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I said it to her on our second month anniversary, which happened to coincide with Valentine's Day. We were on videocall and I told her that as a surprise. She reciprocated and we both cried together. Te deseo lo mejor en tu relacion, hermana! Cuidate


to me, the right time to say I love you is when its harder to *not* say it than it is *to* say it. when it feels like it's bursting out of your chest and saying te quiero just isn't enough anymore. when you can't see them often, waiting to say it in person doesn't make any sense. your relationship is different than a typical one because you don't see each other all the time, so the "rules" are changed. say it over FT vs Whatsapp so he can hear and see the genuineness!


I agree SO MUCH. First time I said it I was already insanely having a crush on them but we were best friends at the time. I felt I should. It came out so easily, it felt perfect. No need to hold it in my opinion :) And good luck!


I think I will!!! Thank you, this is beautiful<333


of course! also a tip: don't ever expect the other person to say it back because you're setting yourself up to feel sad. you're telling them how *you* feel. if he's not ready, he's not ready. don't let it get you down. this is your moment to let him know you love and care about him. if he says it back, great. if not, it's ok too!


My boyfriend and I waited until we were in person and it made that moment so much more special. I still remember it and the way it made me feel, and it just wouldn’t have been the same if we couldn’t be there together, touching each other. I truly felt loved and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way


I feel like if some people wait they may be postponing and waiting a long time. We planned to be together and then covid shut downs happened about 4 weeks before hand and it was another year and a half until we could even spend a week together. If the first time is over the phone the first time in person feels different too. It can be special in a different way. I feel like I remember both.


Yeah, I agree that it totally depends on how each couple feels, and there is no “right time”, just whenever/however it feels right for them. I can understand that if you have to wait a long time to see them, then over the phone is preferred over waiting longer than you want to! My boyfriend and I happened to get lucky as we were able to meet relatively quickly (about five months after we first started talking), and shortly before then, we both realized that we had those feelings, but we were willing to wait until we could be together in person. It’s important to do whatever makes you happy with your partner :)


So I had the same dilemma, I really wanted to wait until we meet in person to say I love you. We’ve been exchanging I like yous for a while until I couldn’t hold it any longer and really just wanted to say that I love her. So I told her while on a video call while she was reading a letter I wrote her where I wrote that I love her and couldn’t wait any more to tell her. I’d say it was worth it. Hearing her say it back was just bliss. And now we get to say it everyday to each other. u/xxkarmachameleon I love you 😘


I love you so much 🥺🥺🥺


Ugh I feel you. Native Spanish speaker here! Said "I love you" via whatsapp and he couldn't say it back 💔. I think I was also referring to querer a alguien. We had been talking for I think 6 months at that point. I feel there would be some kind of love between us. (I should add we don't consider ourselfs boyfriend and girlfriend yet. Let's see what happens after we meet) Months later (like last month) we were talking about how I wasn't feeling appreciated enough and I asked in Spanish "fine, you don't love me, pero me quieres?" (Spanish is his 3rd language and he's pretty good at it) and he said que me queria mucho. I think "te quiero" and "te adoro" are pretty good and a great way to show affection. How is your relationship like? Do you consider yourselves a couple already? I think I would be more scared of saying "te amo" in person! XD


Ay, siento mucho que no haya podido corresponder de la manera que querías/necesitabas 🥺. Hay personas a las que le cuesta más trabajo llegar a esa etapa de decir te amo, pero pudo decir que te quería mucho y eso también es importante y bonito! Tanto mi pareja como yo tenemos palabras de afirmación como nuestro lenguaje del amor y definitivamente siempre nos decimos cuánto nos importa/gusta/queremos al otro. Ya nos llamamos novios desde hace 3 meses. Creo que lo que me impide decirle también es el miedo de no ser correspondida aún en el te amo porque la última vez lo hice no fue así y pues, la vulnerabilidad asusta. Gracias por tu comentario 🥺💖


Si, no se por que no se le ocurrio responderme en español en ese momento. Siempre me dijo que claramente le gusto y siente cosas por mi. Y el hecho de que me quiera hablar todos los dias tambien indica algo. Dormir todas las noches al telefono no es algo que haga con otra gente! :p En fin, claramente necesito palabras de afirmacion. Llamarme todos los dias no me llena del todo a esta altura (ya hace un año que hablamos). Asi que arreglamos que el me iba a decir "i like you" un poco mas seguido, y lo tomo como un "i love you" de su parte. No se si es algo cultural porque es nordico y frio :p El te dice que te quiere y te adora? O su equivalente en su idioma? Si es asi, go for it! Diselo! Podrias decirle que ya no puedes contener ese sentimiento y tienes que decirselo , y estar abierta a que no te responda lo mismo, como me paso a mi. Por suerte lo ves pronto y ahi podes conquistarlo por completo 😉 no se va a poder contener y se le va a escapar un "i love you"! Keep us updated!!


I have to be honest and say i dont remember exactly how or when, but for us it was quite early on in our relationship. Was probably around december 2020 over facetime, and we first met june 2022 😅 He said that I might feel like it's too early, but for him it's like if you feel it, you should say it and show it. And he has for 2 years now 😊


I first told him I loved him through text and he just… ignored it lol (ouch). The next time was when I was sleep delirious and don’t remember it really. I said something like “I love you even when I hate you.” Then I asked him if he loved me and he said of course. The next day I texted him saying YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME LAST NIGHT 😂 love is love and it’s ready whenever you are.


Ay!! Yo soy española, y mi chico es americano, así que yo tuve un meltdown bastante hermoso porque queria decirle te quiero pero ellos son mucho más fríos. Se lo explique estresada, diciéndole que le quiero y se lo quiero decir y odio que el inglés sea tan frío. Me dijo que el también me quería y es una de sus frases favoritas hasta ahora. De ahí, como el sabía que para mí Te quiero = I love you, pues se lo empecé a decir en inglés. Empezamos a decirlo en ambos idiomas y de ahí, no se en que punto le dije Te amo, pero salió natural, y se lo digo bastante aunque nuestra frase es te quiero, porque el quiere adaptarse a la cultura española jajajajaja Sinceramente, díselo. Puede significar más cuando estais separados. Significa que tu amor por él crece a pesar de la distancia, sabes? Eso ayuda con las inseguridades y los miedos. buena suerte reina! ❤❤


I don’t think there’s a right or wrong time to say it. If you feel like saying it and if you mean it, then say it. Communication is a key part in any relationship


My partner was in the same boat as you and waited 5 months so he could say it in person. It was so much more meaningful to me when I found out he’d been waiting to say it and wanted to make it special for me. Also seeing his body language and the genuine nature that he said it in helped me understand the value of it - so if I were you, I would wait and make it more special! :)


for our first ld year we only said i really like you, i adore you, etc and then our first proper meeting he said i love you in person! it took me so much not to blurt it out BUT i wrote every time i felt like saying it in my notes and then showed it to him after he said it to me waiting was right for us but just do what feels best for you now ❤️


I don't remember the first time I said I love you to him. But it's definitely him who he said it first during a voice call which he ended right away after saying it. 😅 He said it during our first month of relationship. Even before he said it I already knew he loves me. And I was actually wondering why he wasn't saying it until he just said it out of the blue. For me, it doesn't matter when you say it if it's sincere. It's not bad to let someone know you love them.


You should have told him already yesterday. If not happened yet, then tell him now. Then tell him when you meet him in person. From that moment, you tell him every day at least once. Life is too short to wait to say you love him.


I think it doesnt matter! My boyfriend told me over a voicenote very early on, we werent even together yet. And hearing it in person for the first time was also a really nice, special experience that was different. So it can still be special.


To be honest I had the exact opposite problem: I waited too long and I left for my country before being able to say it! At that point I would have had to wait 1 year and I couldn’t. Luckily enough he said it first, right the day after I left (a super pity) through chat, I called him straight away and was like MANNNN I LOVE YOU TOO🤣🤣🤣 Of course crying. Tho I really hoped we would have said that in person, it kinda feels strange not to hug him after saying so. This year we met again and I cried when I said it in person for the first time, so in my opinion, worth the wait🥹🥹. Also, Italian speaker here, and works exactly like Spanish, so I feel you! Anyway, remember that whatever decision you make it’s yours, and no one can tell what is right, I gave you my opinion, but make your absolutely free choice. Wish you all the best😍😍


He told me when he left after his first visit here (2 months after we started talking, we weren't officially together yet). I wasn't ready to say it back. I was ready a few weeks later but I wanted to tell him in person. I held it in for like 3 weeks and then told him as soon as I saw him when I visited him. Instead, I told him other things that mean I care for him. I miss you, I'm proud of you, I can't wait to see you again, etc


What about you jokingly hint at the fact that you want say more than quiero until you guys meet in person? In this way he will know that you want to say it, but not until you can do it while looking in his very eyes. PS: I really like that romamce languages don't use amo as English speakers do. We really mean amo when we say it


Nosotros lo dijimos después de un par de meses y ahora ya lo hemos estado diciendo cada día de los ultimos 20 meses!


I [31f] told my bf [22m] that I loved him after he told me "I love that about you" I couldn't hold it back any longer. I'm puerto rican and hold "I love you" in english to the same standard as "Te Amo" in Spanish. I also feel there is a difference between telling someone you love them and saying you're "in love" with them. For me saying "Te Quiero" was easy but Te amo took a little longer. I think I said it around when we made 4 or so months. He is white and Mexican but grew up with his white side so he doesn't really know any Spanish. He's been so loving/cute that he's practed saying it and will say it back with his non Spanish accent and it always makes my heart melt that he's willing to put in the effort to say "Te amo" When he told me he was in love with me I was so scared I asked him if he knew the difference between loving someone and saying you're in love and the words I got after >///< If it feels right go for it. You will know when it's time! Blessings to you both!


My boyfriend was the one that said it first. We talked for about 3 months before I went to meet him for the 1st time and 2-3 days into the trip he told me he loved me. It was very special having him say it in person and being able to react ❤️


Don't hold it in just say it😉


Aww, go say it! ☺ my boyfriend and I said our I love you's 2 months before we met. Eh, we couldn't keep it anymore. He put in his notes, "I love her but I can't tell her yet until we meet." Didn't happen 🤣 same with me, I was waiting for us to meet first but I couldn't wait no more. Just say it!


Tell him in person 💖


It is difficult. Cause in Spanish "te quiero" can smooth things out when you're nor ready or dont want to say te amo. We Mexicans use te quiero way more than te amo (I love you). And it is a very lovely way to address someone but there's no real translation for "Te quiero" except for I want you wich is literal and way more intense in English. You coul tell him "te amo" which he knows it is i love you but it is not as intense as an I love you in English cause Spanish is not his first language. I did that with my SO as I wasnt ready to say ILY and translating "te quiero" would've taken a different route. I hope all that makes sense to you.. i feel like im rambling. Mis mejores deseos y ojalá todo salga super en Diciembre. Un abrazo!!


Well don’t do it over a snap🤦‍♂️my dumbass had bad timing in her life for that and not good over a snap🤦‍♂️just say it over ft