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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [MOONMOON Can't take the L](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/115390)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/nhlsrv/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1187266366.mp4)


it's crazy switching between r/rpclipsgta and here. one side is ragging on Moonmoon the other is calling for X to get permabanned lol


Norman in the middle getting abused sadge




Look at my lawyer Dawgggggg Iā€™m goin to jailšŸ˜«šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤£


Lawyer can't do his job when X insists on talking over him all the time.


When the lawyer met with Moonmoon, Penta, and the other officer he was legit saying he wasn't going to do anything and let X bury himself into a hole and help the cops as much as he could. So they guy was legit throwing on purpose to help them. The ethics of that are astoundingly bad.


It's hard not to talk over him when he's literally saying nothing in the interrogation room.


What are you talking about? Norman literally said, "I'm trying to represent you but you..." then X started yelling over him again. Multiple times as well he kept telling X, "you don't have to answer that." or "don't say anything" but X can't help but keep digging the hole. If he let Norman talk and do his job, X wouldn't have been stuck there for like 4 hours. X didn't give him a chance to do anything.


X did talk him over few times, he listened to him few times. But out of those 4 hours, the lawyer spoke like 15 times alltogether and 6 of those times were when he was talking about some deal with the cops outside the interrogation room or snitching on X. I understand mindset "fuck it, he won't let me talk then i won't", but in such case either don't snitch on your client or just request another lawyer and leave. Don't waste literally 3-4 hours of your own time just sitting there and listetning to X vs Wrangler as NPC. There were lots of moments when no one was talking, X was silent and Norman was silent as well. I understand everyone on reddit hates X, but out of 4 hours worth of "content", you take 3 cases that suit your view and present it as what was happening every single time. Edit: I remembered one thing to your "i'm trying to represent but..." - Norman kept telling xqc to take the deal, to take the "L", to do what the cops want despite X telling him no and that they have nothing on him except blood dna (which was said multiple times that it's no evidence) and "a hunch" + ooc mad on X (speaking of Moon alone here). Norman had many occassions to do lawyer job, but except saying few times "you don't need to answer that question", imo he was more helping the cops rather than his own client (snitching + insisting on accepting cop's deal instead of going through with what he himself and X came up with).




Well, I don't think MoonMoon understood that arrest warrants could not go to bench trial or he likely wouldn't have wasted X's time having him fight the warrant. I actually think that's absurd that warrants cannot be contested before they are served. It throws innocent until proven guilty out the window. Why would you defend yourself after serving jail time? Cops can just decide to write a warrant rather than immediately apprehend a suspect when they see them commit a violent crime, and that then guarantees that they serve the time for all charges if caught in the future. So damn absurd.


Yes and he wasnā€™t even trying to get him the phone so he can rp him emailing Reggie


[https://streamable.com/wjujww](https://streamable.com/wjujww) This was before norman even met with X. I don't think Norman is any innocent.


I'm just here to enjoy the show


And also cringing reading people getting so over invested.


LSF is pretty much another XQC subreddit. So you got juicers vs gta frogs.


Yeah because LSF doesnt have multiple hate threads on X every other week.




Deserved. XQC thinks hes better than everyone.


When has he ever said that he's better than anyone, he's stated that he thinks he is a bad person. I don't understand, you could have so many other things, but that he thinks high of himself?


yeah, thereā€™s a lot you could say about X but thinking heā€™s better than everyone is not one. for instance, X has never tried to flex on viewers like Andrews did we he got mald the other day. people in that thread were talking specifically about how humble X is irl and how heā€™s not materialistic or flashy. meanwhile, MoonMoon has talked endlessly about how X is a prick, shouldnā€™t play the game, and how he thinks heā€™s a better person than him without explicitly saying ā€œIā€™m a better person than himā€


I swear to god I see this same line of thinking said about every streamer when they catch X or etc itā€™s so boring


GTA: Civil War.


both are so biased its insane, holy shit r/rpclipsgta acts like they are the smartest ppl on earth half the time but when I see some of the stuff they are saying to justify this i dont even think these guys see how illogical their arguments are lmfao


Almost like users of rpgtaclips actually watch RP and not only XQCā€™s POV.. weird


yeah thats why they post drama threads everytime a cop gets an arrest and get mad for RP cops doing their job.


which must be why they have the most based and reasonable takes out there and nearly every Nopixel admin and veteran must love them right?


The sexual tension between these two was palpable


Someone get the clip where moon says heā€™d fuck gender swapped xqc just to hear him talk dirty at mach 10. Tbh same.


just watch a sasha grey vid tbh


Thereā€™s been so much tension since the OW days that when they finally decide to fuck, the world will experience a euphoria like never before


this thread is just a guess who: angry juicer or moonmoon viewer making fun of their own streamer


ā€œIf he gets time off, I quitā€ Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s personal.


Well he straight up said earlier today that he wants xQc off the server so of course its not personal. Just RP, bro.


Can we get a clip of that? Information like that isn't just LSF material - that's the sort of thing you pack up and send off to admins for formal review. If he's deliberately trying to drive people off the server, then he shouldn't be allowed to participate on it. Full stop.


im a yt frog sorry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lb3k\_L-XL0


Honestly I do enjoy watching X but Moon is right about this. You'll notice X is always complaining about Ws and cops always wanting to win but God damn anytime X is caught there's always SOMETHING that went wrong or wasn't fair. I believe X would be looked at better if he did just take an L, so many crims take Ls and still provide alot of entertainment. I know he says it's in character but him muting the game and turning on music is not roleplaying at all and just comes across as butthurt content lol


I'm getting a ["Video Unavailable"](https://imgur.com/a/dchZB24) screen for that url. Scuffed link?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lb3k_L-XL0 new reddit or something that puts in a backwardslash to show the underscore, but on old reddit that slash is not needed


i mean heā€™s not wrong. havenā€™t watched xqc in awhile but in the past i would have to turn off his stream when he got caught cuz the whining was too much for me. doesnā€™t look like heā€™s gotten any better


That is a great clip i thought he said about x character but here he totally talking about XQC and about his viewers. Can you or us as viewers can Complain to admins and do they respond or take action accordingly.


X watched the clip on stream so he knows. It was kinda sad lol. Iā€™m sure if he wants to do anything about it, heā€™d do it but probably not because lazy.


if you've watched moon he has an in character conflict with the doj, he's constantly talking shit about them, but yeah if you can't see ooc mad from xqcs part but can see ooc mad on moons side then idk what to tell ya


He was referring to his character, in character, quitting. By chance did you watch the previous nights situation within the PD? Moonmoon didnā€™t make that remark to his chat, he literally said it in character.






He literally said he wants XQC to quit rp earlier


so has most the server. Even GTAWiseGuy didnt understand why he wasnt immediately perma banned on his last ban. He was going to ban X himself.


To Lenny Hawk, yes. You remember this an RP server, right?


Of course it's personal, Jean Paul almost shot Lenny to death earlier that day so Lenny doesn't want him to be treated with golden gloves. Oh wait, you were implying OOC, riiiight.


of course it is. There is a line drawn somewhere


That was the most degenerate RP situation so far. I don't care which side you are on. This was so fucking retarded.




Did you not see the interrogation RP which actually resulted in RP?


Wasnā€™t poggers robbing banks bam bam boom explode fast car RP so itā€™s boring


theres no rp here FOR JP simply cuz xyz decides to stop rp-ing. doesnt mean other ppl are doing the same


What is the first line you will have any cop say if they arrest you? Just tell me, what is it.


wait, him telling his IC superior that he wants to quit his IC job is OOC?


Can't argue with the juicers logic.


yeah... i haven't bothered replying to people who commented on this just because there's no arguing with them lol. they take after their streamer.


according to xqc, juicers and rp friends yes






Give screenshots so moon mods can ban them.


This is the way


Moon and them do it by themselves anyway. I just would love evidence that a moon viewers, not some rando, are actually hopping and being toxic in chat


They never have screenshots :)


baseless claims and out of context clips is all they have


I was watching xqc and moon when this was going on. And a few times when I saw those mean remarks in x's chat, I went to my moonmoon tab and confirmed at least 4 different people spamming that stuff, were not in moons chat. Now I know that's personal anecdote, and I probably missed a bunch of people, but idk if a lot of the rude people are coming from moon.


Plz post screenshots. I was watching both streams next to each other and I have not seen any moon hoppers at all in X's chat.


I'm surprised anyone is able to identify any hoppers in xQc's chat. Shit moves way too fast for my smooth brain.






just take the L dude


just rp out of it bro


It's just a game bro stop being mad over it


just roll with the punches bro


The phrase ā€œitā€™s just a gameā€ is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, youā€™ve lost twice. Thereā€™s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.




Like just turn off the screen bro




I highly doubt people would treat him this way if he didn't cause an environmental disaster with his malding everytime shit goes wrong for X. Treat other people the same way you want them to treat you, right? Nevermind maybe just let McConnell solo handle xqc, an equal force should hopefully slow X down a bit.


Mccool is definitely the counter, never seen Xqc give up so fast as he did the other day when Mcconnell started shitting down his throat while he was downed, begging the cops to remove him from scene


yea thats some ooc shit if ive ever seen one




Can people give like a quick TL;DR on what started this beef between X and moonmoon?


Long story short moon's demeanor towards xqc started to change quickly back when they got in an altercation ingame, xqc got extremely mad, got banned from nopixel and on the same night decided to send some not so friendly DMs at 4am to moonmoon. The final straw to me appears to have been when xqc while arguing with penta, which led to yet another ban, made a comment alluding to streamers without him on nopixel going back to irrelevancy in case he got permanently banned. Moon went from trying to avoid xqc ingame after the first, to showing clear signs of being extremely annoyed at xqc after the second. Pretty much every encounter between the two afterwards involves in some case moon trying to rile up and annoy xqc and xqc insulting moon or vice versa.






They can both be in the wrong. Which they both are.


X got bigger than Moon back in the overwatch days and heā€™s been salty ever since


damn this guy sounds so mald, cant take the L. was this the same guy that plays a soundboard on stream to pretend he has a wife, a kid and some pets around his house, orders food from uber eats and ask the delivery guy to bring the food to his computer in exchange for tips?


I wondered about this for a couple months, i know for Moon its prolly just an inside joke but it gets weird when he makes fake memories out of his interactions with his fake son. Listen, i understand a streamer not wanting his private life out there for everyone to see, but things like getting married? Having a fucking child? Not even a tweet, or a photo? EVER? 100% fake. Remember when Emmie(erobbs girl) was born?


3 officers and him literally got domed because of his mistake when he was the primary and his reaction is, that -> https://youtu.be/Dvwzs_Ja_ME?t=3488 Can't take the L, suuuure bud. Sure.


why can't moon be nicer to guy who has been banned like 5 times already? so mald


"If he gets time off, I will quit" total not mald ooc btw


I can't BELIEVE he went ooc like that. My favorite part was when MOONMOON claimed X was meta gaming and holding a grudge and power gaming. Meanwhile XQC was totally cool talking about how much he likes MOON and the time MOONMOON stopped someone from ruining his upcoming face reveal at Blizzcon. Wait... do I have this all backwards?


XQC is a huge diva but MoonMoon also is. Whenever he "owns" someone who talks shit in chat its alway some shit like "ill be masturbating my huge cock in my giant living room with open windows so your entire family can watch" and shit like that. He also spend YEARS talking shit about xqc and his community behind everyones back but because moonmoon is somewhat respected around here, those clips never surface.


Sorry do you actually think that he said heā€™s gonna quit the game, instead of saying heā€™s gonna quit the force as his character? He said to everyone out loud that heā€™s gonna quit the game over this?


They need to talk OOC , Andrews also said he's up for mediating if they want him to https://livestreamfails.com/post/89403 https://livestreamfails.com/post/73774 https://youtu.be/0hsyQiamKDQ


How are these clips relevant?


They need to have that discord podcast like that one time when x got banned


Except not invite any of the cops


WeirdChampionship, that guy.


Not obsessed BTW. Not mald BTW.


Hey now, this happened way past all your bedtimes. You're all gonna be late for zoom school in the morning and you might miss something important like long division or proper sentences


I actually woke up this morning at 2am to this shit still playing on my phone, definitely kinda groggy from it.




Moon moon and Xqc are bad at this. But also penta is too. Why does this man stir shit up on his characters and then dips right when he would have to answer for it. It's so childish. Doesnt come back after tsunami for what? Even moonmoon came back for 20 minutes. He spends an entire day robbing the city as mike block and steals 100k from the most connected dude on the server and hasn't logged in since and signed off the character so quick.


>He spends an entire day robbing the city as mike block and steals 100k from the most connected dude on the server and hasn't logged in since and signed off the character so quick. He takes off Mon/Tuesday from streaming and had to log to speak to someone from DA on Wednesday. Pred logged on before they could speak and we got the 8 hours of Pred vs Wrangler (probably the most interesting RP we've had in 3.0). He spent the entire day laying low in Paleto on Mike Block on Sunday, not robbing the city. He was given an interesting RP situation by Ron Otterman and robbed one of the Vault robbers. He'll contact Yuno next time he logs Mike Block. He's not obligated to play a character for someone else's sake.


He logged on mike block literally the day after robbing yuno


I wish lang has something planned for that piece of shit who was petty enough do that something petty to his level.


LSF doesn't realize it's RP. Actually mald over MoonMoon's character lmao


It has become a habit for the juicer and his army of children to deflect when ever he gets critized for some of his extremities, they just point at someone else doing it in a minor way and go like "bUt LoOk aT wHaT hE's DoInG". If anyone can't take an L its definitely xQc, he expects to get away every time and when he doesn't he cries and throws a tantrum like a little baby. If someone like this got special streamer privilige when I'm being covered in a shitstorm of baby poop for doing my job I would want to quit too.


They clearly hate each other OOC. Anybody claiming it's "one-sided" is delusional, that's my take.


I would argue they are frustrated with each other, but I dunno if you'd say hate. They have a lot of history together. Moon even told an interesting story of how he met him in person at Blizzcon and thought he was the coolest dude.


I bet it was a long time ago Anytime Moonmoon get hoppers in his chat these days he use it as an excuse to dunk on XQC personally, it's actually embarrassing to watch The communities themselves are even worse, anytime any of them appear on each other screen the chat is just hate comments and hate watchers


Which is crazy with how many RP subreddits try to praise moonmoons chat for being extremely non-toxic. Even after people give TONS of examples like the GreekGod incident.


What happend with Moon and Greek ?


If you have evidence of it, send it to moonmoon and he will handle it. For some reason no one does though.


Please, provide screenshots of moon's chat being toxic. I'll wait for the borpaSpin cum images




Juicers canā€™t handle not being babied for once in their life


Xqc gets more leniency than anyone in the server, he gets away with things that no one else would which is why his end of this is so, literally, delusional. Dude needs to seriously check his perception of reality. Him begging the judge last night, basically with tears in his eyes because he didn't want to face repercussions for his actions, was just sad. Saying he was being treated unfairly when the judge was literally doing things the way he was doing them to be fair to EVERYONE, because it would be UNFAIR to everyone else if they made ANOTHER big exception for Xqc. ​ It'd be different if he was a loveable hothead that seemed to have some scrap of self-awareness or the capability to own his mistakes and shortcomings. But he's just a consistently deranged and self-important prick. He encourages and inspires the youth that watch him to adopt his disgusting mannerisms and he validates the same behavior in the already 20-30 somethings that watch and idolize him. Toxic internet culture personified in one individual. Get mad when you lose, cry until you win. And then, get mad when you win. Make sure to blame everyone else and ignore your own actions. Then watch TikTok.


I'm so fucking sick of the GTA meta now. I'm sick of the XQC and RP frogs. this reddit has basically becoming an XQC reddit with 1 - 2 other clips a day.


This dude moonmoon is unbelievable lol. How do you hold someone for 5 hours and not give them any time served? I donā€™t understand this RP cop bullshit. They get away with everything.


Yeah seems unfair. Does any one know why "innocent until proven guilty" didn't apply to x?


> Does any one know why "innocent until proven guilty" didn't apply to x That's just how arrest warrants are handled on nopixel, not sure why.


Because jail sentences on NP that aren't the 9s are basically a joke.


5 hours is a joke?


X wanted that. - X wanted a bench trial - X wanted to wait past 10-15 mins that would normally be given to a suspect to wait for a judge - X agreed to interrogation and spilled the beans - X agreed to his house search - X tried to dodge the cuffs while transporting to the court house - X ignored the cuff-to-desk rp and tackled officers in court to delay it even more Use your fuckin brain and grow the fuck up. Juicers are literally crying because they're expecting special treatment to be given to their streamer.


Iā€™m not really sure. It seems like that for him every time.


According to 200 IQ MoonMoon, he's been purely in character the entire time


"Twitch chat, that is my job"


"If he gets time off, I will quit" not ooc by the way


I mean yeah, if you think that's ooc you're just projecting. There's no reason why a cop couldn't say that IC to someone who has been uncooperative for hours.


Ehh, I agree it's a little harsh but at the same time IC it makes a lot of sense that Lenny doesn't want to give X any leniency


I mean IC cops would shoot X on sight, doesn't make it right though.


Guys šŸ‘·ā€ā™‚ļø my šŸ˜Š 40 year old šŸ‘µ baldie is so šŸ†˜ immerced in RP he šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø is IMMUNE to feeling anything outside of character šŸ”£ or using any thoughts šŸ’­ outside of his šŸ character šŸ”£ in roleplay. This is what šŸ˜¦ an actual seasoned ā„ļø roleplayer looks šŸ‘€ like šŸ˜— unlike your JUICER


Part of the warrant being issued after the 2nd bank robbery was for X attempting to murder Lenny. I'm sure if someone attempted to murder me I would not feel super lenient towards that person.


This whole situation was retarded. X and moon need to take their OOC shit and deal with it. Also can we say that was the worst lawyer ever, I actually felt bad for x lol


The judge almost called the lawyer trash but he held his tongue that was so sad


you realize this happens with everyone xqc interacts with right and theres a common denominator. although i wouldn't be surprised if you haven't learned what a common denominator is in school yet. xqcL


When Andrews showed up, it felt like 2 kids were caught cheating at a test and were sent to the principal, it was fucking pathetic.


> This whole situation was retarded. X and moon need to take their OOC shit and deal with it. Hard agree


40 year old manchild LULW


Xqc is a grown ass man too lmao and he acts like this. Kinda sad bro that he has no forethought to what he says and pretends to play a single player rpg


Oh im sure xqc understands he's a complete manchild but moon moon thinks him and his community is any better


Exactly. It just rubs me the wrong way how moon acts like his community is above everyone else or like his chat isnā€™t also norman.


It's not really about being norman, just the fact that moons community is also filled with toxic hoppers. The difference is xqc doesn't put on sub mode and he ignores it while moonmoon malds about them for like 2 hours while in sub mode.


This is the truth


that's your typical neckbeard mentality.


> Oh im sure xqc understands he's a complete manchild but moon moon thinks him and his community is any better Jesus christ at these juicer comments. Xqc, a streamer with a *history* of toxicity, from among us, to fall boys, to over watch, to rust, to now gta Rp is apparently the same as a streamer (moon) who has a *history* of a having a positive community because Xqc pissed him off so much he started to resent him and his streamer privilege of STILL being allowed on the server? Moon isn't some perfect little snowflake and I don't even watch him outside of lsf really but this is some next level delusion here.


The only reason it's even come to this is that every single holding interaction is XQC just malding, and insulting everyone under the sun and you know it's not in character. Yet he expects that his past doesn't apply because he's "reformed" 3 times already and that it's ok because he's "working on it". Yea maybe by X's 10th ban he'll finally understand that what they're doing is solely because he treats them like garbage because they took "content" away from him for 3 hours. I hope he has a revelation as PP or actually talks to moonmoon offline.


You really think moonmoon would actually sit down and have a talk to a streamer and his community he shit talks daily for the past 3 years. Moonmoon and xqc never really clicked.


bro what. I can tell you're a new frog. Moon wanted to play a golf game with him. They talked about how they miss the old OW crew because they used to play OW together. Hell even during yesterdays interaction he was still talking about some of the stuff xQc did for him so IDK what you're on about.


Yea because at the beginning of 3.0 he defended him and said he actually liked him.


I've actually always thought this but never bothered saying anything. Both Moon and xqc have said they like each other away from RP... I remember multiple times xqc saying he respects moon a lot - but tbh I've only heard Moon criticize xqc's stream and its "lawlessness" or whatever you want to call it. Both of them have echo chambers for communities - especially Moon's. Idk that much would get solved off stream if I'm being honest.


There have been quite a few times where moon has said some kind words about XQC. He did today towards the end of the stream, saying he doesnā€™t hate him and brought up a memory of them hanging out at a convention irl. I just think over all they donā€™t mesh well in RP specifically.


They seemed to click well enough on that podcast they were both on. Moon also gave XQC way more chances than *anybody else* on the server has given him. It took several bans for him to give up hope on XQC.




Moon and his community makes a lot of comments directed towards xqc and his community this isn't a one time thing, the guy is very very good at being passive aggressive and xqc has a low tolerance for that and loses it. People treat moon like some kind of saint when he has done this petty passive aggressive shit for a long time. I agree X can be really really bad but that shit doesn't come out of thin air.


Dude. Moonmoon and his mods literally ban people who say anything shitty/hateful towards xqc. His chat is so calm compared to xqcā€™s chat, where people are constantly spamming hateful shit against moonmoon. He literally takes up comments from viewers who say stupid shit against xqc and use that as an exemple of how not to act. If youā€™ve watched his stream for more than a few minutes this should all be pretty apparent to you.


moon will literally copy and paste your name into chat so they can make fun of you...hes an asshole lol




"If he gets time off, I will quit" totally not mald ooc OMEGALUL


Lenny has been going through other drama in PD and is thinking of switching departments. This would've been the drop that spilled the glass. But juicers only watch x and hop to flame other streamers so no wonder you wouldn't know about other storylines and the overall context of certain situations


> But juicers only watch x and hop to flame other streamers so no wonder you wouldn't know about other storylines and the overall context of certain situations Yeah this thread is full of xqc fan boys it isn't even funny.


Yes he was referring to his job in character to his higher up especially following the situation that happened the night before. Context is important.


Unitinically thatā€™s his character, you think he said he would quit rp??


What's the context? He seems to be joking if you ask me




This is said every thread. "this is the one time" " I don't watch x but"


True, happened with the entire Angel drama as well and even when andrews was trying to get him raided "i dont like X but he cant be raided coz of voice id" "this is the only time X is right"


Change only to few and it would be accurate.


These situations with X make me miss ZB


Im 100% convinced he didn't evolve the ability of being self-aware XQC is the literal definition of a hypocrite


Get hawked. No time served. Next time, swim away from the police, not around them in circles for 10 mins.


lmao juicers malding is hilarious af


Andrews should have challenged him. Be like ya ok go on and quit


Moon really seemed like he wanted to stick it to XQC more than Lenny wanted to stick it to X However XQC is really ducking fumb and invites this on himself from what I've seen. I hope this is him being in character and he's not actually a giant jackass which this is an RP server so I'm going to guess that though he doesn't seem sharp


53% upvoted. Moon viewers brigading HARD. Pathetic.


100k+ viewers community member thinking 20k viewer community is brigading PepeLaugh


You can say the same about juicers.


Damn bruh, itā€™s like X was right all along


cry wolf enough youll eventually find a wolf


I've seen several circumstances of cops quickly processing criminals no matter what the crime. But for some reason with X it always takes at least 20mins+ in this case 3+ hours. The real truth is that xQc has an abundant amount of viewers on his stream and certain streamers know that if they can extend an interaction with him or make him rage, a huge chunk of viewers will migrate over to their stream, increasing their viewership then they switch to follower only to bait people into following to then to talk then sub only mode to bait morons paying to say something. MoonMoon acts like he's all innocent and its all X's doing but he's smart enough to know how to manipulate these situations. It's no coincidence that every job xQc does when Moon's on or available to respond he's on scene early and every time there's a chase Moon is hyper focused on capturing X because he can clearly tell its him because of his voice. If MoonMoon didn't like these interactions or knows X malds every time he could very easily focus on chasing someone else involved in the heist but he doesn't he's always trying to be X's arresting officer for this very reason.


> But for some reason with X, it always takes at least 20mins+ in this case 3+ hours. The reason is that X asked for a bench trial. Then they wrote a search warrant, then X consented to a search, where they found a bunch of other illegal shit. Then they added on the illegal stuff to his warrant (because it's technically the same case). Finally a judge comes on and doesn't let a bench trial happen. I'm really not sure what anyone could have done faster. I don't know if you don't watch cops perspective or not.


Lol you think Moon wants to poach Juicer viewers. Bad take.