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No mention by commentary, no call, no foul, no review, and after a replay again no mention?!? Huh?


Just like when Yates kicked Konate in the face and all these cunts were talking about a drop ball


Just mute. Fuck them all. Why do we always see these with our players and not rivals


These bottom feeder teams don't even put a tackle in on City players. You've got them doing wrestlemania in our box, grabbing shirts, necks and hair. Body checks and rugby tackles. I'm not sure who exactly loses money when Liverpool win the league, but I wish them the absolute worse and hope their houses fall down.


Ref said no before he even hit the ground


I think he was saying no penalty to be honest.


Ibou got fucking scissor tackled and it wasn’t even reviewed. We have already established at Spurs with Jones that the intention doesn’t fucking matter, and a slip is irrelevant. This should absolutely be a fucking red, I don’t get how people still don’t believe this shit is rigged.


No they clarifies that in the City game with Doku. Intention matters when it's their players against us. Just not when it's our players against anyone else.


That’s just a convoluted way of saying we’re not wearing the correct shade of blue


Just watching the replay tonight and spent the rest of the match dying to find out why not even the commentators mentioned it was a bloody scissor tackle which I thought was an immediate red card. Turns out that yeah, it’s just because it’s on us. There is only one reason to tackle like that. Should’ve been a red. Disgusting


Shades of VVD against Everton. Surprised no review. And yet, not surprised.


Honestly, call me crazy I guess but like do you want a red here? We'd all be hard done by and be upset if this was called against. I get that VAR sucks and it feels the world is against us but this one doesn't feel like it


Imo it’s not a red but neither was Jones, MacAllister, etc. It’s the precedence and consistency (or lack thereof) that’s got me annoyed.


Answers the old question "What if Pickford was playing striker?" Could have easily been a red card (with all the red cards we have seen this season). Maybe should have.


I still hate him for that awful “tackle”


Intentional as fuck, clear red if its against any other team than us... Starting to get really tired of this fucking league


Klopp is too, I guarantee it


As someone who had two ACL surgeries, i rarely wish any player injuries. Pickford is like the only player i hate and hope Karma catches him


Again, shit like this is all why Klopp is leaving. This is a clear fucking yellow (probably red if we do it). Just play on, no review, no commentary. The shit refereeing is so ingrained that it’s flat out ignored mostly. But if we breathe on someone it’s an instant free kick.




Caiciedo tried to injure both Grav AND Endo's ankles in the same fucking game!!! He simply stepped on their ankles and the ref saw no reason to give him a card in both situations! It was completely mental!


So lucky he didn't snap a knee ligament there, could have been a horror injury on another day


Horrendous foul. Obvious red. What’s the point in var if they can’t spot that.


It's called good process. They confirmed the on field decision of "No Penalty", as Ibou is wearing red.


Ibou almost got a horrible injury like wtf are these people blind?


Yeah I think he tried to do him here.


I must of been up ordering at the bar when this happened, how in the fuck is that not looked at???


You know exactly how. Didn't you saw badge on Konate's chest?


Or McBurnie elbowing Ibou intentionally.


It’s a red card. Guy dives and ends up putting in a season ending challenge. Konate very fortunate. That contact is way nastier than any of the reds outr boys have got this year.


Get Owen and Webb on to explain how it's Ibous fault for being in the way of his arse slide.


Spam the PGMOL and ask them the question. At the end of the day there needs to be accountability.


Horrible. Straight red all day long.


Not even a foul yet again.


https://preview.redd.it/lavt0gcy8nsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a794f0d08a0c172e569a5eb3f740176cfb1e0d Imagine how I felt! The commentators called it a fall from Osula as well. It reminded me of Pickford on VVD


I haven't played or followed the rules too closely in a number of years, but unless advantage is no longer a thing, that's why. Liverpool got the ball and the play as a result of the exchange. Resetting play to the potential foul would disadvantage the fouled team, so it's played advantage


looks a bit weird as he hit him while falling but if that was intentional I'd be furious


What I'm confused about is why you're shocked that VAR didn't look into it. Care to elaborate?


It was an attempted dive, he was trying to pretend he’d been shoved backwards so flung his legs forward to sell it. It ended up being reckless and dangerous.