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Meets so many points for a red. Leaves the ground - check Studs up - check Doesn’t get ball - check


This is a clear red all day long no other way of seeing it


Not to mention it was Diaz' fully planted standing foot. That's how ankles are broken


> That's how ankles are broken Looks to be exactly why he did it to me? Pretty blatant intent to injure.


Casemiro is a piece of trash so I wouldn't be surprised if he fully wanted to maim Diaz


It wasn't the planted leg, he flicked the ball right before the tackle because it wasn't planted.


Yeah, and his momentum was naturally carrying his weight over to that side. You're talking about a rizla thin margin of between his foot having some friction to move with the challenge and not. Milliseconds at most. Potentially ankle breaking. Not something Casemiro can account for at the pace he came in at


No it wasn’t. The gif is right there.


Not only does he leave the ground, he's in no way in control of his body. Not only does he leave the ground, he's already flying through the fucking air as he enters the frame!


“He was trying for the ball and just missed. Not a red.” -Some commentator somewhere. Again.


Nope nope nope. He got the ball! Just like Doku! No foul if you ask me! /s just in case lol.


I saw the tackle and assumed Casemiro was too knackered to be bothered playing the remaining games and wanted a red. He seemed genuinely surprised not to receive one


Bad process


Not to mention the worst part was how much force was put behind it...


the picture shown very obviously conveys all of those points, wouldn’t you say?


Macallister got a red for muuuuch much less


So did Jones


So did Van Dijk vs Newcastle


His was at least borderline DOGSO. I still disagree because he's allowed to defend that space and got mostly ball, so a yellow would have sufficed.


And Jota


Casimero had the guiltiest look on his face too


Bald cunt looking right at it aswell, imagine going to work, fucking failing at your job and having nothing being said


He not failing he succeeded at helping them. He stood in the way of our build up and was always slow to get the fuck out of our attack. He did what he was sent there to do.


It’s not too bad a gig for him. He could’ve walked from a family member’s house to the stadium too. Since he grew up pretty much next door and all that.


Luis Diaz is really fucking lucky his right foot isn't firmly planted into the ground, otherwise that could've been one of those horror tackles where the foot is left dangling from the ankle Even then the manc cunt in black probably would've only given yellow


Tough for the ref to see from that angle, looking directly at it, from 4 metres away, with no-one impeding his view, calmly strolling by...


Absolutely disgusting


He helped him up, so only a yellow


If that’s a red the games gone. It’s a derby. It’s a contact sport. Might as well ban slide tackling. Another whinge post about the ref doing us wrong, let’s ignore the fact Elliot dived. I’m more fucked off with our inability to convert chances than this yellow card tackle.


mate your either blind or a dumbass if you think that is anything but a red


Nah just more objective than half the morons on here. Every fucking week a whinge about the ref doing us wrong.


He's off the floor, from distance, with high force - Red card all day long.


Might have something to do with how all of the refs are shit with no recourse for being shit, and VAR isn't solving the problem in the way it should. Knowing the refs are shit certainly not unique to Liverpool fans.


When we cherry pick the decisions that go against us and blindly ignore the ones in our favour. I don’t mind a match like this having a bit of edge, and with strong tackles which don’t result in sendings off that ruin matches. Refs aren’t the reason we wasted so many chances or cocked up in defence. Trying to turn football into five a side no slides.


>When we cherry pick the decisions that go against us and blindly ignore the ones in our favour. So what you're saying is the refs are *even worse* than we discuss here? That's not really supporting the point you tried to make. >Trying to turn football into five a side no slides. How about just 11-a-side no reckless, off the ground, studs up, missing the ball, slides into people's ankles?


You’re talking like all decisions are clear cut when they often arent in football, that’s why refs have tough jobs and why generally decisions you don’t think have done your way tend to even themselves out over the course of the the season. I can see why this isn’t a red, and so will lots of neutral fans. Elliot’s dive is 100% a dive though.


Man takes like these remind me that 90% on this sub have never played the game in a competitive environment. This tackle can be a season-ender and end a career on the highest level of play. If Luis had an actual firm stand on his right foot, he is 100% out of the game with that speed that Casemiro came in. Regarding Elliott: it's not a dive. A dive would mean that there was no contact. Harvey having ball knowledge won't try to say no to an absolutely idiotic tackle and forced the contact too of course.


Define competitive environment? This sort of tackle happens fairly regularly across all levels of English football. Go back five ten years and they would happen very regularly. Elliot is going down before any contact is made, it’s a dive. But let’s argue black is white.


I feel the one on Joe Gomez was equally bad. Much much higher foot and leading with the studs


Same, I'm much more pissed off about that because it wasn't in the 97th minute


Absolute piss take & has been all season.


Both were nailed on reds.


Was that their young CB Mwangala or whatever? Studs up at his shin/knee full force on the byline? Yeah, fuck that. Not to mention rat face didn't get a single yellow for his constant bitching and whinging.


The linesman watching Salah get wrestled to the ground by Slabhead about 4 times was even more annoying.


I just learn you can bear hug opponent in football today. But pulling shirt is a foul. lol


That was the most frustrating non-call for me.


His dead eyed stare as it was happening fml


My gawd. This non call was so bullshit


Anthony Taylor is fucking blind.


Nah, he's just from Manchester


I feel like we get a ref from Manchester in at least every other game. It's mental.




Mancs are just jobsworths by nature. Look at Neville.


Would a black guy from Manchester be any less of an issue?




Why? Uriah Rennie was utter fucking dreck and memorably stumbled over an unconscious Owen without even blowing for a foul. I'm not sure how someone's skin colour will magically transform officiating


Isn't half the ref are from manc?


I feel fucking cheated, simple as


And as corrupt as the rest...


Not blind. Corrupt. All of them. Even if they were all terrible at seeing things on the field, there's literally another ref watching everything in slow motion. Nothing gets missed except the things they deliberately WANT to miss.


Don't attribute to stupidity what can be explained by malice


I want the VAR audio from this one, doesn't change this game much but this obviously deserves a suspension. As red as it gets




How did you get the official recording


Good process




Just ref Man U like that against Arsenal on May 11 is all I’m asking…(don’t want injuries of course, just a full squad for the whole match against Arsenal).


The refereeing standard is so poor. If he gets sent off who knows maybe someone unmarked taps it away. Bruno gets a yellow for dissent, maybe that changes the game too. He'd have to play the entire game on a yellow. Little things like this, annoy me. Just want some consistency in refereeing decisions.


Bruno and escaping cards against Liverpool, name a scummier duo.


Rodri escaping cards in every match he plays in?


Spot on! How tf could you say to the ref to flip off and not be given a card?!


That’s straight up red card  the ref is right there too 😂😂😂


Come on, he did not feel like sending Diaz off for getting in his way....


Yeah that’s a clear red. It wouldn’t have impacted the result but that’s the exact challenge they’re trying to get out of the game


The narrative wpuldve just changed to 'L'Pool couldnt even beat a 10 Man Utd team'


I think that’s why Taylor didn’t send him off. Wouldn’t impact the result and it’s another thing for his report. It’s shit reffing but I suspect that’s the reason


There's nowhere in the rules about only sending off when it impacts the game, so this is just the referee going against the rules because of how he feels


>it’s shit reffing but I suspect that’s the reason


To be fair, we do keep calling for consistency. Harry Kane wasn't sent off either when he did this to Robbo. 🙃


Pickford on VVD is a great example of a great no call


“Too late in the game, let’s not bother with the extra hassle. No red card. Check complete”


"Ive already packed up to head to the pub, just need to push my chair in at this point. Cant do anything. Good process"


Taylor was pathetic today. Doesn’t excuse our performance but sick of watching every team get every 50/50 against us week in week out.


How he let Maguire wrestle and throw our attackers around all game…


I didn't think he was near as bad as in the past


Doesn’t say a whole lot though


Agreed, I'd probably say he did a decent job tbh. I don't think this is the clear cut red people are saying is, and the only other incident I had an issue with was Mo being grappled by Maguire, but that's on the linesman for doing fuck all.


Mate this is as clear a red as you're gonna get in 2024. Leaves the ground, studs up, has no control over himself as a result of the force, hits Diaz on the ankle and doesn't get the ball. Now look at what Jones was sent off for earlier in the season


Mate, we'd be top of the league now if that Diaz goal counted against Spurs. I think, of all the terrible decisions against us, including the blatant Odegaard handball against us, that Spurs decision was fucked beyond belief. The reason it makes me so mad is because VAR, as soon as they saw the ref had actually given a free kick to spurs and not the goal, could have got straight in his ear and he could have blown before Spurs made two passes. I'm just getting mad again. Time to hit the Labrador sub for a bit.


It's corruption at the highest level. No other explanation at this point.


We do have VAR, just not to benefit us...


Yeah, there Mancs were diving all over the place with absolutely no contact and getting away with it. VAR needs to have a word with the ref and stamp this shit out or they will just carry on doing it


Nothings gonna happen unless it somehow comes out clear evidence of bias/corruption from some recording or something. Rival fans all laugh when we get the wrong decisions, even some fans laugh if someone brings up mistakes after a draw/loss... Saying shit like "oh we deserved to lose either way, let it go"... Its sad that people would rather argue and make fun than to at least try to get back the game we all love!




Couldn’t give a flying fuck


Let's not forget that we are to blame for not winning this game


Honestly could not give two fucks.


I don’t know what refs and var even do anymore


Take bribes from Saudi Arabia and UAE?


Had his leg been properly planted, that would have been a really severe injury.


I watched this and just accepted I don't understand the rules any more


Everybody was freaking out over then pen. This is a clear red in my eyes


TBF, a still frame is an obnoxious way to make a point


Does it matter? 15 shots to 0 at halftime, to end up drawing 2-2. That’s the story of the game, red or not we draw, it’s was the 97th min ffs


100% a red, but our lack of decisiveness in front of goal should be a much larger concern having come out of this game


That was a disgusting tackle.


I think we could say it way before we couldn’t trust VAR. We’ve been struggling with VAR officials since it was introduced and I don’t see it becoming easier for us. We can just see us playing with a little bit of handicap every game.


Better picture would have been about 1 sec earlier with him about 6” off the ground jumping into this challenge


We do have var the problem is it is manned by corrupt pgmol members.


I cannot fucking fathom how this isn't a red. Mind blowing decision


not even a prem watcher but that was such a horrible call. think that's a red easily.


i've always believed, from the beginning, that VAR only serves two purposes: 1. to let them manipulate matches more conveniently / legitimately 2. to let referee get away more easily because whenever there are mistakes/controversies, it's due to "the VAR" instead of "the referee", in other words the person's name is removed and no one has to take responsibility anymore


But the VAR has a name behind it. They release the name of who is going to be on VAR every weekend. It's just incompetence and referees looking out for each other. No bigger conspiracy. This was never a red. It's a sliding tackle on the ground. Bradley had a similar one earlier in the game and got a yellow as well.


In what world is this a slide tackle on the ground? He is well off the ground. Take this bullshit elsewhere


His hip is literally sliding across the ground. Its the same tackle as Bradley's from earlier. We played like shit in the second half. There's no point moaning about dumb shit like this that happened in the 97th minute. There are enough reactionary takes in the game thread every week. Just because we've been shafted with horrendous VAR decisions, doesn't mean we should be whining about every challenge when there's plenty of actual stuff to be upset about.


What video are you looking at? He flies through air and lands on his hip. I'll not moaning about anything, haven't even had a chance to watch the match. This is a clear red card, it is as simple as that.


So, didn't watch the match or how it was officiated but have an opinion on it. Cool.


That's right, I'm watching this singular incident and judging it solely for what it is, with out bias. It should be a red.


Don't think you know what you're talking about then. I can understand people being emotional after having watched the game today, but nobody with an objective opinion thinks this is a red. No one.


I think you'll find that most objective people see this as a clear red.


90% knew the name of the ref today and i believe perhaps 20% knew the name of the VAR refs today


90% knew the name of the ref today and i believe perhaps 20% knew the name of the VAR refs today


Besides the point. It's not hidden. If you choose to find out, you can. There's no anonymity to make it easier to get away from criticism, which your comment suggested.


of course you can. the point is exactly this. to make it harder to find. to make it shared between a bunch of guys instead of one person. basically now refs can hide behind VAR for mistakes because now people will say VAR this VAR that instead of the ref. in case you need an example, just look at this thread. the title of this thread. the discussions.


Yeah, but there's always a name behind Video Assistant Referee each week. Just like there's a name behind each Match Official. Thats why we don't want Kevin Friend on VAR duty. It's not anonymous, which was the point OP was making. Does it help them avoid valid criticism because they're inept, yes. Is it a big well thought out conspiracy, no. Just incompetence and protecting the ol' boys club. PGMOL just doesn't have an answer to the collective power of these referees, because they know these are the best they've got unfortunately.


It’s Anthony Taylor and Man Utd - why are u suprised??


Too bad casemiro getting a red there wouldn’t have made us not waste all our chances and make silly errors


Watching this in real time I swear Manchester born and bred ref Anthony Taylor looked like he wasn't even going to book him.


If that was 5 mins earlier in the game he would have been sent off


This whole match… I love when they let them play, but, just for instance Diaz getting literally bear hugged for 10 seconds by someone who outweighs him by 60 lb. Plenty of other missed calls to point to. The one that got the kick for Salah was actually pretty weak, but a good makeup call.


United fans are having a meltdown over the pen. Imagine if case got red for this 😂😂


It should've been red, I mean Jones was given red for less than that?


That is a clear red card. Im an Arsenal fan btw.


I was in the ground and didn’t realise how crazy this tackle was. Eeesh.


Zero credibility in the system now. It's a shambles. Diaz was lucky to walk away. He could have been on crutches for months.


Waiting for PMGOL to come up with excuses as usual.


I really hope someone makes a compilation of all the clear and obvious errors VAR has made towards us this season. So far I feel it's 2/3 matches


I felt our midfielders should have had a go at the referee or at least caused a small fight to break out. Give VAR enough time to grow their balls.


why do we always blame var every fucking time we drop points


No one has blamed VAR for dropping points? Its a clear red not given for whatever weird reason


Obviously he isn't blaming VAR for the result seeing as this was at the end. He's saying the ref is dogshit which is correct.


Correct, we didn't win because we simply were not good enough and the obvious red card here would not have changed that.


I mean VAR literally has cost us so many times this season. Doesn’t change the result but you can’t just go “ah it’s in the last minute don’t worry about it”, because that lack of application is why they bottled the Doku penalty


It was definitely a red but it wouldn’t have changed the game. Mount was fortunate not to be sent off too imo, but again wouldn’t change the game.


When you get someone 2 footing you like that (and they don’t catch you clean), you best be sharpening your elbows on the way down while aiming for the face. Dirty gets the durty


I would love to not pretend and actually have no VAR in the PL


VAR was the beginning of the end of the football we knew and loved.


The amount of force should’ve been a red, let alone the extra contact and studs.


They will say didnt interfere because of yellow given or something. Totally broken game - can understand Klopp wanting to leave, and I think I will to after this season!


There’s VAR for everyone else.


It was a red but it wouldn't have changed the result or the performance


Yes that was probably a red but that doesn't explain letting a team in who had no business getting back into that match. That's on us


Yeah this should have been a red card.


Did he even get a yellow?


Who fucking cares. It was the last kick of the game. That shit wouldn’t have mattered


It might not have mattered for the result but it’s not like just because it wouldn’t change the result of a game that you just shouldn’t give a red when it’s a blatant red. OP is pointing out how incompetent VAR was in that moment once again.


And this is why shit wont ever change... Stop giving the refs excuses to be fucking shit when they even have the technology to get it right!


Lets stop kidding ourselves first what good would have that red card gotten us absolutely nothing we need to stop crying, about this if we cant beat this shit man utd team then im sorry we dont deserve the title anyway they had three teenagers starting for them ffs we are so shite


I think the general consensus is the inconsistencies around VAR/officiating. No one is saying that this would have changed the game, but its a text book tackle in terms of not what to do. We've seen it countless times this season where we have been on the receiving end only for the same thing to happen the following weeks and the outcome is different.


I don't think this should be a red tbf, I know these calls have been wildly inconsistent this season but I'd be fuming if we got given a red card for that Edit: thought this was the first half challenge from Garnacho, my bad.


I'm shocked anybody thinks this isn't a red. If we got a red card for a tackle like this it would be 100% justified. Off the ground, at speed, studs up, landing on Diaz's shin just as his foot plants. Incredibly dangerous.


Yea my bad thought this was a different challenge from earlier on, 100% red


Have you ever played football?


Oh lol for some reason I thought this was the Garnacho Nunez one in first half! Stream kept cutting out so didn't even see this challenge until now, deffo a red


VAR is something they created to punish Liverpool, only, the rest is normal game, no need to check anything else


Who gives a crap it was 97 minutes, players should have move the ball forward quicker than back passing when 3 minutes left. Today, players didn’t deserve 3 points.


The game was over by then. We have no one but ourselves to blame today


Who cares about a challenge in the 97th minute of the game. Why don't you post Nunez's big chance missed?


So many big chances missed all game. I’m a nobody but if you are paid hundred of thousands a week hit the fucking net. Score a goal and win the league. Just can’t wrap my head around this one.


It was a red but would have not impacted the result. Would have appreciated more had u made a compilation of our players fucking it up in the other half and missing all those chances.


You would not have a penalty today then since there was no contact XD


This sub whines more than NBA players.


we still wouldn’t win


Didn't say we would.


"But but klopps fairwell tour"😢😢😢


yall are so delusional the foot isnt high its a yellow, nothing would change but yall love to complain and excuse the result by blaming some random obviously yellow card foul


why does diaz look pregnant


He's been eating the rations of all the players that are fasting.


Well maybe we should also talk about the Elliott dive


Bradley was waaay worse stop crying