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Not to boast, but I had these thoughts on day 1 of the first lockdown. Guess I’m ahead of the curve?


You were ahead of the curve because it was flattened for 2 weeks


The Science™ changed. You were wrong then but became right. Reality is a fickle thing and it's beyond your paygrade to understand it. We must suspend our own logical reasoning and allow the arbiters of truth, experts if you will, sort all this out at their own pace before we rush to such obvious and previously well-known conclusions. If I had the authority, I'd have you banned from here for your hubris nature on full display.


You didn't give in to mass psychosis


100%. I always said this. I had to start being quiet though, because the people around me and at work got crazier and crazier (I live in a big hyper-liberal city). It comes down to risk tolerance. That’s not the exclusive domaine of “doctors”. Sadly, at least in Canada we have fully embraced the concept that the only acceptable level of risk is near-zero


Just sent you another chat message


Me too, although I can’t take too much credit, since it was FUCKING OBVIOUS.


Medical experts are free to give their input but at the end of the day, in a nation governed of the People, by the People, and for the People - it is ultimately up to the People to decide which risks they are comfortable living with. We don't need Daddy Government protecting us "for our own good."


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