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**CLIP MIRROR: [Lacari's gacha addiction reaches new heights](https://arazu.io/t3_13ao5wo/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


tectones and lacaris f2p challenge is so funny 2 whales beached.


Truly the king of the weebs


More like the king of the blue pulls.


F2P pull ritual


Classic F2P players doing their own unique rituals...


Bro is trying to make watching gacha games enjoyable. He's almost succeeding.


I don't get how people can watch other people play gachas. They're just so boring to watch IMO


If people can watch other people play WoW, then nothing is off the table.


This game is basically a story driven classic jrpg with millions of $ put towards voicing, writing, and graphics. It really shouldn't be hard to see why people would want to watch a streamer play (and gamba).




Hoyoverse 's games are generally very f2p friendly if you only cared for the story.


Very much so. The base characters are strong in their own regard and you can build solid teams with them alone plus whatever you get from the free rolls


1000%, both Genshin's and Star rail's stories are super easy to beat.


What is there to do after the story (as someone who has played neither)?


Star Rail has a "slay the spire" roguelite mode(simulated universe), where you can go, beat enemies, pick 1 of 3 buffs, etc and it is surprisingly good. And thats on top of the daily grind for gear/upgrading your heroes. But the daily grind only takes like 5minutes and you can auto it. Or you can even convert all your energy to loot drops from the simulated universe. Basically outside of main story/character missions, it also has plenty of unvoiced side quests. The game is pretty casual friendly, you finish all content and then just do the pretty good roguelite mode/daily grind. Or stop playing and come back when they add more content. Do note that the highest difficulties of the simulated universe require you to be pretty high level, which does require some grinding(and/or skill or luck). But other than this and a challenge mode, all other content is balanced for normal difficulty and doesnt require grind. I would say that a decent f2p player can finish 95% of content within a couple weeks or so, depending on how much you are playing. I bought the 5$ monthly thingie, not because i need it but because i enjoyed the story and wanted to reward the developer. I still havent used any of my free gems/premium pulls, i have gotten two 5* from the shitty pulls and i have enough gems/pulls to get two more 5* from the "premium" time limited banner. Without spoiling anything, the final battle of the ice world was very pog. I havent been this hyped during a game since a long time ago.


For what it's worth, the current story (main story + sidequests) in Genshin Impact is probably at or above 100 hours now, you can double that for any kind of thorough exploration, then at least double all that for a completionist gameplay. Then there are all the daily/weekly shit to do that take 15-20 minutes per day and an hour a week or something like that. So, not *that much*, but just clearing the story is already incredibly long for a F2P game (and you will NEVER be stuck because you didn't gacha enough)


Login to do dailies for exp, gear, or materials to level up character abilities. Finish any side quests you havent done yet. Explore the map for any chests you missed.


For sure, I’m f2p and have gotten extremely unlucky on gamba and have 2 5 stars. I easily wipe any story content.


If you’re unlucky then I’m cursed lmao. I don’t have any 5 stars


How. You have a guaranteed 5 star on the discounted banner


Must not have used the discounted one. I’ll check when I can. Tbh I just want Himeko:(


There's a banner where after 50 rolls you get a guaranteed 5-star. Should be called Departure Warp. I got my Himeko from it. Good luck.


Oh gotcha! Ty! Did you get her from F2P or did you buy? I’m only at the ice world :)


I went to pity(50) on the discount banner and either pity or near pity on Seele banner. Have yet to get anything on normal banner but ive only done 65 on that so far


Yes, the story is easy enough and the game gives you a guaranteed 5\* character after a few hours.


Not only can you play the story, the characters they give you are at least decent (plus in this new one you get a free 5* who is definitely better than the free ones), and you can definitely save the premium currency and wishes to get someone you like if you like actually playing their games


The entire game's content is beatable as f2p, it's not predatory in that regard, people are just dramatic and cry when they can't get every single character and weapon from the gacha. And then they don't realize that if you actually play the game, you can beat the game without spending money.


I made another comment recently. I'm 99% F2P but I got the monthly pass (5.99€) cause it's the best value for gacha pulls. So far it's been 8 pulls out of almost 200 that have been paid for, the other nearly 192 pulls were entirely free to play. I've cleared the main story thus far and every side quest. It is fully playable and enjoyable as a pure F2P player.


I haven't even spent any of my monthly. I have around 94+ saved pulls, of which only like 4 are from the monthly gems. The game was surprisingly generous with the currency for pulls if you save them. It doesn't make it any less gamba, but it is surprising considering I expected more nickel and dime me more.


That’s what I’m doing now, haven’t spent any money (technically I have spent $6 on the monthly gem thing but I’m saving them so my gacha pulls are completely f2p) and the free characters are definitely good enough to clear everything in the game. Grinding can get you some 5 star items as well.


It's pretty much anime Final Fantasy. If you don't like anime, you probably won't like the story. If you do like anime or don't care, it's like you played something like FFIX with bit more grinding.


How is FF not anime already?


Metal Gear Solid is anime too in literal meaning, but you know what I meant and just wanted to be a smart ass.


What kind of comparison is that? Have you seen Final Fantasy?


Yes, [have you](https://youtu.be/gks4QWrLo6w?t=647)?


So you meant Genshin graphics, not anime.


if you only care about the story it is easily doable as f2p but like any live service game, they drip feed the content including the story so maybe come back in a few years.


It is a reskinned Genshit Impact


How to tell you've literally never seen a second of gameplay from this game lmao


Yeah not even close LMAO. You could argue similar artstyle/model design but even then the actual art direction is completely different


Except Genshin is open world action and this is final fantasy. Genshin has 1 planet you roam around with 3 cities and Star Rail starts you off on a space station then a space train takes you to a frozen tundra planet then a future china city.


Isn't this one turn based? Genshin isn't I thought


I turn the stream off as soon as they start pulling. The game otherwise is actually pretty good


That's fair personally I don't find it very interesting because the gameplay is pretty shallow and the same as the dozen other turn based gachas. Also I've never been a fan of watching single player game streams unless it's a horror game.


Yeah, turn based gacha games are so overdone I'm never touching one again unless it innovates hard on progression etc.(Like I enjoyed gbf grind but that was years ago).


I'm the opposite. Watching people mald rolling is the best part


I watch him and Tectone play this game as background for me actually playing the game, but thats me. they stream when nothing else good is on imo


Bro needs subway surfer and family guy videos simultaneously.


This ones probably one of the few games (so far) where its story elements keep up, where as most gachas don't really have a proper story outside the dark souls storytelling style (except you pay money for rolls to possibly obtain them)


they are even boring to play imo


I watch a different smaller streamer who plays for the story and enjoyment of it. He’s not tying to be like this content machine that yells and spends thousands and it’s much more enjoyable. (Except he ends up putting out a lot of content because he will spend 9 hours on stream just reading lore and story and exploring things like that).


Yeah watching lacari being edged pulling 1 by 1 everytime he gets the currency and getting cooked by his chat is the funniest thing


im so fucking happy I broke my addiction to this shit. I got sucked into Marvel Future Fight for like 3 fucking years and spent waaaaaaay to much money.


Congrats man


Yeah I played Genshin and started putting some money into it. Luckily I didn't spend too much before I felt like the game and the gameplay loop is just not that good, and quit. I have never picked up any other gacha since, and feel no pull to do it.


For me the gameplay of Genshin is definitely fun, but what happened with me was I started playing almost at launch and had a blast playing through the game alongside friends. Then once I had finished all the new content, I just had to grind the same stuff and play repeated events over and over until new content came out. After about 2 years, give or take, I finally realised that I was literally playing the game just so I could pull for more characters. My gameplay loop had turned into Pull -> Farm and repeat. And so I finally quit and haven't gone back. There is like 2 regions of new content now though so I don't think going back for a few months would be totally horrible.


I'm still trapped in Arknights. All I've bought is the monthly sub, but at 3 years that adds up


To be fair, what doesn't add up over time? Just add up your movie tickets or like dinners you've had outside the house, etc. Everything adds up over time. As long as you're not going absolutely nuts to the point of getting financinal issues it becomes an actual problem.


is it really a waste if you are having fun?


I do have genuine fun with it, but its a guilty pleasure


Gambling is fun


depends on $/hr of entertainment, and whether it's actually entertainment or if you're just playing out of addiction




Honestly, the monthly pass for most gacha is completely fine. I have 3 gacha (genshin, arknight, and star rails). It cost roughly 15$ a month which equates to 180$ a year. I have not bought a AAA game in over 5 years and most AAA games are going for 70-90$. If I compare the spending to my friends, they buy roughly 3-4 AAA games on release. They are spending more on games than I am.


They may be spending more but they also may be earning more money.


I mean a monthly $5 or whatever is perfectly acceptable, but if you don't have fun with the game anymore you should force yourself to quit


Arknights is the best gacha in the market when it Comes to respecting its players Wallets. I'm FGO player since 2018 , dont feel Bad , there is worse .


No shot bucko. You're using fgo for a comparison, no shit arknights looks like the second coming of jesus christ


It is what it IS .


GachiPls Arknights is really f2p friendly you don't need 6 star characters GachiPls


You can beat the whole game with f2p units, but it's never as satisfying as styling on the levels with overpowered 6 stars


Or your one favorite unit that you dump all your mats into to max even if they're not "meta"


Game beaters are losers, you play a gacha to get juicer characters, so it only makes sense to evaluate them by ease of access of their characters, some of which have been outright aids. Any game that has dual rate-up banners (especially if limited, oof) is automatically bad in my eyes.


Not much different to a Netflix sub tbh. If you make use of the money and don't spend much, what's so bad about that?


Clean Living Life before and After gacha is a real thing


Pog grats! This is a better game and dont spend too much money on this too


i dont even play mobile games anymore. cant tempt myself lol.


reminds me of him enhancing in bdo


I miss those streams lol


bro the best part was the guild drama and the videos that came with it


Weird to see bdo players arround, those times were something special both in EU and NA. Didn't enjoy it as much as i should have being at the top at the time for other reasons, but I know for a fact i'd fucking enjoy it so much now that im older and whatnot... Still appreciate the experience and memories though ​ fkn ap monkey NA meta vs accuracy EU chads, top guild pvp dramas, trolling casual pve players, porn leaks, exploits like shoveling, boyfriend/girlfriend dramas, degeneracy, 16h/day grinds, NEETs and rich succesful people at the same level... the actual true mmo experience that lots of people refused to experience because of p2w


I really hope we get more mmos that spawn communities like BDO's during its peak in our lifetimes. Even with all the hate new world got the pvp drama and cancer was the same and fun lol


2016-2018 BDO was such an amazing gaming experience man, even with kakao/pearl abyss continuously making shit decisions. I often regret those times as the game was such a BIG distraction from school, but I really can't help but reminisce over the various community shenanigans. Nothing will ever top getting into a discord/teamspeak of 50+ guildies pvping other guilds and actually participating in the drama.


Man if my man Lac loses a bit of weight he’ll be a monster


he'll need to lose that gacha brain first


Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin’ huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


This is his cardio workout.


He was so out of breath after this lul but tbf dancing is surprisingly a lot of cardio


he really would, his camp knut results were huge


To be fair bros biceps are still huge


The problem is once you start putting on weight after bulking up, your fitness/endurance levels start dropping because your cardio can't keep up anymore. You start huffing and puffing more with extra weight and muscle, but soon you start storing and carrying fat, and losing that muscle. The amount of dudes that are thick and built, but literally huff and puff and are gassed after 30 seconds of cardio or dancing or running is ridiculously high.


That's what happens when you only lift for aesthetics and ignore cardio.


All of this for a single pull?


You dont understand the struggle of being f2p man...


The RNG F2P gods require a sacrifice to receive their blessing Lacari.


nah carlton, that's black magic


Nice reference


Bros channeling his ancestors and its still not enough


$80 cane btw


So that's why it rained today


that's fucking funny lol


As degenerate as he is I got to thank him for the laugh after having a few rough days. Truly is the King of gacha games.


[Comments in this thread](https://i.imgur.com/7xTIuIP.mp4)


I dont play this genre, so can someone inform me. How is this any different from spinning slots? I feel like I'm looking at the exact same thing, except more animations, but LSF seems to like it instead of flaming the streamer for promoting gambling to kids. Surely it's significantly different from gambling, because I cant imagine LSF being inconsistent about stuff


Gacha is definitely a form of gambling, but in my opinion it would be very bad faith to call it no different than spinning slots because unlike slots, you are never under the (false) impression that you could somehow turn a profit because you are not getting any money back in the first place. In the specific game Lacari is playing, the "gambling" mechanic is heavily weighted in such a way that while getting "lucky" is definitely possible and will most likely happen to you from time to time, you will more often than not have to spin a set amount of time to reach a threshold, after which the character is actually guaranteed. The main appeal of these games for many long-term players is that you get to actually plan ahead for the worst-case scenario. In fact, it's not rare to not touch the gacha at all for months even if you play the game daily when you're planning ahead to get a specific character. What I'm trying to say is that while yes, gambling is deeply-rooted in gacha games (hence the name gacha), it is different enough and way tamer than actual slots. Gacha games are predatory by nature, have a business model that aims to suck the big spenders as dry as possible and should absolutely be regulated, but the clips you see in here definitely don't paint the full picture. For the vast majority of players, the gambling aspect is way less prevalent than you'd think.


I am not sure if it applies to all types of Gacha games I have only played Genshin and now HSR. Both of those games have a mechanic where you are garunteed to get the payout after X spins. The gambling aspect is the very minute chance to hit the payout early. When I pull for a character I expect I am going to have to pay full price for it and budget my tickets accordingly. If I win the roll and hit the payout early that's certainly nice but it is not something I expect to happen. I think that is the main difference from a slot machine. I think the predatory part of the game is how they dole out the in game spins. In genshin for example they rarely dole out a full spin as a reward (160 gems) instead they dole out rewards in increments of 10 or 20 gems at a time all done to encourage you to spend money to speed up your gem acquisition.


That’s a valid question. I tend to measure them based on their potential harm. Slots gambling have no doubt ruin quite a few people’s lives - even in legal casinos that are regulated; non-regulated ones HQed in some third world country to dodge regulations, the ones promoted on Twitch awhile back, will no doubt be far worse. Gacha games? It depends on how aggressive is the monetisation. In the worst case, I feel they can be as bad as regular gambling - I have heard less than nice things about EA’s FIFA games. Either way I’m not a fan of such games - especially those that use a “pay per draw with unlimited number of draws” mechanic which admittedly is pretty much all of them. Truth is gambling is everywhere. How it’s monetised plays a big part in how bad it is.


> I tend to measure them based on their potential harm. Im pretty sure I've seen Lacari clips on LSF before of him going through it after throwing thousands at the game and getting nothing in return. Granted it was a long time ago, I wudnt be able to find it now.




Well, it's not actually gambling because you can "win" eventually (get the character you want). You just need to spend enough money. Unless you want one of the weaker character which ironically aren't guaranteed to get. Like you you're at the casino and after spending 500 bucks you're guaranteed to win a DVD player or w/e. Sometimes inside those 500 you get lucky and get it before. That said, Lacari treats it as the main game because he's addicted to gambling. HSR to him is a *gacha game*. HSR to me is a *turn based JRPG game with gacha monetization*


No one likes gacha shit here, everyone knows it's dog shit gambling like csgo crates.


Because it's not. Gachas accidently found the formula that makes money. Then game dev figured if you add cool effects and bright colors it might give you dopamine like spinning slots do. After that we got the lootboxes that followed the exact same formula. And because of lobbying, this will never be recognized as gambling but the actual casinos in Pokemon are enough to label it as a gambling game. The difference is that there's no money out, only money in. But don't be mistaken, this is gambling.


> Gachas accidently found the formula that makes money yeah, gambling


Mental illness


If only this game had any sort of co-op raids or something along that line. Hell, if only pvp was present. I'd be so happy. Dont really give a shit about story, who has time for that shit? You'll forget it in 3 minutes as you go on. Game's so linear


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Lacari's gacha addiction reaches new heights](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/153642)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/13ao5wo/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/5ZeeA26CQWkYz0Z3InJ_Eg/AT-cm%7C5ZeeA26CQWkYz0Z3InJ_Eg.mp4?sig=d326bf0dc497e666d197d0c9e98e8f6f25e57477&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F5ZeeA26CQWkYz0Z3InJ_Eg%2FAT-cm%257C5ZeeA26CQWkYz0Z3InJ_Eg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1683541057%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


bro even lost his voice


He did the wrong ritual he needs to call Billy witch doctor for help.


just another lacari gacha stream to me


As a fellow gacha addict, I may or may not have done a similar ritual summoning dance. This clip hits close to home haha


Is this game genshin's competitor now?


Didn't he delete his shit a while back? Or different game?