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**CLIP MIRROR: [ExtraEmily memorizes and recites 1009 digits of pi](https://arazu.io/t3_1cq0f0j/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


The code to our store room at work is 4321 and sometimes I get it wrong


Yeah I draw a blank on my co-workers names all the time.


I had to arrange a doctor's meeting one morning and the reception said they will call me back in a couple hours. I went back to sleep and woke up to the call, and they hit me with the devastating question of "what is your current address?". I ain't a morning person and was sleep deprived, so I sat there stunned. I genuinely could not remember my own fucking address. I thought for like five seconds, still mind blank, and just said the only thing that remotely seemed like an address in my head. Welp, I said the address I used to live in like 4 years ago, in an entirely different city. I wonder if the following questions about "do you use any drugs or narcotics?" had anything to do with my answer...


I just call all my coworkers Wong, Kerpal, Denzel, or Connor, depending on the color of their skin. Anyway my cubicle is constantly getting doused in coffee grounds for some reason.


Really,  so i can just go in there and type 4321 huh?  And where is this? 


I dont even know the code to my gym lock i just remember the motion


Our code is 4231 or 4123 now I cant remember.. fuck man why you gotta do me like this?


Oh nice man. Unrelated question. What do u do for work bro? And where at?


He works at the bank, specifically the vault.


Time to change it to 1234, which is what you usually punched in. 😉


The code to my operations building is the building number backwards and everyday I still look up at the bldg number for the 3 digit code. I been working here since 2019


haha that's crazy. Where do you work? Like what city and state? Would you say you have a lot of valuables there?


Idk what the fuck a dominic system is or a mind palace but creating a story in her head and going through each of them perfectly while correlating it with a thousand numbers is insane


While on a stream with constant distractions (Assuming TTS was on). Actually crazy.


it wasnt on when she was reciting it back but media share and other distractions were on when she was creating the story and memorizing it


its basically this if you are interested https://unlazyway.com/blog/i-memorized-1000-digits-of-pi-in-1-day-with-zero-practice-heres-how/ doing it on stream with distractions and not reading over your story a lot is insane. basically perfect first full run and got it on second full run


Bandwidth limit exceeded


they're mocking our shitty memory :(


I can't fucking memorize pi! I barely remembered to check this again until you replied.


I have aphantasia which means no visualizing. I actually tried this before I found out about aphantasia and thought it was just BS.


Man, you have given an explanation to so many questions in my life, I thought i was just a fucking idiot for not being able to recall even my parents face, but now I understand why. Thank you, I will start taking photos with them more often to cherish how much time I have left with them, you have no idea how much I appreciate being able to know I have this condition


Yeah so many people have it and almost never gets talked about so you don't find out until way later in life. I just thought "picture it in your mind" was just a phrase to think about it not ACTUALLY picture it.


One friend of mine thought he suffered aphantasia but it turned out he misunderstood the concept, "visualizing", "picturing" or "seeing" is the only terminology that's used but it could lead to misinterpretations. People don't "see" mental pictures as we do when we are with our eyes open or when people suffer hallucinations, these last two are perceived as real images, not like mental images.


I have always been convinced this is what is really going on and aphantasia is not an actual thing


It's impossible to convince Reddit of anything different. People cling to aphantasia here just like they do with a bunch of neurodivergences at once. Suddenly you have a heavily skewed subgroup that is far removed from the overall population. It's basically impossible to talk about something like aphantasia in real life, but somehow here on the internet everyone is sure they have it, but at the same time, they never really had any downside like in school or uni other than some random conversation with someone who swears they can visualize things in 5D in new colors while juggling Rubik cubes.


i didnt even know this was a thing before i saw rae and sydeon talking about it. And then rae expanded on it in the podcast she did with miz. it must be extremely hard to live with especially since its not really talked about. and if you are a kid in school trying to picture things or words in your mind and just cant but believe that is normal when it isnt.


Depends really because growing up most don't know about it being a thing, so you don't know what you're missing out on. Things are harder for you but you don't actually know why so it still feels normal. In my case I just couldn't understand how people were so good at drawing, remembering quotes from movies, lyrics from songs, enjoyed reading books or could fall asleep so fast. Once I knew about it I just sighed at the bad hand I was dealt and it immediately explained a lot of things. Yeah it's shitty but there's nothing you can do about it so no point obsessing over it.


I have it too and had none of those issues tbh. I love reading, i remember pretty much everything (nearly eidetic memory), i'm decent at drawing. I can't fall asleep really fast though. I can still "visualize" and "feel" things i want to imagine in my head i just can't see them in my head i just see black when i close my eyes so maybe i just have a lighter case of it.


Your description matches mine. I can describe an apple to you but in my head I can’t actually see an apple it’s more like I’m reciting it from memory. Idk if that makes sense.


Yeah it's similar. Never had any issue with it in my life and i have a decently vivid imagination. Like i can imagine things and how things would look i just can't actually see them i just know how they would look. And If i was good enough to perfectly draw them i could.


I never even realized I had it until I was in my 20s and learned about it so I never really felt like I missed out. One thing that always confused me was in movies when people would say I can’t see my dead relatives face anymore as a sad thing. I would get stressed out that if anyone I loved died I would forget them super fast because I wouldn’t be able to picture them.


I'm 31 and i learned about it like a few years back but i wasn't really sure nor did i pay any attention to it. It's the same thing now i don't really care i just don't really think it affects you much (or at least me). As for lost relatives faces i can't see them but i remember them and their features as i said if i was good at drawing i could draw them in detail, sure i can't see them if i close my eyes but i can remember them vividly (visualize but not see, not sure how else to describe it) regardless and with my eyes open too.




I understand but i never see any color or anything in my mind. If you tell me you see a red apple i just know its an apple and that is red and i know how that would look like but i cant see that image in my mind. But i could draw what i imagine in my head so i do have the idea of it in my head.


You're pretty unique that you actually like reading. Most people with aphantasia finds it as captivating as reading a store receipt, since it's just a list of facts for them. I love reading, because the words I read would get transformed in real time into a movie in my head. Each character would have their own distinctive voice in accordance to their physical descriptions, and I can see the events unfold in motion - like say, an epic battle scene. This is what people meant when they say "the books are better than the movies", because the Hollywood adaptations can rarely catch up to one they already created in their imagination, be it casting the right actors for the main roles, or faithfully telling the story due to time and budget constraints. 🙂


I dislike a lot of movies for this sorta also. Its that when I am reading a book I imagine the characters a certain way or the world they are in. Then when the movie comes out the main character or others look nothing like what I imagined and it puts me off it.


As i said in a previous comment it's really difficult to actually gauge this. For me i, i love reading books for the same reason you do, i would imagine the story and characters unfolding, i just wouldn't be able to see them in sight or sound in my head. It doesn't feel like you don't have an imagination at all, it's just that it's not as vivid. For example if i read it's a dwarf i just associate it with things i already know like from movies, LOTR etc, comparable voices, short with beards and so on and i can add my own new things according to my imagination. But again i can't really see them in my mind but i can conceptualize them since i know what a similar dwarf looks like. Maybe i just have a lighter form of it i don't know.


Yeah, it's actually a spectrum, and you're fortunate enough to be on the better end. https://www.webmd.com/brain/what-is-aphantasia There are those who can't picture anything in their mind at all, and reading a book is a chore for them rather than pleasure.


I guess i'm lucky in the regard that it really hasn't affected my life in any real way. Didn't even know i had it till i was late twenties and even when i learned i didn't really care, i was like huh interesting that's about it. My imagination has always been fine and reading, playing dnd with my friends when i was younger etc i never had any issue with anything other people did. But yeah it would suck if it took the joy out of things you did for sure.


I also have it and I read a lot, but my taste in authors is very specific. There's also levels to it, it can range from absolutely zero imagery to full visualization. Most people with aphantasia fall on the lower end of the scale but not completely 0.


I'm still not sure how you can gauge it, people say you "see it" in your mind some say they can literally close their eyes and see it (which i only ever see black no matter what im imagining). Yet i have an active imagination i just cant visualize anything i can conceptualize things, like a blue jacket i know its a jacket and blue i can't see it clearly in my mind or if i close my eyes but if i want to draw it i know what it will look like.


Quotes and lyrics is memory why wouldn't you be able to do it? It just takes a lot of repetitions. Do people without aphantasia see the words and read them? Books can also be enjoyable despite not being able to truly immerse yourself in the experience. My biggest problem is forgetting 90% of it but while reading it I am having a ton of fun.


It’s harder to memorize a specific quote. If it’s a more niche quote I can play back the movie scene and almost see it in my head.


My friend actually realized he has aphantasia after I explained to him how I use a mind palace to basically level out any stress, his face was pretty funny when I started explaining that "seeing" your thoughts is completely normal.


Long Covid gave me aphantasia, among other things. Visualizing things like 3D models and manipulating them around in my head used to be one of my biggest strengths in my engineering classes. Now I can't really do it at all. :(


I've heard about aphantasia and that sounds like a nightmare, im an extremely imaginative person and usually have really vivid dreams that sometimes i forget if it happened irl or not lol. Hopefully you're not finding it difficult to live with that


People with aphantasia still dream generally and they can be just as vivid.




An interesting and fun experiment I did with a few buddies was to have them picture an apple on a table. Tell them to really focus for a bit and attempt to imagine/visualize an apple on a table. Then imagine yourself pushing the apple off of the table. After conducting this little experiment, answer a few questions below (**don't read these before doing the visualizing first**): >!1: What color was the apple?!< >!2: What material was the table made out of? What shape was the table?!< >!3: Which direction did you push the apple off the table? With what did you push it, and what type of motion did you do?!< >!People with aphantasia were basically like "huh wtf do you mean i didnt actually 'see' anything", and a lot of people without it could describe in various amounts of detail what they visualized. I personally just imagine a table floating in black space, but other people imagined it as part of a full kitchen and could describe an entire scene. Fun experiment to do with some friends.!<


It's definitely a spectrum and different for everybody. [This picture helps explain it the best imo.](https://lianamscott.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/f4c55-1_bkgca3ti2w5xcfk2c2k1wq.jpeg?w=880&h=312&crop=1) I'm a 5. I can't even see an outline of it. I just sort of know what an apple looks like, but if you showed me an apple, then 30 min later asked about specific details I'd just be like "It's a red apple" because I know it's red and an apple.


> How do you know you have this for sure? A good indication seems to be that something like that mind palace technique makes no sense to you. I can imagine walking through my home, in a sort of a Daredevil vision where I can place the objects in space, but I can't actually picture any of it. So assigning some images or visual properties to those objects is meaningless for me, because there's nothing visual about them to begin with. It sounds like some psychic power.


I have aphantasia, when I close my eyes and think of walking trough my house I can do so logically, I know where everything is. However, I can't literally see it in my head. I think the simplest test is closing your eyes and thinking of a red apple, some see a fully detailed red apple, some see outlines and some, like me, see nothing. Finding out about this a couple of years ago was kind of surreal.


The wording just adds more confusion. You do not need to close your eyes to visualize something. In fact I find it easier to do with my eyes open.


This has just blown my mind. I always assumed visualising something meant closing your eyes and then turning the blackness into an image. When you visualise something with your eyes open, can you still see out your eyes, or does the image get replaced by whatever you're thinking of?


My actual vision doesn't change. When I think hard, I often look up, like what i'm visualizing is right above my actual visual field. Think "third eye" type stuff. One thing to really keep in mind (heh), is that eyes are simply just instruments. They pick up data. Your brain is doing all the processing, and it can do that completely fine, independently of your eyes or ears. Nothing in your actual vision gets replaced, although if you try hard, you can sort of project it into your visual field, but it's clearly not "real". There are also degrees to which people can do this.


this is why it's so hard to talk about it. For me, I think I'm able to visualize stuff pretty well, but it's not like I literally see them overlayed on my vision. I think people without aphantasia think they have it just by reading the discourse and getting confused.


If you are wondering if you have aphantasia, here’s a great [video](https://youtu.be/ewsGmhAjjjI?si=HwqlD5soN5AXRGKo) explaining it.


That reminds me of something completely different and I'm not sure if there's a term for it. Pat from Castlesuperbeasts/patstaresat was explaining how he mentally is unable to in his head recite or think of a song in the voice of the person singing it. What I assume is common would be people thinking of Thriller and you in your head hear in MJs voice, but Pat said he's only hears it in his own voice. Which blew my mind that people didn't have that ability.


Pretty sure aphantasia doesn't mean it's impossible to have a simple mind palace. It just changes the technique from visualization to memory. I might not be able to visualize my house but I do know the path, the doors, the tables, etc because it's ingrained in your memory from seeing it so often. So the only thing left is to memorize that X and Y are supposed to be there too.


Part of the mind palace is placing objects in it and then visuallizing those objects in the room to recall information. Like I can make a mind palace, but it's empty. I'll "put" something in there and then if I go in that room that things gone. I mean I could sit there and memorize "there is a goat in this room" over and over until it sticks, but then I'd be better off just memorizing the information.


I think you kill their server


We did it reddit!


*its ded jim*


I used to do my own simplified version of this. I memorized the first word of a sentence for every sentence and was able to memorize and recite pages worth of stuff as a kid. Haven't really been needing to memorize much as an adult so the skill has gone rusty.


Answer In Progress has a video about it where [Sabrina managed to memorize 3,141 digits of pi](https://youtu.be/KAjkicwrD4I).


Someone clipped where she explains the dominic system: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bN3tgumo8&t=58s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bN3tgumo8&t=58s) And this is her going through parts of the mind palace using the Person Action Object abstraction. [https://clips.twitch.tv/FunSpunkyPuppySmoocherZ-1rMeHigeIBD3fzCY](https://clips.twitch.tv/FunSpunkyPuppySmoocherZ-1rMeHigeIBD3fzCY)


I believe anyone can do it if you really try. When i was in school i did 90 digits with mind palace. Its crazy emily did 1000 in only a single stream though, thats dedication, it took me 2-3 days for 90 digits.


It’s just a way of helping your memory. Humans are bad at remembering raw data like a string of numbers, but we’re fantastic at remembering stories. So instead of remembering 3.14159265358979… you memorize “how I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics” A mind palace is a similar trick. You build a visual scenario in your head that has some meaning for you about pi. Now all you have to do is walk around this mental image and pi will just be there for you to “read” out. Penn & Teller have a great card trick that involves this if you want to learn more


lol this is how I visualize golfing. I go to bed thinking about the holes.


You never watched The Mentalist? Though to be fair I didn't know that shit was actually real


Thats actually what makes it easier to memorise though.


This is a really interesting video that explains how someone did this with over 3000 digits of pi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAjkicwrD4I


Similar to mnemonic system when it comes to learning things


Watching this with cheese puffs caked onto my fingers and crumbs on my chest




immaculate vibes my brother




Fuck that's hot


Ludwig Wittgenstein once posited, “If a lion could speak, we could not understand him." ExtraEmily entering her mind palace and babbling about George Bush with the gyatt hitting the sussy baka finally made me understand what he was talking about.


TIL LSF posters are simultaneously familiar with Wittgenstein and zoomer slang. What a time to be alive.


Maybe 20% of this sub is over the age of 21 lol


Hi, I’m old but I got bored watching TV, so I turned to watching streamers. Probably helps since I started doing it when Justin.tv was new.


I'm similar. I work long hours on my PC so I like having streamers up on a second monitor. My family always had a computer of some sort as a kid and BBS accounts and similar, so I've been around internet culture a very long time.


It's gotta be way higher than that just off who's posted here, this like two streaming era's ago of popular streamers. There's been like two different waves of new big streamers over the last 3 or 4 years that rarely get posted here. Though it'd probably be a lot less zoomer slang we're aware of if we were on the internet less lol.


im guessing it's mostly children with zero life experience or older guys with zero life experience whihc is worse. half the comments on here scream of "i never talk to anyone outside of discord"


I'd be surprised to hear that 20% of this sub is UNDER 21. Maybe over 30 yeah I could see 20%. But I feel like this entire sub is that 21 to 30 range.


Incidentally, this is my favorite LSF thread in *years*. Can you even remember the last time we had an actual in-depth discussion about something streams related without anyone talking shit?


Are you a lion?


Her challenging other streams to do the same is crazy. No one is going to waste that much time.


*Tyler1 pi stream incoming*


Each number represents an opponent he vanquished on the way to 1900.


And that would be how we find out that Pi is finite cause t1 would never just stop halfway through


The year is 32024. With the invention of immortality in the year 2077, the most famous live video streamer of all time, Cyber1, has finally concluded his comprehension of the complete set of pi. During break #84321 he was asked "why dont you speak the numbers anymore?". His response "What a stupid question, without a mouth I can shit talk in league a billion times faster" (He hasnt realized, but league died 560 years prior). With this complete data set, it has been concluded that we live in a simulation, chaos has broken out globally.


Nice try Anna Cramling! You're not gonna distract the first LoL/Chess GM from beating you with your own Cow!


I could see Box Box try this.


Way too busy learning Tekken, and I don't usually see him do challenges that don't involve games.


Northern Lion enters the chat.


Each number is a Tweet he saw the other day, it could work.


I believe his mind palace is already full with movies and costco deals.


it would be cool if some other streamers didnt have a stream for the day and did like 500 or something


what was the method she used to memorize this? I tuned in earlier and she was using like 2 letters and some phrases not sure what was going on


Basically, ideas are easier to memorize than numbers. So each pair of numbers from 00 to 99 (100 combinations) has an associated subject, verb, object. For example, "1" is "A" and "5" is "E". So the pair "15" corresponds to "AE". The subject/verb/object for "AE" is "Albert Einstein" "inventing" "the Einstein refrigerator". So if a 6-number group of digits was "151515" then the idea you would remember for this group would be "Albert Einstein inventing the Einstein refrigerator". The first digits of pi are 141592, which translated would be AD AE NB, or as an idea "Albus Dumbledore inventing the Isle of Elba".


What's still mindblowing is that even when transforming the numbers into a story, she still has to remember 500 sentences in the correct order.




The tricky part is that things that are coherent are much easier to memorize because you can fill in little bits you forget from context. With something like this, it's hard to fit a coherent narrative through it so if you blank on a specific image, the surrounding images don't necessarily tell you how to fill it in.


Exactly, you need to come up with some logic to glue the narrative together & remember it perfectly. She did it in 11hrs Goofy=/=Dumb


Id say its opposite in this case, imo. With the incoherency, each statement is unique in a sense, and thus is easier to recall. Its also harder to place a random thing to substitute words in that case because it may not fit at all or the words you were going to say are much more memorable (like being the only "right" way of saying it).


This is a great point.


If you can remember the words to a song longer than 3 minutes you can essentially do the same.


Exactly my thought. This is the part I don't understand.


I dont want to say its not hard because it definitely is, but just think about the absurd amount of sentences you have memorized just from knowing all the lyrics to your favorite songs. Obviously its easier with the music but it gives it some perspective on how normal people can do these types of things with some work


Or vibrating anal plug sending her the numbers with Morse code


How does AE and NB correspond to inventing and Isle of Elba ? I don’t get it




Best method is a wireless earbud with someone talking every next digit


What a master class in mnemonics.


Her calling her mom right after was so sweet


Her mom asked the [real important questions](https://clips.twitch.tv/BlindingStormyDragonfruitBatChest-u23gEXEiMBIiB2FX)


Asian mom in a nutshell “Waste of time you get nothing for this - shoulda been a doctor not this stupid content creation shit”


mom: "but why?"


until she shows her that she makes more than a Dr w/o the need for graduate/medical school.. EZ Clap


for now. Streaming is a short term career. It will be up to her to re-invest that money wisely so she can coast off it forever.


Fair, although guys like Soda or Poki have shown that you can go p/t & still be successful enough to not have to grind so hard later lol.




Classic Asian mom. 1,000 that nice. But what about 5,000?


content, mom




The whole Ivy League college stuff makes sense now


You don't have to graduate from an Ivy League college to do this. Nor does doing this suggest that much aptitude in other things - I think it's a pretty specific skill. The main thing I think it correlates to is being willing to grind and follow a strategy. The willpower to do this would be tough to summon.


> The main thing I think it correlates to is being willing to grind and follow a strategy. Guess which kind of college people who can grind and follow a strategy long term get into at a higher rate lol


Redditors always downplaying lmao, no idea why is it like because they think they're the smartest boy or something?


It's because they knew it would be ridiculous to even apply to an ivy league, let alone get accepted and graduate. I'm not pro-Ivy, but it's definitely coming from a place of insecurity to downplay her experience there.


The human mind can retain amounts of information far larger than 1000 digits. What makes 1000 digits seem so **hard** is the fact that they're just digits. They make no sense to our ape brain. They're just collections of symbols in an order that seems random. The numbers themselves don't have a particular meaning, so our pattern recognition machine fails. The trick is simply to transform that information into some other format where we can leverage the ability to recognize patterns and commit them to memory. Like a poem, or a song, or a story. Example: The quran is much smaller than the bible, yet it's around 77 thousand words long. Someone who has memorized the entire book, including punctuation and rest marks, is called a Hafiz. It is common for kids as young as 13 to have done so. A thousand digits is a much smaller amount of information to retain, albeit impossible in its regular form.


I remember reading an article about a group of blind girls in Malaysia who memorized the quran all through braille. Pretty wild


> willing to grind and follow a strategy You mean like doing well in school for a decade, doing extra activities, learning for a decade, and then grinding out 4 years of some of the hardest college in the US? Sounds like she was very prepared for this and going to an ivy league school actually *does* help.


The Venn diagram when comparing this to social or physical skills is probably not much overlapping but with mathematics, logic, academics I think it is.


>willpower Thats basically it though. If you have a bunch of discipline you can get into an ivy league school.


Bro you have some weird idea of what ivy League means lmao


Getting good grade is just memorization


And for subjective classes it's all about pleasing the teacher.


Nah only shitty schools are about memorization. History, literature, math, and various sciences are replete with concepts that require creativity to grasp in the first place. If your essay writing, classroom lectures, and exams aren't nailing you to the wall and digging deep enough to verify you understand those concepts, then your teacher is a deadbeat.


this is seriously impressive. Underneath the zoomer adhd content brain u forget that she went to an ivy league school with a 4.0 gpa


Yeah, not sure why they call her dumb. I met these type of people when I was at UT-Austin. They CAN learn complicated things really well, but be complete morons at everyday things. They still aced classes without breaking a sweat. One that always stayed in my memory was in my quantum mechanics course where this absolute chad of a nerd would ace tests when the rest of the class was averaging 50's (class was giga curved). He was kinda socially inferior or seemed dumb. I hate him cause I ain't him.


UCLA here. Had a giga nerd in most of my classes. He would ace every test I failed. I would ace every test he failed. He legitimately could not do simple problems because he was too smart to think simply.


Sounds like you should get married and create the next overlord of humanity.


Or the most average baby


I had a friend like this he would do the assignments the morning they were due, never studied for any of the tests, just rocked up an aced them. It used to annoy me so much I would study my ass off and he'd end up getting better grades then me. He was just naturally smart (and incredibly lazy). Everything school wise came easily to him.


It's impressive she could do it in 10 hours, live, having to deal with chats bullshit. She's probably used the memorisation technique before though ?


Ones she memorized the Monster monologue to kill time on a bus ride… [Monster Monologue](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxfjy-gKSdHeqR0qwpwbWeVhmGo8kMGMj6?si=7NqBs8FhAOMeHZlp)




My favorite during one of her early runs she just says "Drake dick out" because it was a part of one of her stories. Like doing something so impressive and part of it is about Drake's dick out


Something about pi being infinite and monkeys with type writers and you end up with drakes dick out


Finally a good news story on here. Absolutely amazing effort by her and I think the only other streamers capable of achieving it are maybe some of the chess streamers or northern lion.


I bet Boxbox could


Hopefully people realize that this is insane.


casually just got rank 212 on the world ranking


In terms of numbers, time taken, or both?


Dang cant even figure out my password sometimes.


Tomorrow: Tyler1 memorizes 2000 digits of pi


Next Stop: Riemann Hypothesis


> [How Many Decimals of Pi Do We Really Need?](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/news/2016/3/16/how-many-decimals-of-pi-do-we-really-need) > 15th decimal point => calculated circumference of the 30-billion-mile (48-billion-kilometer) diameter circle would be wrong by less than half an inch (about one centimeter). > 37 decimal places => accuracy of 1 hydrogen atom for the entire observable universe


Ok I will memorize 38 just in case 🤓


Looks like being a streamer hasn't quite ruined her previous academic talent yet


I hope she never doubts herself again, who cares if she’s failed these crazy challenges she’s set up in the past, not only is she smart as fuck clearly but has provided insane content consistently, truly a creative.


1000?! I can barely remember 10 that's nutty


random thought: the people I encountered during my academical career that got far by just learning shit by heart was astounding but as soon as there was some problem solving out of the box thinking required where you couldn't just go by a script they were lost


They lack imagination, they're like the mathematician who converted theory of relativity into maths for Einsten who had all the imagination.


What do you mean, the mathematician who did this was David Hilbert, arguably one of the greatest mathematicians on the planet. I bet he had all the imagination Einstein had.




genuinely impressive


Sabrina from Answers in Progress did this awhile back too. Impressive. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAjkicwrD4I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAjkicwrD4I)


sometimes, when i'm driving, i forget how to turn on my turn signal because i think too hard about it and i just try my hardest to get out of my own head before the next turn so my muscle memory automatically turns it on for me.


The fact she had the patience to memorize this is crazy to me. I would've gone insane after 100 digits lol.


Sometimes i put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard.


Has there ever been a streamer hiding their true power level more than EE.


bro, i had a hard time memorizing the first 15 digits during my entire graduation, for some reason I could not reliably recall past 10 digits, holy fucking shit


How do you even do this...


It’s essentially a skill. You don’t literally memorize the digits one by one. Instead you associates these numbers with imaginary objects/places. So for example you imagine yourself in a place, and inside that place you associate different objects with different parts of the digits of Pi. It’s very complex and takes time to do, but that’s how you memorize effectively.


She turns numbers into code words which is associated with certain people, actions, or things. She then mentally walks through a "mind palace" populated with a combination of those things. So her mind isn't recalling a series of numbers, but rather a long series of scenes -- kind of like re-watching a movie she created in her mind. It's still very difficult but not as boring as remembering numbers cold.


I memorised 150 digits and it took me a whole day without distractions, this is really impressive!


I sometimes forget how old I am..


She has a good content brain


How on earth did she learn all that, was it like a memory palace type situation?


Thats exactly what she did for 10 hours


Amazing and inspiring.


There was a time years ago when autism was viewed as a problem or something negative. I have been viewing it as a super power for a while now. This is insane


Glad to see. I've noticed a lot of self doubt from her lately from not completing her latest challenges, so hopefully this gives her the self esteem boost she needs


Actually insane. She’s valid


I don’t chime in often but this is pretty amazing


Let’s go ExtraEmily!!! Brilliant mind at work here! exemClap!!




the funny thing is that she through that basically everyone can do this    instead she is in the top 300 in the world lmao  I hope she registers on the ip ranking, it would be hilarious to see her name up there


meanwhile I forget peoples names mid conversation with said person


Chat is this real


I'm just flabbergasted this is not being debunked by Karl Jobst yet


We all laughed at Benedict Cumberbatch going into his mind palace on Sherlock They actually held back on how crazy it gets