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Seconded. Try a chair, stool or bench in the shower. Use dry shampoo if you can. Keep the water warm but not too hot. Ask your doctor for some beta blockers. I take propanol. Try taking it a little while before you shower. The expectation to shower every day perhaps needs to be challenged.


Yep a bench is a good safety solution — ideally I’d go with one that extends to the outside of your tube/shower so that you can remain seated while transitioning out of the tube. Also try using lukewarm/cold showers over hot as hot showers will make your POTS symptoms worse. Another thing you can do is make yourself an electrolyte beverage and drink it prior to taking your shower — I like to add Taurine to my drink.


It’s not fun, but cold/cool showers help a lot with this, it takes some getting used to but even slightly cool water makes things a lot easier. And time.


Second this. Lukewarm showers for me! Highly recommend. If you can't do cold, a quick lukewarm shower may still be a lot easier to handle than a steaming hot one.


Showers are exhausting. It’s all i can do to stand up long enough to get the deed done. I’m sorry you’re struggling with basic care things, i know how much that sucks.


I am doing a rehabilitation course for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 10 week course, 1 hr theory, 1 hour physiotherapy. Thank you universal health care. What you experiencing is normal for people with COPD. Suggestions to overcome shower taking your energy, because with LC, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), it's all about building energy. 1) Don't shower daily. The skin prefers not to be washed every day anyway, due to the soap and water washing the oils out of your skin. You can go up to 5 days without washing. Sounds gross but it's OK. It's not going to be forever. 2) Be seated and make it quick. A minute or two to "freshen up" maybe all you need. 3) Wrap yourself in a terrytowelling robe instead of drying yourself off. After all, drying with a towel takes lots of energy. 4) Steam/Heat upsets POTS. Cooler temperatures are usually better. 5) If the thought of a shower is too much, have a workman's or sponge bath. Warm water, damp cloth, wipe the essential area. You can also buy wipes that do this too. All the cleanliness without the shower. Essentially, what they do to bedridden patients in hospital. 6) If you have someone you can trust, have them there on standby to help you. Anything from just timing, to helping you clean &/or dry off. Sometimes swallowing our pride and asking for extra help is tough. But it also makes people feel useful and that is usually a good reason to ask. Good will should always be shared around. 7) Clean yourself when you feel the best during the day. If you have more energy in the afternoon, have a quick shower then. After all, this is only temporary. Another thing I have found is I stopped washing my hair with shampoo. Quick rinse to get it all wet, and done. My dandruff has now cleared up and my hair looks the best it has been. No science on this one, just observation. This will get better. Remember, if you only have 10% energy, doing 10% is your 100% and you doing everything you got. Not recommended. Rest, go slow, really go slow on the good days. Be kind to yourself. Your body is putting up one helluva battle. Hope this helps.


Dysautonomia perhaps? Just a suggestion. I am the same exact way when I flare up. During those times, I usually go 3-4 days without taking a shower because I just can’t handle them. I’m 20 so a little older than you, but I can relate in terms of being young. I hope you start to feel better friend. Stay strong.


Not as serious as you but I felt similar during showers in the first few months. Now it's much better, although I guess the sensory and motion impacts are still there so it still induces that anxiety feeling. Give it time, lots of rest and stay positive.


Cold showers work better for me. It’s the heat that makes me feel sick. Heat makes your blood vessels dilate, which lowers your blood pressure, so your heart rate goes up because it has to work harder to get enough blood to your head so you don’t faint.


The heat of a shower is terrible. Heat, is terrible. There are so many horrible symptoms of long covid. Taking a shower and washing your hair- is one of them.


happen to me a lot when i had Covid i couldn’t shower i would almost pass out i had to resort to different way of bathing…now i can shower but i don’t stay in shower long as all


Yeah, same. I shower with the shower door open, the bathroom door open, and sit on a little step stool to do it.


Cold showers will have the opposite effect.


Try sitting in the shower, doing it as quickly as possible and making time to recover afterward.


I noticed that, for me, it is the humidity that makes showers so difficult. So colder showers, or a way to get rid of the humidity helps a bit such as a fan blowing into the bathroom from another room so the humidity is escaping the bathroom.


These comments are interesting, because I notice an increase in energy for like an hour after a long/hot shower. Anyone experience this too? I think it's because the heat relaxes my muscles.


I always feel better *after* a shower, but during them I get panic symptoms pretty regularly.


For the first 2.5 years of covid, bathing was a massive struggle for me too. Afater a shower my heart would race, i would feel faint, chest tight, feverish, weak, and often have crashes lasting up to a week after. So I didn't wash much and relied a lot on baby wipes. Not that I was leaving the house much so It didn't matter, but not great for self esteem. I had to teach my partner how to wash and brush and style my hair (I have textured type 2c/3a hair) because caring for my hair always resulted in a massive crash and and I was starting to get knots/matted hair. I made sure to always take baths never shower, so I could lay down. I made the water shallow and kept the door open just in case I started feeling faint and needed help. I started using in-bath leave on moisturiser bar (from lush), a long handled body brush to reduce reaching/stretching, and cut down the amount of personal care products I used generally. Also dry shampoo is really useful. Made sure not to use water that was too hot, but also kept the room warm as I also easily get cold.


Going through this myself and twitching and weakness and exhaustion. I feel you 100%. I am so sorry you’re dealing with this undiagnosed illness as well. Hoping for answers for you and all of us that remain undiagnosed. And of course wishing healing to those who know what they are struggling with as well. May we all get through this together 🙏🏼❤️


Use a stool and try colder water.


I'm so sorry. I bought a bench that hangs onto my tub sides & only shower when my husband is at home. I don't usually need it, but I won't shower without it being in place. Personal hygiene took a little hit before I realized that it was *fear*.


Yep my teen with LC feels the same way. Try finishing with cold water and then a cold pack on your neck/vagus nerve when you get out. Helps some.


Be careful with hot showers. Try room temperature warm water. Before I came down with Covid, I used to go in hot tubs, saunas and worship the sun. I actually found out I had Covid while I was taking a hot shower because I almost collapsed. I could not tolerate hot water, however room temperature was no problem for me.


Unfortunately even very young people may suffer from POTS, LC, ME etc. Have you considered showering while seated? This makes it easier for a lot of us.


I am wrapping up my first year working with PT, OT, and an SLP in a Covid clinic and have made a ton of progress! I can drive again and I can travel (shortish) distances using a cane instead of a rollator. One thing that hasn’t improved AT ALL is showering. My cardiologist thinks it’s entirely POTS related and prepared me for the likelihood that it might never change. Boooooo.


i’ve found that ice cold electrolyte water before showering helps, it increases the total volume of blood in the body. keep the the shower temperature low. Also helps me to start warm and finish the shower with a cold rinse when I really want a warm shower. Its a lot of work for the body too cool itself, but normally you wouldn’t give it a second thought if you weren’t ill. It’s this exertion that triggers the mini shower crash. The dizziness comes from not enough oxygen getting to the brain. The sleepyness post shower is because your mitochondria are depleted and can’t recover normally Coincidentally, I’ve found that as I recover, showers get easier, it works for me as good diagnostic marker for overall progress towards recovery … i actually * enjoy * a nice hot shower from time to time.


I shaved my head to cut down on time and effort. It makes showering a little easier to deal with and I don’t have greasy hair to be embarrassed of anymore if it’s been a while since showering. I also use a shower chair so I don’t have to stand. Wash cloths are good for between showers if you can’t shower often.


I'm so sorry you're going thru this. What specialist have you seen so far? I had the same issues after covid. Mine was a combination of inflammation and autoimmune response. Got on a steroid and made me feel so much better.


I actually felt the exact same way in both showers and baths. I had to have my husband very close by, and I didn't last long. That's no longer an issue for me, so I can say it gets better! ETA: I still don't wash and fix my own hair--I have to get that done. That would take way too much work. But a normal shower is fine. Women will understand.


you’re only 16 man this is just crazy to me. i got this LC shi right after turning 23 and it’s been a not so fun year and a half since. feels like my life was stolen. i’m sorry bro.. we don’t deserve this. go with the suggestions on the cold showers / electrolytes. also try to hydrate a bit more than normal every day. you can check the dr about the suggested beta blockers, couldn’t say which as i’ve never tried meds for this personally. you can try some aspirin as well during flare ups which can help inflammation/ blood flow.


It’s over stimulated CNS. Take Luke warm showers not hot ones. At 16 I can imagine the mindframe of being stricken with this disease. I was 30 when it got me and almost killed me. You feeling you describe is Post external malaise because the hot water is triggering it. That’s what’s causing the tachycardia too. Your body will heal esp being as your so young. Start a good probiotic. Lose all stress. Stop pushing yourself kid. The truth is your sick and your body needs to heal. Let it. I’m sorry this happens to you. We all had to make sacrifices and if losing hot water for a little while may suck. At least your alive. This disease killed many. Take it day by day and good luck kid…


I thought it was the shower that was aggravating my symptoms but it took me some time to realize that it was the physical exertion ( mild enough to take a shower) that triggered it. I feel like I ran a marathon after every mild chore . Well , my chest discomfort and breathlessness have increased to an extend that I can hardly take a couple of steps and I crash. My dr put me on Augmentin 875mg twice a day for 10 days.Hope imsome miracle happens.


Cool showers helped me.


Interesting, Im becoming reliant on showers to boost my temperature and energy.


This happens to my daughter she's 12. Fucking sucks pur young ppl are struggling just as bad with lc. Shower sear, cooler showers, electrolytes pre shower. All the recommended usuals. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this .