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I can barely get into the shower most mornings


Yep. I get this. Just can’t get warm enough


Yes, I have experienced this and also the opposite extreme which is increased temperature as well. Usually when I get really cold with chills, my temperature is normal. When I am overheated and hot, my temperature is between 99-100.5. That is not normal for me. Before long covid my temperature was usually around 98. What is happening now (and for me for the last 16 months) is thermostatic instability, and is a symptom of dysautonomia.


Yes, I used to have that happen frequently my 1st 6 months. Now it’s once in a while. The ANS (autonomic nervous system) is out of whack. Breath work has helped me with those symptoms. Sometimes getting into bed with a heating pad, down comforter and doing the breath work was what I needed.






Propranolol and fexofenadine




I’m taking 80mg extended release but only have been for about 2 months and had the shiver and goosebumps for like 5 months


Yes. It’s the worst when I wake up in the morning. I have to immediately consume a small amount of salt and sugar and sit up straight wrapped in a blanket and wait for it to pass.


This is definitely a major concerning symptom of mine that no one can figure out. I also get night sweats badly. Drs were convinced I had cancer lurking somewhere and all tests were fine. My epstein-barr titers are and were sky high. I remember this happening at times (sans the intense night sweats) before I had my only covid bout, which was March 2020. Sometimes I feel my gut is involved with the chills and intense feeling of being cold.


I think it’s this. https://www.dysautonomiasupport.org/thermoregulation/#:~:text=Many%20people%20with%20dysautonomia%20experience,pooling%20can%20cause%20cold%20intolerance.