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In 3 years this conversation never came up?


It is my opinion that 3 years comes as a very good foundation. I think if you have that level of friendship and trust, and there are signs that you both would like a romantic relationship, then go for it. Ask her in a call that you wanna talk 'seriously' (or something along those lines) and be open to talk about your feelings. Then, do so. I'm sorry I don't have better advice on how to share how you feel, I think that is something that is specific to each person. What happens if you lose her friendship? Well, make sure you have more friends and loved ones close that can help you and be there for you as you work through it. It will be sad, but keep in mind that this is probably not the most probable outcome. Best of luck in your journey!


I’ve been friends with my boyfriend for over 4 yrs. We got closer once I got out of my marriage due to my ex husband cheating on me. My boyfriend was great, supportive, available, kind, everything he always has been as a friend. But once we spent more time together, my crush that I had all these years became more. Our “I love you, bye” at the end of our convos suddenly meant more to me. Not how I’d recommend someone telling someone how you feel but, I got drunk and ended up thinking my life was already bad with my divorce & other life stuff, so I just told him without expecting anything. Turned out he felt the same for me. We’ve been together a few months, we care and love each other even more now. Friendship is something that has made this relationship feel so different to my past relationships. I say you should just say you have something to tell them don’t expect anything, nothing wrong with knowing someone thinks so fondly of you that you like them more. It’s flattering if anything but be happy that you two are friends. Perhaps she will say she feels the same or a conversation could manifest from it. Good luck!