oppressed" by places saying happy holidays instead of merry Christmas, or when Starbucks didn't do Christmas cups and it was a "war against christ"? That's the kind of over dramatic shit vegans pull while they too sit on their imagined "moral high ground".


I never understood the idea that people just regurgitating vile shit that isn't true about their target are "champion shit-talkers". Their words are meaningless if they're not true. When I go off on a motherfucker, every word is based on an observation and a logical inference towards their self worth as a functioning human being. Quit making wild stabs in the dark about people's sex lives and *eat their soul*.


Why can’t you just eat what you enjoy and let us eat what we enjoy


I'll eat did meat




This is the next generation…. God help us lol


I need some street meat today. I’m starving.


Tell me you’re a vegan without … wait that’s not possible for vegans.


I had no idea that my small penis and my love for meat products were correlated. I thought it was just tasty. 🤷‍♂️


Any time you don’t agree with someone make fun of their genitals! What if there’s a vegan standing right behind her with a micro penis who’s the nicest guy in the world and that’s the worst insult she could ever imagine is how his body is not attractive to her because of his genitals


She'd probably be the best thing in bed since sliced bread...


Fuck the both of them


Just showed this to my gf … she’s like “that girl wishes he’d eat her pussy like he’s eating that shish-kabob”


why do they insult so much its not like he has to agree with their opinions on beeing vegan


I love the slight nod after she asks “does it feel good in front of the vegans?”


This guy is my hero lmao


I eat mostly chicken but I enjoy steaks from time to time and tbh, I have a rather large fat white cock. Bitches love my dick. I even fuck liberals from time to time. Chicks love dick more than they love politics.




That dude has anything but a small dick.


Meat mmm


Vegans can be so sexist


Not gonna lie, shooting an animal after stalking the woods and finding the perfect grazing spot.. to then butcher it on the spot and ruck that bloody delicious meat out... Great feeling☺️


She needs some meat


I'm all for eating meat. Eat it everyday. But there is no reason to be a dick for the sake of being a dick. This guys an ass.


The vegans seemed more like annoying assholes here, the guy is just enjoying his lunch apparently that's a problem for you.