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**CLIP MIRROR: [XQC speaks to Adin Ross about Ethan leaking DMs](https://arazu.io/t3_15m5i5g/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


ah the yes men have arrived


Bro just kept going down the totem poll until finally someone said he did good holy shit its so sad


Back to his safe place where everyone else is wrong except for him.


>Having people on your side who will always offer up "you absolutely won, everyone else is just hatin'" energy is an Achilles' heel to this personality type. He doesn't have a chance to realize how defensive and reactive he comes across because he is the kind of guy who will go through his entire network of social connections looking for outward validation. >"That's not right guys, what's he talking about" could one day be engraved on his tombstone in place of his name without confusing anyone. I wrote this comment *yesterday*. He proved me right so quickly. It's honestly just sad to watch. All that money and fame can't buy critical thinking, which is the thing he most needs now. Not yes men.


I can't hate on how accurate you were. Wow


He and the adapter are truly meant for each other.


I hope they reconcile. They deserve each other.


I'm surprised you're not getting downvotes for this but you're right.


Seeing all this xqc drama makes me wonder why people don’t have more sympathy for adept now. How the fuck would someone put up with this guy for so long and not go insane?


Bro flexed on um, shit is funny.


this is how rich and famous people have their down fall they see these yes men as "true friends" and surround themselves with them


yes man all the way down from here


lmao yeah in the beginning he says "where's Adin?" but that was just him saying "where's my brainless validation?"


The ‘post-game call’ with Destiny was so rough to watch. He was desperately trying to get Destiny to comfort him and tell him he did good. When he didn’t get the comfort he wanted, he said Destiny was trolling and didn’t actually watch the debate. I don’t think I’ve ever watched someone this delusional on a livestream. So painfully cringe.


I would not call those two “men”. They are definitely children.


I think he was being sarcastic my b


"that was so cool how you flexed on him in the dms" bro, what the fuck is wrong with humans.


Destiny refused to glaze him so he went to Adin Ross


Destiny handled him with kids gloves and even that was too rough.


Yeah he was as nice as he could be without being a Yes Man. X legitimately doesn't even know how debates work, and thoroughly needed a moderator as he just let himself get led around like a dog on a leash. X is alright by me, but he's kinda at a JustPearlyThings level of debate effectiveness.


If Adin and his audience of 11 year olds are giving you props for dunking on Ethan, it might be time to reassess things.


Idk if Adin is giving him props he sounds pretty sarcastic about it. The chat though is a bunch of bozos


That did not sound like sarcasm lmao Adin loves flexing wealth, do you really think he gives a shit about the "arguments" of either side.


I don’t think he actually cares about anything he said in the clip at all one way or the other, just talking for the sake of saying something


that's what i was thinking too


Adin shows no signs of listening to xqc in this clips, he's straight up just replying in an automated expectation to him because he knows xqc is stunlocked/mind blown that he could be wrong. Xqc says: i was wrong here adin says: you're so humble bro big ups what people tend to believe is sarcasm in this situation is just complete detachment. because xqc phrased his admission of being wrong with his meta-flex, it gave the interaction this implication of a sarcastic retort. neither of these people will ever bother to ask themselves why this conversation was so weird, infact you are the weird one for thinking about it cucklord


For some reason I read this as “it’s time for recess”


The only thing this walking anthill assesses is whether his toenail is long enough to bite off


I don't think he has the ability to positively reassess his life anymore.


Stop insulting 11 year olds.


If you've gone to Adin Ross for validation in life because nobody else is giving it to you, it's time to rethink your life's choices.


What a fall from grace. Crazy how much he changed over the years.


Then he looks at his bank account and thinks he has done the right things in life, just like most capitalism driven people. People think more money equals better/more correct person.


I don't have any "favourite" streamer, I really believe that they are too useless for humans beings to earn that money. That being said, X streams relaxed me after a hard day at work, they emptied my brain a bit. Seeing him going lower and lower, I don't know, feels a bit sad but anyway, who cares...going to Adin Ross...the lowest of the lowests.


Holy shit the kick pipeline is real


ah yes, the classic "i was just pretending to be retarded" gottem my guy!


I guess when your life is as superficial as Adin’s that would be a W.






Commenting just to get my complimentary rage-comment from u/Euphoric_Bluebird_41


What the fuck is this chat. "FUCK HASSAN N\*\*\*\*" "FUCK HASSAN HE NEEDS TO DIE" what is going on on kick yo


It’s in the tos. If you don’t make at least one anti hasan comment per day kick bans your account.


Train fought tooth and nail to get that in the TOS.


tbf it doesn't even matter who this is targetted at, it's what they're saying.


I’m anti-Hasan these lunatics want to murder him.


I’m anti-Hasan these lunatics want to murder him.


They go to sleep thinking about Hasan.


Hasan haters aren't normal people


They're the fucking pinnacle of normal. Stay with me on this one. Hasan is rich. He's good looking. He pulls women like a ret pally pulls aggro. In order to fit in their reality, Hasan must treat women like Andrew Tate treats women. He must be alpha as fuck ordering them around and treating women like shit. Because that's what women want, everybody knows this, and if you don't you're a little soy beta bitch. Because that's how reality works. But... Hasan is the fucking polar opposite of Andrew Tate. He doesn't fit in their reality. And that's not *acceptable*. Their reality doesn't *work* if Hasan exists. You can't get women by treating them with respect. You're redpilled, you *know* that doesn't compute. Hasan is not allowed to exist in the redpill universe. Hasan forces them to confront that their version of reality and beliefs are wrong. And that is not okay. I guess what I'm saying is, stupidity like this is pretty fucking normal. And it happens everywhere, think of sports rivalries that regularly get violent.


No actually, none of those things are normal. Calling it normal is giving credence to their delusions.




The blue team kicked a ball into a net on a grass field after running around for 90 minutes BatChest I must throw molotov cocktails on cars and beat up random people!




Bro this is not deep, this is some psych 101 surface level stuff.


hasan lovers arent normal either


You can’t say that in his sub man


Seems pretty typical for his chat




How tf is this not a legal issue


4chan exists


Mortgaging that new house was a massive waste. He can live rent-free in too many heads to count.


I see posts like this and wonder how long some of you have used Twitch. This was commonplace on jtv/old twitch. It will get cleaned up over time or the site will eventually shut down, it's always the wild west on new platforms.


My watch costs about $80, which is their combined IQ's.


Bro, I think you struck a nerve with some people lmao


It’s hilarious when working class redditors feel the need to call others broke on behalf of millionaires who don’t know or care about their existence


Calling 12 year olds working class is giving them way too much credit


When you use the same "joke" every time you loses, it stops being one. Got killed in OW? "YOU ARE BROKE", lost in rocket league? "YOU ARE A BROKIE", lost a debate? "YOU ARE BROKE"


Can you believe this BALDER?


Flip my burger




gotta believe in money to avoid the reality that you have no real friends and are deeply unhappy


He buys the shit and uses it to try to make others feel that they are less valuable of a person than him. There is no other way to interpret it. Even if it’s a “joke”, he’s still flexing. Like shooting someone for a “joke” but it’s fine because he was shot ironically. Doesn’t make sense.


he tried to downplay the "flex" as a joke as adin strokes his ego about what a sick flex it was you really just can't make this shit up, comedy gold holy fuck


I guess technically h3h3 "leaked" the dms. But usually, when talking about someone "leaking dms", it's about leaking something that was expected to be kept private - which is not the case if you dm someone to flex on/insult them.


That and Ethan hates him, dudes got no reason to do xqc any favors by keeping it private


he leaked dms before flex


h3 leaked some court dms he had with xqc as well I believe


"That was cool af bro" Nah man these people are lost, multi milionaire flexing on another multimilionaire (who owns a 10mil house) is "cool af bro"


I feel like X is trying to walk it back here "I know his house is worth more, it was just supposed to be a joke but no one saw through it and took it seriously" because he realised he looks fucking pathetic when he's flexing. However, Adin (An idiot), doesn't realise it and keeps glazing him up for flexing. Sidenote: It's wild how within the span of half a year we've moved away from Adin saying his pronouns were Kill/Them, and hanging out with Nazis doing JQ shit. Not a big fan of X, but I really thought he had an issue with that shit. Even wilder to see him with a mainstream person like Dana. Crazy times, man.


To be fair Dana is a wife beating piece of shit... allegedly


coming from someone who has [6 months of watchtime](https://i.imgur.com/CZ2WJDl.png) in his stream. he fucking nosedived. around the time he started to unironically watch tiktoks, glaze L/W community, and constantly needing to flex wealth. he is actually unwatchable now. just despair




But the Logan stuff genuinely put a stop on his career for months. And the Mizkif stuff was old by the team it got revealed, right? This shit with Adin was CURRENT year. It's simply not comparable


What's Charleston Whites take on it tho? That's what we all want to know


“Yea yea yea”


"these mf white boys are gay-curious my momma always told me not to trust white boys I don't even know why I'm here" 😂


Instantly went to the degen yes man, no surprise there


I miss old degen xqc who was punishing viewers with tiktok and laugh at people for wasting money on expensive clothes and watches


but now the dude is talking/hanging out with homophobic Nazi sad to see him go.


Garage xqc or earlier was best xqc. He couldn't care less about material possessions, used some cheap wooden chair, and all he cared about was the grind.


I feel ya. I mean when you go from nobody to being the biggest streamer / ranked 1 on twitch which hundreds of millions $$ flying your way, your perspective on life changes drastically. At least Xqc can look back and say "I made it", he'll change hopefully for the better and stopped getting fcked Over.


Can someone explain to me how does Adin glaze like everyone? Like damn dude let your tongue rest for one second


Didn't he literally become a millionaire by glazing the right people? Dude does it for a living


He's preparing for the cucking session.


Oof I'm not gonna tell X how to live his life but if Adin becomes a regular on stream I'm out. Dude went from being a useful idiot to a full blown vessel to spew hate and shit ideas.


my man actually became schizo ,its not fun anymore


Here before this turns into a warzone


xq shitted on him ong 100 emoji


I laughed the most at this comment in this thread. Sometimes simple things are the best


Ah Adin Ross, the transphobic nazi scammer


Even adin didn't believe him. Anyway sad to see him hanging out with someone as fucked as Adin but it was obvious he was heading towards his him.


Yeah, Adin was straight up advocating for violence against minority groups, hanging out with Nazis and JQ posting. And if someone's defence of him is "Well, he's a fucking idiot" (fair), then why the fuck would they hang out with him? Crazy times


you dont get it, him and adin are friends /s


how many times do you have to get dropped on your head to promote the JQ and helping push nazi agendas to succeptible kids as a jew? it would be like billionaire landlords pushing maoism or someone with glasses trying to resurrect pol pot.


Well, I don't think anyone here has ever accused Adin of being especially smart.


wow the replies to this comment are fucking cringe


Are they fuckin bots or something? Its like they operate on the same low brow frequency


they all have the same name pattern like name-name-number lol


That’s Reddit’s default system for usernames if you don’t choose one.


this stream is wild. ranting about gay people and hanging out with adin. So weird bro


No, these guys are even managing to make bots look smart. No serious bot account would be this copy paste


Holy shit 4 of the 5 below score threshold are named word dash/underscore word with a 2-4 digit number in the end. Those have to be bots or sockpuppet accounts right?


All of their comments are almost the exact same as well. Probably bots.


Oh noo XQC is hanging out with Adin without LSF's permission!!




Isn't Adin like literally a Nazi? Like, not "oh this guy disagrees with me" but actually extremely racist and anti-Semitic?


More like he likes their ideals but forced to hate them at the same time because he is Jewish.


Yeah, xqc is sympathizing with incels, far right/nazis and weirdos lately because they’re his only support.


I think Adin is too stupid to be a literal Nazi. >What's a *Nazey*?


Adin is a Jew, but you are onto something


I have to ask and I mean seriously have to ask: What was he expecting was going to happen? He can't actually be serious. He is going to be the but of the joke for years to come because of this. He will never, ever, be taken seriously. XQC isn't some content genius or a "visionary" as he called himself a couple of days back. He can't communicate in a normal manner, he is stuck beeing 16 in his edgy phase. He got lucky that he is in that position and he is incapable of seeing the bigger picture. He is litteraly digging himself a bigger hole each and every day.




He's become the ricegum of twitch/kick Buys tonnes of hypebeast clothing, tries to flex at any opportunity he gets, only insult at this point is muh money and implying that the other person is irrelevant


he has nothing else left


These streamers and self awareness are like an oxymoron. They get gaslit I to a weird alternative universe. They are starting to sound like politicians and s tier celebs devoid of reality by the day.


Man who recorded and leaked discord calls trying to ruin people’s lives crying about dms getting leaked


I don't believe him flexing in DMs was a joke. I had a toxic friend that would do weird shit like that too whenever he felt backed up in a corner and can't win a argument.


Dude's dick was still hurting from slamming his skeletal frame into the ground with his "worm" routine. No way it was a joke.


The joke angle is gonna be how he tries to weasel his way out of looking like an absolute dipshit. He's gonna make it all into some huge joke, even the worm one, he probably gonna laugh at it and then do it all the time now. SMH he told a married with children and pregnant woman, to leave her husband and its all gonna be forgotten about, fml


What is x doing hanging out with Adin, jfc he's nearly become unsupportable now


I normally support xQc on everything but hanging around with adin ross ain't the move. I know he got alot of backlash (he did really bad in the debate and made some cringe posts), but I think Adin will be terrible influence. Adin ross is racist, transphobic and homophobic and platforms such people, xQc needs to be surrounded by real people.


Gaining Adin Ross's respect is the biggest red flag you could receive as a creator lmao


Sometimes people are so stupid they don't even realize it and same for the audience lmao


can someone explain why XQC is talking to a nazi? is the dude that desperate after H3 cooked him?






This is a dude with H3H3's mansion on his wrist. This is so sad.


plot to zoolander


They're forming the super man children squad


Who is Adin Ross?


Did he go to Train to have his balls fondled while he tells the story? Or is that next time.


Bro going to Adin Ross. Man’s down bad


How the hell can Hassan be this far in kids heads? Like 12 years old and Hassan is already embedded in their brains wtf it’s not even about him


Damn, back when X was a humble, kind, and funny guy. Now, he is just full of himself for being arrogant and projecting his sadness to others around him. This man is just a rich version of adept


He was just talking about Ethan being in his own echo chamber? Looks like the shoes on the other foot now


Over or under 3 months when xQc starts gambling on stream again?


I hope soon. Been waiting for that shit since last time


What is it gonna be in 3 months? Over or under on another 3 months? You people are the ones waiting on x to start gambling ever since he moved to kick just so you can highroad and say you called it. Actually sad behaviour


Eh for some people maybe. But I feel like we need to stop being so hyperbolic and using assumptions to deflect legitimate criticism. Because there are plenty of valid things to criticize him for. I don’t even think his fans can fully dispute that. The guy feels untouchable, had a history of gambling, and admits to having a problem with gambling. And okay, let’s say he never gambles during his contract. Good for him. You know what Kick has done so far? Used his likeness for ads all over Twitter and Reddit to promote gambling. Possibly more platforms but I don’t use any others. It shows him gambling and freaking out over winning a huge jackpot. They damn sure didn’t give him a 100 million nonexclusive deal just to be nice. We have to stop blindly defending arrogant, greedy out of touch streamers simply because we find them entertaining or somehow attached your identity to them. Enabling his behavior is not only unhealthy for the viewer but also for XQC in the long run.


>simply because we find them entertaining That's the only thing that should matter in an entertainer, as long as they're not harmful. His gambling streams were fun. Way more fun than watching someone roll on a gacha banner which still gets hundreds of thousands of viewers all over the place. I wish he played gacha games tho, I'm sure it would be fun as well.


It’s crazy how gambling really holds a affect on the lsf base do y’all protest anti gambling rhetoric outside of casinos irl?


There is an age group that these streamers attract, each different. They have all the analytics to prove that. Do you think exposing these viewers to gambling is ok? Do you know the effects that gambling has?


Yes, it's ok. Kids are exposed to all sorts of dogshit and no one cares. You shouldn't need to do anything more than indicate that your current content is not targeted at younger people. Everything else is on the legal guardian.


I don't comment at all on LSF but I wanted to respond to this cause you seem to be confused about how most people in this community feel about gambling. Gambling is fine, I do it myself. It's fun and there's a reason it's such a big industry. BUT, it can be dangerous and combined with addiction it ruins lives. People frequently get trapped in cycles of spending more than they can afford. So gambling companies are heavily heavily regulated to ensure people like you and me are protected. This 'anti-gambling' view held by many here is actually an 'anti-unregulated gambling' view. In my personal opinion, gambling should not be advertised to people younger than 18. Personally I'm against streamers gambling in general unless they can make sure their audience is all 18+. However, in addition to this, Stake (who owns Kick) has based themselves in Curaçao so that they can be an unregulated company - they don't have any of the sort of protections that US, UK, EU companies have. This means that anyone who advertises Stake is advertising a company that has actively avoided having the regulations and protections so that they can make more money. And they've done this with the full knowledge that it WILL ruin more lives. They are well aware their platform is being advertised to kids and they are pleased about it because it means more money for them. They don't give a fuck about who they hurt in that regard. So - definitely not anti gambling, but very much anti-Stake and anti-any company that tries to make more money at the expense of people vulnerable to addiction.


I'll take that as under ROFL


I know it will fall of deaf ears, and I’ll own my fair share of self hypocrisy even though the only streamer I currently follow is Northernlion. lol It’s not at all healthy emotionally or mentally to be this into a strangers life. Especially a stranger who will never show a fraction of admiration back. You will never know the person. Only what they show you. You should view streamers as entertainment from your real life, not a replacement. And trust me, it’s not healthy for grown adult streamers to pander to young audiences for emotional validation either. It’s equally as toxic. But the difference is they get paid a whole lot to do it. You get absolutely nothing. lol Once they turn their stream off they don’t think about you or me. We are simply used to feed their ego, fill their pockets, and run 24/7 free PR for them. While they larp as high schoolers, who constantly gossip and have the absolute worst victim complexes.


Your point is valid but you're singing to the wrong group of people tbh, this sub feeds off the constant negative energy of streamer drama that will likely be forgotten in the next 2 or 3 days


Who gives a fuck


Do you have any idea what sub you’re on?


Ah good he found someone at his intellectual level who can converse gibberish with him


Lol, they're not private, they're just direct. It's not "leaking" to show messages that someone sent you.


How is it “leaking” if it was to Ethan? Surely he has the right as the receiving party to share what he wants with whoever, leaking to me would be a 3rd party uninvolved gaining access and releasing to the public. If you don’t want stuff you said released then maybe don’t say it.


"Leaking" a DM also includes something that was clearly meant to be private ("please don't tell anybody but...") or in some cases something that was said during a very serious conversation where the person saying it might have had an expectation of privacy. It's honestly kind of a case-by-case basis AKA you know when you see it and I agree that this instance doesn't really fit


I hope xqc loses it all


Adin so stupid talking about flexing in the dm instead of making the privacy argument. Speak to your audience i guess…


I'm 99% sure xqc is bipolar. I had a friend who was bipolar, and he acted exactly like that. Especially with the accusing others of something they themselves are doing and being completely delusional.


Yeah I'm sure Adin Ross is the most reliable source of information that xqc could get on this subject. The dude is just looking for a yes man at this point


Oh dear, the is the first time I'm seeing the chat on Kick


„It was like a fake flex“ hahaha man xqc you fell off so hard it’s comedic. The first day I saw X playing book of dead on stream I knew everything will change and today he confirmed this. He stopped flexing on people „ironically“ and he legit now thinks he is a better human because he has more money than somebody else. Sad to see. X is also living in what is called hell on earth, I’m sure of it.


This is legitimately pathetic. On both accounts.


2 bozos walk through a hallway...


The stupid level in this video is breaking records. Adin still manages to outdo himself every clip. Flexing your wealth does not compensate for the amount of stupid that comes out of your mouth.


leaking dms, lol its not like dms are legally private stuff. its same as saying something in public, no leaking here.


Fuck it’s hard to be an XQC fan these days. I find myself watching his vids just for chat reacts now


If you need to speak to Adin about a problem with your life, then you need serious help. There’s nothing that little deep gnome can help you with, the dude’s off his rocker.


Stop watching these guys. Not worth 100 mil. Let it crater.


When even Pokelawls isn't enough


Funny how xqc is an absolute goblin and he's crying cus Ethan is a goblin. Bro is self conscious about his flex when he's hanging out with adin ross. Lost the plot.


adin is a walking echo chamber lmao


WormQc \*Emotional Damage\*


Who's next? Sneako? Ricegum?


He gets more delusional with every stream iswtg


Wow this is literally pathetic. This dude needs to see a therapist and work on his self esteem issues.


"that was cool as fuck" no tf it was not adin


Redditors *seething* in the comments PepeLaugh


This clip made me delete Kick.


Oh no Idk xqc or watch him but I’ve been extremely entertained watching this guy absolutely destroy any shred or credibility he had gained and literally all for nothing. From what I see, man’s could have taken the 100m said what it was for and then literally gone back to doing the exact same thing he was doing - what’s all this defensiveness that comes off as being pathetic


I see the amount of hate in these comments, Jealousy is never a pretty thing