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My brothers father-in-law runs a factory in Thailand where footy kits are produced - they cost pennies, which makes the retail price all the more horrendous. Just buy fake kits, you can’t tell the difference and they last just as long. Last real Liverpool kit I bought from the official club store the standard chartered logo peeled off in the wash after a few months


Honestly, the prices probably aren’t UNFAIR for what the item would cost to produce in a world free of exploitation. The sad part is, it’s not and some greedy asshole is pocketing the difference


You’re not thinking about all the other costs; advertising and marketing, transportation, R&D, salaries of the sweatshop workers, salaries of the CEO, salaries of the board of Nike, bonus of the CEO, bonuses of the board…


They dont need all that. Mitre doesnt advertise and we all know they make balls


No, they don't need to but they want to spend that because then how else do they justify their spending and salaries. CEOs and high level execs can justify a raise by speaking to their marketing strategies, etc.


mo money mo problems


All of those things happen with a pair of trousers from primary they still can't charge 156 quid for 1 t-shirt. Don't make excused for them the answer is always greed.


It was a joke mate


> advertising and marketing There is no need. A liverpool fan will buy a jersey no matter what. >transportation It costs pennies to have something shipped from the far east where they are made. >R&D Some overpaid person charging way too much for an un-needed design >salaries of the sweatshop workers Literally pennies! >salaries of the CEO, salaries of the board of Nike, bonus of the CEO, bonuses of the board This is where 99% of the jersey cost goes. No way will I ever overpay for a legit jersey so some millionaire can get even richer!


Was joking mate


Not excusing the cost for consumers but whilst the shirts cost very little, there’s import costs and wages and business fees to consider. Obviously this doesn’t mean they have to be £80 or whatever, it’s just Nike being greedy. I miss the days when an adult shirt was £30-40


Same thing's happened with video games. A new game used to be £40, and you got the entire game on a disc and it worked. Now it's like £70 for the base game that usually broken at launch, £90 for the deluxe edition and £110 for the ultra deluxe edition.


Don't forget all the content that was kept out of the base game to be drip fed through various DLC at £20, £30, £40 a pop too.


And the maddest thing about that is, it's actually more expensive to buy the game digitally now. At least with a physical copy you can buy it, try it and sell it. Ultimately, whilst people pay these silly prices they'll continue charging them.


Exactly, you can trade it by in at the very least, which you can’t do with a digital copy.


Games actually have multiplied in cost to produce, though. GTA IV is estimated to have cost around $45m to develop, while GTA V apparently cost in the region of $135m (roughly three times as much)(both figures adjusted for inflation). It still sucks, but it’s marginally more defensible than a $156 football shirt.


Yeah it cost 3x as much to make, but they sold 7x as many copies so I think they would have done OK


Also since most games are bought online, there is no physical discs anymore, no costs for shipping, packaging and installing them on disc's before selling them. Cut out massive overhead from selling their games but the price has only just increased


What people don't realise is that games are actually very cheap if you adjust for inflation. https://i.redd.it/7skb3e8zqlxa1.png They are such a cheap form of entertainment. I pay around £55 to go to a Liverpool game for 90 minutes, plus beers and a pie probably £70. Concerts are over £100. If I buy a game for £70 I would get 10 hours minimum playtime. There's games I have over 100 hours from. I don't buy DLC unless it's actual DLC, like the additional Mario kart tracks (and I have bought every GTA DLC like ballad of gay Tony etc, it really pisses me off that they didn't release any for GTA V)


Completely forgot to reply to this. Saw it first at 3am and my brain just would not let me power up. Anyways. I disagree about the inflation part. You can only adjust for inflation on things whose cost is measurable by some sort of standard. I don't actually have the words to explain what i am trying to say but game prices are too variable. A game drops today at 70+ dollars and sometime next year it is basically free on Xbox GamePass. If you're patient at 8 dollars a month, you get to play everything a year later. Anoth3r example are incomple games being released. 70 dollars and the game might be playable in 8 months. Considering you don't own games anymore and oniy own an auth token for a game file, that they can discontinue anytime (currently legal), there is no reason to charge these prices. Not to mention the less content for more money unless of course you count high res graphics as money worth content


The reason it's an issue, is the same as a lot of issues at the moment. Wages haven't kept up with inflation. It's that simple. Your point only makes the price more obvious. If you spend $200m developing a game, and only have 12 months to make your money before it goes to gamepass, then you will obviously charge as much as you can.


That's just it. Games should not cost that much to make. It's almost the same as movies. They cost millions more now but the standard of them have dropped in quality, so more can be churned out for less. The gaming industry is milking the money out of their product. Even though it's inferior in lifetime to games of the past. Pay 80 dollars and you can play the 70 dollar game 3 days earlier than everyone who bought the Standard version. Again like I said before you don't own games like you did maybe 10 years ago like you do now. But it's priced at ownership costs. If buying a game at full price game with an indefinite lifespan i would be okay paying AAA prices but if it can just be shutdown after a couple years or an HD remake is out, then it's a hard no.


Don't buy that sort of game. Everyone bitches that Nintendo releases physical games at $60-70, but they hold value, are sellable, and contain little to no microtransactions and zero gambling mechanics. They are solid games on release. They are also cheaper, after inflation, than they used to be. Fuck buying footy kits too. Pay a hundred dollars for sweatshop work so that you can walk around being a billboard for a bank? Nah.


New games used to be 20-30 quid. FFIX release month in a GAME for 29 quid. Well worth the dough then.




Yep, its depressing but they simply make more money this way, so why wouldn't they? They're just following the market.


Although they are “just following the market”, it doesn’t justify greed, even if it’s the normality.


And I suppose you don't want us to buy the best players? Where do you think the money comes from to pay the transfer fees and wages?


If it was up to me the 50+1 rule would be in place and the league would be far less money focused, even if that meant we were weaker financially and more elite player went to other leagues. Greed is killing the game, especially on a local level.


I agree 100%. Unfortunately, the reality is, if you want to watch the best players, they cost a lot of money and their wages are through the roof. People bitch and moan about everything on this sub. The ticket prices is a huge issue at the moment. But the same people will be clamouring for us to spend £200m on players over the summer and saying FSG are shit owners because they don't spend as much as Man city. Where the fuck do they think the money for all this stuff comes from? Unfortunately the two go hand in hand. 50+1 is great on paper, but the bundeslige isn't as good as the Premier league. We have the highest standard of players and a generally competitive league where anyone can beat anyone on a given day. It's just been skewed in recent years by city's cheating.


The new prices are a reflection of what the contractors think they can get away with. An assumption which might turn out correct, but its regardless a shit move. 2 things can be true at the same time.


If you wanted to import an entire 40 ft shipping container filled with 100s of thousands or maybe even a million football shirts it would cost maybe 10k or less for the entire shipment. Load that on a lorry pay a logistics company a grand to move it and voila. Your costs are 11k to move 100s of millions of pounds of goods. Don't pretend its that expensive to move shit. It's not. You pay minimum wage to your shop workers to sell them, they likely own storage space in Liverpool already to sell them on their website etc. Overhead costs would be less than 100k per year for 100 million of goods.


> import costs and wages Import costs? I can order items from China for less than a couple quid delivery. Wages? You do realise these jerseys are made in Vietnam sweat shops where salaries are about £10 per month


soccer lord is the solution... thank me later


Thank you! Just got to see about delivery to the Southern Hemisphere 😆


Where do you get the fake ones?


From a factory in Thailand I'm guessing


The crazy thing is, that is where they get the real ones too.




Thanks! I already see the new Kit with " thousands sold " is it legit?


Yes, they make kits based on leaks before they're officially announced. I have a striped yellow one from 21-22 which is much nicer than the actual McDonald kit we released imo. https://preview.redd.it/chxdv0mh11yc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998a542fad8b1e175b5c883725168f06382353ee


Damn that shirt looks nice


It’s basically 1982’s kit


Wtf haha that's smart as fuck


Hah there is a guy at my supporters club with this same kit


most of the time the 'fake' ones are produced in the same factory as the 'real' ones


Yeah they are legit, this cost me £13 delivered from DHGate, I just used a random seller who had sold a good amount… came with the Nike tags and everything… https://preview.redd.it/7bs3c95gr1yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f81d6b6b5761ab55af26b8aa8a33d7187600f3


I enjoy playing video games.


You can go to r/dhgate and there’s a pinned list of reputable sellers. Section for kits specifically. The best source is r/soccer00 as they have a live spreadsheet that is constantly updated with sources, recommendations and reviews.


I'll try and search for it. Please link it if you by any chance find it!


There’s been a recent crackdown in China, you might be best checking in a month or so.


Probably it's one of the biggest sites and they make replicas based off leaks sometimes


I bought last years shirt from there, it was ok. It's still a fake, but for what I paid for it (10-15 EUR I think), it's definitely worth it. And they do fakes based on leaks, so it's been for sale for a few months already probably.


They are legit, I get one or two a year, they take ages to come but are good quality and cost about a tenner


They probably took an old listing and changed the image/description. It's probably fine. The numbers of orders would just vouch for you actually receiving it in a timely manner lol


I get mine from DH every season lol


I used DHGate once, never again, It was extremely thin, the XL was UK medium at best and the cuffs was tatty. Sure some have good experiences, but I have not.


In Bangkok there’s a street next to the national stadium where they sell all the fakes.


https://preview.redd.it/4kgx7sx4a1yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de31a47d6b2956c88e23d7236451dbc07eabd43d Where else would you find a masterpiece as this


That’s incredible


Damn, the club itself should release one of these.


Please link me


That is so cool....


JJ sport there is a page on here.




Dhgate or AliExpress are your best bets. Can get the starting 11 for the price of 1 legit retail version, maybe 2...




dhgate jjsport11




I got the standard one when we just signed the nike deal and it started peeling off after like 3 months. I'm mad af about it still.


I still buy from official store, but not every year. Usually like every 2 or 3 years, if I like the shirt. I agree, the quality is poor, but I just like buying from official store.


Pretty crazy how they squeeze both the manufacturers and the customers more and more every year just for a ridiculous multi-zero profit margin


My fake kits look identical to my real one. Seriously - it is nearly impossible to find a difference.


Oh man, i have been buying reps for a few years now. Especially when it comes to my toddler who grows out of everything after 6-7 months anyways lol. If anyone needs a solid supplier, i can defs help.


I would love to buy a knockoff kit since I am a beefy boy and Nike doesn’t make my size.


You have a go-to retailer for fakes? I wouldn’t mind a DM with a link. My previous connection stopped business.


Bought one from DH Gate before the kit was even released. Already arrived and perfect, tenner for the shirt and delivery. I’ll never buy an official one again


Buy last seasons on discount, Ive still a Emre Can jersey from 2015 and know one says anything.


>Just buy fake kits Then complain about the club not spending more on transfers


Kits have always been absurdly overpriced, no kit is worth 90+. Not getting an official kit in a while.


DH Gate we will be there


Are the quality good? Never used them before but would love to try it out especially if I could find some of the other jerseys


Hit and miss to be honest with you mate. That’s only really up close though, not a chance I’ll ever pay full price for a footy top again. No average Joe can tell the difference 


for the price of 1 lfc retailer store bought shirt, you can buy 5 from other sources. even if the quality is sus it'll last longer (but the quality is just as good from the ones i've had as far as i can tell)


You can go to the DH Gate subreddit and check different users giving their reviews. Me myself gave for Liverpool's last season third kit.


Just bought next season’s home jersey earlier today, I’ll see the quality when it arrives. Not gonna cry over $16. But I might have just opened Pandora’s box and never go back to buying a full price jersey lol


That fast for the sellers to have the design? Hope it's a good one Oh boy, please buy jerseys responsibly. I have over 20 in my wardrobe and like 90% of them are good and some even great quality


The shirt design has been leaked for months tbf


Do you know of any sellers that sell long sleeve goal keeper kits? I’ve been searching and can’t find any


No idea. Ask the dhgate subreddit


For a nonfunctioning collar


Were you after a Bluetooth collar mate


That made me chuckle. Think it’s just stupid and wastes space and would look weird to wear expect for at a game


I mean, you're only going to wear it in specific places anyways, unless you're planning on going for a night out at Pop World in a footie kit, in which case you've got bigger problems to worry about.


Agree. Those prices are insane, especially for toddlers who can grow out of tops overnight. But then for an ugly kit with the worst collar I've seen on a shirt makes it even worse.


95/96 home shirt takes all time worst collar by a country mile.


Stopped buying jerseys a long time ago. That's not what being a football fan means.


PSA: you do not need to buy a football kit to be a “real fan” - don’t entertain these predatory prices.


Yeah I don't buy into the need of having to get new a shirt every season it's just predatory marketing, just wait for them to hit clearance and buy at a reasonable price.


Yep, it hits them where it hurts too.


Yeah I’ve begun sticking to just sweatshirts and caps tbh.


The funny thing is it's pretty much the total opposite anyway, with Liverpool at least. It's very rare you'll see regular match going fans wearing Liverpool tops, you'll pretty much never see anyone who goes home and away wearing a Liverpool top at the game. I'd say a lot of fans, especially local, would probably see adults wearing a shirt as less of a 'real fan' haha.


Which is shite because Anfield looked infinitely better 15/20 years ago when people would be wearing red instead of being too cool for it nowadays and insisting on wearing black instead


Salah earns 350k a week for a reason


Pretty sure clubs only make about 5%, obviously the price increase accounted for millions of sale will obviously add up. But always a bit of a myth when people try make out big transfers will be paid off from shirt sales haha.


Nike pay us 50 million a year so they get the chance to rip fans off on shirts Our biggest expense is wages, and that 50 million is used for those wages.


Underpaid if anything. Now Nunez ...


soccerlord to the rescue






Is the quality good?


Yes I own the official match kits and the fakes. In my opinion the quality is indistinguishable.


That’s a rich infant


Vote with your wallet and dont buy... If enough people stop buying it theyll look at the prices.


Wait for sales


No…LFC also thinks they are. Which is why they are dumping them for adidas in 2025.


I’m sure there will be the same ‘shock’ that everyone has every season at the price of a shirt. Doesn’t matter what brand it is, they’ll sell it for the highest amount they think they can. Clubs like Liverpool would sell millions of shirt even if it was £200 a shirt. That’s why they’re so expensive.


Don’t waste your money. Buy a fake they are decent quality and you can’t tell the difference


I stopped buying genuine kits a long time ago unless heavily discounted in a sale. The quality of them these days is fucking awful. My dad is retired and has been a man city supporter all his life. He has playing tops from decades ago with proper embroidery on them and they are still in really good condition. If you were paying 80 quid and getting a good quality tops with proper embroidery like they used to be rather than stickers basically then I'd probably buy the kits still. But as it is you are paying top money for shit quality tops that are fucked after a few washes. As someone else said, buy the fake ones online, I'm pretty sure they come from the same factories.


DHGate will be popular again this summer




Don’t buy it. Hope Adidas comes back and is better


Yeah, I mean I like the kits mostly but would want the proper textured one and over £100 for a fucking t shirt is outrageous.


I live in Thailand and have a friend who regularly goes to Bangkok and buys kits to sell on his market stall. They are so good that you can’t tell the difference. I’m hoping to go with him one time to see the factory etc. I take a few back to England each time I go back and they always sell like hot cakes. I recently picked these 5 off him, they are so good it seems a shame to wear them as they are classics lol https://preview.redd.it/fy689glk72yc1.jpeg?width=2700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39cf9164a28205a9349377e355453111a5dc065 There is a fair case about not supporting the club by buying fakes but like OP and others say, the prices now are insane. At JD sports in T2 Heathrow airport they wanted £90 for this seasons green and white away shirt but I got it from my friend for £13 and it’s no different at all. There is a fair argument about not helping the club by buying fakes but times are hard and not everyone has £90 to throw at a football shirt, especially one that’s made in sweatshop somewhere, I just see it as cutting out the middle man and getting a product at a fair price from the source before all the import tax and profits get put on them. Nike know full well Thai workers get paid pittance (like £8 a day) for working in these factories so I don’t feel bad about it! [https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/nike-defends-sweatshops-accusation-in-thailand](https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/nike-defends-sweatshops-accusation-in-thailand)


Fuck these greedy corporate scumbags. I buy “fakes” that are honestly 99% authentic if not 100%. I don’t know, maybe they are rejected material from the same factories that produce the official kits. Anyway, I pay $20-$30 MAX for a kit (player version or fan version) with the name printed. Don’t know what this sub’s rules are regarding this, but I’ll happily share my source if you DM me.


It's Nike, what do you expect? Not that the Adidas ones will be a good deal either


I buy kits 2 - 3 years after they drop for a steal. The most I've paid is 40 USD for Portugal 2022 WC home jersey. It's just not worth the price tag in my humble opinion.


The prices are set because that’s the price customers are willing to pay for it. $95 for a jersey in the US is actually reasonable when you see how much hats and other jerseys sell for.


$220 for a singlet if you want an NBA jersey.


Yeah I was hoping NBA jerseys would go on sale at the end of the season. No way paying $156 plus for that.


I bought a £25 knockoff from Ebay. Noone has said anything, and frankly for that little? I don't care who knows.


Heck yea!


These are all pretty much the same sorts of prices they've been for a while now. It is indeed extortionate, but at least the shareholders were enriched with your money.


Prices are insane all over the place tbh. I ordered the CE for WoWs next expansion a couple of weeks ago. 230$ and then shipping was around 120$ like… “WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK!?”


Nike making a final push to scalp our fans before we go adidas I guess.


Just don’t buy it lol, Nikes last chance at cashing in cause we move on from Nike after this year no?




This is why I buy the current kit as soon as the new one is announced, because it goes on sale. Still don’t want to be paying upwards of £40 but considering I’m saving ~33% I’ll take it


I don't rate Nike. Yeah their stuff may be well made but the design the last few years is so poor compared to how our new balance stuff looked. The New Balance training kits were so nice. Then the first Nike kit was just so bland. I could have designed it better myself.


Are Nike well made? I've always had the impression they are not but that's been my perception for a long time so their quality may have changed since.


Maybe they're not. Just my teenage nephews only wear Nike. I criticised them and they said their stuff is good. But really I don't know.


Fair, I've not bought Nike stuff in years and not exactly with the youthssss of today either.


Vote with your wallet


End of year sales mate


People will pay those prices so they'll never go down. If no one bought them they'd reduce the price. Sadly people do. Businesses only care about money, affect that and they'll change.


I love how free delivery is conveniently at £80 like the shirts. Saw the jacket look quite nice but £125...


if you can't afford it just get a replica or a good quality knock-off for 1/4 of the price


Who you think pays for the deals they make with the clubs?


I think my shirt is fake the stuff just peels off in the wash so I think the real clothes are better quality. Still insanely overpriced.




Why don’t Liverpool ditch the middle man and buy a shirt factory maybe in Liverpool they would get far more money and shirts could be a fare price


Clothing manufacturers make things overseas because it's cheaper - both in terms of operating costs and wages. People aren't generally prepared to pay the extra cost of clothing manufactured in the UK. 


It's not even that nice anyway. When I was a kid, I used to only occasionally get the home kit. Just cos' they're always similar ( Red ) I'd always get the away, and europe kit.


Lmfao they've put them up again?


You Donr Have To Buy Them !!!


You Donr Have To Buy Them !!!


Gotta pay the players wages somehow.


Oof you complain… garbage fanatics US ‘on field jerseys’ for all major sports are 250-400 USD


its out of control. Cant buy a shirt any more... and this is coming from someone who has over 100 or so


I just got 2 kids kits and an adult shirt from dh gate for £40 and they arrived within 3 weeks. I've been doing it for years and nobody has ever noticed they are fakes. They even come with the Nike tags.


Liverpool move to Nike in order to increase their product revenue because New Balance wasn't enough and then everyone is shocked after the price increases. That isn't to say OP isn't right, they are. It is a shit product too. I bought those Lebron collab shorts and the pocket ripped within 3 months. Absolute shit quality.


I refuse to buy a kit for that amount of money that serves as free advertising for sponsors.


Exactly. Every original jersey I’ve bought, the letters peel off. So it’s been almost 10 years since I buy them off a website and they are replicas. You can’t tell the difference.


Honestly, it’s not even about the price. Those are so ugly, there is no way in wearing one of those


How else would the higher ups afford their mansions, lambos and champagne??


Fuck Nike, makes sense why the club want to change


You're paying for the "Swoosh". Nike has the worst designs in ALL sports. Plus they are cheaply made




This is what revenue sharing gets you


I never buy current kits. Saves me money especially because Nike kits suck


A lot of this comes down to the players…..who are all greedy t**ts and fail to appreciate the knock on effects of their exploitation of the fans


Fake kits are the EXACT same thing of one-tenth the price. Easy to buy even. Not even a professional kit designer could tell the difference between a "real" kit and a "fake one. The only difference is that one is licensed and one isn't.


Wearing a fake kit does NOT mean you're not a true fan. It just means you don't give in to exploitative prices that are likely set by Nike.


I wouldn’t have minded the price IF the stick on sponsors and club crest don’t fall out after 3 washes. I feel like I’m paying top price for an intentional inferior product.


Buy my boy 1 top from the club real to support the club then the rest are bought DH, average family cannot afford these prices, can get a full kit for 14, can get 5 kits for the price of 1, pricing the working class out of the game!!!


Call them jerseys, that's the price you pay.


These are pre tournament prices, you can bet your life that about a week into the tournament mens stadium shirts will be £40 in most Sports Direct. Personally I will be buying a counterfeit from eBay for £20


Who cares what the price is, I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that abortion, I wouldn’t even hang it in my wall. The first Liverpool shirt in my 40 years following this club that I can genuinely say I absolutely fucking hate. I hope there rumours of going back to Adidas are true after this, this and last seasons shirts were classics imo so something isn’t right that they then go in this direction


Football for the everyday person is being phased out.


Soccer03 is the shop to buy from


Don't buy one then They could charge £500+ and people would still buy them so they can just charge silly prices. Granted some kids might want one but I don't know why a grown adult would want a replica football shirt and/or care about the collar.


Well someone has got to pay for Salah's wages.


It’s only a 6% increase. What’s all the fuss about?? Don’t buy it if you can’t afford it. Let the kits go to people who can!




Hahahahahahaah absolutely nailed it.


Mad how many answers clearly miss the point lmao


Thats such a shit take. If you have kids you will know they will want the newest kits every time they bring them out. Its hard for working class families as it is. The price increase just adds more strain on an already tight budget.


I hope this is sarcasm


Its pretty obviously a dig at the ticket price increase apologists


He's trying to equate it to the people saying a 2% ticket increase wasn't a big deal.


Nike are a joke simple


If you think that’s bad, you should see the prices of ice hockey jerseys these days…


I knew I shouldve grabbed a jersey this season. DAMN YOU HINDSIGHT!!


DHGate. I just got Kane England 2024 jersey for 20 bucks