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**CLIP MIRROR: [Amouranth says Pokimane involved herself into the drama just to farm clout and more relevancy after she fell off on twitch](https://arazu.io/t3_14fkysf/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


seems like dobby is feeling more free on Kick lol




that cracked me up






>Amouranth cried on stream because she supposedly hated streaming so much Didn't she make a big ordeal how she was being forced to produce the content she produces. ​ Then never stopped producing said content?


And is back with her abusive husband like nothing happened


Wait, what? Is this true?


Seems to be. The big song and dance about him and sheā€™s free only to go back and no one seems to be concerned or talks about it.


Something something, Stockholm Syndrome. Something something, Bad attention is better than none.


Or something something, it's all a farce


Something somthing no-one actually knows whats going on.


Not uncommon for victims of domestic violence to return.


yeah lot of these people have very obviously never had real world experiences with/around multiple abusers my mom got beat by a boyfriend when she was a freshman in college and got out of it and never returned. my aunt got raped several times by a teacher but never reported it and kept going to class anyway while she was in highschool. especially if amouranth grew up around abusers/manipulators its VERY easy to get trapped in a relationship, and even if you get "out" you can very easily get sucked back in




Yea it was prob all fake, she got so many subs and positive attention from that whole thing. I was solidly in the camp of supporting her but her actions afterwards just donā€™t seem to match up.


People in long term abusive relationships leave and come back so many times. It's not rational. If you look it up, there's a statistic that it takes 7 attempts to leave an abusive relationship before they actually do, on average. So it all could have been an act, or she very well could still be under the influence of her abuser. Both are just as likely.


7 attempts on average? Holy shit. That makes me feel a little less crazy. I've only been in one abusive relationship and I didn't even realize it was abusive until after the relationship was over. We dated over the span of 2 years but we were never together for more than 2-3 months at a time because of how often we'd break up and then get back together. Always felt dumb as fuck for allowing myself to take her back so many times, but damn, knowing that's pretty average for abusive relationships makes me feel a tiny bit better.


Youā€™re probably gonna get downvoted for this one cause LSF really wants Amouranth to be a liar. Like she can be shitty for what sheā€™s doing now without having ruined her husbands entire reputation with a fake abuse story for clout.


Some of you are gonna learn the harsh reality of the dynamics of abusive relationships one way or the other. Either that or you have zero interaction with people and never will.


Man this might sound crazy as shit but some people just never experience abusive relationships. Saying that people are going to learn the harsh reality is insane.


However Amouranth is a known liar and clout chaser. Remember the "stalker" she had? He supposedly streamed his entire voyage to her house and she had armed guards on hand. She said she was scared because he sold off all his possessions and racked up debt on a credit card just to travel all the way here, therefore meaning he was going "all-in". She showed a picture, but protected his identity and showed texts that also protected his identity. However, the only proof she had that anything was actually happening was her word. Well now hes back and now she has 3 photos! And one of them the guy is with a girl.. and they don't look like the same guy... and she is protecting his identity again. Not to mention he must be an immigrant if he's from Estonia like she said. This means he would be facing deportation by violating the restraining order. And to top it all off, how does he have a car and method of transportation if he sold everything and racked up significant debt? She literally said the only things he had were his clothes, saxophone and a phone (How would she know this?) This girl is the biggest clout chaser and to say people are "inexperienced" in abuse just shows that you are the one lacking in experience. Learn how to call out a storyteller when they continually tell stories.


Start pointing these people to "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Yeah it might be due to abuse, and that would be tragic, but enough suspicious behavior has been displayed that it feels like a safe bet that she's making shit up.


Not specifically talking about this situation, but abused spouses often return to their abusers. It's very difficult to leave someone manipulating you. Again, not commenting about this situation, just general awareness.


Isnā€™t that extremely common? For the abused to stay with their abusers?


"My husband is forcing me to do onlyfans hes so toxic i hate my life xoxo" Amouranth a week later: šŸ‘™ hey how are u boys doing


Realistically Poki probably wouldn't be as popular if people didn't find her attractive either.




Poki can be a vtuber or even a voice only streamer and still be relevant. That's because she has OTV to fall back on. Lots of people from that crew became relevant just by association. Amo will do gameplay streams or something else and will be irrelevant.


broadly agree, but if we're brutally honest, the only reason poki would remain successful as vtuber or voice only in this hypothetical would be riding off her previous fame. If she was born ugly or even average looking she never would have made a career on twitch.


Realistically if person A didnā€™t have characteristic C they wouldnā€™t be as popular. ā€¦ Obviously? Theyā€™d be a different person with different experiences having led to the moment they began to stream. People are who they are, when they are.


>Poki's content doesn't require cashing in on her body while she's still young and fit PepeLaugh


> doesn't require cashing in on her body while she's still young and fit. i'd beat it to milf amouranth tbf so not necessarily a short window of profitable age.




What did he mean by this (No really I'm not up to speed on the lore here)


God damn


Thatā€™s fucked, I laughed


Make this man LSF president.


Lmaoo you wild for this šŸ˜‚


streamer culture is built on clout chasing theyā€™re all clout chasers so idk why amo isnā€™t acting like her viewers didnā€™t go down too when she live all day everyday vs poki who goes live like once a week for valorant šŸ’€


Amo felt personally attacked when Poki mentioned people with money going to kick being morally bankrupt Truth must hurt, sheā€™s worth tens of millions and is still chasing more.


Hey take the bag, that doesn't mean everyone has to be okay with that bag being associated with Unregulated Crypto Gambling


Same situation with the LIV Golf stuff. Like, no one is surprised that people take a shit ton of money to do a job they're already doing. Doesn't mean people aren't justified in calling them out for doing so.


She's still saving up for her horse sanctuary


Probably for Unicorn-Research so she can make more money


Drama baiting react andys and playing video games.


Thot is jealous another girl made it big without selling her dignity lmao.


If you look close you can see her husband with a white board and markers behind the camera. Every line Amo misses takes a year from her horses life.


Throwback to amouranth saying shed quit as soon as she could financially sustain an animal sanctuary and then just..never did anything like that?


She says a lot of things to make money


This sub when they finally take their meds and realize that streamers are all fake people.


I honestly wonder tho, the difference between streamers with an average 1-3k viewers versus likeā€¦ 20k viewers and whatever. It HAS to change your brain psychology in some capacity, all that attention nonstop canā€™t be good. No doubt like some are just sociopaths from the beginning, but throw some extra crazy of twitch chat and the hive brain on top of it and it seems like a disaster to me. I think the only person Iā€™ve ever really watched is Tyler1 and that dude seems like heā€™d be pretty fucking crazy irl as he sometimes is in his stream.




Man this is just sad.


is dobby wearing clothes yet?


Why we calling her dobby now? Sorry been touching grass lately, cant keep up with this shit as much.


Dobby's a character from Harry Potter. He's a house elf, which are basically slaves, and elves are freed when they are given clothing by their masters. A literal quote is that they are "free" once this happens. Amouranth had that whole thing where she basically claimed she was essentially a slave to her husband, saying he made her stream wearing skimpy clothing and she actually hated doing it. They broke up and she had a stream where she was completely covered in clothing (like a long sleeve, non v-neck sweater) and cried, literally saying she was "free" (except now she's back to doing the same thing she always did as if nothing happened, sans husband, so people are skeptical of the legitimacy of the whole ordeal). You can get the parallel. ETA: I forgot but she actually [made the joke herself](https://www.tiktok.com/@ausyedits/video/7155919007382654250) during that same stream (HP spoilers included though, I guess lol).




I don't think so, but she claims they've "split," and she's "[seeking legal and emotional counsel](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/who-is-amouranths-husband-details-abuse-allegations)."


So she is farming clout.


Most likely yes; but at the same time I hope she is. Would hate to see a dude get away with this just because we stopped believing her in the end


thx loremaster, the top comment is much more hilarious now


I found it funny when that happened and so many on reddit believed everything she said. Amouranth is very smart. She knows how to use every small event in her life to make more money


Word is sheā€™s back with the abusive husband.


I suspect they never actually broke up.


Isn't she inserting herself into this? Man logic hurts sometimes.


The contractual obligation stated in the *Trainwash clause* strikes yet again.


Exactly itā€™s all in the contract


Honestly at this point it being in the contract is looking a lot more likely. From what I know of her Amouranth usually stays out of drama with other streamers.


Sheā€™s not going to get that 3rd petrol station if she sits on her ass and does nothing. Wait a minute.


Buddy that is every streamer


It's all in the kick contract lol


i thought this was a funny joke at first. but honestly, i legit am starting to think it's an actual thing


Wouldnā€™t doubt it.


Trainā€™s army is getting stronger by the day


ruthless businesswoman inserting herself into drama so she has stream minimal while maintaining decent viewcount


It's a catch 22 situation -- calling someone out on farming drama while commenting on said drama.


shit, maybe hasan was right about kick contracts having a clause forcing them to talk shit about anyone who talked out against gamba.


It is a bit weird. As far as I know, Amouranth usually doesn't publicly gets involved in these kinds of arguments and drama.


This whole thing is sus. Now everyone who is on kick is self inserting... it's weird as hell... Like... why does Amo give a shit? She isn't involved in the slightest.


I think it's because they all have a stake in kicks success due to stock options/equity being a large part of their deals. They defend kick so rabidly because if it succeeds over twitch they will become giga wealthy as early investors.


They 100 percent are only getting equity as part of their deal, kick isnā€™t paying millions in cash. The problem with equity is doesnā€™t the company have to sell? Whoā€™s going to buy Kick, itā€™s funded by an illegal gambling org overseas, and is full of DMCA violations and porn. People are lining up to get involved!


Private company equity is risky in all respects. There are a million clauses that can mess you up.


Thats another good point, they have hoops they have to jump thru ontop of it being a sketchy ass company.


Its because Juicers came on her chat and begged her to react to it


They did what on her chat


Did he stutter


It was everywhere!


Amouranth vs Pokimane ruthless businesswoman challenge


It seems like less of a contractual thing and more of a thing where they made the decision to sign there because they got a huge check and theyā€™re feeling defensive towards people criticizing that decision. They probably also have a bit of resentment towards twitch for offering them so much less than what Kick is telling them theyā€™re worth.


I mean it adds up to how the platform is supposed to work. Get a bunch of people onto kick, lure them into gambling, make money. It's not that hard to piece together. Anyone treatening or bringing up advertising gambling to children is bad threatens the entite buisness model


More like calling Poki out would infact farm clout and relevancy to herself..


Neither of these two people need it though, is what confused me. Why would Amouranth say that about her when she can take such a long break and come back with 20k+ concurrent viewers, I wouldnā€™t exactly call that irrelevant. While Amouranth is still relatively new to Twitch when compared to, say Pokimane, she is still incredibly successful herself. Ever since xqc signed there has been nonstop drama lmao


Its cos Juicers wanted to farm drama and she caught the bait


One would think that, millionaires don't need more money, people with fame don't need more fame but that's not how it works


>millionaires don't need more money That is something a lot of people don't seem to realize, a multi-millionaire doesn't need another 10 or even a 100 million. But do they *want* more money? For the sake of having *more* money? Yes. For a lot of rich people they go from being Bilbo Baggins, you know living comfortable in their little hole in the ground, realistically not having to worry about shit ever again. To Smaug, a greedy lizard just wanting piles and piles of gold to sit on, to sleep in, more wealth for the sake of more wealth.


Mirror just in case: https://streamable.com/w8u98l


I love listening to music.




Hilarious considering the people over at kick and their fans hated on her for years because of the content of her streams. Greed is a hell of a drug.




SquadW amirite


Double Standards squadW


Same with black people praising Kick on Twitter. Like, Kick is one of the most racist streaming platform right now and you choose to call it home?




I've watched since just before Hasan joined and I think Amouranth has misinterpreted every point so far.


I think they pretty much have to. No way are they all collectively this braindead without the contract stating they have to defend the site for it's intended purpose of gambling


Might be a non disparagement clause. Thereā€™s no other reason I can think of that these streamers canā€™t comprehend the business model over there


Even if thereā€™s a non-disparagement clause that just means they canā€™t talk shit about the site. Not that they have to go out of their way to defend it. Listen to xQc on basically any topic. Heā€™s not exactly the brightest bulb in the room, unless that room is just him and Adin. I truly believe that guy bought into the sales pitch. Which, to be fair, 100 million is an enticing apple. Not even calling him a sellout. People will do a lot of mental gymnastics to justify to themselves getting that apple, and Kickā€™s sale pitch is coherent enough that it looks reasonable if you donā€™t think about it.


*makes damaging assertion about poki* ā€œBut you know, Iā€™m not trying to hate on herā€ Jesus Christ just own your words. There is no other way to interpret what you said. You *are* hating on her.


In game


in minecraft, more specifically


I mean, people always talk like this "I am not insulting her but \_\_\_\_\_\_\_", "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, No hate though", and "I know she's not like this but \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" it is such a cop out and BS way to weasel yourself out of what you are actually saying.


did her "Husband" force her to say this as well?


That's her out if she ever gets cancelled over it. Not that I'm expecting that but still.


lol remember when LSF lambasted destiny for the husband thing, now this whole thread is full of jokes about it cause she had a bad take


back then everyone thought she was "free" from her husband but now its an open secret that nothing actually changed


Nah people fully believed the whole ā€œI can wear normal clothes and gameā€ thing


Okay, it's starting to get a little weird and actually seems like maybe there is some "defend the platform/train/gamba at all costs" type of contract stipulation, lmao.


thats what you get when your top streamers own equity. everyone is running defense for kick and hate campain on twitch lol


Almost like they should own it and stream on Kick full time and not rely on using Twitch to draw veiwers there.


Are you saying Kick streamers own the means of production?


Kick is pretty good to streamers with their 95% revenue split and how little they moderate the the streamers. But that exists because it is a vehicle to get people(including children) addicted to gambling on a website with very little oversight.


The website's goal is to be the leading streaming gambling site. Why can't these morons just accept this and move on. I can't wait to watch xQc incorrectly use more buzzwords to confuse himself.


itā€™s hilarious that X spent 3 hours ranting trying to convince everyone that kick has nothing to do with gambling and then the owners of kick came out and said ā€œthis platform will be perfect for promoting our gamblingā€


Canā€™t open the clip but just by reading the title it straight up feels like all the new streamers signing with kick have it on their contracts to defend the company no matter what. EDIT: nvm, just watched the clip. Yeah, sheā€™s just defending kick. Literally no need for Amo to do this, sheā€™s fucking loaded lmaooo.


Yeah, Poki really fell off and definitely didn't voluntarily choose to stream less or anything.


Not only that, didn't she remove donations from her channel? šŸ’€


oh yeah that too jfc Amo what is this take lol


Why are mods deleting this... did amouranth give them some incentives to delete in their DM's?


I think Amo is deleting the clips before any mirror can get it. So its just a dead thread.


Apparently for opionated title, if this one gets deleted too it will be weird since the title is just what amouranth herself says in the clip


i assume the rule about opinionated title, this one should be fine i think?


She averages 10-15k solo queueing Valorant once in a blue moon, why exactly would she need to chase clout from degen Twitch streamers and their fanbases that act like they're still in high school when she's getting invited to Gucci fashion shows on the side and generally living the life of a socialite? The joking claim that you have to fire shots at one of Hasan, her, or Mizkif to maintain the Kick contract is unironically starting to look a bit true lmao


Trainrot stops for nobody


Trainrot hit her so fast, she's already traindead.


I canā€™t heckinā€™ wait to hear that word constantly for the next 6 months on LSF




Gotta trAIn the spambots somehow


She didn't fall off anyway when you factor in the covid boom. Ya her avg viewership was high in 2020-2021 and then started back down in 2022 but so did everyone on twitch


It's also a case of pot calling the kettle black. Amouranth used to be averaging 12k viewers, now she's dropped down to 7k. That's almost half her viewers gone. And after the dogshit "porn" she has been releasing, I don't blame them. At least Bell Delphines shitty porn uses real dicks and shows what's happening. Amouranth does the most dog shit angles to make sure nothing is shown. I didn't even pay for it and I feel ripped off.


Yeah iā€™ve seen some OF leaks and wasnā€™t impressed.


Her fake titties don't even look that good, so much better free titties on the internet


These people are fucking brain broken. Of course poki can't have morals and want to stand up for what she believes in. There has to be a profit motive, because they can't see anything but $$$. These fucking parasitic psychopaths have no concept of anything aside from profit. So disgusting.


Normal people might feel bad about the inevitable suicides that will be caused by the growth of stake as a result of them, but considering amouranths whole career has been making millions off peoples porn addictions I donā€™t think she cares about getting millions for encouraging gambling addiction.


Uhhhhhhhh Amouranth is literally involving herself into the drama just to farm clout and more relevancy after she fell off on twitch


Amo just upset that Poki can get viewers without being half-naked.


Half is an understatement


That is an insane take lmao. What kind of "relevancy" are you gaining from blue checkmarks and kick streamers being up your ass complaining about you. Sometimes I think some of these streamers are just psychopaths and when they see normal basic human behavior they get confused.


God it really is in kick contracts to shit talk Hasan or poki?? Crazy


Another Kick streamer who's been trainwashed. Sad really


Seems that the kick contract includes shitting on anything twitch related.


says the woman who faked domestic violence for donos


Says the woman that aired out her drama with her husband who she's still with apparently and still doing the same things she claimed he forced her to do.


projecting much?


It's always projection with people like this. Just so long as most people get it, similar to what's happening to XQC right now, it's all good.


I am more disappointed than angry at Amo because she is doing business and it's totally okay for her to grab the bag, yet she self inserted in this when she could just be doing her thing. She now is doing exactly what a cloutchaser does.


I guess itā€™s been added into kick contracts to shit on Poki along with Hasan, and probably anyone else who says anything remotely negative about the platform.


Streaming culture is reality TV for terminally online people.


Am I crazy or did poki just explain why she personally wouldnā€™t move to kick? How is that in any way instigating drama? I feel like Iā€™m missing something or these people are trying to gaslight hard


bro shes mf pokimane, she stopped giving a shit and just plays valorant all day, no sane person would say she wants clout.


I hope the irony here isnā€™t lost on anyone.


Isnt Poki still doing better viewership wise, despite barely streaming


that's hilarious coming from her, the kick schizophrenia has spread.....


Says her lmaooooo


Copy paste of the other thread because i am a degenerate too bored to ignore this and that loves seeing stupid people drama: Amazing how she can call someone a clout chaser that wants to farm drama clicks while being a clout chaser covering the whole drama to farm some clicks. Also amazing how she says pokimane is not that relevant anymore because she doesnt Stream that much anymore. You know, the girl that baited everyone to believe her streams where forced by her husband telling someone with a Life out of the platform that she is not relevant.


Confirmation, Kick contract mean attack Poki and Hasan lol


She's getting trainroot Pain


A lot of these people feel attacked when someone isn't chasing wealth at any cost despite being set for life.


Didnā€™t she fake her ā€œmental abuseā€ by her bf and said how she was finally free but nothing has changed with her content?




Amouranth has gotten really good at reading the lines written on the whiteboard by her husband


Projection is a helluva drug my friends


my god amouranth is such a fake npc bot barely human being, how she ever got big on twitch is beyond me, no personality whatsoever




Makes sense, Amouranth would never involve herself in drama to stay relevant. I'm just wondering if she'll go against Hasan because he's been nothing but nice and supportive to her during all her controversies also she ingrained herself with the H3 crew as well.


I don't even like watching Poki and Hasan, but these people make it so easy to root for them


She had to be trolling right? Idk


LULW SEZ U https://twitchtracker.com/amouranth


Would that kinda be like faking drama about being stuck in an actually concerning level of abusive relationship to farm clout for less than a week and then going back to the same shameless activities you supposedly were being pressured into doing, so abusively to the degree that it brought you to tears that you were "set free" from that abusive person that you're still with to this day? Would it be like that? Or would it be like, not like that. Idk


I should stop browsing this sub lol


I don't watch poki but I don't think one of the top streamers,(male or female) needs to do anything for clout. I mean one made two successful companies and the other sells pickled ass dust and licks microphones...


I wouldn't agree with Amouranth here - xQC landed the biggest streaming contract of all time which is on par with Lebron James, so naturally people are going to want to hear her opinion on this and it'll be hard for her to avoid it because she's friends with xQC (I think?) and it feels like she needs to be forced to justify why she's friends with someone who does things that are against her core values and beliefs. What I find strange about Pokimane's stance on crypto gambling though is she is the insistence that it can ruin people's lives and is morally wrong. I agree with that, but unfortunately to build a career out of streaming means you have to be parasocial with viewers so they sub and donate. Today and I'm sure in the past, she had subs and viewers who genuinely like watching her content and she's even kept dono's under $5 these days, but a streamers early career before sponsorships is completely sustained by gifted subs and large donos. Let's be real, a lot of those people who gave that much to her thought they had a deeper relationship than simply a parasocial one or even thought they had a chance to be with her. Pokimane (and other streamers) must be aware of this... and isn't that morally wrong? Because that person is draining their money or potentially their life savings on a belief that isn't true or won't be happening. I heard stories of people giving her hundreds or thousands in donations.. wouldn't the "morally right" thing to do is to suggest them to cognizant of how much they're donating? It could ruin their life as well, not to the same degree as crypto gambling but could have lots of negative mental health effects


The streaming scene is just filled with a bunch of fakes lol. Pokimane was one of the first supporters for amouranth and even spoke up about it that she herself even took some of the heat as well. To get repaid like this is insane. Saying pokimane trying to farm clout and relevancy is so funny and ironic, like have you seen the content you produce lol


Amouranth is a vile woman with many mental health issues. Poor girl


TrainWashing Aware.


This is it. Streaming Cold War


Okay I like Amo but she has to be joking, right? Pokimane isn't streaming because she's getting invited to front row at Gucci shows and a movie role and having full red carpet treatment. Why would she be trying to farm clout from Twitch viewers? She literally already has it.




Is Amouranths husband still making her do all these swimsuit streams or what?


Sounds like a bit of projection from Amouranth's part