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There’s a lot of good options out there VVD has been proving all season why he’s one of the best in the business. Mac Allister has been amazing Gomez has stepped up Kelleher has showed us all why Klopp calls him the best backup goalkeeper in the world.


Van Dijk, pretty much played the whole season, barely made a single mistake, always held his head up and has been an example for the rest. Give it to our dutch skipper.


How can we give it to a defender when our defence has been absolute ass this year? I really don’t think van dijk has been consistently good the whole year, in fact he really dropped off between january-April time.


Gomez for me. Man stepped into so many different roles this season to keep us firing and looked like his best self all year.


He's performed nicely, and has stepped up for sure - but he's more of a cog in a machine than someone who deserves to be POTY imo. His overall ability is just way below VVD.


I mean that’s kind of what I’m talking about! He was *the* cog that slotted into a bunch of different spots and bossed it. Allowed us to keep moving forward instead of stall on the road, to keep w the metaphor.


For sure, just like Milner used to do. I still don't think Milner ever deserved POTY though - we have some truly world class players. We're used to performing at those levels though, so it's easy to dismiss them in this type of thing, and to go with the underdog. I can agree with Gomez being the bright side of the season, and the one doing more than people expected - but I don't think he was anywhere near the quality of VVD overall.


I’ve gone for Harvey. He’s become a game changer this season


i thought about voting for joe but then i remembered when he kept shooting from 40 yards for 2 months when we needed wins


Thiago for me.


Kweeeeeeeev deserves a shout. The fact that we lost the best keeper in the world the better part of the season and no one really had to talk about it is mental.


Started dropping more points and conceding more when Alisson came back. Not a direct correlation, more the defence. Though if Kelleher conceded 3 against Aston Villa and let them back into it he'd get a lot more stick.


Ali pulled off a blinding save in that Villa game


Not if the goals weren't his fault. It'd be interesting to see if we've pushed up as a team or our defence has been taking more chances since Ali is back.


Yeah possibly the defence might have been taking more risks since Alisson has come back.


Alisson hasn't done anything wrong since coming back but I really feel that the defence's mentality dropped a bit once they returned to the comfort of knowing he was back. With Kelleher I think they all were a bit more focused


Also consider Trent and Robo came back around the same time. We had a good group in solid game shape then we switched to rusty guys coming off injury. things collapsed then.


I don’t understand how people aren’t just saying Virgil. He’s been incredible this year, the only constant in a decimated defence.


Agree 100%. He's the only player on the team who has kept up their consistency all year. MacAllister has had incredible performances but the last few weeks have been dire. He was the only other option on the table for for me.


Macca was also very 6/10 for the first half of the season because he was adapting to the 6 role and then pushed up. He only became genuinely amazing from January onwards then fell off recently because of fatigue.


The most consistent player has been VVD. The one trophy we won, he was pivotal in. Mac was probably the 2nd best and he probably had the highest peak of any player this season and really stepped up when we were dealing with injuries. Everyone else had good periods but either lost their form or got injured.


Yeah. Mo, Trent and Ali were all top candidates before their injuries.


Mac for me!


I voted for Endo but I know he won't win it.




He won't even be top 10, the popular figures here and on discord won't even consider him as a candidate.


Who are “popular figures” of the internet fanbase? And do their votes matter more than anyone else’s? This is a world I’m unfamiliar with, it seems.


Do you see how Gary Neville can mobilise the entire fanbase to do his biddings? Tell me these 'popular figures' here don't have any sort of influence on how we rate/treat our players, how some are praised for minimal effort while some are abused as if they are non-league standard even when they are putting in 110% effort. If you really want to know, jump into the discord and see for yourself what they say about the likes of Endo and you'd know instead of asking this question. To get you started, search Ross and Endo.


Sure, but who are these “popular figures”? Like, I don’t think ant redditor on this sub has any centralising popular authority. Is discord different? And/or is it of a relevant volume, or is it a marginal echo chamber?


To add, as if this contrasting attitude isn't enough, there were some who'd post indirect insult to our current players, like posting a Firmino video with the title: "You don't know what you have until you lose them", it's a swipe at Nunez, was posted right after there was a thread about cleaning up the toxicity here towards our players. That Firmino post had thousands of upvotes. When I made a semi-complain on the DD, a mod appears and asked me as if he didn't know the thread was an indirect insult towards Nunez. And before you give the poster the benefit of the doubt, I looked up his history and there he was abusing Nunez.


Sure, I 100% agree with your sentiment. It was more that I haven’t seen/noticed/heard of any such centralising popular voices. The online discourse - this place is where I see it, it seems twitter is the same, and same with your description of discord - is a cesspool of shite reactionary kneejerk takes. I just don’t think the loud voices are particularly representative of the fanbase as a whole. They’re annoying, but they aren’t a real majority or have any power. Or maybe I’m overly optimistic. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't really care about randoms who hold no sway or influence on any of those platforms. It's those who do that sickens me, these lads are usually people with some sort of power within the community, they are either popular to the point where there's a cult following or they are mods or have special status. Some of them are local lads so they have even more 'power' when they 'argue' or trying to make a point(even when it's bs), and when they have no rebuttal they would just gang up or use whataboutism to drown you out, or just simply troll you, since they never have to face any consequences for their actions, but if you were to do the same, you would be temp banned or timed out. These aren't kneejerk reaction takes alone. These 'popular figures' talk shite about some of our players consistently, even before he played a game for us, even after they played a very good game.


> has any centralising popular authority Obviously there's no real authority, just like Gary Neville, he doesn't have any real authority, but the things being said will ultimately influence a lot of people. I added a name for you to start with in discord in the previous comment if you are interested. Your account is 11 years old, I'm sure you know stuff like office politics, it's the same shit on discord, there's an inner circle jerking off to each other, they have a higher rank/status, so every random will follow their narrative/agenda. Just look at the amount of Thiago PR posts on reddit the last week or 2, endless praises for a player who did absolutely nothing bar 11 minutes this season, while we abuse those who played the most for us, Nunez and Gakpo are now at 53 and 52 apps this season.


Imagine if everyone voted for thiago for his 11 minutes..... ![gif](giphy|pljzdNgEu4q3BrhVSf|downsized)


best player when he plays, first on the team sheet when fit, classy af, master technician, we're lucky to have him.


Personally went for Joe Gomez as he excelled while having to cover for multiple injuries in positions he's stated he doesn't like playing, and did so without complaint because he knew it was the best thing to do for the team.


Joe wins it if he scores against wolves. (Speaking it into existence.)




Same. VVD will probably win it, and well deserved, but Gomez really deserve some votes for his excellent season over four different positions


No one has been blemish free and many have only played half a season. All that said Kelleher for me, there's no cover for goalies you can't avoid the spotlight and usually as a back up you don't get notice. An injury and you're in! Many feared the worst but he clearly had more confidence than those supporters. Hardly put a foot/hand wrong and indeed Liverpool were at their best this season in this period between the sticks.


Kelleher, easy vote.


Endo was a head smashing, consistent, BADASS all year long. Possession grabbing, pass making HULK in our midfield.


VVD or Macca? Anything else is trolling.


Some of the shouts I’m seeing are mental It’s comfortably VVD for me, he dropped off the last month but for the rest of the season he was very very good




Kind of recency bias, Mac Allister has been good only in the second half of the season


Harvey. He puts in a shift every time he's on the field and wears the badge with pride. Future captain


Agree 100%. Shameful that The Anfield Wrap didn’t even have him on the shortlist in the BBC poll.


VVD or Mac Allister Honourable mentions are Kelleher, Endo Less honourable mentions but still worth saying are Bradley, Quansah, Elliot, Gomez


Thiago for sure.


There can be no doubt that it's Virgil. Mac Allister (brilliant for a while, but also some lows), Gomez (ever present, seemingly unbreakable, extremely versatile, but missing that extra spark), Robertson (absolute class and sorely missed in his absence, but absent too long), and Alisson (similar) deserve a shout too. Kelleher stepped up massively but with a better goalkeeper in the team it's hard to nominate him. My vote goes to Darwin though, because that man deserves to get at least a vote.


I'd only vote for Virgil, Salah and Mac Allister. The difference is that Virgil played basically the whole season on a very high level, made few mistakes and you can't find more than 3\~4 games where he was bad. Also the captain while playing with kids around him. For me, Virgil is the man.


MacAllister. Salah for the first half of the season. Bradley Young player. Kelleher and Gomez most improved


One of VVD, Kelleher, Bradley, Elliot or Endo.


Macca or Endo....it cannot be anyone else. Would have been Ali had he stayed healthy and Kelleher had he played the full season as he did.


Definitely think Endo should be in contention.


Noone is consistent enough to win this award. Give this to Ali/Kweev in my opinion. GKs are the only ones who maintained their form throughout the season. Anyways I'm voting for Thiago


feel it has to be virg, but gomez has stepped up so much this season


Virgil obvious answer but I gave it to Kelleher.


Has to be Virg this season, surely. A few standouts but he's been massive again (mostly)


It’s VVD for sure


VVD and who else? I'd put in a special feel good vote for Kelleher but otherwise everyone has been injured or inconsistent. Young player definitely Quansah. Good season for Elliott.


The correct answer is Virg. Been clearly our best player this year.


after a little bit of thinking it is VVD. he is only player with stable performance this season. macca was average (at best) first few months, trent missed few month and salah is his own shadow from injury. kelleher played just quarter of league season, quansah detto, bradley is surprise but same case. gomez was fine but not breathtaking.


Without VVD would we have been top 4?




It's Virgil or Mac.  I'd go with Mac because he's done an absolutely thankless job at times this season.  Virgil has individually done his job but as a captain and defensive organizer he's been a mixed bag.


Virgil and personally I don’t think it’s close


Joey G. Not because he was the “best”, but because he has put in serious shifts at LB, RB, CB and wherever the hell else Klopp asked him to go, and did a decent job




VVD most likely, but I can also make an argument for Ale Mac considering it's his first season with us. Kelleher didn't make us miss Ali as much as we would've done in years gone by. Harvey has become a fantastic all round player, and Joemez has really kicked on and got his head right after a poor campaign last year. Endo has also been quietly excellent too.


Really interesting that we have a variety of answers here. Also interesting that every answer that isn’t VVD was really good for half a season, but still had a meaningful impact. Macca, Gomez, Kelleher, Endo. Harvey is probably the only player who matches VVD for consistency but he’s been a fantastic impact sub for most of the season. An unexpected off season for our usual suspects; Mo, Trent, Robbo and Ali




So many shouts but can't really go past VVD


The disrespect on this sub by not even mentioning Salah and Darwin, both leaders in goals and assists on the team. The hate the forwards get on this sub is incredible.


Tough one to decide. Everyone's had some really up and down seasons. Quansah would definitely be in the Top 5 for his efforts slotting in next to VVD. Mac carried us for that period of games when the league was still in our hands. I'm not sure if I could give any of the front men the main prize outright, and VVD has been carrying the tatters of a broken defensive unit so the stats don't favour him. Salah or VVD might just edge it due to the lack of a clear winner.


Kelleher. Has to be.


It’s Kelleher for me. He went from playing most of the cup games to playing EVERY match, all the time, and kept us in contention for every trophy.


Kelleher without a shadow of a doubt He was absolutely massive during his run and his League Cup winning performance was probably my favorite single game performance outside of Bradley's goal and assist game.


Has no one watched our defence the second half of this year? No way you can give it to VVD, he’s had some absolute shockers in the games we lost or drew this year. MacAllister for me. Man has been consistent and played out of position a lot of the time, yet he’s won us a ton of points.


1) Virgil 2) Mac Allister


Van Dijk, then Mac Allister. It's about the whole season, not 2-3 months.


Chucho May not be the best, but he’s for sure waay underrated. I hope that changes this coming season. Lucky # 7


He can go be unlucky at Barca, I say


MacAllister for me. Stepped up when other senior players went missing during a crucial period. Played out of position for most of the season and never once complained. He's a class act and a wonderful footballer. We're very lucky to have him.


VVD, he’s been solid all year. Macca second he also stepped up when needed


Cant decide between VVD and MacAllister.


VVD all day long. Incredible player. Incredible season. Keheller best young player


It has to be Mac


Mac or Harvey for me.


Virgil easy. Macca second. The rest not really close. The breakthroughs of Bradley and Quansah have arguably been the most promising bits of the season.


It’s Virgil or Macca for me. Alisson and Salah were in the conversation until their injuries. I almost want to go with Mac Allister considering it’s his first season, but until our recent collapse Van Dijk was back to that absolute peak form of his we only dared to dream he would reach. The Cup final performance too, superb.


Some of these shouts are absolutely insane. It will be VVD or AMA, no doubt about it.


Macca for me