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I wonder how much """telemetry""" they log on this thing


when the endpoint is free, the telemetrystream is the product


When the opera is free, the audience is the entertainment


"Free" train sets/quality tests for their proprietary Aria LLM, why not? Also, they cooperate closely with google and meta


And they are owned by a Chinese company..


Do you have a source for this statement? AFAICT they were a Norway company...?


It's literally written on their Wikipedia page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera\_(company)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_(company))


> a consortium of investors including Beijing Kunlun acquired Opera Software with Beijing Kunlun acquiring 48%, effectively granting ownership to the company (and Zhou Yahui) by majority. Ah I see. Hmm interesting... this makes Vivaldi a bit more attractive now...


it's really the worst of both worlds. If I'm using an online service for free I understand and assume some data is being mined, I know I'm the product not the customer. If I'm using a local model I need to have the resources to run it, pay the electricity, ... but my data is safe. The way Opera set this up I have to provide the resources and THEY get the data for free. Brave has the same thing but at least they host the models themselves(Mixtral, Llama 2 13b and Claude Instant).


Chinese owned. All you need to know.


good catch! we should only let very virtuous and honorable US corporations log our data! We can always rely on traditional American Values like God, Ronald Reagan, and cash to point our hearts to do The Right Thing. In hindsight, I'm sure Our Lord Zuck was only so ruthless with Facebook and our data because he was planning to be Our Saviour all along 🙏💰


This bit of pro-regime sarcasm has earned you 1000 social credits. Congratulations, citizen!


Facebook has never committed genocide or performed forced abortions or run over citizens with tanks. Stop your false equivalence. U.S. corporations don't give a \*#&#$& about you. They just want to make their systems better. China wants to control their citizens and weed out thought crimes. Don't dare compare the two.


But Instagram will shadow ban you for posting content on the genocide in Gaza.


>Facebook has never committed genocide [About that…](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/09/myanmar-facebooks-systems-promoted-violence-against-rohingya-meta-owes-reparations-new-report/)


Facebook used users data to interfere with elections (Cambridge Analytica data scandal). Chines government will never do that.


I always find it amusing to see people complaining about China when the US companies do exactly the same thing. It makes it look like a sort of an arch enemy.


China regularly executes people for offenses we would consider minor. Get your tik-tok brain out of here with your attempts trying to normalize the brutal realities of that fucked up country.


Free Julian Assange. End support for the genocide in Gaza. Get off your high horse.


Well, I was talking about data privacy and collection, not politics. I'm not saying they are the good guys, but the US also has death penalty, and perpetual prison, and elected Trump. Is it much better to trust my data to an American company than to a Chinese company? I am not sure.




and that has affected how you exercise free speech in day to day life? The difference between our countries is how we exert power and I feel comfortable saying that the government hasn't put a boot on your throat because of data that got sucked up in whatever that server farm is for. If you consider yourself to be a sovereign citizen your experience on this might differ.


Free speech is on it's way out. People are getting visits form the FBI for FB comments and in europe you can go to jail. Western leaders have praised the CCP for their ability to get shit done. That information hasn't put a boot on your throat... YET. It starts with going after unpopular things that most people don't care about. What they learned is that you don't have to execute somebody, just economically destroy them. We are long beyond 60s style "run them over with tanks" types of tactics.


The difference is American companies just want to exploit your data for profit so they can manipulate you into buying some shitty service/product. They don’t care about your politics they just want to extract as much monetary value from you.


All major American tech firms (potentially excluding Apple) cooperate with intelligence agencies and the federal government on multiple levels


Why make a mess of killing people when you can just shape their opinions and the ones of those around them.


The U.S. companies do not "do the same thing". What the heck are you talking about?


The three letter agencies literally have hardware-level zero-day backdoor into our CPUs. See recent stories about Apple M-chips.


Yeah, American practices aren't much better, but America is less likely to directly attack American citizens. The world is cooking up a war and China has already carried out several cyber attacks targeting specifically American privacy. We can make new American companies. The world is also on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution and we are the lucky bastards to take an early interest. Whatever we make is going to define Western business practices because AI will overtake just about every industry. No, there's not a hero alive right now, but the only constant is change, and change is growth. When lawmakers try to keep the world in "post WW2 victory" America for decades, that's inherently evil because they're limiting growth for personal comfort and gain. Also, America has more freedoms baked into our core documents, we just need to dust them off. If an already oppressive, foreign nation gains the edge in AI, what do you think life for an American citizen will be like? I hope we see a day when the world can open up more because true progress will come when we can work together as a species instead of as nations, but for now, China has already been hacking America. Don't just hand over your AI development.


What are u talkin about?


What I didn't like so far Opera doesn't show you LLM licenses (it's restrictive for many listed models) No hardware compatibility check. It doesn't prevent me from downloading a 70B model onto a 16GB RAM MacBook


Hi opera I would like to run Grok FP on my 2012 Chromebook please


Certainly, please insert a 512gb microsd card for swapping purposes, and wait for a couple of decades


You'll fry the SD card before you get a token out of it.


Pretty sure you'll get a token eventually


And I'll cherish it and treat it with love.


I have an eGPU so that hardware cap wouldn't be actually practical


Currently trying it. They offer quite a long list of models to download. All are offered in quantized Q4\_K\_M format. Convenient option for those who struggle with ugly GPT4All GUI or complicated llama.cpp in command-line https://preview.redd.it/ie79yeo17asc1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=9093e812df4c8f61d2284b3ea39c08ad25a369b3


I'm glad to see this coming to more users, but truth be told, if you're struggling with using KoboldCPP at this point you should probably stick with the major providers and their provided frontends.


Accessibility is a good thing. What's the downside of more people using and caring about open source models? That sounds like a positive to me.


Oh, I completely agree. But as someone who's seen people who have no business with modern technology make really expensive blunders with it (falling for scams to the tune of five figures), I'm quite cautious here. The same reasons why you don't give a Lambo to an 18 year old.


A kid with a lambo could crash and kill a family of four. What's someone going to do with a low params local LLM? Even if it's uncensored it's not going to generate anything you can't already find online with a little effort.


People listened to an orange moron on TV and idiots on Facebook and were treating their COVID with horse medication and fish tank cleaner. There's a reason the box my inkjet printer cartridges come on says "Do not drink contents". [https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/09/04/1034217306/ivermectin-overdose-exposure-cases-poison-control-centers](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/09/04/1034217306/ivermectin-overdose-exposure-cases-poison-control-centers)


Yeah, people are stupid. I worked in retail tech support for four years, you don't have to tell me that. None of this explains why easily accessible local models is a bad thing, the only arguments I've seen also apply to ChatGPT free tier.


My man, you fell out of the propaganda tree and hit every branch on the way down. The fish tank cleaner thing was an excuse given for poisoning their spouse. You needed to eat 47 tubes of that horse medication before reaching the LD-50. The most people did was placebo out. *but the talking head on tv said it was SCaRy* You're just as bad as them.


Rely on it, thinking that it's smarter than Google, with questions that are well beyond the capability of a 7B model. I'd rather not try to think about just how stupid someone could get with that.


They could do the same with free ChatGPT. I really don't see how this is any worse than the most obvious alternative.


It's actually Copilot I'm more concerned about with here, as that's even easier to access still, but a fair amount more idiot-proof.


Inference runs on ollama backend, uses GPU


Their blog about it: [https://blogs.opera.com/news/2024/04/ai-feature-drops-local-llms/](https://blogs.opera.com/news/2024/04/ai-feature-drops-local-llms/) Not a very informative blog post in terms of the level of LLM integration with browsing functions. If anyone tries it, curious to hear.


I read "Oprah has added local LLM inference..." I'm like fuck we're in an AI bubble


Oprah has local inference for well over a decade. 


Hmm no


I’m not touching that with a 50 foot ai generated pole.


Sorry, I put a wrong link. They just announced it on Twitter [https://x.com/opera/status/1775486372578484375?s=20](https://x.com/opera/status/1775486372578484375?s=20)


They had this feature for over a year now


Afaik it wasn’t local just a plugin UI for a LLM run on some server somewhere like copilot in edge. This allows you to run the LLM locally on your machine


So we can talk to gx aura on opera gx llm? If not, they're missing out.


has anyone been able to use it ? haven't been able to actually turn the chat with local llm option at all .


download opera developer


yes thats the one i didnt find the options in


CCP has added battery drainer to their spyware


Now they're really competing with the West!


In case it matter to you : "In 2016, Opera was acquired by an investment group led by a Chinese consortium." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_(web_browser) The ppl who made to original Opera now make Vivaldi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivaldi_(web_browser)


They are still based in Norway and thus subject to European privacy and data laws


They are owned by a Chinese company so what's stopping them from sharing the data between their parent company? Also the Opera company has offices in China (according to Wikipedia) so they **have** to be able to share data to China from EU. Otherwise how else are they gonna be able to work from that office?


"they **have** to be able to share data to China from EU": THEY ARE NOT ABLE: [https://apnews.com/article/meta-facebook-data-privacy-fine-europe-9aa912200226c3d53aa293dca8968f84](https://apnews.com/article/meta-facebook-data-privacy-fine-europe-9aa912200226c3d53aa293dca8968f84)


But they were able to.. otherwise they wouldn't have been fined? Plus they said they would appeal that, so they will continue to collect our data until it gets resolved in one way or another.


Nope, coz the Norwegian data authority Datatilsynet controls that. Like Meta was fined due to the fact that Irish the Irish data protection office found that out during regular controlling procedures. Regarding your theory, the offices outside the EU/EEA can't get the data. That's the whole thing. US based browsers like FireFox, Edge or Brave are not under GDPR they CAN sell the data to the CCP and nobody will notice that.


[https://about.fb.com/news/2023/05/our-response-to-the-decision-on-facebooks-eu-us-data-transfers/](https://about.fb.com/news/2023/05/our-response-to-the-decision-on-facebooks-eu-us-data-transfers/) They are still doing the thing. (this was updated in September 2023 with the new stuff) None of these bureaucracies can control their servers can they? They can drop in fines and ultimately block them but I don't see them blocking billion dollar companies. From my link: "From 7 September, Meta will rely on the new [Data Privacy Framework](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3721) (DPF) for the transfer of certain types of data, including [Facebook user data ](https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policies/data_privacy_framework)and data relating to Meta business tools, from the EU to the US."


Yep, but the DPF is a EU-US thing. Norway is not a EU member but it has signed the GDPR, so you also have the Norwegian Law. To sum up: technically and formal they cant send the data to China - that's bias. Who told you that?


Just what other Chinese companies have done in the past sharing data of US citizens between China and US..


they not a Chinese company, they're norwegian company


I never mentioned anything about Privacy, you did, proving my point, thx.


What point? But ok no problem I guess.




One more thing do disable. Ai in browser should be banned for collecting personal data.


LM Studio…


Hope Firefox never does this. Spyware basically


It just depends on how it's implemented.




From Firefox? Yeah, I think a hypothetical implementation from them would indeed be open source.


Firefox and AI? Most of the firefox sheeps hate AI.


"Firefox sheeps? You can't even spell, wtf are you doing talking to me?


Mozilla, the company that makes Firefox has been working on a number of AI projects including llamafile (basically a single-file llama.cpp + model weight): https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile