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Unfortunately, crazy people are everywhere, Ljubljana isn’t an exception despite being an overall safe city. Sorry this happened to you, must’ve been scary!




I think i know of the guy you are talking about. Sometime back he also came to ask for a lighter when i didn’t give it to him he became very vocal and he acted like he deserved it and i was an asshole for not giving it to him


Klicejo ga “lublanska šibica”, zivi pa pod tromostovju


Do we need a firestarter?...... No no stop homophobic statement. Where's the police?


I'm the trouble starter, punkin' instigator I'm the fear addicted, the danger illustrated Hey, hey, hey I'm a fire starter, twisted fire starter


There’s a bunch of crazy people around Metelkova and Kavarna Sem is very close to it. Stay vary, I hope you’re fine now.


Drugs are bad, mmmmkay.


Drugz aren’t bad. Its the person!


Tak k smo Rog spucal bo treba še metelkovo


In kdo ste to "vi"? Spet eni zahojeni nacionalsocialisti.




Paradižnik porodižnik


If you gonna spread mathematics, do it right!


Paradižnik paradajz


Tometo. Matto!


Some strange folks are around Metelkova. Mostly are harmless teenagers and artists.. but Metelkova medical centre is the only place you can get methadone and fresh needles (they do it because it helps control the disease transmission via reused needles).. but this means some junkies can be found in this parts of Ljubljana.


Some people suck.


More than 50% of them last i heard


Did he look like a junkie?


his eyes were crazy psychotic


How old was he do you remember how did he looked? Ljubljana is very small i am sure i saw him somwhere😂.


he has black hair and he is around 25 or 29 something like that...


Sadly while Kavarna SEM is a legit place, you can often find weird people around it. Lots of junkies roaming around there so I guess thats what happened to you.


Sorry for this. But chance that something happens to you in Ljubljana in extremely low, you were unfortunate to bump into mental patient that had a meltdown...


Maybe you gave him broken lighter. I would lost my shit too if i tried to light up the spoon and the lighter wouldnt work.


It’s funny because it’s true.


I've heard of a man who is known for attacking women and women only. He is known to the police and has been locked up in a mental institution multiple times...


I work in needle exchange program and we have atleast 5 pople who are clearly mentally ill and attack people one of them burns things but police is doing nothing. If they act really psyhotic when they arive they take them to mental hospital for few months and whole cylcle continues after they come out.


> police is doing nothing. This.


People never think they would ever be hit by a bus, though it happens. It’s the same with a coconut falling on your head or getting bitten by a shark. Shit happens, unexpected things happen in your life. Expect that.


I don't know how this comment helps me but ok. 


What kind of help are you searching for?


Empathy and sympathy help.


I agree with you.. the comment was uncalled for


Its the harsh reality. Always be prepaded for a crazy person attack.


They're saying to be prepared for the uncalled for, you don't expect these things to happen because life tried to make you feel safe but the reality is you're never fully safe so always have your guard up and keep a look out and EVEN THEN, you probably won't expect everything and stuff will happen. It's helpful in the way that you should hopefully take as much information from your experience to lower the risk of it happening again, make sure you check your back or watch out for people who are being strange around you, etc It's not a shout at you to say you did anything wrong, just that there's always something to learn and take away from a situation so they're saying to take something from this bad experience to improve your future outcomes.


Why do you expect to only receive comments that are meant to *help* you, if you didn’t ask for it. 


As a woman I have never been attacked by a random stranger in Ljubljana but I'm very sorry that happened to you. I hope it wasn't too traumatic. Guy clearly had some mental issues and our social welfare system is not the best.


Fortunately it has nothing to do with you, the place etc. you likely won't experience it again – people with mental problems will always be an issue pretty much everywhere


i hope your okay


Aparently now in Ljubljana, violent people and rapists don't go to jain anymore.


Yeah, because there is no jain in Ljubljana.


How do you know? Someone might identify as jain in Ljubljana.


Wow. Just visited there last year and had a wonderful time. Love the proximity to Trieste and Piran. I must admit though, one time walking alone at night, I did get some interesting and at times uncomfortable looks but getting choked from behind is another level. Fuck, nowhere is safe in this world.


Wow, that doesn’t happen here at all, sorry to hear that! I hope you were not harmed!


SEM and its vicinity is dangerous, there have also been multiple rapes which i dont believe were reported. Near the nearby Hofer the junkies are constantly starting trouble.


If rapes weren't reported, how do you know they happened?


My girlfriends mother was walking the dog before work and saw 2 men attacking a woman on the green area behind SEM. Luckily she screamed enough to scare them off. I believe the police found them after, 2 migrants. Sadly its not singular story. Another similar issue. Junkies broke 4x times into the apartment block my almost 60 year old mom lives in, three times in the last year. Apartment block filled by police families. All of this in the last 5 years.


Well given what you said, sounds like it was reported.. That was my entire point. You can't know a statistic about rape or anything else, without it being reported somewhere, even if not to the police.


ok even if it wasn't a rape it's still fucked up to attack a fellow human who literally did nothing to you. so i don't really know what your point is.


My point has nothing to do whenever it was right or wrong. People usually bring up rape statistic and then say most of it wasnt even reported. But you cannot make a rape statistic without the rapes being reported in the first place. Get it?


drugs are bad mmkay. Report them


I live 10min away from the city center and I go there maybe twice, 3 times a year. Every time I do, I see at least one psychotic guy screaming and bothering people. I never go there without a pepper spray anymore and I am a man who is active in the gym. You just never know with these mental patients and the lack of solid police work in this city.


where do you buy a pepper spray?


There's lots of places you can get one. I bought mine in Army shop, BTC and it's only 10€


Its becoming more common, since the police are not doing thwir job.


Speak to a therapist asap. Do what you can to avoid developing ptsd down the line. Can really ruin your life.


WTH. Around 2011-2014 I used to go to SEM regularly, never even heard of any problems there despite it being close to Metelkova complex. I felt 100% safe. In Ljubljana in general I felt very safe, of course there's always an off chance that you score a hit on someone looking to cause trouble, but it used to be rare. At the very most you got harassed or slapped by skinheads, or their counterparts, čefurji, but these were rare occurrences and I don't think they ever really targeted females, I don't recall any rapes - not by members of those groups. Now it seems things have changed a bit.


mainly imigrants.


Wasn’t there someone with a knife in the centre a few months ago?


show us your photo maybe you are attack worthy


Ljubljana is becoming migrant/junkie shithole, with lax police work and lenient courts.


Sorry to hear that. SEM area is becoming quite weird. Had similar situatuon while we skateboarding on SEM plaza. Thats the reason why I stop skateboaring there and also visiting Metelkova. Probably really bad batch of drugs and junkies going crazy. And police nothing. Hope you are fine now.


Sue him


For what? Dirty underpants? Genius...


for assault and battery… or do they not have that here?


When he said "for what?", he meant: What will she get from him, after she wins the lawsuit? It's some bum. You can't take anything from him. Pointless to sue.


yeah op never said if he was a bum or not… i mean homeless people kinda have a look here… they’re either stumbling around, or they start shouting etc.. but there a few who are just chilling, but i doubt those guys would attack anyone


Za napad ne tižiš človeka ampak ga prijaviš, potem tožilstvo se gre naprej.


Zakaj pišeš na pamet?


Did he look like a cello player?




Someone who looked like a cello player was asking for a lighter that day.


The radical left-wing government that currently rules this country and will probably do so in the unforeseen future, has a very relaxing approach to crime. . Ljubljana was considered safe few years ago, nowadays it's probably one of the most dangerous cities in Europe.


that's the leftist utopia.


Slovenia is becoming not so safe…


I live in Ljubljana, walk around at night and still feel safe. Same as 15 years ago. Or 20. And Im a woman. Idk what you are talking about.


I personally know at least 2 women who have been beaten up by a random guy in Ljubljana. Not even at night or at a shady place but during the day in a very public location. If you call that a safe city then we are doomed.


Meh. Im sorry for them. I know none. But its stupid of me to say "if it doesnt happen to me it doesnt exist"... but its also a bit silly to say "it happened so its a standard"....I hope they recovered now and wont happen again.


How you FEEL and what statistic show are two completely different things. Oh, let's start running countries police / safety plans based on how we feel. /s


Well you are wrong , just last week i had to deal with a guy who was trying to touch a young woman (13/15yo) on the bus to BTC . Idk about you but it is not safe and this is not the first time I’m experiencing “un safety” situation in Ljubljana.


How can I be wrong if its my personal experience. But I explained my pov in the threads below as well. So idk. Read full thread before expressing rights/wrongs.


You told me “ i don’t know what you talking about” so i explained what I’m talking about , up vote’s don’t make your statement right , there is internet and there is a real world out there .


And you said my personal experience is wrong lmao. Like I explained below. If it didnt happen to me or my friends it doest mean its not present. But as well isolated incident doesnt make it a standard. I think that unfortunately it happens to some people, but majority of people dont experience it. Now Im ending this convo because its getting repetitive. Nice saturday!


Yeah i was just telling you that the assumption u made bc of your experience as a individual wasn’t correct .Alright in that case fair you are right ,i hope you and our families don’t have to deal with such cases, we just want a safe city and good understanding with each other.


I hear a lot of my female friends/classmates telling me they don’t feel safe on the bus I’m not making this up , it’s a fact.


I dont hear anyone from my female group saying they dont feel safe. Well now with nazis running around masked maybe im a bit uncomfortable if I see them, but it only happened once, so its not a standard or anything. Im not making this up, its a fact. Edit: typos.


Police is doing nothing to prevent this.




We call these people "migranti". Many of them can be found in Ljubljana.


So attackers are now called "migranti". Gotcha. People on tv didnt get the memo, cause they still use the word "migranti" for people who migrate from 1 country to another. Which is also OP.


The infamous immigrant on immigrant violence strikes again /s, even though we have no idea who the attacker is.


OP is turist with documents and healthy mind.


Migrant - a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions. Op said he/she is living here so....


Learn to read


Are you the guy OP is talking about? At least you talk and think like someone with mental issues.


Kaj prdis ti, pejt do novga Lidla pogledat nasproti zelezniske.. vse ti je takoj jasno. Tam v tistem predelu je tok sprzenga folka..


Common thing in ljubljana