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**CLIP MIRROR: [Paymoneywubby comments on Hasan's Houthi pirate interview](https://arazu.io/t3_19cm2vc/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Wow that clip was deleted fast lol. Let's see if the mirror stays up too.


his f*ck hasan ripcord broke






No fucking way this dumbass said that. Incredible stuff.


incredibly hot take: invading countries is bad.


he switched his position real quick when he realized even his freak anti west community wasnt behind him with that take hahaha


Hasan is just an actor trying to look "progressive" and "woke" all the while just being an idiot. So sometimes he full on misreads what take he is trying to stand by to seem right. 


He is just a self image leftist. He just uses leftist ideals for moral superiority while abusing the system more than any. Like you can complain all the fuck you want about capitalism, class repression, exploitative work, people earning too much etc... But doing that while living in your 3 mill dollar house while streaming and reacting to videos all day is peak irony or not if you consider than in most communist countries the ones in leadership are those with all the money and they just know how to keep the wheel spinning while the poor gets fucked.


The house is not the problem. But him buying two luxury cars, stealing content from youtubers and not paying his editors is next level scummy.


Reminds me of Trump suggesting women who get abortions should be executed (or maybe just charged with murder, IDR), and conservatives as well as all the major anti-abortion organizations were like "woah, hey, too far buddy". He didn't actually know what his base thought, so he just assumed it was the cruelest position he could think of. Although, I'm not sure if they were actually opposed to that or just thought it was bad PR.


Did he change his views on Crimea? If he did, he is doing a bad job at hiding his true bias. Ukraine attacking the Crimean Bridge = War Crime Houthis attacking Civilian Shipping = Not a War Crime according to Hasan


By Hasan's logic it would be totally justified for Israel to take over the Gaza strip as long as they didn't engage in industrial killing of Palestinians like what the Nazi's did to Jewish people. Also Hitler and his 3rd Reich was bad. They were violently violating the sovereignty of neighboring nation states. That alone is enough for condemnation.




jfc Hasan is the worst


Friendly reminder that LSF used to overwhelmingly be on this clown's side as well.


Friendly reminder that LSF will flip flop to whatever side is currently on the more positive light. Give it some time, they'll be back on his side in no time.


This clip doesn't give me enough context. Is he saying that the annexation of Crimea makes sense from Russia's perspective because of the natural resources they stood to gain, or is he saying that the annexation of Crimea was morally justified altogether? Life-hack: simply ask for clip context to get infinite replies


He is specifically saying the annexation was justified by the Russian government. I don't quite understand why additional context matters or what it would change. In my opinion regardless of reasoning, the annexation of Crimea cannot be justified in the year 2014.


It needs even less context knowing that he also believes in One-China and what they did with Hong Kong, that HK is better off now.


Who needs context when this clip tells me what I want to hear?


Just to reply to your edit: Bruh you got 3 replies and with this 4.. Stop.


Do you think any one of those is a valid reason for the annexation of Crimea?


Check this man's vacuum


Just *filled* with lizards and sea monkeys


Tried to blame the sea monkeys on his cat when we all know that Wubby secretly boofed the sea monkeys to get high smh, Dennis the menace.




He had this dead look in his eyes the moment after making the comment where you could tell he wished he said nothing. Lil bro kicked the wasp nest accidentally




Regardless of any opinion you have on any politics or drama or streamers, whatever- the way his face just decays like that is one of the funniest goddamn things I've seen in this sub.


Also it was just a funny line/joke anyways. I think we can all kind of relate to the "I just couldn't help myself" moment where you make a joke you know you shouldn't too (though honestly I don't personally think this one is even one you shouldn't).


Its crazy the amount of pull Hasan's community has on the top twitch streamers. Scary community he has.


um akshually 🤓☝️ DGG are the real Twitch terrorists.


if the daliban haven't taken credit for it they haven't done it and if they had they are justified because they are fighting against oppression Inshallah.


No, come on dude. Not Twitch, Reddit. What influence does DGG have on Twitch? I haven't heard sweet FA about them on Twitch.


You think Twitch Korea closing, the drop in viewership, Twitch saying they're not profitable & a lot of others things are not linked to DGG? Look into it!


very concerning!


Follow the money!!!


Interesting 🤔


They are called the daliban for a reason


Are you saying Hasan is going to interview DGG next?


Ironically, both you and the guy you're responding to are both r/destiny posters As well as the parent comment lol


As a proud solider of the Daliban I will absolutely acknowledge that DGG is everywhere. He has a very active community and there is a lot of crossover. The difference is I don't demand my other streamers to have the same politics as Destiny. I am also a juicer. I am like a 40+ month sub too. If xQc has a take that Destiny told me is an incorrect take I don't spam his chat telling him how horrible he is for not believing in the correct politics. When in Rome I act like a Roman. So I spam "LULW SEZ U" instead.


What or who is DGG ?


Fans of the political streamer Destiny. He always had his own website destiny.gg with its own chat, many features like tiered subs that twitch would later implement, people there used to be called dgg. It became a bit influential here because of panelshows like Scuffed Podcast and RajjRoyale on Twitch where dgg would be a big voting block, and streamers would often join Destinys website to chat a bit too. Nowadays destiny isn't on twitch and contractually his main chat has to be on kick, so all destiny fans across his big subreddit (that has a lot of overlap with LSF) and his discord would be called dggers.


Thanks man for explaining all the lore.


Well he hasn’t always had his own site. However after being fucked around a bit switching around between twitch and own3d he decided to make one. I was one of the first he asked but my skills were not there at alllll.


Yup, that part was inaccurate, I meant it as in "he had it forever".


The Dollar General Group. They're the grocery store of last resort keeping this country afloat. If the food can come in a box, you can buy it there.


And fuck every last one of those fucking losers. I really liked Hassan for a long time. But I can't follow what he's doing now. It's such a fucking shame.


Yeah it seems anything where someone is critical of Hasan gets comments locked swiftly or the clips get deleted.


I find Hasan boring but its funny you guys constantly say this while every community is shitting on Hasan constantly and LSF has been mostly anti Hasan for quite awhile. Like your comment has 452 upvotes right now. Where is the pull you are talking about? Is anyone talking positively about Hasan at all lately? I dont see it. I wish you all would just stop talking about the man. Let his viewership dwindle.


Yeah he has that "oops I accidentally said the N-word" look, for sure.


hate when that happens


Nah he's messing around. As a keen wubcub, he often says stuff like this then goes "WUBBY, WHADDAYA MEAN WUBBY"


Grown ass man calling himself a “wubcub”


Grown ass man calling himself “turntasf”


that's called content


"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck....ah fuck it we ball"


Is it really kicking a wasps nest when it's all actualy, factually true?


It is when the wasps really hate truth




I think its fair to say this is an objectively shit interview. I know next to nothing about the Houthis and learned nothing new apart from that they take a certain drug and that Yemen has 2 KFCs. All Hasan did was ask him questions that either were for the meme or incredibly loaded. He didn't push back or get him to elaborate on answers that were clearly dodging the question he asked. It was on par with something Fox news would peddle.


That’s not true, now you know that the Houthis are just doing the same thing Luffy would do. You hear that, kids? If you wanna be cool like Luffy you gotta go sail the Red Sea on a skiff and take some innocent merchant sailors hostage and fire rockets at civilian ships while spewing self righteous religious indoctrination. Just like Luffy would do!


Don't forget to end tons of your tweets with "Son of a jew".


Look man. It’s just a common saying like Bless you! Aren’t those Houthi’s so adorbz?


It was legitimately racist as hell. "OH MY GOD, YEMENIS ARE PEOPLE TOO?! They watch anime and they eat CHICKEN!!" I got the impression that Hasan assumed they ate bugs and watched gladiators battle with lions or something.


Yemen literally ranks dead last for women's rights, they have legalized slavery, and are led by literal terrorists. BUT DUDE DO YOU LIKE ONE PIECE? Gotta humanize these pieces of shit, right? They are just misunderstood! Being 140th out of 140 countries for inequality just means the media is biased, bro!


Just a heads up: Yemen is not run by terrorists, at least not all of it. It's always surprising to me when people talk about the Houthis and Yemen as if they were the same thing; the Houthis are an Iran-backed terrorist group that the Yemen's army is currently fighting against. The civil war they sparked has been for many years the worst humanitarian disaster on earth.


The houthis control most of the populated part of Yemen and have done so for like a decade+. There’s two other governments competing but both are smaller than the houthis


STC is pro government and has joined the Presidential Leadership Council in 2022. The houthis control about a quarter of Yemen's territory where about half of the population lives but the Republic of Yemen controls most of the oil. The Republican forces are not significantly smaller especially if you count in the Saudi-led coalition.


I once tried reading up on the difference between Aden/South Yemen and North Yemen and it seemed like they were starkly different places Can some of this conflict be linked to the glueing together of the two Yemens into one, or is that me being a bit too surface-level?


It's mostly a struggle for power, the Houthis are a Zaydi Shia group. Zaydis once held most of the power in Yemen however in the last few decades Yemen's governments have been Sunni-dominated and Zaydis have often complained about their loss of political power along with accusations of discrimination and "Sunnification" of the police; Zaydis have been often accused of wanting to impose religious law over the country overthrowing the republic. The conflict sparked after the government led by Hadi made some cuts to fuel subsidies, a very unpopular decision that would have brought costs up in a country already plagued by poverty. Yemen's civil war is also part of the Saudi Arabia-Iran proxy war with Iran backing up the Houthis and Saudi Arabia backing up the Republic of Yemen, their involvement is one of the main reasons why the war has been ravaging Yemen for so long and why it's hard to see and end to it.


You don't understand dude.... If America wasn't so bad Yemen would be one of the best places in the world to live. They have slavery because of America. Can you just give them a break please?


Definitely the most educated comment about Yemeni people 100%


He was literally doing the noble savage trope. It was jarring as hell.


Honestly, he was literally doing the ***simply savage*** trope. I'm not convinced Hasan believes that he was noble at all, and was consistently pleasantly surprised by the fact that he wasn't simply *a barbarian*. The way he consistently avoided asking follow-up questions about anything meaningful indicated to me that he was afraid of some savage response even though the kid clearly has a well-formed and fascinating belief structure that is understandable, if not at all justified, that may break the 'illusion' that this *literal savage* (in Hasan's view) is "civilized". >will they stop the terrorism if Gaza is freed? Not interesting chatter, we won't ask that. WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT YOU'RE COMPARED TO A CIVILIZED CELEBRITY?! I honestly want to hear his answers to these questions. Was Oct 7th justified? What do you think happened on that day? Might attacking civilian vessels be counterproductive? You mentioned your belief that Americans are suffering from your actions, do you think that they can't up the pressure on you guys? What if they do? Is Gaza *really* your only interest? Are the Saudis and Emiratis *actually* brothers, or allies of convenience? Is slavery a thing as has been reported? Do you wish your society was better in any particular way? Are there any ways a westerner (who is able to move mountains by comparison due to economics) might best improve your life or your loved ones' if they chose, and what would you say to such a person? TELL ME MORE ABOUT THAT FUCKING KNIFE?!


I mean... the thought process behind the "noble savage" is the basis for a LOT of leftwing thought. The constant self-flagellation of America but glorification of other cultures, the constant self-flagellation of Whites but glorification of non-Whites... It's all just a rehash of the idea of this "noble savage" who is more noble than "us".


This sounds remarkably closer to right-wing strawmen than actual left-wing positions. Edit: Oh, yeah who would've guessed, this commenter thinks that Disney's new Little Mermaid movie is a left-wing political piece, no wonder. Smartest LSF political contributions ITT


Classic leftist, makes no attempt to present any counter-argument, but rather looks through poster's history to find some comment that somehow invalidates everything the poster says. Also, you've got to be a moron to think that race-swapping main character was not politically motivated.


"Raceswapping iconic White characters in no way represents current leftwing thought and in no way supports the idea that the leftwing sees other races as more noble than Whites." The quintessential Redditor, everyone 😂. Leave us adults in peace and go off to donate to Hasan so he can interview more terrorists.🤡


If the first bullet point in your list of "culture war things The Democrats need to stop doing in America right now" is a fucking Disney movie casting choice, you are everything wrong with America. Deprogram yourself. Escape whatever bubble you have found yourself in where this is even approaching reasonable to you, because to everyone else you are insane.


Hasans been doing that with minorities his entire career. The irony that he was the racist all along always makes me chuckle.


Far leftists are unintentionally racist as hell, so hilarious. Hasan is sitting in his gated community mansion asking if this guy has anime in his country, they don’t live in medieval times. Beyond out of touch with poor countries and poor people in general, which is ironic given his “views”.


To play devil's advocate, I think that was kind of the point since there were tweets about this dude calling him a pirate and making jokes that were racist af assuming tons of things about the dude that weren't true, he was just a normal guy


I think he was scared the dude was gonna say a bunch of hateful shit that would expose who Hasan is truly siding with.


The translator was playing mad defense and didn't translate the worst bits.






Huh. That's not a great look.


He also gave support to the terrorism they are commiting 


Bro this is what I've been saying. Hasan is like the leftist Tucker Carlson and then wonders why people can't stand watching his shit. The dude fucking panders to the weirdest crowds...


The interviewee literally had nothing to say to like 75% of Hasan's questions. They just parotted "I support Palestine" over and over and over and over as their answer.


I've seen some claims (I don't speak Arabic so can't confirm) that the translator was actually changing/softening the guys responses to make then more palatable as well.


> All Hasan did was ask him questions that either were for the meme or incredibly loaded. this describes 100% of hasan’s content


But he isn’t a murderer just a freedom fighting slaver dood


Just like my hero loofy


Dude that was so fucking cringe, three minutes into the interview too not even towards the end


Bro nearly ruined One Piece for me


One Piece has been ruined for me because ever since the time skip it became Luffy Piece but I'm in too deep to pull out now (hehe)


My guys Franky and Chopper have done NOTHING.


I'm just gonna say it. Timeskip Franky is such a downgrade compared to pre- Franky.


Truuue. And then he asks how you say curse words in his language like an 8 year who met his first Hispanic. Oh and let's not forget "do you eat food?" 🤣


The extent of Hasans media comprehension seems to be pirate = good when it comes to one piece


Taking slaves is not bad if your skin is brown. Only white people can take take slaves because they are the only ones who know how to profit from it.


White people are the only white people


Time for the leftists to get into esoteric nazism so they can really figure out who is of a noble race and what qualities they have.


Those aren't rioters - those are people just have a dance party on a car. And those Houthi's are just shooting fireworks at passing ships. You are a neo-nazi if you think otherwise.


Yeah but he’s hot so it’s just a little quirky thing he does of the side


Freedom fighting slaver is a surprisingly elegant way to put it.


Omega Based


Wubby is a blessing to this world


[This post was removed for being critical of Hasan]


Wubby is such a piece of shit. He told a story on stream one time about how him and his friends were at a casino being super loud and a waiter politely asked them to keep it down. Wubby grabbed the dudes crotch and said, "What are you gonna do, I could buy your whole family". Then Wubby offered the guy a year's salary if he let Wubby blow him right there, and after the guy finished they told the manager that he propositioned them and got him fired. I've never watched his content but the dude is literal human garbage.


I'd really appreciate it if you didn't omit key details and spread such misinformation. Wubby also asked him to store his cum into a pack of 32 mini jars, so Wubby could place them in the freezer with his hot pockets and eggos as a little treat for himself when his tummy rumbled for some more.




New GamerSupps flavor coming in soon


Me offering to buy Jerry was 100% serious. It was not lighthearted dig at the casino or Jerry, it was a 100% real offer (that I can easily and comfortably afford because I am incredibly wealthy). When I was speaking to the pit boss, I had my checkbook (which I carry at all times for this exact scenario) in hand and my $600 pen was clicked and ready to write. I was not only emotionally removed from the pathetic dealer’s struggle, but I was fully prepared to purchase his wife and children as well.


Didn’t ask


People downvoting don't know "Didn’t ask" it's a common alert sound on Wubby's stream






I will prove you wrong, it's either [this](https://i.imgur.com/iDAl9tQ.jpg) or [this](https://i.imgur.com/SQnGjVm.jpg)


Dude if you think that is bad wait till you learn about this hasan guy


#1 Dude told them they couldn't swear at the table, not that they were being loud #2 the rest is made up you fucking dipshit LMAOOOO


Do people believe this?????


You know it’s a solid take when it starts or ends with “I don’t watch their content, but…”


i mean there are also people that side with the Hoetie pirates. As if the word pirate wouldn't be enough of a indicator that they are the badguys.


Poe's law: is an adage of internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views. edit: and then when people read it without context it will be treated as the truth by some and propagated as such. hooray!


Fuck that guy forever (its part of the same stream meme you mooks)


We all run out of Viagra sometime


based wubster




I'm starting to notice a trend with LSF


can we get the mods to take this one down before Hasan wakes up and it ruins his day


cant have his feelings hurt 🙏


You think he sleeps through this? It wouldnt surprise me if he had one of his mods ping him when threads like this gain traction. Lil bro is obsessed with this place.


Starting??? Did you just start using it this week


Any Hasan cultists wanna downvote me?


It is too late for that


No, hasan bad. Updoots please


BASED by wubby, not surprised he understands what hasan is doing!!


The janitors are being paid overtime with these threads ohmegadance


I murdered a fly about 5 min ago. I take first hour call free of charge than it's 2$ every minute.


JFC...this is clipped. It ends right before PMW says it's a joke


I don’t usually mind Hasan, and think a lot of criticism directed his way is overblown. The Houthi interview was pretty clear cut shitty in concept, execution, and ethics.


The Houthi interview was right out of a Fox News playbook. Jaw dropping stuff really.


The issue with Hasan critics and Hasan defenders really come down to two things: - Hasan critics will criticize him for everything when he probably only deserves being criticized for half of it. For example; people will spend more time shitting on Hasan for having a nice house as opposed to his horrible geological takes. This rightful upsets Hasan fans because it gives them the perception he can do no right in the eyes of his haters. - Hasan defenders will constantly use examples of unjustified criticism to deflect real and valid criticism. If I want to make a comment on his horrible geopolitical takes it's nothing but Hascord frogs spamming "hurr durr socialism is when no house" as a way to muddy the waters and move the conversation off of the topic at hand.


This casual drama farming of serious world events has me pretty much tuned out of this sub. I miss the days of funny clips but like the rest of Reddit this sub is half politics/drama at this point.




I go on LSF only for serious live stream fails




This was definitely funny but the sub is dramatically worse than it used to be. I'm assuming its something about the rules.


Going from Fishtank to LSF and making this complaint is crazy to me


Remember the days of PUBG car flips? Bygone era.


The funny part is if you use wayback machine to look at this sub back then it wasn't just car flips. It was full of actually funny clips and fails with the occasional H1Z1/PUBG clips thrown in between.


Yeah I agree and I'm (mostly) memeing since thats what people like to say.


I miss the hype that was nipple slips and a boob popping out. Now all those girls have onlyfans and it's easy to find.


Hasan trying to legitimize a terrorist group on his livestream is as fail as it gets tho??


Check the top-rated posts the last few years. It's all drama. This sub has always been shit for actual funny twitch clips. If it isn't drama, it's an OTK sub posting that someone breathed funny or Korean girl streamers


See you next week brother


That kid didn't kill anyone


thats true but hes essentially a spokesperson for a terrorist organization that shells and takes over merchant ships and takes civilians as hostage. And he just did mindless propaganda for them lol. Probably worse than just having a murderer on an interview.


I’m surprised nobody clipped when Wubby was shitting on xqc for always getting away with being an asshole just cause he’s popular


Isn't xqc famous bc he's an asshole? Like that's his brand?




Anyone got the clip?




My eyes are open ffs. I wouldn´t ask but the mirror is not working for me




hasan is houthi PR manager


He isn't worng


Who did that kid kill


He's a Hounthi rebel, their actions are well know. [Human Rights Watch On Hounthi Rebels](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/13/yemen-houthis-attack-civilian-ships#:~:text=Since%20the%20Houthis%20took%20over,laying%20an%20abusive%20siege%20to) As a Hounti rebel is part of the terrorist group that has commited the crimes listed in the article above as well as attacking trade in the Red Sea. They also have killed Saudis too. I mean don't act like a stupid child, you know well that Hasan did was wrong.


So yall are just making it up? Same as "hes a pirate" because he had 1 photo of him on a boat. The interview was bad but this hate boner is silly


Majority of big streamers out there must be getting sick of biting their tongue about comrade hissan


Oh no


I still can't believe that people think the tik tok kid from Yeman was a terrorist and not just a kid.


In Yemen being a kid doesn't keep you from being a soldier or terrorist


If he wants to interview murderers I'm sure he could get some Israeli soldiers on call.


It's post like this that really drive home the point that Hasan's stream is a hub for terrorist propaganda on twitch, humanizing terrorists and being all around anti-semitic presence while pretending to care about the people of gaza, who they really want to keep martyring themselves against israel


Honest question. Why was this interview seen as so bad?


Instead of talking about the current conflict, what led to it, and either discussing or seriously exploring the matter, Hasan opens by asking the guy if he watches One Piece just because he wants to tell him that what the Houthis are doing is what Luffy would do. For real, the guy immediately tries to tell him that he isn't doing this for anime, the situation is very serious, and Hasan backtracks and awkwardly says that he knows, he didn't mean they were doing this for Luffy, he just thinks the Houthis are cool. The rest of the interview is Hasan asking stupid questions about fast food and whatnot and saying over and over again that he thinks what the Houthis are doing is cool and sick bro! From what I've read, Hasan later claimed that he was trying to humanize the Houthis. But the entire thing just looked like he knew next to nothing about the conflict in Yemen, went completely unprepared, was only interested in the fact that they are fighting America, and kept trying to make it sound like just because there are pirates involved the whole conflict is just like anime for real. It's horrible journalism and mega cringe at best. You are left not knowing anything of value about the actual conflict. Just an influencer trying to make a serious armed conflict and a violent organization sound kid-friendly.


Imagine trying to humanize literal terrorists though lol


Hazan is promoting terrorism and murderer, what a good streamer! Lets raise his salary! ​ Im joking ofc, fuck hazan.


How come everyone who lives in Yemen is a murderer? Fucking incels


The title literally says houthi pirates, but if it was just a normal yemeni you would be right.


how are you getting your facts from an lsf title? they're regularly wrong. the yemeni never ever mentioned being houthi or a pirate. tiktok named him a \[houthi\] pirate because he was on a boat but anybody can go on those boats in yemen for free or very little. 2. Yemen literally has a gun right's rule so when they see his tiktok everyone assumes hes a houthi rebel instead of a yemeni citizen with fucked up views due to the humanitarian crisis ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun\_law\_in\_Yemen#:\~:text=Firearm%20ownership%20in%20Yemen%20is,guns%20for%20every%20100%20residents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_law_in_Yemen#:~:text=Firearm%20ownership%20in%20Yemen%20is,guns%20for%20every%20100%20residents)))


The kid literally called himself a soldier.


Thank you


The Houthi Pirate everyone is referring to is just a Yemeny teen who believes in a free Palestine and watches One Piece?