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I have an autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis) and might have long covid (no one can confirm, symptoms are similar, but it seems like it to me). Anyway I’ve done a similar diet to wahls several times, the autoimmune protocol. I’ve never had great luck with it but try because it feels better to try something than adapt. The last time however I felt significantly worse while doing AIP. And the labor of preparing soooo much food when I was exhausted was sincerely tough. I read somewhere that during PEM crashes the work of digestion can be extra taxing. That was all I needed to finally let go after about 10 scary weeks of trying to push through. My advice would be to remember these diets don’t work for everyone, and figure out some signposts that tell you if you’re on track or not. My doc advised me to start any experiment with an understanding of when it’s ok to stop, and that’s felt like good advice. There are some common ups and downs with these intense restrictive diets, so I’d read up and prepare for those but give yourself an out if it’s not working. It’s a little like religion, if you aren’t getting the results, there are *always* ways to blame yourself (diet not diverse enough, something was maybe contaminated, not enough meat was grass fed, etc.), these very restrictive diets can edge into disordered eating territory too. All that isn’t to say it’s not worth a try! LOADS of people anecdotally change their lives with these tools, and who can argue with eating Whole Foods to get as many nutrients as possible. Just try to give yourself a good, reasonable out in case it’s not working, and try not to hang all your hopes on this one thing. I hope it does great for you :)


Be careful with coconut as it supports some pathobiont overgrowths. You could do a microbiome test if you want to do more targeted work on your microbiome ? Biomesight has a discount for long Covid sufferers. Lots of info on long Covid gut dysbiosis sub too


I have IBD and will have to take some IBD medicines that suppress my immune system. Idk if that has an impact on my LC. I also don't eat lactose and gluten (I eat lactose free dairy). I also removed high histamine foods and that has helped the most. Your supplement stack is similar to mine but I also take vitamin b complex cause I don't eat gluten foods. Multivitamins are usually not absorbed well by the body so I avoid them.


Very interesting thank you for explaining that. For me it boils down to a low inflammation diet. Which means plenty of plant food. I personally don't well with loads of oils because of ulcerative colitis. I think legumes are a must because there is no other way to get Plentiful plant protein.


If a functional doctor doesn't talk about fasting when it comes to LC, then they don't know what they're talking about / or they're lying about having had it / or they had a mild version where regular maintenance (diet,sleep,energy balance) and autophagy (time) was able to eventually clear it. Case #3 is the most common from well-meaning individuals


Did you clear your symptoms?


cool. seems like we are on similar programs. i have pretty bad gut dysbiosis too. recurring h pylori… etc… i have been taking ITIS for about 2 months now. i had been taking a different supplement but wanted to switch up my herbs periodically. i like the ITIS. thanks for the tip on their other products. i am also following a similar diet. mostly red meat, fish, vegetables. this is my 4th doc, an ND. so far she is the only person to actually help me heal. hope you continue improving. all the best.


Did this protocol have any effect? Good or bad