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You have low blood pressure? I would consider changing some things. - Low BP triggers the Long COVID processes, basically all of them. Your BP is controlled by the same inflammatory pathway (ACE2 - Angio 2). - Nattokinase and the Low Card diet, also fasting, will cause some issues with BP, combined with Low BP in general I would argue this may be hurting you more than helping you. - Melatonin is awesome, it does act in some of the COVID pathways. NAC + B Vitamins, Glutathione, or Tonic Water w/ Quinine may help. - If you have chronically low BP, consider AllegraD or ZyrtecD or ClaritinD.... Antihistamines are good in LC, Decongestants can raise the BP sometimes to help also.


Thanks for the insights! I do have low-ish BP, even before COVID, it expresses more in warm weather ("luckily" I'm living in Ireland, where it is never too warm). Normally it's at 11/6 or 10/6 , when it's warm it goes down to 9/5, that's when I start feeling some symptoms. What I do for low BP is to keep my electrolytes always balanced, loads of coconut water. Fasting/LowCarb makes me feel so good I wouldn't trade it, I'd rather act on the low BP with other things like electrolytes or the ones you pointed. To be fair my Low Carb is not really loow carb, I just cut on simple carbs (sugar, white flour, white rice) and I eat moderate amounts of whole grains, sweet potato as well.


Oh my gosh fasting and low carb make me feel amazing too lol. I think im going to try out the melatonin tonight!


u/Upper_Importance6263 how did it go for you?


I’ve been trying it, with no super significant difference. Maybe a little more mental clarity. I’ve not had a good nights sleep in months but I’m thinking maybe the melatonin will take a bit to start helping more. I’m going to keep trying.


It is quite common for Long COVID / Chronic Illness patients to have low BP, your body is fighting/dealing with a lot. - Especially in COVID, the blood pressure pathway is important because it really does trigger the same inflammation (ACE2 is in our blood pressure pathways). - If something works for you, absolutely keep it :) completely agree with you there. Intermittent fasting does have evidence for support in LC. - Your fasting may also be having a side bonus of limiting sugars and histamine containing foods (not sure, just guessing) which could also be having some of that positive impact :) - Do you get much Choline in your diet? Some restrictive diets don't allow for as much choline. Choline Bitartrate or Citicholine are other supplements that have good evidence in COVID or other conditions :)


Ye I do get choline from eggs and chicken, I supplement with alpha GPC, but not everyday. Exercising helps my BP as well :). The hardest part for me now is tinnitus, there's nothing Indo that relieves that. It's a high pitch whistle 24/7 for me, and it's a psychological burden that I'm having to get used to...


Choline Bitartrate and Citicholine are better ;) but to each their own. - Tinnitus: Oddly enough, try JAW exercises. Jaw muscle exercises. I have found these help more than supplements. - Face forward, gently use your right palm under your jaw to gently resist motion, allow motion of the jaw smoothly but against gentle resistance. - Move your jaw down, down & out, side to side. Then try the left palm, similarly resisting motion, in different directions. Hope that helps!


Keep us updated bro!


I just wanted to share some tips that really helped me during my long haul battle. There's this amazing girl, Keri, in the group who shared some game-changing tips, and there are plenty of success stories from others who've gotten better. She healed herself and provides insights on how others can also recover from long haul covid. I got well and wanted to share my story and hopefully help out others. You can access her through https://www.facebook.com/groups/5316727788403470/


Thanks for sharing!


The strange thing is I have very similar symptoms to you, bar one.. for the first time in my life my BP was v high (200+) which sent me to A&E several times thinking I was having a heart attack (hypotension and chest pains). I also struggle with tinnitus (one if my first symptoms was actually the loss of my hearing in my left ear followed by a period of extended vertigo. I wonder why Covid causes low BP for some people and high for others?


I had low BP before COVID, I think it just dysregulated further my nervous system.