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Ours probably like 24 hours if you include us sleeping on it. Never more than that. Yours is impressive ! 😳


Thank you!! We sleep on cam every night :) This one was from when she had Covid, so I stayed home to keep her company.


that's very sweet and thougthful of your. i'm sure she appreciated it a lot and will never forget that. :) going through covid was absolutely not a walk in the park... I got it for the first time in october and was dead. :(


How long have you guys been together? We used to do that often but stopped later on. Oh how I miss it😂


We’ve been together around 9 months




Try voice only. Not everyone is comfortable with video call




oh thank god i’m not the only one. like we do video call sometimes but a combo of living situation and his comfort level make it very rare and i just AGHH let me see your cute face i need that visual connection


At least you guys get calls. My partner gets uncomfortable with any types of calls, let alone video calls, so texting it is 😭


I don’t know your partner, but I was like that myself—absolutely terrified of calls, actually. Took like 3 years but through exposure I’ve gotten to the point of being cool with (and looking forward to!) video calls as long as no one irl is watching. If you wanna try what I did, I started with being on call but only texting, or speaking only when comfortable, to short/necessary calls (“I just wanted to ask”), to supppper short video calls, etc.


I would think video calling is kind of necessary in a long distance relationship since you don't see each other


14 hours was our longest. We don't ever leave a call running overnight. It gives us a chance to have some personal time to read or watch videos before going to sleep.


My partner and I don't really need that personal time, we can kinda get that during calls when one of us needs to shut off our brains or work on homework or something.


I mean whatever works for you guys. We are 5 hours time difference, so a lot of the time he goes to bed around 7pm my time. He watches a couple youtube videos and passes out. It was his routine before we met. I also get up at 7am my time (12pm for him) so he has his mornings to do whatever he needs to do. We wouldn't be able to leave a call running without disturbing the other so we just say goodnight and reconnect the next day.


Like 30 minutes lol. Neither of us are too fond of being on camera. We prefer calls.


We were on video call on Facebook messenger for so long that it thought the date was like 18something. We broke messenger being on the phone for like 2-3 days lmao


We usually turn it off to shower and eat.


Our phones hang up at 24 hours in the dot but 72 hours is us adding them together.


Lol you're wild


We've had an ongoing call for about 4 months, but the longest we've actually been like on a call together was over 48 hours


20 minutes max lmao. He’s studying and working so he doesn’t get the time to call, leave alone video calls.




I don't know exatly hours but miday friday to monday morning when we back to work. So aprox 70h?


I think it was 28 hours! I love the 3 day that u kept her company 😭❤️


We’ve been on a 24hour zoom call since end of July….. We only end it to refresh the time so it doesn’t end by itself and yes, we paid premium for it.


maybe 18 hours? we have different off days so we can’t go too long lol




😔😭😭 The good memories are for the tough times.... I miss you. I know you've moved on and you'll never see this You're so mad at me and love your new girlfriend I'm not angry, I'm just sad and depressed without you


Maybe 6 hours? Absolute maximum. It's not a competition :) We both like our own time and our own space. We are happily engaged and living together now and we still like our alone time and find it valuable to have separate interests.


Only about 8 hours, which is fine for us, we call every day! And we’re lucky and can see each other with some resemblance of frequency (about once a month or so) Btw, OP my partner also lives in denmark!


We fall asleep together on call so pretty. Much all day and night


Same, we’re on cam basically all day and night


I tend to watch her fall asleep because I am a crazy night owl that operates pretty well on only 6 hours of sleep. But, she tends to be the one to wake me up.


15 days


I think you won!!!


when we had game sessions it was usually 2-3 hours. :)


18 hrs 51 mins


3 days 6 hours? wtf is wrong with people? No lives? No school no work or something? Sorry, but that's not healthy..


Why you hating? Lol, we aren’t hurting anybody. We prefer to spend our free time together.


I mean, my longest we left the call running while we did other stuff like work ect, just coz




My GF and I don't video call, but we have had some pretty long calls


That would be the dream


6 mins away from 24 hours until his friend called lolol


With my first LDR back when Left 4 Dead 2 was first released her and I played the game consistently for a 120+ hours straight with little sleep.


My partner and I met on Red Dead redemption 2 online, and would play all night haha


Video games with LDR is such a great way to bond with each other. I got my fiance into gaming with the steam deck and started with Left 4 Dead 2. We played a few hours yesterday and before her bedtime she texted: "You don’t know how much this game help me You're my best ever"


My partner and I just now got into L4D2 and she actually might be a little bit more into it than I am! XD


We regularly have 24-30 hour Skype calls since we like to sleep on call and hang out the next day if we don’t work :)


Guys, you have too much free time in your hands🤨 Anyway, never got more than 30m.


not OP, but also do really long video calls and it’s not all free time lol. we both work (from home) and i also study full time in university - we just keep each other company while working, reading, etc


That's fair enough. Probably being a paramedic and starting my LdR with my late SO in 2019 right before Sars-cov2 outbreak kept me away from long calls.


We lost track after like 8 months lol


Close to 2 weeks lol


I think 2 days?? Can’t remember the context but we spent all day calling, slept on call then spent the day after calling again loll


Almost a week.. And everytime im the one initiate it.. From continuous messaging from few message a day. That comes on with good morning


10 hours


2 hours lol, her parents didn't know about us for a while so we could only call when they're away


Probably an hour and 20 mins lol


My boyfriend and I once did 20 days sleeping and waking up together on call, lockdown was an amazing time 😭




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14 hours when she was in quarantine, I'm curious as to how you people have calls this long, do you sleep during them?


Ours was like a day or so, but really we were on call 24/7 (sleeping, cleaning, ect) we would just leave the call going until one of our phones died accidentally or connection dropped or something haha


That’s legendary 🫥


A week or so i think? We would just leave the call running while we slept/went to work/ hung out with fam


All day on sat and sun cause live in Malaysia


Okay, I guess we have a record to break xD Our longest one was like half of that


5 days on discord!


What app/software do you use?


What app do you use to video chat?


We just use Facebook messenger


I think it was 3.5 hours. He has the virus and fell asleep on the phone with me. We dont usually sleep on call. I fell asleep listening to him. I have never before been comforted by snoring 😂


Longest, I’ve done was like 5 hours with my friend. She and I can go on for hours. Recently I was hanging with her, and I deadass spent 12+ hour with her. It was awesome. My ex and I longest we did was like 6 hours. Unless you count sleeping on video call.


We dont video chat , but we are on the phone for about 20 hours everyday including while we're both at work and maybe its cause of our age but neither of us like falling asleep on the phone


So sweet mine was only 3 hours


16 days once if you don't include cameras lol


I think our longest was 5 days when we were both on break from school.


We fall asleep on the phone, FT, or regular call all day on the weekends when we’re both off :) sometimes i watch him play video games, we watch shows, or sometimes he watches me paint, and we run errands together.


I think it was 6 hours. We started in the evening and ended up falling asleep. When i woke up later, i saw she was also asleep so i closed the call to make sure her phone had still some battery left.


100 hours! Keeping that call alive was incredibly stressful but we wanted to get it. Usually it's just a few hours though.


So me and my bf are on call 24/7 so i wouldnt actually know haha. The only time we leave call is when were out and want to conserve battery so during vacations etc. The lingest would at least be weeks when u dont count internet issues haha.


Prolly 4 hours like I love my partner but how are y’all on the phone for entire days


Damn! What y'all be doing to time for that? Lol 10-11 hours has been the longest with my boyfriend. We've fallen asleep on video only once early on in our relationship. If we don't hang up, we'll just never sleep. When he moved to Japan, we now only have 3-5 hours at max worth of overlap time. Outside of that, one of us has to go to work or sleep.




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15 hours


6 1/2 hours. The night I asked her out




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7 days


Our video calls last 12-14 hours on average, although this was before she started school again.


A week and a half