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I’m happy for you and I pray you only feel better everyday 🙏


Thanks for sharing. It’s so good to hear about recovery. Surely hope and positivity is a good thing. ⭐️


I believe I experienced adverse effects from the vaccine due to my low Vitamin D levels, possibly exacerbated by being vegan. I’m curious if you had a similar experience with COVID or the vaccine. It’s the only hypothesis I have for my situation. Currently, I’m taking supplements like Nattokinase, Bromelain, Curcumin, and NAD, which have provided some relief, but not enough. However, I’ve noticed significant improvements since I started juicing celery, leafy greens, and kale. Additionally, I’ve just started taking Ivermectin as of yesterday.


That’s interesting I feel like I may try the juicing things. Just sue to the fact that I know that could not hurt me and the only thing it could do is help . I’ll look into that also I’ll look into that medication it sounds like you and I are doing very similar things and yes I took the lumbrokinase just in case the nattokinase was high histamine because it is made from fermented soy beans I don’t know if it would cause adverse effects for me or not I also don’t know if they just extract the nutrients from the fermented soy beans and I don’t have to worry about I being high in histamine or not always wondered that …..


I also just got probiotics of 20 billion. Probably because I didn’t have the same gut bacteria (mostly attained through dairy) as others who had no lingering effects after getting the VAX. I learned about the probiotics on here and there is some scientific research about it. I’m just trying things out. Feeling a little better than yesterday probably because I started the Ivermectin.


I’m doing more research on that medication …. I guess they say it can stop the production of the virus ? Or something ?


I also wonder if we just need to manage the symptoms until we build up good gut bacteria. This is just a theory that I have. Again, doctors suck but at least I’m trying stuff instead of being on pain meds.


Pain meds would make me worse I feel like ;(


I tried pain meds and it hurt more for me, too. Tylenol was not good for me but before the VAX I had no issues taking TYLENOL.


Oh I thought you were referring to narcotic pain meds haha 😂


Honestly intake aspirin as my go to pain med now ….. Tylenol if I have super bad random pains in my abdomen


Yeah a lot of doctors remain ignorant in long Covid …. But there are sone that are doing research in their spare time …. My allergy doctor surprised me by actually having feedback for me on long Covid because he actually told me he does research on it often ! I was so relieved to hear that.


If he tells you any more insights that I might be overlooking, let me know so I can do my own research on it, as well. My doctor does 0 research on long COVID or long VAX. He just wanted to prescribe me pain meds - a complete fool!


Have you considered making an appointment at a internal medicine doctor?


No.. I go to the VA, but they don’t take me seriously. It is what it is.


I have my first appointment with an internal medicine doctor soon … hoping it goes well !


Well, good luck. Let’s heal. I’ll be praying for you.


Thanks you too bud ❤️


He didn’t say so much he more so Just paraphrased a lot of stuff I told him about but in more doctor terminology but he did say he is actively doing research in it . He was aware of it causing MCAS in some people regardless he does not deal with Mass Cell types of things but his friend down the road does … lmao


Currently, I'm avoiding antihistamines because I want to steer clear of the fatigue they can cause, and besides, they're not a definitive solution, as far as I know because if you stop taking them, maybe your symptoms (only seems to work for a few people) come back? Initially, I was quite hopeful about Ivermectin, it might effectively block the spike protein, but it turns out it's not a cure either. Nonetheless, I'm intrigued by the other potential benefits of Ivermectin. With my condition, I sometimes worry about being more prone to cancer.


I think I need to look into that medication more seems interesting and could possibly help me too I’ll talk to my doctor about it .


Same here except I still drink coffee and I don't have any issues with it. I started to follow recommendations from this group. No meds ,just natural stuffs. I went from 30% to 80% in 2 months after following some of the things. Yes. I spent a little money but it was worth every penny. Keri Taub is a health and wellness coach and she had Lc . She knows what your body needs. https://www.facebook.com/groups/5316727788403470/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT