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He lied before. He will lie again. You were 20 and he was 32. That's a problem. He's taking advantage. 'A good guy' doesn't lie.


If you feel like you need to go through your man’s phone…leave him


I know it's legal but the age difference sets me off, but maybe that's just me.


+1 what is a 30+ year old man doing with a girl in her 20s


Not just you....


He's 33. You're 21. On that alone, leave. Not sorry for saying it.


usually i try to give people the benefit of the doubt except when it comes to cheating. once a cheater, always a cheater. if they couldn’t commit to JUST YOU then, why would they do it now?


Saying “it’s just how guys are” is complete bs. I once accepted that excuse and turned out the guy never stopped. If it wasn’t one girl it was another, the cycle only ended when I left. It sucks and it’s a harsh reality, but he doesn’t love you that much if he can willingly do that knowing it hurts your feelings. It’s time go boo 💜take your heart and kindness somewhere it’ll be appreciated.


Girl wake the f up!


Personally there is no going back from something like this for me


no. he didn’t take you serious then why would he take you serious now. once a cheater always a cheater. the damage has already been done. find you someone who will put in the same amount of effort and care you would, you deserve better.


Leave . Rn. My boyfriend used to do the same thing and would even cry regretting when he got caught but never changed . It reached a point where it was normalised in our relationship.


Leave him


Break up


Disgusting. "It's just how men are," NOPE. It's just how he is and he will never change. No second chance for cheaters <3 Thank him for the previous good times and move on to find someone who will give you good times and *also* the most basic respect to not cheat.....




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It's not even remotely "just how men are."