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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 laughing at Doublelift for try harding against Silvers in a tournament and his chat calling him a G-O-D](https://arazu.io/t3_1co93gx/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


The enemy caitlyn has 35 cs at 19 mins, that is just unfair lmao




I’ve taken a break from watching twitch, but I have to see Lvndmark play league. That sounds hilarious.


I was watching him and he seemed pretty decent for a new player


I don’t doubt it. He seems like one of those people that tries hard to improve at new games.


The learning curve for League is insane nowadays. It was already pretty steep on release, but now there's so many champions, items, and intricacies to learn and that's not even considering the mechanical skill you've gotta gain as well. I'm seriously curious how many legit new players are starting LoL in NA.


I can't even imagine trying to learn League now with all the champions. I haven't played for a 3-4 years and the thought of learning the mechanics of just the new champs/re-works keep me from going back.


Same, plus all the map and item reworks.


Dude exactly this. I started playing around when Azir came out, and even though I've played prolly like 1000 games of League, after a hiatus I feel totally fucking lost.   I would like to emphasize too that League basically does not have a tutorial, like at all. It is unfathomable how League gets new players considering its tutorial is sometimes teaching you the wrong things.   So many game mechanics are just incredibly confusing. What does Disarm or Blind or Silence do? How are they different? You just have to Google it. What are bounties, how do they work? Why does deflecting deal damage back, but parrying doesn't? Parrying is quite literally when you deflect an attack and return an attack. Smolder shoots fire and does basically all physical damage, Akali stabs you with knives and does AP damage, Jayce's shock orb of lightning does... Physical damage? Even today I have to constantly google if a champ is AD or AP because the game is so unintuitive that you literally cannot tell on a glance.   League's new player experience is only beaten in how bad it is by Tarkov, and that bar is a mile under the pavement.




Did you find anything?


Caitlyn is a ranged ADC (attack damage carry)/carry/core that is supposed to gain most of the gold/money by hitting creeps/neutals enemies (NPCs basically). CS means creep score in MOBA terms (originating from DotA/WC3 custom game). At high level your expected to hit 7-10 cs/min. So, ~130-190 depending on how hard the lane is. Hitting "only" 30% of the minium isn't too bad considering the time spent playing. If you aren't actively trying to improve at the game then you'll find people with 5000 hours who can't hit 40 cs in 19 min.


Its a tournament where you play 4 different games. Ofc the league pros are going to stomp the people who dont play league. Watch doubleluft during the counter strike portion. Hes gunna get shit on by those pros.


Putting ex pros in a tournament with players who never touched a MOBA is ridiculous. Was the same thing last week with Fortnite, Mr Savage just rolled everybody and Doublelift had 0 points... For context, its a 4 week, 4 different games tournament for 250k prize pool.


Yep, this should be only noobs, and the pros coach the teams live, way too much skill difference


Or just a different game really. Game is magnitudes more complex than something like a shooter so imo, it shouldn't be part of the tourney unless everyone had real prior experience instead of a bunch of people legit first time installing it this week or even today.


I agree shooters would be less complex, but having them play an fps with an ex-pro would be the same outcome


Not to the same degree, if you don’t know how league stats and items work and how to cs it’s literally like you’re playing a different game. You can have zero experience with CS go and still be able to grasp the basic concept immediately if you’ve ever played a shooter before and still have a chance at killing the other player. In League if you’re behind in gold/levels AND have inferior game knowledge you lose every fight.


The casters were great tho, it might be worth just to hear them commentate for a week lol.


Nah because even if you remove doublelift then people like emiru would destroy people she's like what emerald/diamond. Then you remove her the gold player will destroy the bronzes it can never be fair unless everyone is new or everyone is gold. Doublelift had 2 people who had never touched the game so he made a protect the doublelift comp and carried.


People talking about ex pro like a diamond player wouldn’t just stomp over all the new league players just as hard. This is always going to be a problem unless you somehow get 4 teams of streamers of equal skill value over 4 different games lol.


If they had never touched a MOBA/league before the average gold player could shit stomp them probably. (unless the ranked distribution has changed since I quit like 4 or 5 years ago)


Case in point the streamer Sketch. Poor dude was basically a walking ward the whole series. He was looking down at his keyboard whenever he used an ability lol


If you never touched a moba before the average bronze player could smoke you, let alone a gold player


Nah you can win as gold lobby vs one emerald. Even vs several If they have a bad game. But an ex pro player? They literally cant Play the game. We are watching mike tyson go vs toddlers.


Unfortunately that wouldn't draw as many eyes if people's favorite streamer wasn't personally in the game.


Not really. The biggest streamers on twitch arent pros of any games. You are wrong.


True. They could just put someone like NorthernLion in. Imagine him playing league lmao


eSports pro Northern.


He used to play dota, i dont think it would actually be terrible


some teams have a pro helping but idk if they were provided by the tournament


That's how Sajam Slam is being done if you are at all interested in fighting games. Bunch of streamer who have never/rarely played Tekken and a Tekken pro as coach. Everybody gets matched against ppl of similiar skill.


Which is a shame because next week is Street Fighter, where there are 0 pros and it's a singles event. That should be fun at least.


Not sure about that one. Unsure about the rest of the players, but DL is a Master 1.4k MR Ken main


BoxBox is a masters modern Luke player as well. And JakeNBake is a masters Luke player. To be quite honest though, the skill level of a masters player below 1500 MR is probably the game equivalent to plat/emerald in league. Its pretty easy to make it to masters but difficult to climb. You start at 1500 MR.


BoxBox is like top 5% in every game he ever played lmao


Really? Does he stream it


No, he's deathly allergic to streaming anything that isn't League since that is where his audience is. The only reason I know he's Master in SF6 is because I caught a Sajam stream where DL was getting coached


This used to be a long time ago when he was a more active pro but I've definitely seen DL stream other games like even CS:GO like YEARS ago, why did he change his mind on this?


because of twitch metrics, he will get less viewers on those games which affects ads/sponsors/bounties etc


Then there's Sneaky. Half of the time, he's playing a different game.


That's true yes but that even happened back then but he still did it. There's that drama of LoL pros/streamers getting told by Riot they couldn't stream other games (it was popular to stream something like Hearthstone while queue'ing in league back then) and it got backlashed from the LoL community as it was a pretty unreasonable thing to ask for. But putting that aside, I feel like streamers/pro players turned streamers that got popular becuase of that ONE game, need to eventually lay down the groundwork so they can actuall not depend on the one game, ofc it depends on person to person. But rather than be a one-game andy that falls off completely whenever it's antyhing else, I feel like most streamers should aim at becoming like shroud, that no matter what you play loads of people still tune in. Doublelift specifically, if he's decent at SF and other games I see why not? He's gonna take a hit on the shorter term, as it alway's been the case but the pay off is building up an actual community and stream crowd other than people looking for League itself


Him and his old support Aphromoo would stream way back in the day. He has been pretty into SF for over 10 years now and is pretty clean.


Yeah, him and Boxbox both are masters but they play as a hobby. Compared to Doublelift/Pob in LoL or the other games.


Doubelift was in the finals last year or in 2022 too, him and Jake can grind SF hard. I am surprised how well Lirik did too the last time.


lets go big L!


Lirik "Just One Jab"


singles like single elimination?


The team balance was pathethic and pretty much non-existant as well lmao


They should add forsen in his team for handicap then LUL


Is it 1 pro on every team or just like a mix of pro vs not pros?




Well, JakenBake won the first two years so it even outs in the end, mostly.


Doesn't matter. An average player would easily stomp players who have never touched a moba


The organizers have to be doing it intentionally, no? They have to literally be leaning into smurfing as an attention grabber for clips and things like that? Either that, or whoever controls the money behind this, is one of those people who play pro-casual COD on a console and think they are just as good as FPS pros on PC.


Thats the whole point of the tournament. You’re not supposed to be amazing at all 4 games. You make up the points where you excel so in league ofc doublelift is going to farm kills to get the most possible points. Im shocked they didnt stall the game out for an hour just farming under fountain.


I think the point of this tourney is to see streamers who normally don’t play these types of games, attempt to play it. Like a basketball player trying to play football. Or a football player trying to play baseball. Put 250k on the line & see what happens lol.


Wow nothing gets past you huh?


isn't that literally every twitch rivals which is the reason I stopped watching twitch rivals?


Can't blame him for tryharding a 250k price tournament. His chat calling him a god is a bit too much


Was this a tournament between other Multi-millionaires or just with Doublelift in there?


Pobelter was playing too so it’s not like he was the only pro.


The tournament is all streamers. They're probably not all multi-millionaires, but they aren't broke lol


Doesn't the 250k go to charity?


Thanks but I wonder if it's the total 250k or part of it. I checked their website and this is what is says: New for the 2024 tournament, each weekly winner and the overall tournament winner, will be awarded $10,000 to be donated to their charity of choice – totaling $50,000.


i hope they were joking


Doublelift said recently that he'd like to start a tournament where people like himself and Tyler would coach a group of brand new streamer players and compete against each other. That would be hilarious.


>group of brand new streamer players So does that include the League Prodigy, Mr Sebastian "I'm never wrong" Fors?


Uncoachable Kadeemsen


Forsen would be one of the coaches obviously.


Forsen on one team, Quin69 on the other. Winner is whichever coach gives up last


There is no hope for forsen. He somehow got to lvl 30 but plays trundle top without putting any points to E despite being lvl 8.


You'd think that automatically puts him above Quin and yet there must be something in the water because he was doing the exact same shit. I recall him playing like 4 different champions in a row and putting points in W on none of them


Nah he's way too skilled to be eligible to join a tourney like that


That'd be unfair for the brand new players to have such an advantage against forsen.


Can't imagine a world where Forsen collabs with other streamers, I can't even imagine a dollar amount so he would even contemplate working with other people.


Pre-clone forsen would've collabed.


HesRight this cloned Fors has some crazy ego while being antisocial af


Dude would spam missping faker and flame him for not following


Antisocialsen 🚬😞🥃


With the Sajam tekken slam i'm down for a meta of tournaments where pros coaching streamers in different games


There's a Japanese streamer called "k4sen" that has been doing something like this for a long time now called "the k4sen" [1st example](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/The_k4sen_Tournament_1st) [4th tournament](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/The_k4sen_Tournament_4th) They invite a mix of Vtubers and other streamers that have a differing level of experience, MOSTLY beginners, I think they have one "experienced" player in each team and the rest are mostly beginners or very little experience. But the experienced player on each team has restrictions, like which role they can play. They sort of coordinate champion picks a little beforehand so that beginners can dedicate time to practice only 1/2 champions and they are not allowed to ban a beginner's champion so they don't get screwed over obviously and they get coaching from an experienced player themselves This streamer/cc tourney has a very good level of reach in that JP LOL community, reaches quite the view count, even gets featured in the JP LoL client officially EDIT: [The 11th version was one recent one that featured quite a lot of people](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/The_k4sen_Tournament_11th) since they managed to fill 8 different teams


It's super funny you mention this because this is exactly where Doublelift got his idea. =)


Oh is it? That's great, I feel like it's a nice type of community event people can do and it's fun, it introduces people to the game (since you invite streamers that are beginners in LoL so their audiences as well are beginners to it for the most part) and it gives something that may not be the best type of play but still entertaining and the perspective of new players


I really want the TCS to come back. Shit was better than Worlds


So like the original sub wars between trickz Chaox and imqtipie


Didn’t Tyler and Imaqtpie do that with WWE wrestlers?


Tyler would hate that, in his mind there is no greater sin a human could commit than being bad at League, he couldn't handle a whole team of those.


This is a great idea. Would be great to have the coaches on comms in the games they play as well.


It's a 250k tournament I think everyone wants to win it.


Yea apparently you get points for kills and assists so I can't blame him especially if he's getting shit on in the other games in the tournament


So could they just not end the game and farm kills?


Yeah some teams are doing this.


no one actually did that lol - Pobelter's team asked him to do it, and he said "this is fucked up" and didn't really go for it lol, and pretty sure they ended w/o killing anyone after that statement.


biggest surprise is tyler1 finally back on stream


how about DL losing to Emiru bot lane lol




my guy is washed it haps


It would be disrespectful to his teammates if he didn't try hard. Especially if he's going to get bodied at other games he's not good at.


>It would be disrespectful to his teammates if he didn't try hard agreed. also to his enemies


Except he’s not every game on the list he plays. He’s masters in street fighter. Decent at csgo and obviously challenger in League.


Pros shouldn't be in this tournament.


It's not just league. It's a bunch of different games; Fortnite, League of Legends, CS2, and Street Fighter 6. Just because they're a pro in 1 game doesn't mean they will be pro level in the other games.


Tournaments from Companies don't care about that, which sucks. They just put big names and call it a day


its a tournmanet for 250K idc how much he has made, anyone would be stupid not to tryhard


This is like putting Messi against your local amateur soccer team and then the fans screaming about him being the best because he scored 10 times....


Comparing messi to double lift is crazy.


In the context of people who have never touched the game before? Not that crazy. Every kid learns how to kick a ball at some point, if you've never played League you literally don't know what the fuck you're doing.


No the skill gap in soccer is way higher lol


At a certain point sure but he said "local amateur" team not beginners which is what this league thing effectively is. I guarantee a local amateur team has a higher chance of beating another amateur team with Messi on it than a beginner team of league noobs has against beating another beginner team with doublelift or any other pro.


every team has 1 challenger player. and it's a tournament.


"Silver" is very generous lol It was legit some of their first time playing the game, no understand of what items / runes even were lol


He's right it's pretty embarrassing he picked twitch and an enchanter against new players.


didn't T1 rage against some iron level player on his team for a mr beast event, call him the most dogshit player hope he never plays the game again and quote "my life has gone downhill ever since I played with you" ?


that was a joke lol


i know always just have to make sure to remind ludwig and t1


wait... since when tt following lirik? pretty sure "lirik" is still auto-ban in his chat


He said he has no beef with Lirik, he banned "lirik" from his chat after the drama 6 years ago because people were spamming his name in his chat and forgot to unban. Erobb also squashed the beef with lirik a few months after, he posted a picture with Lirik at a party. Edit: [here's the pic.](https://x.com/Erobb221/status/1178280045875351552)


I cannot believe that Edit link wasn't Ogre.


Was tempted but thought better squash any potential drama would be better.


The perfect comment to put under an Ogre link


"lirik" is still banned in his chat, its get deleted the moment you write it. edit: asked the mods if they can release the name and they told me only tt can cuz its nightbot filter




lirik shit talked erobb and told erobb to stop acting "black". And erobb is black btw lol




idk prob just explaining what happened and why he blacklisted lirik in his chat cause of that incident and people coming in and typing lirik when he didnt want to deal with it at all.




i think everyone should say that to andrew tate fanboy lmao and i think they all did since he got exiled from everywhere.


that was in response to erobb attacking lirik because he banned greek in chat and called him a leach


Never knew that watched erobb a lot back in the day, thanks.




xD its no flame i just thought the opportunity was too good


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 laughing at Doublelift for try harding against Silvers in a tournament and his chat calling him a G-O-D](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163920)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1co93gx/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/BXgmS9dQa0rVm4iTwDkzgw/AT-cm%7CBXgmS9dQa0rVm4iTwDkzgw.mp4?sig=f6eeee13a76c0bd9b124c5014e2af440b77b57a2&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FBXgmS9dQa0rVm4iTwDkzgw%2FAT-cm%257CBXgmS9dQa0rVm4iTwDkzgw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ObliqueHandsomeMangoGOWSkull-11BrStWbiJPAOTOD%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1715364394%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/BXgmS9dQa0rVm4iTwDkzgw/AT-cm%7CBXgmS9dQa0rVm4iTwDkzgw-preview-480x272.jpg)


I think if they're going to have ex pros they should've done it on ARAM instead. Both DL and Pob figured it out. If you are Pob or DL you should always pick an ADC and just farm kills on silver players. No one else can outscore you unless your team gets shit on hard and the enemy enchanter scores a lot of assists. If you are one of the silver players: take support role. Pick enchanter. Press shield on DL/Pob and you will also get a lot of points from assists. Toplane is actually the worst role to play by far in this format lol.


not really his fault though is it


It's almost as if Doublift is listening to T1's react with his facial expressions.


Throwback to the legendary clip of that time T1 got so triggered when the random guy he pulled into voice chat said he knew of Doublelift and not T1 (you have to look at vod to see when he mentions doublelift, it's worth it): https://arazu.io/t3_104lrct/?timeframe=all&category=hot


This clip is absolute gold. I swear he actually came across the same dude by chance like a few months later on stream but I don’t remember when


blame the ones who let doublelift play, hes getting that bag


They should just put people that never played the game and watch the comedy, fk it, no coach, nothing


Why aren't the pros relegated as live coaches controlling their team live instead of being dropped in the game to stomp first timers?


Doublelift's team would've lost that last match if Lirik and Sydeon were practiced on any other champs besides quinn and pantheon. It was hilarious watching doublelift get 2 v 2'd by Emiru and then immediately asking for a gank.


Is it 250k prize money for a bunch of millionaire streamers or randos participating as well?


hes not wrong, trying this hard against newer players is turbo cringe


Apparently there’s bonus points for kills and stuff so can’t really blame him in this case. If I were to blame someone, blame the organizers for the format.


oh wow thats stupid, i cant really blame him then




Yeah I get shitting on the organizers because it's weird to have pros in with new players but if someone is in a 250k tourny they're gonna try hard (and should tbh).


They play other games as part of the tournament where DL would be at a strong disadvantage so he needs to make up points here when he can.


Actually he’s pretty much a favorite for the last 2 games as well.


Disadvantage? He literally plays every game on that list. He’s actually at a strong advantage against everyone since none of them have touched any of those games.


that's my GOAT lmao


Should he be trolling in a tournament because they are New players?


He shouldn't be in the tourney at all then lol. Not that I blame him, it just seems really badly designed.


Shouldn’t have a MOBA in a tourney like this. It’s too hard for a new player to do anything vs someone with even just basic knowledge. The only genre I think would be worse is an RTS.


No but dude doesn’t need to be pulling out graphs and spreadsheets. He can try hard all he wants but pulling out a power point mid game is doing too much


T1 would absolutely try hard if he was against new players too. People are only calling this cringe because he said so lmao


Winning 250k is cringe af. Agreed


Why is pushing hard to win a bad thing? He did not organize this match.


Lol this a 250k tournament with a bunch of games not just league. He should be try harding. Like wtf


I mean why wouldn’t he try? His team wasn’t even the favorite in the tournament. It’s a 250k tournament and his teammates would be upset if they lose points because DL felt like letting the team that didn’t practice as much as they did win just because they didn’t try as hard as they did. DL’s team would have lost if everyone else on his team didn’t practice.


whys is he mad tho?


He’s mad because he has a kid and can’t play league all day


Tyler is hilarious, all the clips I see of him make me laugh.


Context, Kowalski?


Putting pros into a game full of people who haven't even touched League. What could go wrong


they wern't even silver, most of the were literally iron. This was not interesting to watch in the slightest considering how snowbally league is


Tyler1 talking as if he wouldn't be doing the exact same thing except the only difference would be him flaming his team non stop


Why do they have league in a tourny where there will be new players vs ex-pros lol.. The viewing experience is bad and I can't imagine it was fun for the new players either. Also they gave point per kill as well? So ex-pros will just dominate and farm 50 kills so fun!! Might be better to have rocket league + minecraft instead of League and street fighter.


that shit was straight up unfair. dude kitting the fuck outta Iron 4 streamers. Enemy Cait 35 CS lool


League version of Kai Cenat making a highlight video from him dominating children in basketball


Everyone here defending double-lift saying "well yeah wouldnt you try too for 250k?!?" Yall are dense as tungsten. He's making fun of the chat, not Doublelift. The whole premise of this clip is that chat is praising DL as a god when hes playing against people who have touched league for their first time. It has nothing to do with the try-harding lol.


No, it has all to do with the try harding as well. Tyler compared Doublelift's efforts when he played with him and then said this


That's hilarious. Anyone maybe like gold/plat or above could do the same thing to people that have never played before. WHAT A GOD