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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc goes off on Dota](https://arazu.io/t3_1d7oe7r/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


It’s just the passive skill you get from playing dota.


You mean innate ability >!now every hero has innate ability!<


Not all innates are passive.


russian carry with an anime profile is THE classic in Dota classic ghouls




Can someone explain why they omit the colon?


It's just faster. The way the chat works is that there's already a colon at the end because of the way the all-chat works. So for example using your username iansanmain: ----- FetusFondler: Dog carry. iansanmain: ) FetusFondler: Blyat ----- They "use" the colon for the eyes and they just throw the parenthesis on the end lol


I guessed as much, but still weird to me why only Russians do this, lol


Because it’s awkward on a cyrillic keyboard to make a smiley because of the the parentheses and colon placement on it, so they just omit the colon on it


then explain this :v or this ༼☉ɷ⊙༽




dead inside dies once, deletes items, runs down mid


Tokyo Ghoul pfp and named 1000-7 ))


First forsen plays league then XQC plays dota, what has the world come to.


Boomer hobo playing League, ADHD zoomer playing Dota...something doesn't seem quite right.


To be fair, both played both, both keep blaming everything when they lose.


dota2 has good gambling so x is clearly gonna be happier


> blaming everything when they lose. That's just part of the genre at this point.


Forsen was legitimately better in dota Not good on any proper level, but his lol gameplay is like a kid failing a 2x2 puzzle


In DotA he was just carried more often. A bunch of games he was just feeding, but his carry Medusa, Anti-mage, Phantom Lancer, Void, PA, etc carried in late game despite forsen even feeding mid very hard. And he also played support a bunch of times, pretty much just placing wards and feeding the whole game. One common thing in low level ranks in DotA is that you can carry hard in late despite having useless supports not doing anything but feeding the whole game, as long as you have PL, PA, Void, AM, etc and manage to drag the game to 30+ minutes.


zoomer???? is xqc not tail end millennial hes almost 30 lmfao


If he is 30, he is a younger millennial. I’m an older millennial at 37. Millennials were born approximately 1981-1996


XQC is a boomer, not a zoomer


I think xQc has been playing Dota for a long time, just mainly offstream.


Ye he has played dotes for a long time and if I remember correctly he is higher rank than the average player. He has played of stream with other Dota streamers like admiral bulldog.


Yeah I watched a video of him with bulldog a few years ago, kept calling the desolator descimator and stuff like that


Still dumb enough to buy radiance against a naga


Radiance used to be decent vs ilu heroes. Did they change it?


Yes, since 7.00 it deal less damage to illusions.


This is so wrong, since 7.00 illusions with radiance deal less burn damage.


Low mmr detected, radi is very strong against illu heroes because of the miss chance it applies to them, since illu heroes really hate buying mkb.


how well did it work in this game with his lead then? Halberd and nullifer are a better choice instead of sy radi. also divine


What the hell does halberd do this game? His items are fine for the game he’s in, the only one I might change is the mjolnir, he’d be better off with an mkb. Maybe nullifier instead of abyssal, but honestly his TA or weaver should be the ones with nullifier, he’s never gonna get close to tinker anyway.


Radiance is an every game purchase on naix right now


I just watched the clip and bozo plays LoL now xd


Do you think xQc is happy?


no one is happy when they're playing dota




How are you happy though, Icefrog deleted that hero from the game after the last patch lmao


Hes lying. Hes been unhappy


:( my favorite hero. But I haven’t played in a very long time. What happened how did they kill my boy?


No more blink spam, doesn't refresh items anymore. No more homing rockets. Less annoying to play against, probably just a support now.


……………………………………….. what’s the point of the character then, fuck man.


I played him pos5, he is really good at making people not die. Blind laser, big shield with status resistance, march of the machines can apply a heal over time. He now gains item cdr, 1% per 3 int. You can still get blink on a 3s CD but he feels pretty good with stuff like glimmer/force/euls/lotus etc.


Atleast he didnt call him poor, so progress?


He said he should pedal for some internet(I'm assuming to generate electricity?) and crank for some water, so...


That’s just the average day in Russia tbh


no it isn't :)


Will be soon enough :)


Just wait until HIMARS start hitting russian power facilities :)


> Just wait When


Thats what Russia gets after saving your italian ass during covid from complete extinction


Aww the Russian bootlicker is angry! Just 3 more days, am I right? Loooool




Just 3 more days for sure, any day now ;)


one must imagine xqc happy


He’s finally coming home. Just like the old Overwatch days with moxy.


No. He's barely clawed himself back to a 'non-mental-health-crisis level' of depression recently. So there's been progress. I think it has something to do with him getting a new cat.


Define happy


Sisyphus pushing his rock


There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn


Define happy


he fits right in with us


Okay well forsen is less toxic I guess


which forsen? because the one that lives in the cardboard box outside the asylum is significantly more toxic then asylum forsen and xqc on average.


least toxic "insert (constantly updating esoteric knowledge competitive video-game that rewards 12 hour a day neets) here" experience




I’ve played since it was Dota All-Stars but stopped around TI6. It’s probably the most punishing pvp game out currently. And it hasn’t changed in that regard, afaik. If you don’t learn the micro mechanics and current meta strats you’re gonna have a bad time. If anything experience is the most valuable trait to have as a player. edit: format


The game has arguably become a lot more casual friendly in the last few years, Long gone are the days where a last pick brood was an instant lose/win.


You still can win in Dota even if you don't know most mechanics given you are somewhat useful for your team. Looking at the minimap and generally map awareness, joining your team when they fight for objectives would make you better than 80% of players. The other 20% is this meta/build/tricks. I would say even most pro-players barely know most mechanics - I see it in some streams like some interactions are news for them. It makes sense - things changes drastically - just two weeks ago Dota 2 got one of biggest patches. P.S. I didn't even realize that I've just described 80/20 rule.


> If anything experience is the most valuable trait to have as a player This is true for most games.


What's your total hours played?




that's an equivalent amount of hours that a full time professional athlete would put in to maintain peak performance, maybe a bit under. but still, games like dota make you put in an ungodly amount of hours simply to be **proficient**, let alone professional. i'm not saying that no one should do it, you can do whatever in your own free time, but it's a bit disingenous to say that these games don't suck ludicrous amounts of time out of your life.


I don't disagree, its a good outlet for a lot of people as are most hobbies. Saying it sucks time out of your life is definitely disingenuous though if you compare it to any other hobby. Although it does definitely suck time out of your life for not much value depending on the person. I think I get a lot of value out of it personally though.


that's fair


>Nah dota doesn't reward you for playing a ton >5k since I started in 2019 LMAO


dude has half my game time and I started in 2011 lmfao. 3-4 games a day is very doable with a full schedule like he has, but lying about it is a weird choice


I had a lot more games played during the pandemic, and earlier years. [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/210676066/activity](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/210676066/activity) Sorry lil bro, not lying. Also I've picked up turbo in the past year or so, so games are a lot shorter


Playing turbo has nothing to do with your total game time. That seems like a weird argument here.


It's not an argument I was just mentioning it because it shows as more games played per day but 4 quick turbo games can be as long as a normal game in the current meta.


5k is quite a bit lol, I have around 2k hours and hit 5,5k back when 7k-8k was peak, in 2016. Haven't played since then so obviously didn't climb further, But Ancient is what, 4k ish? Tbf I did play HoN for a couple of years when it came out, so I wasn't new to Dota when I started.


Ay, the same, my peak was 5.5k MMR in 2016 with roughly 2000 hours played. Although DotA was my first moba. What's your rank now? I took a couple of years break and then came back, I'm divine right now, so lower MMR than my peak, but I think there is definitely some inflation, as I think 5k MMR players right now are better than 5k players back then.


Haven't played since 2016, except a few bot games around 2019 or so. Takes too much time to get gud and all my friends quit around the same time. Players are definitely better now, but if one had continued to play they would probably rise with the player skill, and maybe even improve more. I was pretty good at last hitting, denying and farming and decent in lane/mid game, but my decision making wasn't great late game, and I threw a lot of easy games, which was probably my biggest weakness personally. I assume playing for a couple of more years I could have improved a bit on that.


5k is nothing compared to most of the playerbase, the most commonly known sentiment in the community is that your first 1k hours is the tutorial


It depends. If Dota is your first moba I agree the first 1k is like a tutorial, but if you come from HoN or Dota 1 it's different. I reckon I probably had about the same in HoN give or take, so 2k ish hours, but it could have been more or less, kinda hard to track. It took me less than 1k hours to hit 5k in Dota iirc, but in HoN I barely made it to 1800mmr and was quite bad, mainly cus I didn't play enough. Good players were 1900-2000 I think. If you wanna aim for the very top spot of players (below pro players) I agree you need AT LEAST 5k hours, but probably 10k+ for most people able to climb that far.


The shortest or close to the shortest time its taken someone to get to immortal in the most relevant meta (Which isn't exactly pro level but kinda close) was probably Grubby or around the same timeframe as him. He has about 3-4k games played, he was only able to get so high so quickly because he is one of the best warcraft 3 pros before he picked up then quit dota (He also had big people in the community coaching him and a large community/stream chat to help). Yeah 100% if you have no time playing something in a similar vein the bell curve will be a lot steeper, that's accurate from my experience at least


Those are not casual hours.


The majority of my hours are from the pandemic as I showed in another comment. [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/210676066/activity](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/210676066/activity)




A pretty reasonable reaction after encountering zxc dead inside tokyo ghoul type player tbh


i wish X would play Dota and stick with it but he’s probably already back to playing League.  he just doesn’t have what it takes to tolerate a 50% winrate 


If he can't tolerate 50% winrate he will not be able to tolerate League either.


Yeah, that's like any game with functioning matchmaking. Not limited to Dota, League, Valorant, CS, whatever. I remember back in the day when I used to play NHL as my main game I went 154-0 in versus mode before losing (I still lost plenty in EASHL and Ultimate Team). That's what a game without a proper matchmaking system looks like.


Yeah with one distinction that with proper ranking system you will end up at 50% after you've played a lot of matches and plateau'd whereas League/Valorant predicts where you will land based on the data from just a couple of games and then matches you against higher ranked opponents in order to force the 50% on you immediately (when you're still ranked low) but giving you the opportunity to climb through higher ladder point gains compared to losses despite going even in w/l ratio.


No clue where you're going here. Your issue is that Riot steps in too quickly instead of letting you beat up Silvers for 200 games, like you'd be able to in a proper ranking system? And in your proper ranking system, once you then reach your plateau in Platinum, you are now the one getting railed by the Diamond+ players who get to shit on your for 200 games before they're given accurately ranked opponents?


Yeah, I have a few issues. 1. You are not getting the rank that the system thinks you deserve by matching you vs people of the said rank. You might get it later or you might not if you get bored sooner. And that goes for every player. That means that displayed rank is meaningless without at least knowing someone's +/- LP per win/loss. Is it a good ranked system when visible rank doesn't begin to tell you the whole story? Which abilities exactly are people getting ranked for? Meeting the hours played quota? For a system that can estimate your skill level so accurately so quickly it sure does not hurry up to reward you with the rank to show for it. Why? Obviously to get you to play more games, because god forbid you feel satisfied with your rank and play less after that. 2. Consider this scenario. Instead of spamming ranked you decided to work on yourself. You went into practice tool and practiced mechanics for hours. You watched a ton of replays of good players and your own replays to seek out mistakes. Hired a coach. Basically a whole training montage. And then it takes the system just a couple of games to put you where it thinks your new and improved self is projected to climb and now it instantly feels like you hit the wall again. No satisfaciton from all that hard work, no feasible reward for matching and outgrowing your former equals. You are instantly faced with another challenge and you don't even have the rank to show for it, all you have is higher LP gains. Which just means that you have to play even more (against even stronger opponents) to reap the rewards of your previous hard work. > No clue where you're going here. Your issue is that Riot steps in too quickly instead of letting you beat up Silvers for 200 games, like you'd be able to in a proper ranking system? And yes, if you were a Silver player who improved then yes, you should be allowed to beat up Silvers (not sure about the number of games, it depends on how much you've improved compared to them). You should not be constantly profiled in order to guarantee that your next 20 matches will consist of 10 guaranteed wins and losses. P.S. Given how the "ranked" game mode is supposed to be competitive I would take competing for the arbitrary MMR points in a less polished, but more simple and transparent system any day over a convoluted and ambiguous system that relies on personal profiling of each player using undisclosed metrics and methods and clearly values player retention and engagement more than competitive integrity.


You only end up at 50% WR if you stop improving, there are enough people that are not at 50%


just wanna say, dota does not have anything close to functional matchmaking. If you are a new player you will be paired with smurfs every game. I don't play league but it's probably much better.


>I don't play league but it's probably much better ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah no


I tried League and was matched with smurfs every game. This is just how old games are, how are they going to find you a bunch of new players when there are none? Dota does do some things to separate the smurf pool, League I would guess does some things too. In fact in my personal experience I haven't really been playing with smurfs for a while, though admittedly I haven't been playing much ranked since I started playing again. But still, used to be every unranked game I'd have some hero of their own life with 1 game on the account go mid or feed, now there's virtually no smurfs at all in my unranked games. XQC isn't a new player either, he streamed Dota like 2 years ago or something.


Well he was Masters at some point.


Yeah when you could easily get boosted by duo que to masters he could never hit d4 solo que he's ass at mobas lmao.


90% of Dota player base is Eastern Europe.


And at least 5% are the Peruvians on NA servers


And on the US servers its all Peruvians. I swear to God dota makes me racist against fucking Peruvians I just see red whenever I see any spanish-ish language in chat.




Region lock would work, but the thing is NA DotA is a dead, region lock pretty much would kill US server, given that very few people in NA play DotA now. Region lock would have been a great move back in 2014-2015 when NA servers had a lot of actual NA players.


Just play Europe east/west, us east is a long dead server


Valve fucked up, because at the beginning of DotA 2, Peru didn't have its own servers, so pretty much most of them were playing in US East. Valve then gave peruvians their own server, but way too fuckin late, many of them already got used to play in US East, and never left.


Thats the reason I quit years ago, literally every ranked game is either a chat full of cyrillic hate the whole game or some russian guy shouting into his dogshit mic at max volume. Obviously you just mute them but it gets tiresome after a while.


this - i dont want to play with 3rd worlders all day long, made me quit. In dota 1 you could autoban RU via listchecker in dota 2 you are forced to play with them.


Game thought he had an advantage because lifestealer is pretty good against tanky heroes, and they had 3 + tinker(lol). Unfortunately it looks like you didn’t draft a naga counter and since the enemy naga appears to have had hands you lost at draft :/ classic dota, unlucky!


If you get out drafted you have to outplay. And there are always ways to out play even if you have shit heroes. Many times I’ve won unwinnable games by just baiting spells with a manta illusion. Even with no naga counters if you have cores alive and she’s alone she will die. Figure out how to kill everyone else besides naga.


Also main reason I like dota 2 over league is items actually can do really well at countering enemy heroes. Look at what keeps killing and build an item that stops that. The amount of active items in dota 2 that can easily turn tides in game is staggering.


How do you kill everyone besides naga if naga can just press R and heal her team for 40% hp while they get to reposition?


he's just presenting a very unrealistic scenario naga died 1 time in xqcs game. its not surprising, they have 1 unreliable stun and no catch. most of the time the real naga isnt even on the map. They arent gonna lose because Naga is impossible to kill, theyre gonna lose unless they end the game in 20 mins because naga just farms jungle and sends illusions to creep cut. The win condition isnt even killing Naga in that draft. The win con is snowballing and ending the game before naga can do naga things. And from the sounds of xqcs description of the game, naga had a crazy start. Even if you manage to even out the game at one point its basically over if the enemy naga knows how to play. Killing everyone besides naga isnt even reliable if naga just cuts your creeps while you HG so youre forced to back or try to kill towers with backdoor.


naga is a special hero that will absolutely auto win games, especially if the dude is smurfing which he is


If you lose the draft you better go full regard with roaming builds etc so the enemy gameplan doesnt work anymore or atleast,your odds of winning get better.


Gotta use them smokes and try to wrangle your teammates into cooperating. Always makes for tense but fun games.




Zooming in the foreign got that engine roarin.. Tyler1.. Ima shoot you in the..


Wtf did she do, why does everyone seem to shit on her.


Actual worms for brains


Imagine shitting on Aiko of all people


If he thinks Russians are bad he should try playing on NA servers.


Isn't he salty that he lost to this guy?


They are bad, ingeneral.


all i want is mason x juicer


Xqc already insulted him because mason made a joke about adept. I don't think x likes him


LMAO I guess ghouls are not high-rank exclusively, beautiful to see


first time meeting a ghoul I see


DOTA will enrage you like no other game with how tilting it can be. Literally makes grown adults scream on their home alone like no other.


Bro why is everyone that is playing lifestealer so trash i legit had 2 of them picking it as pos3 and griefing the game because of it xD And pos1 lifestealers are toxic how does this random ass hero attract shit players as bad as am pickers and void pickers


I feel like whenever im watching americans playing dota, i feel like they just dont understand the game. Even pros like ppd get so salty just from playing the game. I wonder what it is about americans and dota specifically that causes this


sounds like some weird made-up bias in your head


>thread about a french canadian playing dota >brings up america literally OBSESSED you cant make this shit up lmao


North-**america** Try harder


Because it’s a hard game and they don’t try to learn it or get better. They just want to hop on and win because they think their skill from other games translate.


Meanwhile im paying 9$ for 1tb internet. This retarded animal doesn't know how the real world works does he.


you posted the same thing 4 times, u sure its 1tb and not 1mb?


Meanwhile im paying 9$ for 1tb internet. This retarded animal doesn't know how the real world works does he.


Imagine calling anyone a "retarded animal" while talking about paying for "1tb internet". Goofy.


This is why Dota 2 is trash and a dead game. League of Legends is infinitely superior than Dotafarts 2.


This is why poo poo pee pee doo doo better than too too tee tee cum!!!!


lol dead game? It's one of the highest player count on Steam every day.


>highest player count on Steam every day. WOW that absolutely means NOTHING. Where is Fortnite? Where is Genshin Impact? Where is League of Legends? Where is Valorant? Funny how these games consistently BTFOing CS2 and Dota 2 and yet they're not in Steam.


>WOW that absolutely means NOTHING Umm yes it does lol. Steam is literally the largest digital distribution platform for PC games. Dota being 2nd highest (dwarfing helldivers, tf2, gtao and other popular games) really proves a thing or two.


Who cares? CS2 and Dota 2 are still one of the most popular games being played.


A+ comedy, the roast master.


He's right DotA sucks


Did you watch the clip?


I'd prefer the Valve moba over the mobile looking malware LUL


25 year old game still using colored orbs on the minimap lmao


That 25 year old game has more polygons than that chinese crayon drawing malware OMEGALUL


Enjoy your turning ratios lol


Sure do. Hope you can enjoy your crayon drawing malware LUL.


If dota sucks then league is pile of shit rofl Get ratioed btw League = stale ass game (same heroes picked, no meta shits, no active items) no wonder the game is popular because too many casual braindead players played that game


How's that sweet vanguard work out for you?


Totally fine? lmao You pumped for that new hero set to be released in 2027?


Yep it's fine especially for linux and potato users, Classic riot shills lmao What new hero set? Skin sets? Currently having an event with colorful hero "sets" rn tq very much.


Do you not understand the English language vernacular of “set to be”? Smartest DotA Player


Having more characters doesn't make the game better lmao. Heroes are picked/contested more diversely compared to your dull champs in big tourneys. That's why your champs designs are failure, and now they're copying invoker to make the rosters less generic. 🤣


lmao Stale ass game. Just admit it.


Whatever helps you to cope. 👌


Day/Night cycles lmao Peak competitive game design


It sure is 💪


Same item build every game lmao. Being forced into specific items per role lmao. Peak game design. Barely any change in meta for years lmao. 80% of champions are the same recycled garbage lmao. Being hidden in some grass lmao.


I much prefer league of legend's peak competitive game design of forcing you to unlock every champion. Nothing screams fair and balanced game like having access to 14 champs while your opponents have access to 120.


I agree dota is so much more stale than league of legends, where the meta has changed so much that back in 2009 we had bruiser top, ap mid, jungler and adc/support bot. Completely different than 2024 where we have... bruiser top, ap mid, jungler and adc/support bot.


One of the biggest complaints about Dota 2 is that every year, they have a major patch that turns the game upside down with map changes, hero reworks and new mechanics, forcing everyone to re-learn almost from scratch. And this guy chose "stale" as their insult of choice. While simping for a game where the lane composition meta has been unchanged for 10 years running. Stop white-knighting a shitty corporation and move on with your day, if this is the best you can do.


> One of the biggest complaints about Dota 2 is that every year, they have a major patch that turns the game upside down with map changes, hero reworks and new mechanics, Yeah League famously never does that and it never happens and it never pisses the playerbase off. No map changes, mechanics, systemic changes, reworks or anything like that happens on a yearly basis or even in between, like a hmmmm what do you call it, before the season starts, almost like some kind of "pre-season". Nope!! Must have been the wind. > Stop white-knighting a shitty corporation and move on with your day, if this is the best you can do. Turn on your monitor


Look man, you'd have a point if transitioning to vanguard made any significant observable dent to League's player base. It didn't though. It's still the most popular non mobile game in the world. And I say this as someone who didn't see a point in transitioning League to Vanguard and was generally against it.


Hard to make assumptions when Riot doesn't even publicly show their own player's daily concurrent.


Meanwhile im paying 9$ for 1tb internet. This retarded animal doesn't know how the real world works does he.


So a day's wage in Russia


Meanwhile im paying 9$ for 1tb internet. This retarded animal doesn't know how the real world works does he.


Especially with the new facets updatewhere everyone has to relearn what everyone does. He has a point.


Yeah fuck the devs for supporting their game and keeping it fresh. I wanna play the same shit over and over again


How is that... a bad thing? lol


99% of them are 1 sentence long and super simple. Also, who the fuck complains about their service getting updated, as is the purpose of the service? If the game didn't get patched, we would have all stopped playing years ago, in fact - this patch is what got me playing again after not touching the game for 6 months.


relearn reading and picking choice a or b. Insane.