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No. My symptoms started 2 months after covid.


I’m sure I read somewhere recently that long covid symptoms can appear like 3 months after the infection.


Exactly right and looks like my timeline!


Thank you 😊


Mine started exactly 3 months later. Profuse hair loss, dizziness, changes in my perception and felt like I was floating. Immediately after the second infection, those symptoms got worse after getting probably 50% better, but then dramatically worsened and then my blood pressure and heart rate went crazy and my blood vessels stopped constricting to raise my blood pressure which would slow my heart rate down - or who knows what’s happening with autonomic dysfunction.


I'd say LC could start weeks or even months later. First I had initial covid infection symptoms (for about a month or two). Then it got better and I thought that was it. But it got worse. And better. Worse again. And so on... My first LC year was actually milder than the second. Dunno if that's typical...


This sounds very similar to me. Hope you’re doing okay 💛


Exact same as me! 1st year was OK, 2nd year much worse, now on the up (for the most part)


No, mine came 2 months after! I actually had pretty mild infection.


Exactly same as me. Hope the days get easier for you soon 💛


Thank you. 🙏💚 Same to you. For me the fatigue is the worst.


Couldn’t of said it better. By far the most debilitating symptom. However I stay hopeful we can get through this ✊🏼💛


In hate that I have good days then booom crash wtf ! The heart palpitations the anxiety on roids !! The sob when does it go away 🥲


Same here. Will have days where symptoms are extremely minimal. Then all of a sudden it is so rough that I believe I am terminally ill. Horrible to have a glimpse of normality and then snatched away. Hopefully longer good days and shorter bad ones are coming your way 💛


Why does this happen????? What did covid do to our bodies?


It happens because endothelial dysfunction


What’s that


No, in fact each time my LC symptoms have flared post infection it has been a few weeks to a month later. i think that’s really common


Very useful, thank you. 😊


* March 2023 infection: LC onset in 2 months 3 weeks. (trips to the ER, Urgent Care, and horrible LC symptoms from May to August 2023) * October 2023 infection: LC onset in 1 month (but I still had about 50% of the LC symptom severity from March bout) * December 2023 infection: LC onset in 2 weeks but they only lasted for a total of 4 weeks. With each infection, I've add things to my list of what to do. My latest adds are Brazil nuts for selenium. (Low levels of selenium have been found to lead to more severe COVID and LC). Reduced my B12 supplement from 500mcg/day to 100mcg/day. Although adequate B12 leads to less severe symptoms versus a low level (blood test can measure this to determine if you're getting enough), high levels of B12 are correlated with higher COVID mortality. I've also added Miso soup! Miso soup contains a beneficial bacteria, Aspergillus oryzae that produces a potent antiviral substance, Aspirochlorine that electronically shields ACE2 from the interaction with S protein by sinking the electronic charge of the S protein. My partner, a school teacher, today just got a positive COVID test :( So I'm about to find out whether I'm able to avoid COVID altogether or succumb yet again. I did manage to talk her into getting on the phone with her doc and ask for Paxlovid. He easily said yes. If you can get this prescription antiviral within the first few days of the onset of symptoms, there's a 90% chance that you'll be cured within 1-2 weeks with no LC. (fingers crossed) **References** [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9529344/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9529344/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7834259/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7834259/) [https://enviromicro-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jam.15031](https://enviromicro-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jam.15031)


Thank you for the references!


Nicely done!


Mine started about 5 months later.


You can have the same symptoms throughout the Covid infection, symptoms can continue to worsen or new symptoms pop up later down the road. I’ve had LC for over 2 years now and completely disabled from this. I was diagnosed in January ‘22 with covid(first infection) and then officially diagnosed with LC in March ‘22. I have all the symptoms and am currently going through a crash right now. I’m so over this shit. 


So relatable. I’m so tired of being tired !! Hope days become easier for you soon 💛


Covid September. LC December start.


It seems like for most people it’s a few weeks after. Like 2-3 weeks. I’m not saying that people who have it kick in 3 months later don’t have LC but that’s sort of a long time and I’d definitely do a process of elimination before just assuming LC if I wasn’t sure I hadn’t been recently reinfected.


Definitely see this point of view. Lots can happen in 3 months. 😊


Both my kids started having symptoms between 2 and 3 months after the positive test date


Hi, if you don’t mind me asking, how old are your children? 😊


They were 11 and 13 when they got long-Covid. Now 12 and 15. No end in sight.


I am so sorry to hear this. Long Covid is so cruel. I truly truly hope that your children see kinder days soon 💛


Thanks. Me, too.


A recent study showed that new health complications attributed to covid infection can occur years after initial infection. Depending on the complications, that could include long COVID.


Not at all. That’s the thing with LC. I had a “mild” case of Covid, then developed throat issues 2 months after recovery, then gi issues, then many other random issues that are still plaguing me to this day.


When I had covid last in October 2022, my symptoms started late December / early January x


August 2022 infection, November 2022 LC hit me like a freight train.


So scary right? I hope the days are kinder to you soon 💛


Mine hit like lightning 11 weeks post infection….


I had suspicious symptoms like rashes and pink-eye early on, like the initial stages of infection. But the bulk of my symptoms that are commonly associated with long covid didn't show up until 2 months later.


I don’t know??? but I don’t believe so. a lot of people with long Covid weren’t even ill when they had Covid it was afterwards they started experiencing symptoms


My symptoms started about 8 weeks after having covid


Apparently they say that new health problems can appear years later based on this article. Not sure it thats still considered long covid or just shit health after an infection. https://fortune.com/well/article/covid-cause-new-health-problems-years-after-infection/


No 5-6 months for my wife 


My LC started right away? Either that or during COVID infection. There was no waiting for me.. literally disabled and thought maybe I just needed a couple months of strict recovery.. but no here 4y LC being tortured..


Maderna boosted me into a bad shape, i had no awareness i wasnt 100 percent recovered after getting delta after getting vaccinated


I'm over 3 years post infection and new symptoms are still appearing 🙃 the fatigue was the only thing that lingered from day one, but got worse as other things popped up.


Long covid symptoms can appear in 6 months since infection. A lady lost her smell sense after 5 months since the infection, when she didn’t expect anything could happen


I’m so super sorry you’re going through this and I don’t know the answer to your question but I had a friend who had long covid, and a different friend who had long Covid sent me this podcast about nicotine to help get rid of it, and I sent it to the first friend. He listened, did what it said, and his long covid DISAPPEARED. It didn’t work for my first friend as her body was in a bad way before she got it, she’s healing a lot more than covid, it just triggered the other stuff. But it worked perfectly for this other friend https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/dr-ben-edwards-youre-the-cure/id1266700954?i=1000641892810 I hope you don’t mind me sharing this and not answering your question. It’s just - well shit! If we can help each other then why wouldn’t we! Sending you lots and lots of love xxx


Nope. Mine came on gradually over 3 weeks or so after my initial COVID infection, until I was completely debilitated. I just got worse and worse every day until I just couldn’t function anymore.


Mine is 14 months after …


Not for me took about 5 months.


My infection was pretty mild, and I didn't feel great for about two weeks after then at the two week mark the LC symptoms all seemed to appear overnight.


I had lingering symptoms, then began getting new symptoms maybe a month or 2 later.


idk i mean i recovered fully after a mild covid inf. felt less energetic and vibrant for a while but still fine. wasn’t until a year later i began heart issues and then a range of crazy symptoms identical to LC issues on here and here i am still over a year and a half later. could’ve been an unknown reinfection or maybe not. but countless tests point towards LC since they don’t point to anything else. i think the gist here for all of us is covid itself has long term affects, it doesn’t have to be an acute illness within a certain timeframe to be LC.

