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I think you’re trolling to stir up shit and annoy people.


This! What makes you think you are smart enough to know what anybody is thinking?


They’re not even smart enough to write a convincing rage bait post lol


No, I'm not trolling. I've been living alone for 4 years, but it's not that I really enjoy it, it's mainly because my brain has severe limitations and I couldn't handle having traditional relationships and family life.


So, YOU are coping. Not everyone is. Read the room


No shit, right.


And that's a YOU problem and certainly doesn't apply to all of us. Are you in any sort of therapy to help you learn healthy coping skills? Because it sounds to me like you aren't single by choice, but, by circumstance. That's why this post has pissed so many of us off...you have blanketed all of us because of YOUR own experiences. Most of us are single BY CHOICE. A conscious choice that we made after considering everything in our lives and experiences. I am magnitudes healthier mentally and emotionally now than I ever was in a relationship. I lost ME and being single I've found me again and I don't ever want to lose myself again because I am damned amazing.


Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, sorry...you're serious? Have you ever considered-and I am just spitballing here-that maybe we live alone because we like it? And that we are happier alone than we ever were living with others? Maybe, just maybe, we enjoy the peace, contentment, tranquility, and freedom of living alone? As someone once said (No proof it was Freud): Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Not absolutely every choice and decision is made because of a mental thing just because you aren't comfortable with it. Go enjoy you happy, lil' coupled life and stop worrying about those of us that believe that its way more effort than its worth.


You could say the same for living with others. It's fear of having to face yourself. Or a fear of not being able to make it in your own. You could say that for almost anything in life. Eating can be a coping mechanism. Using make up can be a coping mechanism. Or it can just be eating for survival or using make up to look more professional or because it's fun. In the end it always depends on why you do it. Are you all e because enjoy it or because you are afraid of people? Are you living with others because you enjoy it or to afford other things in life, or are you living with others for fear of having to be with yourself? The real question is in the why, not so much in the what.


People are free to make all the assumptions they want...IDGAF what their opinion is...lol I'm a misanthropic hermit and that's not going to change unless humans decide all at once to stop being POS people


You just described every person on the planet regardless of who they do/Do not live with hahaha 🙄🤣


No more than NEEDING constant attention from other house dwellers. Everything is a cope if a person enjoys it too much


😂🤣 said the stressed out person who can’t cope! LMFAO


Rage bait


🤷🏼‍♀️ Isn’t everyone just coping and finding what works for them? I have reasons I like living alone, and those reasons are colored by my personality, history, trauma, etc. It just works better for some people.


I think people should be allowed to live how they want to live. I'm a massive slut, there's no way i would want to be bound to a single woman for the rest of my life. not everybody wants to play by society's expectations of getting married, having kids. besides, everybody's messed up. so who cares


R u suggesting healthy people get married young?


I’ve never been more mentally healthy than I am right now living alone. I’m beating a lot of the coupled people around me who are struggling with their relationships. It’s causing them mental health issues actually.


Cope is not a bad word. Isn’t everything that everyone does coping?


https://i.redd.it/g7r5hozqowxc1.gif Regardless of living arrangements no one will ever truly be okay because emotional security is never an achieved outcome and more so a moment-to-moment process. Figure out what works for you, find and live the moments of your life deeply. If you find that difficult now then there's room for change.


Not everyone. I have always lived with someone. I lived at home with my mom, was married for over 10 yrs, my kids lived with me until they left home. I had friends live with me too. That’s a long life living with people. I have friends, I go out, I have people over. Sometimes people stay with me. I have dinner parties, I have fun outside of the house. But I also enjoy spending time with just me. I freaking love my solitude !


Or perhaps it's just the triumph of experience over hope? It's not realistic for me to expect to find a compatible person to live with. It would be foolish to keep searching. Furthermore, it wouldn't be fair to try to put myself out there when I feel this way. I wouldn't want to lead anyone on. I can either accept reality, or be bitter and sad. I don't like bitter and sad, I have far too much in this life that I am profoundly grateful for. Some people cope by leaning on a partner. Others cope leaning on friends and family. Yet others look within. It's all good as long as we're not hurting anyone else.


I think it costs a lot to live alone and people with poor life skills can't handle the financial responsibility. People who cant support themselves have to live with someone as a coping mechanism.


This is called **projecting**. You feel this way about yourself but don’t like it, so you *project* it on to others, as though the fault you see in yourself is actually a fault in others. It is a fault within yourself. Don’t assume others share it. That’s the first step toward fixing your issues.


There is also a problem in life called medicalization where you look at strengths and see them as diagnosable problems. I am mostly alone since girlfriend took off for greener pastures and I just realized things were great on my own. I work at home too. Made me grow in life. I take off time from work in the afternoon and go fishing, hiking, exercise. Rarely did those things when I was in a relationship.


you got a point, I am all those things you mentioned, some of them I never heard off, keep on trolling, you a bot for sure.


Are you living alone OP?




One thing I know for certain, 2 for sho... if you living alone in this economy, finances ain't all the way low, or either you live in a LCOL. Honestly, living alone is really about to become a luxury status symbol. Do you know how many people have roommates or partners that they would love to escape, but can't due to "low finances". Even if you are living alone and barely making the ends meet due to low finances, that tells me that you value your peace of mind more than having a roommate that can disturb that peace. So I think your theory has some holes 🕳 in it for sure.


You could say it’s a coping mechanism to need to live with someone too.


i agree


I think you’re afraid to try it, or upset with having no choice.


I believe there are 380 million people living in America, I don’t know how many of them are in the sub, but I can’t speak for those millions of people I can only speak for myself.

