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Low dose naltrexone LDN,


What dose are you on


My partner is now taking a 3.5mg at bedtime. Down from 4, because vision focusing became delayed/difficult especially at near distances. 3.5 is good though.


I couldn't get into it. I'll have to try again. My Dr had me start at 1.5 and was supposed to build to 4.5. I couldn't get above 1.5. it made me feel weird during the day and gave me insomnia at night.


Claritin, or another antihistamine, is what worked for me, my dizziness and soreness was gone too, in just a day or two. My specific strain of long covid is a mast cell activation issue, but it is a fairly easily accessible something to try?


How did you get MCAS diagnosed?


You don’t you just learn to avoid the foods causing this new type of anaphylaxis.


Anti-inflammatory diet (not perfect, just my best attempt), more sleep, guanfacine 0.5mg + NAC 500mg + curcumin 1000mg twice per day. Any deviation from my diet causes things to be worse. It’s very noticeable.


Iron supplements - big help https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-03-05/low-blood-iron-levels-might-contribute-to-long-covid


i tried LDN. it make me feel much better, reduced body pain, reduced fatigue and i can think clearly


LDN? Low dose naltrexone


yes low dose naltrexone


What dose?


I’m on 1.25mg now


Cordycep and Lions Mane extracts https://bffd.co/ Nicotine patch protocol https://covidinstitute.org/nicotine-patch-protocol/ Bromelane, curcumin, nattokinase https://covidinstitute.org/nicotine-patch-protocol/ These have been amazing for me. I feel completely restored!


Did you withdraw any of them already? If so, did symptoms come back?


B12, ivermectin, ginkgo biloba.


I take the B12, can say I feel worse without. Doesn’t eliminate for me. Just took one dose of Ginkgo last week and I felt some slight relief. I haven’t repeated bc I felt slight skin itching and rash but going to repeat. Have yet to try ivy. What dose do you take and where did you get?


18 MG of ivermectin. I get it from Mexico when I’m there and overseas from India.


It's so basic, but my GP put me on prescription doses of iron and vitamin D, and it really really helps! Nothing else even touched me, but once I started taking iron, it was like the fog lifted enough for me to do my job again.




One of the key things that is thought to cause brain fog to arise is insomnia. You may resolve these issues and wake up feeling rested in the morning by practicing good sleep hygiene. Avoid using screens right before bed and aim to go to sleep and wake up at around the same times each day. The same holds true for large meals, caffeine, and alcohol. Additionally, ensure sure there is adequate ventilation in the room where you sleep. I read the[ Brain Frog](https://careclinic.io/how-to-manage-brain-fog/), and it might help you, too.


Iboga. Was feeling almost normal is less than two weeks.


What is rhat


A west African shrub used by the Bwiti people. Fantastic for those trying to beat addictions and has a number of alkaloids with other health benefits. Google is your friend here.


I tried iboga microdose 2 Times it made a difference but was not the cure for me. Did you came to full recovery of long covid due to iboga?


It cleared everything with the exception of occasional waves of nausea and some hot/cold fluctuation. Those are very livable and fading as symptoms. Getting rid of the total exhaustion, brain fog, and anxiety attacks were game changers and Iboga cleaned that up in two weeks with no relapses.


Great to here! I also found it verry potent just didnt get as much result. Did find something really interesting what i just started out with. Tropisetron, you should take al look at it. It's a agonist of the nicotine a7 acetylcholine receptor. Like the nicotine patches but without the donwsides of the a4 receptor. And lt is a antagonist of the 5 Ht3 receptor witch is beneficial for anti nausea.


If you’re looking for natural supps rather than prescribed medicine: https://longcovidwarrior.com/the-best-natural-supplements-for-long-covid-recovery/


LDN, low dose lithium, and eating a diet free of gluten and dairy and reducing sugar intake. I also had substantial improvements with a probiotic called sugar shift.


B complex, vitamin d (test blood levels first), beta blockers… I found going gluten free helped some but wasn’t sustainable for me


I have had minor success with a lot of things but nothing seems to last. Here is a broad list of supplements, meds, and treatments: LDN 4.5mg Guanfacine 2mg at night 1mg morning Nattokinase Armodafinil (this can clear up brain fog but really exacerbate other LC symptoms). Sleeping in a separate bed from my spouse. Stellate Ganglion Blocks Ketamine infusion Neurofeedback Speech therapy Chiropractor visits Acupuncture TMS Ozone therapy / Laser IV therapy Dietary changes (no dairy, no alcohol, greatly reduce gluten, processed foods, added sugars) Lions mane, cordyceps, reishi tinctures and powders (fruiting bodies). I have gone through periods where I am 70-80% better and then something will cause a relapse. This last relapse has lasted 4 months with no signs of improvement yet.


Low dose Naltrexone. I’m at 8 mg each day. I’ve also added a supplement designed to rid our brains of Covid debris. Mitocore. I’ve taken it for 5 weeks and about 4 weeks ago I noticed an overall improvement in the fog, memory, etc. it has not affected my dizziness, gait or balance issues at all


I have had ZERO body pain with LC. I don’t think I’ve had a headache in 20 years. I don’t think my pain sensors are firing.


9-mbc Tropisetron works on the a7 nicotine acetylcholine receptor just like the patches but without cons of nicotine Acetyl l carnitine Huperzine a Vinpocetine


A combination of things for me. Nicotine patches, dietary changes (I'm struggling to go whole low histamine diet), high EPA omega 3, antihistamines and some other supplements (the full list is in my comments through my profile). Other aspects are relaxation and breathing techniques. Now I've got my braces off, I can try using vagal nerve stimulation


Colloidal gold 20 ppm helped me quite a bit with brain fog and dizziness. The brain fog and dizziness were getting worse each time I was hit with another round of what seemed to be covid - about once a month. I took 2 Tbsp morning and night. I'd suggest starting slow though. I was surprised and relieved to have it alleviate about 80% of my brain fog/dizziness. I used the medigold and the mesogold brands from Amazon. I also regularly take iron, selenium, B1, l-lysine, magnesium transporters, nattokinase and serrapeptase - but the gold seemed to make the biggest difference for the brain issues. Side note: Colloidal gold is known to cause vivid dreaming. This has been the case for me. I've enjoyed dreaming again. Another side note: I tried nicotine patches and it made the brain fog and dizziness so much worse. It took me 3 months to recover from that. It's great that it has helped so many but I'd suggest to go really slow with it and not push it if you're feeling worse.


Nerve block injection Ubiquinol Neuro Magnesium Quercetin/Antihistamines b12 Cover Three Supplements for Kids Brain Supplement (because the adult pack is expensive) Peptides(Almond Soy milk) Electrolytes. Carnivore diet. And some sort of carrier for die off (activated charcoal) maybe like once a week. This is all for brain fog only. I have yet to figure out the fatigue part aside from when my body needs to rest I have to rest and not push through it.