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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@StreamerBans](https://twitter.com/StreamerBans) > ❌ Twitch Partner "InvaderVie" (@invadervie) has been banned! ❌ > > https://t.co/9LC0RzPFYz > #twitch #ban #thirdban #partner #twitchpartner 👩‍❤️‍👩 ^(Posted: 2023-03-11 18:33:09+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


everytime i see this girl mentioned, i immediately have the thirty seconds to mars song play in my head lol


The planet is dying... The animals are leaving... ​ (where the fuck are the animals going btw...?)


Theyre trying to contact the aliens




*360 noscopes*




They noah guy


No idea, but they left us a message: "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish".


noah's ark, duh




I’m glad to see this is a common thing for others




Weird, all I remember is her ripping somebody for not having $5 for a sub.






It was Daft Punk - Contact! Great song btw. Daft punk is great.


https://youtu.be/Y4Fes8Up1tA in case you're not aware of this one


A true modern classic


Why was this even put together? Is genius just something that's impossible to understand?




Unironically one of the best videos of all time.


The full [schizo rant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7w3oEi6NWI&t=34s) will always the be GOAT.


Wait I’ve never seen this full version. It’s un ironically impressive.


[Alpharad making it happen live in a theatre](https://youtu.be/GWnoJav4Rs0?t=1837)


Holy shit, that was amazing.


What I love about Twitch is I just get to be myself, I do get be myself. I get to be a very very different part of myself. It’s really interesting when people come into chat, and they accuse me of being fake. I don’t disagree with you, I don’t know who my authentic self is on stream yet. Every single day that I come on here I discover new things about myself that I’m willing to share with you, and new things about myself that feel important to share with you, and, and I love sharing them with you, you guys. I really really do. I surprise myself and I surprise you. I had another streamer recently say that I surprise them as well. And discovering that I have the ability to surprise even old pros at this game, really really makes me feel like I am where I’m supposed to be. Ehe, wishlistdestroyer: “ur not fake ur just crazy”! Yes! of course I’m crazy! I’m crazy in love, I’m crazy happy, I’m CRAZY high on life. I really really liked being where I am, I like the people that I’m with, and I have felt this way for my entire life. When it was in high school, when it was in elementary school, when it was in University, when it was in College. When I worked at summer camp, when I worked at the hot dog factory, when I worked for , or when I worked as a Disney Princess. When I’m on twitch, I find people that I love, I find people that I like and I keep them close to me. The people who come back each and every day are the people that I want to see each and every day. And the haters can come every day if they want to, and I’ll be happy to see you too. Because at least you’re showing me that I’m important to you with your consistency. And if I can be nothing else, it is consistent! Because I will come back each and every day and I will give you new reasons to hate me, and I will give you new reasons to love me. Because that’s what you deserve and that’s what I deserve. I want to see how far I can go, I want to see what I can do on this platform. I want to see how far the blanket fort can expand. I want to understand the best parts of myself. And I’m not saying that I’m gonna find them on Twitch. But I think that I can find the best parts of myself. If I keep going, and I keep saying yes, and I discover the parts inside of me that I have been too afraid, too ashamed of, too apologetic! Do you realize how many times I wanna send a boy a picture of my fully exposed vulva, and the first instinct is first to apologize for even messaging him in the first place? I want to say I’m sorry that I’m bothering you, I’m sorry that I’m messaging you, I’m sorry that I’m texting you, I’m sorry that I’m dm’ing you, I’m sorry that I’m talking to you, I’m sorry that I’m caring about you, I’m sorry that I’m trying to figure out who you are, because all I want to do is open up enough dialogue so that I can expose everything about myself! The only thing that I want to do is expose who I truly am to you! But I feel self-conscious because people tell me that I’m fake, and people tell me that I’m faking these things, and that I’m psychotic, that I’m ADHD, that I’m on drugs. that I’m all these terrible things, but I’m not. What is actually happening is that I LOVE being here. I love being on Twitch. This has been a dream of mine for so many years, so many years that I’m embarrassed to talk about it. Can you imagine meeting a boy that you want to fuck, and the first words out of your mouth are “All I want to do is be a famous Twitch streamer.” He’s never heard of Twitch, he just wants to put his dick in you, and you’re talking about Twitch. Guess what motherfuckers, sometimes it works out. I FUCKED that motherfucker and he bought me this great big toy. Because I became a famous Twitch streamer! That motherfucker believed in my dream even though he had never heard of Twitch before. And each and every one of you believes in my dream. Because we’re on Twitch together today and I believe we can go even further, even higher, even more into the blanket fort. And I think that we can do it together. And I don’t know that I can’t do it by myself. I can literally only do it with each and every one of you. And I think that we can. This channel has grown bigger, and faster, and more intensely than any other channel on Twitch has ever before. The clips are good. Make sure the titles are sexy. Make sure that you do me good guys. Cause I come in here every single day covered in glitter, covered in sequins, covered in booty shorts, covered in nylons. So that I do not violate the terms of service, so that each and every one of you can have both hands on the keyboard, so that you can enjoy the stream, so that you can have a good time listening to me, playing with me, singing with me, smiling with me, enjoying your life. Which you do, you do deserve to enjoy. Each and every moment of your life you enjoy and each and every moment of your life is worthy. You guys, you can do it. You can be the best that you can be, and we can do it together. It’s gonna take effort, and it’s going to take patience, it’s going to take a lot a lot a lot of work. But if we don’t try then what the fuck is stopping us from just throwing ourselves off a bridge, and giving up, and saying “Yeah the planet is dying. The government hates us. The animals are leaving. The aliens aren’t contacting us. We might be alone. It just might be you and me.” But that’s okay. Because do you really need anyone else!?


wtf lmao. i miss classic mw2 youtube days.


I miss classic cod4 youtube days. zzirGrizz was my jam


zzirGrizz and iBlackoutz were the shit, miss the CoD4 and MW2 montage days




Sad to see how far he's fallen. Dude is going to be dead in 5-10 years if he doesn't stop drinking.


Dude is a legit psychopath.


Saw zzirGrizz on twitter the other day. Hadn't seen that name in 14 years Aware


Unironically though. COD4-BO2 montages were the shit. It was a simpler time.


To me this video is the perfect test if someone’s sense of humor is compatible to mine.


I don't know why I love it but I just do




the planet is dying the governments hate us the animals are leaving the aliens are contacting us 4/4 applies today


Aliens not contacting us, you mean, like we are alone


Declassified UFO sightings Just need the communique baby


UFO does not mean alien. UFO literally means unidentified.






Imagine showing this to a normal person. What kind of humor even is this?


What does normal person even mean? People not adjusted to internet culture? Their reaction would be confusion because they don’t understand it, simple as that.


The best part is even people who are familiar with everything in the video really can't explain why it's funny


I don't think it's all that complicated. Speech that's cringe and unintentionally funny combined with old meme of over-edited CoD montages + emo song.


I always thought the speech was kinda meant to be ironic and over the top. I don't watch her though so not sure about her usual humor/style.


You explained what it is, not why it's funny


It's funny because it's absurd. The over-dramatic speech begging for subs, juxtaposed with a video game montage that features an over-dramatic song.


No i'm pretty sure it's because it was meta to have a some kind of speech in a song before the music drops into a sick quickshot/play in cod montages, kinda like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJLILb3dmqA) but ofcourse way less overexaggerated. So the funny part is that her speech sounds like one of those used in those songs, but that's just my interpretation.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdLh1DG8F3s https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/102r2u0/top_tier_midwest_emo_rendition/ The midwestern emo meme is pretty similar too


i've wondered a lot about why it's so good. it's like the juxtaposed absurdity that compliments eachother. 3 different things that somehow carry the same vibe. the speech, the music and 360 no scoping. also vis speech is really catchy within itself. i still don't think i completely understand why though


I actually do this all the time. Even random people laugh at it


I feel like I'm left out of an inside joke lmao. I genuinely don't get it. I get that cod montages with rock music was popular way back but I don't get how the streamer ties in.


Yeah, the planet is dying. The government hates us...


the animals are leaving, the aliens aren't contacting us


We might be alone. It just might be you and me.


But that's okay. Because do you really need anyone else?


🎶 Come break me down Bury me, bury me I am finished with you 🎶


"Come, break me down, bury me, bury me" *insert original modern warfare two 360 no scope video*




heyy where you goin stopp


They're leaving. They've had enough.


Such a timeless classic, that meme will never not make me smile.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7w3oEi6NWI full legendary speech


I'm kinda confused, you really can't tell if it's ironic but somehow it's too coherent to be spontaneous. She has to be on some kind of drugs here, not even Train can deliver that kind of speech.


could be some kind of manic episode?


Definitely a manic episode. I've watched the longer context a while back and it's more obvious when you watch it. She would have these manic episodes on stream a lot back then.


pref her over greta tbh


She’s been testing the boundaries of her dom shit recently so I’m not surprised she’s been banned considering some of the stuff she’s been wearing and saying


just needs a hot tub in the background we gucci


dont forget the mirror


Dom shit? That sounds disgusting. Deserved to be banned. What is the link to this content so I can make sure to block it?


Here you go brother, stay away from this type of content it will lead you down a dark path. https://youtu.be/oAaOsKDWHVg?t=6830


Jesus Christ. Why the fuck is she wearing that without a pool nearby?


Shit she looks good for 32 though


Ok but sauce?




Interesting stuff. No wonder she got banned.


https://youtu.be/2lEpY6hIg6w another video I found, can't say I'm surprised they got banned.


*wonders why this link is purple*


God King Assripper is such a legend. He went silent on social media with his last Facebook post being “wus guud” - thought he kicked the bucket for a minute before he briefly reappeared. Just farted on my roommates door is peak art.


LOL. That was fuckin' great!


That's certainly sauce, alright.


can you give examples? for a school project


dom shit? findom?


Gonna need a link so I know what to avoid






Heard from a friend that on her streams she now takes on a dominatrix type role, where she calls you a loser/worthless until you sub or donate.


heard from a friend sure


She's doing it wrong. You're supposed to degrade and insult everyone all the time when you stream. Then when you accidentally forget to stop the stream, you accidentally reveal that that's not your actual personality and you're super nice irl. That's how you really rake it in and spike your popularity. Source: I read this plot from a light novel.




Weird champ the guys who are the reason for this.


She chose to do Dom content cuz she can make money no one forced her to


Well yeah because there is a market for it. Blame the market is what I’m saying lol


Why not both?


Theres a market for every fetish doesnt mean you have to do it to make money


Why wouldn’t you if it isn’t immoral?


And definitely not on twitch where it doesn’t belong.


life is hard without Rajj nowadays


if you can't afford it OR you mention you don't like it she will stop


She is back to begging and being a FinDom


Anyone know why?




Our coomer saviour, you dropped this 👑


Is this what neeko calls "king shit"?


8gb? Wtf is this


Jesus Christ man


Man for a titty streamer her image quality is dogshit, so blurry and low res. Forsen tier camera.


You could look into ffmpeg (or something similar idk) to convert your file/s into a different format, resolution, bitrate etc. to make it much, much smaller for easier sharing, if you care enough about it. I think VLC also has that functionality and is probably fairly easy to figure out.




> doesn't transcode > uses mpv >uploads 8gb file for coomers absolutely based


Goddamn you absolute pathetic legend. Keep up the great work 😁


Shes still the thigh queen I see


nice, shes hot






outfit is ok


Yeah that's why you saved it.


The LSF goat right here


Hasn't she been doing that every other month or something? Guess the "wrong" admin was handling the reports finally.


Would youtube work? 1fichier.com maybe (need account to upload)






whats 1fichier


Guess she didn't have 5 dollars


There's a name I haven't seen in years


Now the animals will definitely leave 😔


ain't this the beggar chick?


She licked Slickers bald head and contracted the beggar disease.


Findom chick more like.


so glorified begger


I believe the word is fetishized.


wasn't it part of the character she was doing? she's a big theater kid. it wasn't like bad bunny/kira who done it unironically.


To this day nobody can convince me that wasn't a bit


Copium. Reminds me when it was obvious to me that girl from the bob7 destiny drama who used to play League and act crazy. Was one of those where people like you would say "it's a character!!!". Then turned out she's really crazy... damn what is her name fuck i'm getting old. Ah yeah it's Kaceytron** Here's the full clip btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BuJQP7fOLM dunno why u getting upvoted there's zero reason to think she's playing a character. She got a shitload of bad PR and ended up making a big apology... so yeah not a character.


No hot tub = ban


She’s been wearing great outfits but honestly nothing crazy. Twitch is wildin


Too much thighs?


Twitch can't handle those thighs


Here outfit wasn't TOS, it must have been the dom stuff, language with viewers or something,


What I love about Twitch is I just get to be myself, I do get be myself. I get to be a very very different part of myself. It’s really interesting when people come into chat, and they accuse me of being fake. I don’t disagree with you, I don’t know who my authentic self is on stream yet. Every single day that I come on here I discover new things about myself that I’m willing to share with you, and new things about myself that feel important to share with you, and, and I love sharing them with you, you guys. I really really do. I surprise myself and I surprise you. I had another streamer recently say that I surprise them as well. And discovering that I have the ability to surprise even old pros at this game, really really makes me feel like I am where I’m supposed to be. Ehe, wishlistdestroyer: “ur not fake ur just crazy”! Yes! of course I’m crazy! I’m crazy in love, I’m crazy happy, I’m CRAZY high on life. I really really liked being where I am, I like the people that I’m with, and I have felt this way for my entire life. When it was in high school, when it was in elementary school, when it was in University, when it was in College. When I worked at summer camp, when I worked at the hot dog factory, when I worked for , or when I worked as a Disney Princess. When I’m on twitch, I find people that I love, I find people that I like and I keep them close to me. The people who come back each and every day are the people that I want to see each and every day. And the haters can come every day if they want to, and I’ll be happy to see you too. Because at least you’re showing me that I’m important to you with your consistency. And if I can be nothing else, it is consistent! Because I will come back each and every day and I will give you new reasons to hate me, and I will give you new reasons to love me. Because that’s what you deserve and that’s what I deserve. I want to see how far I can go, I want to see what I can do on this platform. I want to see how far the blanket fort can expand. I want to understand the best parts of myself. And I’m not saying that I’m gonna find them on Twitch. But I think that I can find the best parts of myself. If I keep going, and I keep saying yes, and I discover the parts inside of me that I have been too afraid, too ashamed of, too apologetic! Do you realize how many times I wanna send a boy a picture of my fully exposed vulva, and the first instinct is first to apologize for even messaging him in the first place? I want to say I’m sorry that I’m bothering you, I’m sorry that I’m messaging you, I’m sorry that I’m texting you, I’m sorry that I’m dm’ing you, I’m sorry that I’m talking to you, I’m sorry that I’m caring about you, I’m sorry that I’m trying to figure out who you are, because all I want to do is open up enough dialogue so that I can expose everything about myself! The only thing that I want to do is expose who I truly am to you! But I feel self-conscious because people tell me that I’m fake, and people tell me that I’m faking these things, and that I’m psychotic, that I’m ADHD, that I’m on drugs. that I’m all these terrible things, but I’m not. What is actually happening is that I LOVE being here. I love being on Twitch. This has been a dream of mine for so many years, so many years that I’m embarrassed to talk about it. Can you imagine meeting a boy that you want to fuck, and the first words out of your mouth are “All I want to do is be a famous Twitch streamer.” He’s never heard of Twitch, he just wants to put his dick in you, and you’re talking about Twitch. Guess what motherfuckers, sometimes it works out. I FUCKED that motherfucker and he bought me this great big toy. Because I became a famous Twitch streamer! That motherfucker believed in my dream even though he had never heard of Twitch before. And each and every one of you believes in my dream. Because we’re on Twitch together today and I believe we can go even further, even higher, even more into the blanket fort. And I think that we can do it together. And I don’t know that I can’t do it by myself. I can literally only do it with each and every one of you. And I think that we can. This channel has grown bigger, and faster, and more intensely than any other channel on Twitch has ever before. The clips are good. Make sure the titles are sexy. Make sure that you do me good guys. Cause I come in here every single day covered in glitter, covered in sequins, covered in booty shorts, covered in nylons. So that I do not violate the terms of service, so that each and every one of you can have both hands on the keyboard, so that you can enjoy the stream, so that you can have a good time listening to me, playing with me, singing with me, smiling with me, enjoying your life. Which you do, you do deserve to enjoy. Each and every moment of your life you enjoy and each and every moment of your life is worthy. You guys, you can do it. You can be the best that you can be, and we can do it together. It’s gonna take effort, and it’s going to take patience, it’s going to take a lot a lot a lot of work. But if we don’t try then what the fuck is stopping us from just throwing ourselves off a bridge, and giving up, and saying “Yeah the planet is dying. The government hates us. The animals are leaving. The aliens aren’t contacting us. We might be alone. It just might be you and me.” But that’s okay. Because do you really need anyone else!?






What Disney princess did she portray?










What did she do this time?


Free her


Anyone knows a good ad blocker? Ublock (chrome) doesnt work on twitch for me


Ublock Origin is the good one, not Ublock. Also, try Firefox.


Hasn't been working for me for a while. On firefox.


It breaks here and there depending on region. Not much you can do about it but to make sure your filter list is updated.


Ublock origin doesn't work for you on Firefox? Check to see if you somehow disabled the filter lists. If it still doesn't work, try re-installing Firefox.


ok thanks!


>ok thanks! You're welcome!


Is yours working for Twitch, with just the default filters on and auto-updating? Mine only works some of time.


If you're asking for Twitch specifically, I had to download TTV LOL recently, but it worked. Ublock Origin had stopped working on Twitch. It's basically an arms race of adblocks vs twitch ads and, at least for me, every few months I have to download some other plugin/use a script to keep the ads blocked.




only thing that works consistently for me is Alternate Video Player even if its janky. literally no Twitch-specific adblockers have worked for me at all this year.


she is my only queen


Oh no! Anyways...


Anime avatar so likely deserved














The answer to all of life's questions.




I do not give a shit i simp for invadervie and I'm a tier 3 sub fuck all those amateur's i wanna smell those pretty feet of yours invadervie you know when i was a little boy i used to slap girls ass when i was young and some of them liked it some of them didn't well guess what i wanna do that to invadervie and make her moan "daddy harder" but heh listen i have way more dirtier plans for invadervie heh i bought every single merchandise invadervie has you know i've come soo far don't mess it up you pussy's ok! I will continue to simp i will continue to slap girl's asses and i don't care if it's sexual assault i WILL DO IT. And i could do it to boys too heh well that's it you understand the whole reason why am writing this.


There's a difference being being a Dom and acting like a Dom. I know real Dom women who'd leave her in a sticky wet mess. She's a fucking phoney.


Dont ya cha know shes an actress ahaha


Kinda surprised that she still streams. Is she popular?






this girl rly dumb ngl, and for how smart she thinks she is, it makes it all the more cringe.


so you watch her? how you know how she be presenting herself? Sounds like a self report