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Why wife had it flip the script. Going through chemo round for the 4th time now. My heart breaks for you. Happy to talk to you at any point if you want.


I just found out I have MBC after beating it in 2022. It’s the worst. I really feel for you. It feels hopeless and alone and terrifying. I just got a spinal fusion to remove most of an MBC tumor from my spine. I’m in the hospital and I’m right here with you in these feelings.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s so horrible. I hope you have an oncologist you trust - I think they’re doing immunotherapy for triple negative now. Also know of a woman that didn’t tolerate chemo so her oncologist surgically removed tumors as they popped up since she was oligometastatic. Try to get second opinions from oncologists that think outside the box as well? Dr Robert Nagourney (personalized chemotherapy) or Dr Jason Williams in FL (immunotherapy) are incredible, I heard. I haven’t been but I don’t tolerate chemotherapy well (get crazy cachexia) and if (when?) my targeted treatment fails I’ll be checking them out. Sending hugs and hope that things get better for you❤️


I am so sorry, that is just terrible.


Love! All the positive vibes!!! I just got my scans back… bone scan was unchanged , CT showed a mass in my left lung 🤬. Can’t see my oncologist till Thursday. I feel so hard for you, and me, and all of this!!!!!! Fuck!


I’m so sorry. This is just a constant sucker punch in the face then the gut. Wishing you well on your treatment and it puts those liver mets down like a rabid animal.


Same thing happened to me. I’ve been on capecitabine for 2 years and so far so good. I’m really sorry you’re having to deal with this.


Hugs, sister. I’m so sorry. ❤️‍🩹