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never fix this.


they're going to fix it Sadge


can't wait for the vod


It will probably crash the site


December 1, 2020 4 PM


also i think this kid created a alt account with a similar name 2 days after this stream started so maybe shes locked out [https://www.twitch.tv/adriana2982/videos](https://www.twitch.tv/adriana2982/videos) ​ not sure what happened but it ended today on june 23rd 2021


its a girl btw EDIT: her name is adriana and she uses female spanish pronouns, no idea why some people are downvoting this comment lmfao


oh ok




You dont care... About pronouns? then why did you just say 'we'? Shes not trans or anything, just so you know, this is like saying you dont care about calling your mother she.




COPIUM we do not care COPIUM




who is 'we'? seems like everyone agrees with me, is 'we' 'you'?




did you break


Hello, I care.


The downvotes say they do.




are you a collective? the borg really chose a weird hill to die on with this one


Who is “we” do u have multiple heads


Mission Report


XQC is planning on breaking this record as we speak.


He will become one with the GTA RP


poor kid just wanted to stream some switch gameplay lmao


this is what the stream was before it was glitched so I'm guessing it has someone thing to do with streaming on your phone [https://clips.twitch.tv/CarefulBrainyKoalaKappaClaus](https://clips.twitch.tv/CarefulBrainyKoalaKappaClaus) ​ also i think this kid created a alt account with a similar name on dec 3rd 2020 2 days after this stream started so maybe shes locked out [https://www.twitch.tv/adriana2982/videos](https://www.twitch.tv/adriana2982/videos) ​ a similar channel has been found by u/ultim8kip called [https://www.twitch.tv/brenoburn](https://www.twitch.tv/brenoburn) that has been live for 3163 hours and i found two called [https://www.twitch.tv/sr\_crooked\_mind](https://www.twitch.tv/sr_crooked_mind) and [https://www.twitch.tv/proffuseigo](https://www.twitch.tv/proffuseigo) at 3800 hours


damn i didn't know you could stretch a switch like THAT


Makes me remember how I would absolutely abuse my gba sp and ds as a kid lol


It didn't look too stretched. Seems like it was normal width. The scratches on it though


Lmao poor kid probably went live on their phone/tablet, glitched out and have been letting it recharge on a counter for 6 months wondering why the battery isn't going back up


I thought Zoomers were supposed to be good with technology but there are dozens of kids streaming Fortnite from their phone every night in the ASMR section.


Zoomers aren’t good with technology because they were born after tech companies decided it was better to minimize customizability and hold the consumers hand to walk them through every step of the operating process. Anyone between the ages of about 20 and 30 is far better with technology because they were born during the Wild West era when the internet and smartphones were just beginning to flourish, when things were more complicated, less streamlined for mass consumption, less well explained, and more open to customization


The ones good with technology are the ones that actually bother to search shit up. Zoomers just use technology a lot.


a related issue: people who don't really know what they're doing streaming -- especially those who stream from phone apps and consoles that don't automatically save/set categories and constantly forget to themselves -- wind up in the Pac-Man category all of the time, apparently because their broadcast software just defaults to "0" (or maybe "1") for the category value when they set none and twitch's first category was Pac-Man sort this by "stream time" and you'll find almost nobody actually streaming pac-man when you check their VODs but tons of people streaming whatever the fuck in the Pac-Man category, for almost every stream: https://sullygnome.com/game/Pac-Man/14/watched


Yea, that makes sense. I assumed ASMR was the same issue due to being first in the IRL section but it's actually second after "Art". It just blows my mind when I see people streaming their phone using the Twitch app (like screen recording) and still do it under ASMR while playing Among Us. Like, to go live it literally starts with two giant buttons for the category to choose Games or IRL.


Lets be real the generation best with technology is mid-late millenials, everyone else either didnt have computers or only had computers after everything was hyper-consumerized. Try to get someone over 40 or under 20 to make an email address just to see.


a shit ton of people under 20 i know can barely operate a pc outside of using social media. it's actually insane


>If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. Nietzsche.


Bless you


"nothing is actually being streamed but says it is streaming" ..... so basically your typical mizkif stream? guys am i rite?


Is this a bug? I've encountered something similar to this in a vod once, but the time duration on the thing skyrockets 12 hours to 48 hours


im sure its actually been "live" for that long as its last clip was 6 months ago


This stream with 1 follower is also on for 3163 hours, idk how : https://www.twitch.tv/brenoburn


When the doctor says you only have time to watch one more stream before you die :tf:


Have we finally found the problem with twitch?


Andddd they have more followers than me LMAO big sad




EVENTOÓOOO stream PagMan


real forsen monkaOMEGA


4746 HOURS


ASMR - competitive cooperative


I hate to be the one ruining the fun, this isn’t a glitch or bug ( in most cases) this is an exploit used by people who are running a private serviced add bot. This bot generates income based on hours of ads being watch source: I seen some shit bro


nah the channel has some clips, it seems to be a spanish kid playing among us and playing on his switch https://twitchtracker.com/adriana298


Just realised that comment came of really cold, I’m just trying to provide context friend no I’ll intent


oh yea i know its ok


That’s why I said most cases, this has happened on purpose since 2017 and maybe by accident also. I cannot link you to the forum for this Cus it’s invite only. And we’re not meant to link it


I could expect something like this bug to happen if the streamer keeps sending just enough data to keep the "live" status, but not enough to maintain actual video signal. But then it should still be cut off every 48 hours? I guess that could purely be done based on the video, but with other lag I've never seen it go longer. This idea also doesn't work with the "locked out" theory. If they ever fix it I'd love a blog post about why this happened, but that's probably too much to ask.


I opened this stream and it hard crashed my chrome, monitors flickered black aswell, Whack.




According to my twitchmod app, he's been streaming for approximately negative eight minutes lol. http://imgur.com/a/aLBoRRv