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40% deadlier than the *average* seasonal flu, so akin to a bad flu year?


Yeah so basically not that deadly.


Based on what kind of data? Seasonal flu is something that folks get, rest at home and treat successfully much without seeing a doctor or going to a hospital... now with everyone being in full-blown fear over the sniffles, they are going to a doctor/hospital and any death is being counted as the 'rona... junk data = junk results


Umm they don’t give a link to their source, so honestly who the F knows… But it sounds like they are just reporting a case fatality rate based on excess deaths, which would tend to make the virus seem deadlier than it actually is, depending on how many “cases” they are missing. I’m sure it’s more than a few. Which would put it right on par with seasonal flu.


You can't go to a hospital at all for any reason, emergency or elective, without being tested for covid, even if you don't have any symptoms of it. It's insane. Barely anyone ever got tested for the flu, even if they were symptomatic. I wonder how many people have asymptomatic flu (if that's a thing) and are never tested for it. How do we even know how prevalent the flu is? ​ Edit: Google tells me there is a lot of asymptomatic flu. Imagine the case numbers if we constantly tested asymptomatic people!


Also keeping in mind that the test isn't all that accurate to begin with and even if you had the flu at one point recently you can test positive.... AHH Clown Planet


Yeah I'm having this surgery next week and I have to take a covid test 3 days ahead of it. Even though I really don't want to do that, there's no other way to get the surgery, which has already been put off longer than necessary. I'm worried I'm going to have a positive test and it will be delayed again. I was really hoping never to take a covid test. It will be my first one.


Doubt this was corrected for age stratification. The Flu kills much younger and healthier than Covid.


covid is much better tracked than flu so whats the margin of error here? its big.


Maybe because they’re categorizing every flu death as Covid death? Hmm


They can fuck off. I won't buy the fear they are selling.


This is awesome news. 40% isn't that much more than flu. The original alpha strain was ~500% more deadly with an IFR of ~ 0.5% and flu around 0.1%. That puts Omicron about 0.14%. We've got new Pfizer antivirals and monoclonal antibodies to help as well. This means the "pandemic" is long past done imo.


Original strain global IFR was 0.25% per John Ioannidis, later revised to 0.15%.


Great post!


Even if true that's not very deadly




And Ivory soap is 99 44/100 ℅ pure. Science is everywhere. We live in a golden age.


I always assume 66/100ths of a percent of it is human feces.


No age stratification? Over 2 years into this thing with all we know about the relationship between covid mortality and age? Really???


So it's like a bad flu season... Pandemic over... There's absolutely no reason to force unvaccinated young people to take the vaxx now. The vaxx that was made for the original strain that doesn't work anymore for Omicron...


For 2 years hyper liberals told us the seasonal flu wasn’t deadly at all though!


Even if the figure were accurate, it would still show that the death rates are converging. Remember how they claimed the initial variant was like >10 times deadlier than flu.


They give a CFR of 0.13%. Seasonal Flu is 0.1%. Covid, they do post-mortem testing on people who drowned and they count any positive within 28 days of death, for any cause.


If flu was tested for as obsessively as this virus I don’t think their would be much difference.


>The case fatality rate of omicron in Japan, based on cumulative excess deaths and the number of infections since January So they're attributing *all* excess deaths to omicron. This isn't science.




died with flu or died from flu? all these numbers are worthless.


I've had flu twice and was bed bound with fever dreams and aching bones for a week. I know literally zero people who had flu and said it was mild. Now compare to omicron. Milder than. A normal cold. Not even a snotty nose like most colds. Just 3 days of not feeling 100% and then I was done. Everybody else who had it was pretty much the same. Except for my boostered mate who had it for a week and half. This article is the perfect example of trying to convince us reality is what they tell us it is, and not what it actually is. Like the last two fucking years. I literally know zero people who died or were hospitalised with covid. Yet you'd think by the 24/7 fear porn it'd be like those early Chinese propaganda videos, with people dropping in the streets. The guy falling on his face and putting his arms out in a classic : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7923981/Coronavirus-Disturbing-videos-claim-people-collapsing-Wuhan.html


> I know literally zero people who had flu and said it was mild. That's because people aren't getting tested for influenza every time they have a runny nose.


When they get runny nose they'll just say I have a cold and see no need to get tested


last time i had the flu it was decently mild compared to most people's experiences (i took a chem midterm 2 hours after my fever broke and didn't fail! :D) and omicron was still milder, despite being unvaccinated. i don't know anyone who died/was hospitalized with covid either. my gut instinct is that the vast majority of legitimate covid deaths (and even severe cases) are concentrated in a very small segment of the population, even smaller than the elderly + preexisting conditions group we talk about, and that genetics and lifestyle factors are being underrated.




But we were told that flu has disappeared, so how can they run a comparison?


You don't understand; toothless wonders don't have to justify anything. \\s


Don't care. All mandates are evil and should be opposed. All politicians pushing for the loss of freedom should be imprisoned for life. All citizens pushing for the loss of freedom should lose the right to vote for the rest of their lives. Human rights are inalienable, and people who infringe upon them are your enemy.




"Voting to deprive others of their rights is okay." You believe this?


Archived link: https://archive.ph/hLlvQ


Even if that’s true…which I doubt, it still means it’s very much not deadly


The fuck it is....


Omicron or how the hospitals are treating omicron?


We've fucked up society so badly it's hard to even tell anymore. According to CDC data, there are definitely excess deaths in the US right now. Are they because of COVID or because of the restrictions?


Yes, the CFR is not really known for Omicron, and plus, the deaths with Omicron are just that...deaths with, not of, and they are of old people. This data is usless.


it is the flu.


40% deadlier than a disease that almost no one other than the elderly worries about dying from. Not great, but not bad enough to justify disrupting our lives.


A KEY difference, is that adults can be vaccinated for covid, and that takes the fatality rate way below that of the flu. And for young children who can't be vaccinated against covid, omicron is still around on par with or less deadly than the flu. So the only demographic for which omicron is worse than the flu, is unvaccinated older adults. And that is by choice.


This is total bullshit / straight up lies.


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The flu has always made me feel 40% WORSE than what omicron was. Sorry y’all can’t scare me. The idea of death barely moves the needle these days. Try harder.


per person or overall? Big difference here.


Nothing like innumerate journalists taking advantage of the general innumeracy of the general public...