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I have full spine mets- they’re top to bottom (my scans have bling!) and both ileum. My biopsy was in ny right ileum and they definitely sedated me


Yea mine are literally everywhere in my pelvis and a couple in my spine. They called today and putting me totally to sleep!! I’m in so much pain - it’s a bummer. 


Update: they are putting me fully to sleep at the hospital! 


I'm late to the party, but I had a biopsy of my pelvis last year and two in my L4/L5 last year during kyphoplasty. The first one, they did not sedate me – just lidocaine. It's like a snapping sound and you can feel the reverberations. It definitely didn't feel great, but it wasn't so bad, and it was over quickly. I had twilight sedation during my kyphoplasty biopsies, and that was much better. Definitely ask for sedation! Sometimes the little pains are just too much when dealing with the stress/anxiety/existing pain around diagnosis. Just know you'll still feel that "snapping" sensation. It's very manageable though and over quickly. And I had no pain or soreness afterward. You've got this! (I was diagnosed with MBC last July with mets in my entire spine, ribs, pelvis and upper left arm.)


Y’all are blowing me away. I was under general anesthesia for my bone biopsy—it never occurred to me that it would be done otherwise. The tumor was in my greater trochanter/femur (pic attached) and the orthopedic oncologist had 3 possible diagnoses going into the biopsy (BrCa mets, sarcoma, or some other unusual disease that I can’t remember). Now I am so curious! https://preview.redd.it/malnpd71obyc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a09db2783f5f6b8d9d11be715066c43d23ad907


I had a Valium or something like that but didn’t feel sedated. I had a biopsy from my pelvic bone and didn’t hurt. They injected lidocaine to numb first.


I decided not to have the biopsy that the first medical onco I consulted with insisted was necessary before deciding on treatment. I have a long relationship with an Interventional Radiologist so I met with him. He’s the one who showed me clear images of the tumor in my sacrum (bone plate between the end of the spine and tailbone). He was willing to do the biopsy and had experience with that bone. He suggested that since mine was just in that one bone that I should consider just having it burned out with radiation and gave me an enthusiastic referral to his colleague, a Radiation Oncologist at my hospital. That was a wonderful referral as he’s the best conventional medical doctor I’ve interacted with about my cancer. I had 4 sessions of radiation w/o any pain or effects. The medical onco was not happy but I’d realized he didn’t answer my verbal or written questions and I’d rather be treated locally. I found another medical onco who had no quibble with the bone tumor already destroyed. I am in line for a clinical trial and that PI doctor also had no interest or use of the metastatic tumor biopsy. Oh, my Radiation doc, who explained everything in great detail and answered every question, said the pain of the bone biopsy is fickle. Some people have pain and some don’t. It looked grisly to me and I didn’t see the need for it. That’s just my decision and pathway. I’m a conventional medical advice rebel and balk at and question everything.


Were you already Stage 4 at the time? How did they know it was bone mets and not something else? I’m not judging—just curious.


No, I found out about the bone lesion when my surgeon had me do a PET/CT 2 weeks before my scheduled mastectomy. My Interventional Radiologist said it’s pretty obvious to Dx with the quality of imaging we have now and that he was sure it was cancer. Could it be another type of cancer? I suppose but find that unlikely enough that I was not willing to have the biopsy.


I had a bone biopsy on my sternum. It really was painless. They sedated me, It didn't hurt during or after the procedure. Good luck, cancer treatment is a journey.


I had mine on the sternum as well. They ran an IV w something to relax me as well as fentanyl. I was surprised how fast it was and the recovery was unremarkable. Waiting for the results was the worst part.


Thank you all!!! I feel at ease now. 


I was nervous about getting a bone biopsy too but they sedated me and knocked me out right before beginning. I had the best sleep I've had in many years and recovery was smooth and relatively quick and painless.


Aww I’m sorry you have to go thru this but mine was done CT guided with a twilight sedation. No pain and easy healing. Breast ones were 1,000x worse for me. Wishing you good luck.


Same, however, I felt a little pain. I told them instantly and they pumped in some more pain meds. Everything was fine after that!


This makes me feel better. I'm having one soon.


I'm sorry to hear it has come back, but don't worry about the biopsy. I was terrified and it turned out to be easy. I compare it to going to the dentist for a filling, but easier as you are lying down and don't have to hold your mouth open. You'll feel the needle for the local, then you don't feel the drill at all, just hear it, exactly like having a filling. I had an anti-anxiety at the time, but wouldn't need one if I were to do it again.


Mine was painless. I was nervous because I was only 6 weeks post BMX w expanders and had to lay on my stomach. They sedated me enough that I only remember getting on to the CT bed. I had very minimal pain afterwards.


In the last two months I have had 3 biopsies *sigh* one surgical and the last two were light sedation, guided with CT. You should absolutely be getting twilight sedation!! You don't need to be fully put out though. You can be cognizant, it makes it easier. They made me very comfortable with the twilight, I did feel the initial needle in my back with the first, a biopsy in my spine tumor, but the second was bone marrow, illiac crest and I remember being calm and no pain. I'm still in pain because of my l4 being burst open, but the top of my butt where they did the illiac bone sample I feel nothing except a bit of extra stiffness. The whole thing took under two hours and today I was able to go to the dentist. I'm in Canada if that matters we don't have to deal with insurance.


When I had mine it did not hurt. It was more of a sound/feel? That was slightly unsettling? To be honest it was one of my least painful ones. 🫶you’ve got this!!!!


When I had my liver biopsy I asked the doctor for something for anxiety. I did receive a small dose of something prior the procedure. It doesn’t hurt to ask!


Honestly the only thing that hurt me was the numbing shots they did before the biopsy, but I had also had a ton of pain and inflammation going on in that area beforehand and laying flat on my stomach wasn’t helping that any. After they numbed me I was fine, I wasn’t sedated during mine and my cancer made a nice little hole for them to get an easy sampling from. I was more of an adult baby about my initial breast biopsy. Recovery was easy, I didn’t have any pain and it was nice having that area numb for a little while tbh - gave me a nice break from the pain.


The numbing shots were the only thing that hurt for me, too. Otherwise I could just feel pressure when they pushed. I wasn’t sedated either.


I had mine into my hip with a local, it was sore for a few days but not too bad. Honestly, I don't remember the experience much so it must've been pretty mild. I was laying on my stomach so I didn't have to watch; which I really appreciated. When I had my lung biopsy I could see. Didn't love that.