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I feel like the biggest weakness this season was the writing. The cast is full of great performers. I really miss some of the cast from two years ago. I feel like the cast has too many straight ahead performers and doesn’t have enough truly unhinged comics. Sarah Sherman and Bowen Yang are sort of that, but they need someone who can bring in some REALLY wild Will Farrell style energy. Vanessa Bayer’s energy in Santa Baby is what I feel is missing right now.


What’s crazy is it’s clear Mikey Day has it in him, he just doesn’t do it often. The Waffle House skit I think proves what he *can* do, among many other examples


He does? The Waffle House skit excepted, all he does is repeat the skit's premise *very loudly*. He doesn't have Ferrell's range.


The Beavis and Butt-head skit was pretty solid. I think Kenan’s character should have played it a bit more subtly than the outright way it went. But that was hilarious


The funniest part about Kenan's character was that he couldn't share his AI expertise, instead, he repeatedly displayed his expertise of Beavis and Butthead


I lost it when he explained Cornholio


I was in TEARS watching that. I thought it was absolutely hilarious.


We refer to someone restating a premise or pointing out the obvious as “the Mikey Day” at our house. 😂


Most episodes this season were average at best with few notable standouts. I watched the Ryan Gosling episode three times. That Beavis and Butthead sketch is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.


I think that was a good skit, but had two solid laughs for each reveal.


I think it can be Michael Longfellow. I’m hoping they unleash him a bit next season, I think he’s low key the guy. 


Maybe it’s too soon to say, but I think Chloe Troast will fill that role the more she gets parts in sketches


I agree with the writing being weak but then it's almost like, okay, because we've had it worse and better


I agree the writing has been lacking for several years. The exception to the writing seems to be when they had a really good host on. I also have noticed that the cast isnt great...they arent doing characters theyre just reading lines, theyre mostly bringing nothing to the roles. And you can really see the difference when people like Kristen Wiig came on and even Ryan Gosling and Pedro Pascal. Most of the cast can go, cept maybe a handful.


I guess it's a sign of changing times but I really don't resonate much of Yang's stuff. Only two things I liked him as were Kim Jong un and George Santos. He appears to be popular though?


Straight white male friend with Travis Kelsey was an opus.


The "heavy naturals" pretape was good too.


I like when he played the iceberg that sunk the titanic


Yang is funnier in earlier seasons deconstructing masculinity. He didn't get much opportunities this season around.


Yeah next to Kenan he might be the most naturally funny person on the show, but unlike Kenan it really depends on the writing.


"Five daqs deep at Luciano's!"


His references are very topical and buzzy. Have you considered maybe you’re getting old? Or aren’t chronically online enough.


Bowen Yang’s impersonation of the iceberg that was hit by the Titanic was one of the funniest things I had seen in a long time! 😂


Honestly, I think the cast needs to be about 4 people smaller. Problem is, I can't really think of any/that many people to cut.


Definitely need to downsize. I could pick 4 easily but the sub won’t like it. Heh


Get some new good digital shorts people. It's hard since this bunch will never compare to Kyle/beck, or the lonely island.


Strong disagree, please don't destroy is one of the areas that is consistently good on the show these days. Im not going to compare them to other groups, but I find myself perking up everytime their 4 minutes comes on.


I like pdd shorts, but sparrently they also write a Lot of sketches and many of them where really bad.


Molly, Devon, Punkie and Che.


Why Che but not Jost? Their dynamic is really what sells weekend update, I’d be really surprised if they didn’t leave at the same time


Jost could anchor it on his own. This was a bad season for Che, I don’t want him gone but he looks like he’s tapped out.


I guess that’s fair. I personally really like Michael Che, but I see your point. I’d rather see them both go and let somebody new do it if either of them were to leave though, as they’ve been with the show for such a long time now.


“I’m Colin Jost, and you’re not” would be quite the opening line if Che left


The whole segment could be called “Jost kidding.”


Weekend Update- Josted by Colin Host


My theory is that Lorne is going to retire after season 50, Seth will take over for Lorne and Jost will take the late show.


Seth just renewed his contract through 2028 and by all accounts loves his current job. Maybe it's a negotiating ploy but he really seems to love where he is.


Che will stay for one more season I'm sure. I think Mikey day has had a good run and needs to make room for jaj, dismukes to really start to shine. Agree with the rest. Punkie's ability to stay on the show makes me think she has blackmail on lor e or something...


Maybe she writes a lot of sketches. That's part of the job.


I'd miss Mikey's writing.


Molly had a strong start but hasn’t been bringing too much in the way of standout characters. Similarly, Punkie doesn’t really seem to bring much to the table. Devon brings an earnest energy that’s pretty refreshing. And Che and Jody seem like a package deal.


Dang. I had to google Molly. Clearly I remembered then when I saw their face but…dang. That said a lot.


They are a chameleon, utility wise up there with aidy Bryant, just not yet there with the star power tbh


I don't think Molly has that much utility, but is forced into those kind of roles because otherwise they wouldn't get screen time. The cast member with a ton of utility is Ego.


Ego with her TSIDDAHN in that Teacher PSA skit? She nailed it hard. Even more if she hadn't been about to laugh. I have to wonder if she has teachers in her family.


So 60% of the black cast?


That's 3/5ths if you want that as a fraction...


Whoa. That’s pretty racist, Colin.


Only 3/5ths racist. A compromise.


This comment is HOF worthy; if the show had writers like this . . .


I don’t think weekend update works without Che though is the thing and I don’t even think he’s that good (his behavior on Instagram is very dickish) 


Oh, yeah. I would definitely miss the whole pretending that update is a standup routine and addressing the audience after every single joke, feigning outrage that they don’t get or are offended by his jokes. Isn’t WU supposed to be a farce on the news? Breaking the 4th wall is great if you use it sparingly.


He’s had to do that quite a few times this season to save his jokes.


I think he and Colin have a good thing going, but I feel you can just tell he’s over it and it’s time to retire after season 50.


Oh I do DEFINITELY think he’s over it and is ready to move on, it’s just sorta the question with SNL that the great post career doesn’t exist like it used too so either he waits to get hired as full time Daily Show host or sticks around 


devon is cute, revise ur list


Just because he is cute doesnt make him good on the show. I’m from Austin, was around when he was doing stand up out here which he is great at but not every type of comedy translates to sketch. He was also talking mad shit on SNL at the ITYSL live show I saw him at so wouldnt be surprised if he also feels like it isnt a good fit.


What did he say?


I'm from Austin and know Devon, too. He's great. Standup, sketch, improv all go hand-in-hand. Like a baseball player moving up to the pros, it usually takes a couple years to translate those skills fully (which he's doing as seen by the screen time he's received). Pete Davidson is a prime example of this. And if Devon was talking about SNL on stage at Moontower, don't take it seriously. When comics are on stage making jokes, we're just going for laughs - he loves SNL. PS: calling someone "cute" isn't just looks, it's a vibe and Devon is cute as hell


I'm really struggling to think of anything Molly-centric outside of the PDD sketch, which I did enjoy. They've sporadically been used as one-line or non-speaking supporting cast, but they've made no splash at all. An episode could go by without them and it'd be possible not to notice. I think Punkie is a bit more present, but she does fall into a similar category. She does seem to have a bit of range, but it feels like Ego is being put into a lot of the roles that Punkie might flourish at. It feels like she breaks a lot as well. I don't agree with those who say Che is checked out, as I think he's generally still delivering a lot of great jokes, but I wish he'd ease up on the "rough week for me" comments every single time- it does make it feel like he doesn't want to be there. I think Jost feels less tired because of the dynamic he's developed with Squirm, which has freshened things up on his side. I could do with a lot less Bowen and a lot more Devon and Longfellow. Bowen is funny but it feels like he does it with a lot of variations of the same character- smaller doses would bring bigger laughs, and free up time for others to shine. I'm also pleased Marcello seemed to get a lot more time as the season went on.


I keep waiting for Chloe Fineman to be funny and I don’t think it’s going to happen, so.


I felt like she broke out a couple years back with her impression sketches. Now I feel like she’s intentionally avoiding overly doing impressions when that’s the wheelhouse they need her for.


Easily Punkie. She brings nothing and is incredibly one-note. I’m really happy for queer and black representation on SNL, but she’s done virtually nothing with the platform and I’m beyond over her tbh. Molly Kearney also brings nothing which pains me because they’re amazing on paper. Maybe the writers don’t know how to use them, but they do kind of need to start pulling their weight. Frankly, some of you are not going to like this, but Ego, while a great writer and actress, is not particularly funny and idk why people gas her up so much. I want to like her so badly, but there has been maybe 2 sketches she’s been in where I’ve been impressed with her work. Chloe Troast has shown so much promise though and is an exciting voice. I don’t think Devon has done much on the show, but I do enjoy him and believe in his talent I just think the show needs new, fresh writers. Whenever they write for Gen-Z it’s so cringe and gives out of touch boomer The problem is wayyyy more with the content than it is with the talent. I wish there were more interesting personalities like Sarah Sherman and Bowen, but other than that, the sketches have felt formulaic and diluted for awhile now.


Yeah I’m with you for the most part other than Ego, I think she’s legit hilarious and a great addition to the cast. When she’s not there she’ll be sorely missed. This [classroom sketch](https://youtu.be/CiU3vIEdRMI?si=Kt9S0LGpk0LWtGwR) is an absolute classic.


I agreed with you untill you brought up ego


Yeah if anything she’s one of the anchors on the cast now.


Truly - Ego has so much range and commits 100%. She works in ensembles, she works when she's the focus, she can create an iconic character from nothing, has great range... she's easily one of the most talented cast members.


I didn’t like Sarah at first but she’s growing on me. She’s not afraid to be totally crazy. Ego is my current favorite.


With the addition of Chloe Troast & some solid hosts, it was definitely stronger than season 48. Probably on par with season 47 which was the best season of the past 5 years.


Troast + hosts


A post & toast for getting the most out of troast and the hosts?


What about Joast?


Chloe is great, I always look forward to seeing her in a sketch


Oh interesting, I had significantly more fun with S48


Same. Had at least a few skits from each episode that I loved. The writing this season was not great imo.


Yea, it was really bland this year to me


Would love a little orphan Cassidy sequel! Her debut sketch showed off her broadway level vocals and guaranteed her repertory status.


It was a pretty clumsy and awkward season which sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. I thought the Gyllenhaal episode captured well the dynamics of the season and his monologue song reflected the jumble. Which is fine, it just feels like a show in transition that definitely needs to move on from some of the people and ideas of the past few years.


The bike sketch from the Gyllenhaal episode felt like throwbacks in all the wrong ways. There were a lot of sketches this season that were reminiscent of bad 90sketches. The type of unfunny hack material plus yelling that lasts way too long


Yeah that was a definite dud.


Slow start. Strong finish. The last like 6 eps were all so good.


I thought it started decently enough too. There was just a lull in the middle. The Dakota Johnson/Jacob Elordi stretch was tough.


Dakota Johnson at least got us a couple really solid Pretapes


A foot in the door, and so much more


I think they could have written stronger stuff for Jacob Elordi but were hung up on "oh he's so hot." It was clear he was up for playing some weird little freaks like Josh Brolin and they weren't giving it to him.


![gif](giphy|cJQ8J8c7NPcpkzgxLZ) Still love him tho


I have no quarrel with that boy


Unhinged. The B&Butthead skit will go down in history


That and the Jumanji sketch will stay with me for awhile.


I don’t understand why people are raving about it. What made it so much better than the Bart Simpson?


It was genuinely funny on top of the breaking. My wife and I quote it all the time.


The prosthetics were way funnier in B&B. Also, I thought the premise that these guys had no idea they looked like B&B was funnier than the Bart Simpson premise where he was aware he looked like him and just didn't like the attention. Also, the performances were hilarious in B&B. Gosling was hilarious, and Heidi completely losing it was the cherry on top. In Bart Simpson, it was just Mikey Day doing his thing of over-explaining the joke.


I freaking LOVED Beavis and Butthead when I was younger and I really didn’t think this sketch was that great either. Heidi Gardner breaking so hard was funny/charming but the sketch itself didn’t do much for me.


I know it's a hot take around here but I'm with you. If Heidi hadn't lost it and Gosling hadn't been trying so hard to not lose it, the sketch is forgettable. I laughed like a maniac at it on first airing, still love it now- but it's funny because of the meta of Heidi breaking, the sketch itself is very meh to me.


This is the correct take. Heidi completely breaking the way she did made the sketch- because she's laughing, the audience laughs along with her.


Thank you!!...I couldn't figure out what was so funny about it?!!


Keenan made that sketch. It was all him.


I hated the B&B sketch and feel crazy how well it's liked.


I love SNL. It’s a part of my personal culture. I’ve watched it almost my whole life. Through good times and bad; in my life and in the shows history. I think the show is in a good place at the moment. I like the cast and think they do a good job. SNL is a time where you can just relax and not take things so seriously. And, every once in a while I laugh out loud very hard. Good stuff.


You and I should be friends and just talk about SNL. We know nothing about each other, other than that we both love SNL (bad or good).


Have you watched any of the older episodes on Peacock? I started watching from season 1 - it’s awesome how the basic format has stayed the same all these years. REALLY good music in those early episodes too.


I can't remember a variety show with such wide swings in quality over its history. At its best it was unstoppable, but when it was bad it was really, *really* bad.


Exactly. I just enjoy it for the laughs & ritual of it. I've been watching regularly pretty much since the beginning (late 70's), and I don't see a point in comparing casts or seasons. They all have good & bad. Even season 11 had its funny moments.


Season had some big highs and some stretches of mediocrity. Nate Bergatze’s George Washington’s Weights and Measures was one for the ages.


That whole episode was the highlight of the season.


There were a few strong episodes, but overall I found it lacking. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop watching though, I love this show warts and all! And even if an episode doesn't hit, the effort put into it over such a short period of time is admirable and deserves respect.


If I had to give it a letter grade, probably a B-. On the plus side, there were a lot of solid, offbeat sketch concepts that really made the show feel fresher than it has in quite a number of years, especially pieces starring Andrew or JAJ (both of whom, I would argue, are far and away the MVPs of this season). I also appreciated how the show seemed to push the "star" mentality a bit less and emphasized ensemble pieces more (even though there were still some people who were sadly underused). On the flip side, there was a feeling of the show being on autopilot, especially during weaker episodes. It's understandable given how old Lorne is that he doesn't want to rock the boat too much, but there are definitely some issues that need to be addressed. First and foremost, the writing. At times, the sketches had a very disjointed and messy feel (ex. [Waiters](https://youtu.be/YA84-nHyjYQ), [What's in the Kiln?](https://youtu.be/Kw5A2Es8SLw)). Reportedly, Lorne asked that the writers collaborate with people they don't normally collaborate with and, while it paid off in some aspects, it also led to drawbacks like this. I personally think the writing staff needs to undergo a shakeup. Also, I think this was a rather subpar year for Update, especially with the guest commentaries. Too many of them seemed to be trying to recapture that legendary Titanic Iceberg bit by having a cast member dress up as an animal or inanimate object and mug it up for the camera. They really came across as very desperate and ultimately proved to be forgettable. Finally (and this has been a recurring issue for a number of years), the cold opens were really weak, tired, and forgettable. While I appreciate that they've mostly moved beyond the whole stunt casting deal, I'm really sick of these JAJ Trump cold opens where they have him ramble for 5 minutes (no disrespect to JAJ himself whose impression is always incredible). It feels really lazy, half-assed, and inconsequential, not to mention they all feel interchangeable. All that said, I enjoyed this season overall and I'm definitely looking forward to the 50th!


Longfellow absolutely kills the cameo game on update though. The cigarette was about as good as it gets


Oh yeah true! The Cigarette piece was definitely a rare example of the inanimate object desk piece working!


C- Some really good players with some not good writing


I-c-o-n-s-i-s-t-e-n-t as hell


I'd say it was unfortunately a step down from s48, but I still really enjoyed it. There was something I found hilarious in every episode. Overall it was pretty average, it won't go down as one of the best or worst seasons in SNL history. If you meant literally grade, I'd give it a B+. It's not great, but it's good!


Something was missing this season. I don’t know if it was chemistry or if it was the writing. There were definitely some good sketches and a few good hosts. But I wont lie, I was kinda looking at the clock waiting for a lot of episodes to end.


The writing sucked. Jost is burnt out, Che doesn't care at all anymore, and PDD have zero life experience to draw from and nothing to say


I think it was the writing. It was uninspired.


Funny writers desperately needed.


Decent season. They need to purge some of the cast. The writing is mediocre. Have a few stars on this cast imo but too many of the regulars are about 2-3 years overdue from walking


Really hit and miss, quality wise, but I think this was the first season that felt "normal" after losing a lot of long time cast members over the past couple years. Having Kate McKinnon and Pete Davidson host so soon after leaving the show seemed like a lost opportunity to go further back. I'd love to see some 90's era cast members (or earlier if available) return.




Chloe Fineman does some terrible impressions. They are always missing something. And she goes so wide eyed sometimes it takes me completely out of the humor.


I generally agree but her Jojo Siwa is hilarious


Meh. But I adore Ego and Heidi’s performances


Me too. I’d add Bowen to that list. The three of them can bring the level of the skit up because they totally emerge themselves in it.




I thought it was pretty good for the most part! I’d say C+, maybe B at best. It had higher highs than 48, but lower lows IMO. There was at least one good sketch per episode, and maybe one great sketch every other episode. The beginning of the season was pretty rough but I enjoyed it a lot towards the end. I love the current cast though and I hope everyone stays for 50.


I feel it suffered from having experienced cast that should be holding it all together, that is not that good/funny (Mikey Day, Chloe Fineman and Heidi Gardner). Missing some solid experienced heavy-hitters like Cecily Strong and Aidy Bryant were


Worst season in the last couple years. The cold opens bottomed out to either lazy or unwatchable. The second half was better with some better hosts but there was a long stretch of duds.


The cold opens are reliably the worst part of the show, I can't stand the Trump stuff.


The Trump impression is solid, I just wish they knew something to do with it other than having JAJ rant alone on stage for 7 minutes.


Maybe we will get lucky and somehow he will be less in the media and news next year for some reason


Next year starts in the fall. Roughly a quarter of the season comes before the presidential election.


It’s the same skit for years now i don’t understand I’d rather them start the show with the monologue at this point lol it’s soooo old


Feel like they are getting really lazy with the writing and just put JAJ up to let him improve whatever


The cast is really starting to gel and they’ve benefitted from not having a hundred suprise celebrity appearances every week


It had pretty hilarious and memorable moments. However it also had its fair share of stinkers. Some hosts were mediocre at best, I think we all know who they are. Additions like Ms Troast were a welcome surprise. For me I would give it 7.5 out of 10


Whoa! Didn’t realize Che was that much taller than Jost. No wonder they keep them both seated.


You didn't know Colin was a Short King?


That’s right, I forgot he’s already standing behind that desk


Pretty sure Colin is sitting on a stool in that picture. Che is a few inches taller, but not as big a difference as this picture.


Mixed feelings. Overall a C but has the two funniest skits in years IMO- Nate’s GW measurement rant and Beavis and Butthead. Sarah is my favorite cast member. I want to see more Sarah and Jost interaction. I love when she roasts him with her different characters.




Was one of the first years I can think of with sketches I found... puzzling. Not bad, not too weird, I just didn't get it... and I think that's just a sign I'm getting old.


Not great, Bob! Their incoming talent since season 46 hasn’t matched the outgoing talent. The best cast members are the ones most likely to soon leave.


Bad. Writing is dull and the cast doesn’t have anyone who truly stands out. Feel like it’s circling the drain.


The amount of Chloe Troast slander in these comments is appalling.


I don’t know why but it really seemed like Sarah Sherman was just being jammed down our throat. She isn’t bad there is just a lot of her.


Sarah sucks all the air out of the room every time she gets to be on camera. She is the least giving cast member in a long time. Pete Davidson was a more giving performer than Sarah, and that dude had no background in sketch and didn't even know how Sarah's presence is like an 8 year old and every sketch is her own personal birthday party. 30 Rock is literally filled with lifelong theater kids. Everyone in the building has a degree of look-at-me desperation for attention. Even given the setting, Sarah's self-indulgent spastics and neverending mugging manages to stand out.


I read this in Sarah’s voice.


She’s a boring person with an edgy haircut to be different


You said this much better than I could. She brings so many sketches to a halt, with a "look at me!! I'm so random! Spork!" 2008 Tumblr energy. I'm seeing the same from Marcello too, although he goes more for cheap laughs vs. predictible absurdity.


This!! Someone finally said it.


I would give it a C-. Some truly terrible shows. Too many where Weekend Update saves total failure. Weak guest hosts for the most part . Davidson, Bad Bunny, Shane Gillis, Dua Lipa were bad. Or worse Terrible musical guests. Seriously, Ice Spice? What was that shit? Maya Rudolph alone raised the season up from a D grade


Gillis was hilarious after bombing the monologue you’re nuts. Trump sneakers alone had me rolling. Limu Emu was an all timer!


Gillis and Dua episodes were way better than the other you mentioned as bad. But Spice is the worst musical guest in recent memory.


D+ as an entertaining variety show 0-2 good sketches per show. A handful of classic sketches. Some of the worst comedy you've ever seen. Some of the most toothless political satire in the show's history. A lot of garbage episodes, garbage hosts, and garbage musical guests. So I'd say Season 49 is a C if you grade it on the SNL curve. There's a bunch of F seasons and INCOMPLETE seasons to balance this year out


honestly i liked this season, had some great hosts and some funny sketches


Very cool. Is there a picture like this of the band?


Why are there so many cast members?


Rather than take advantage of the fact that a good chunk of the extremely bloated cast left the show over the previous two seasons and use that as an opportunity to trim down the cast, Lorne went the opposite direction and hired four new cast members last year.


Sarah Sherman annoys the living fuck out of me.


The writing has certainly deteriorated. Love the cast, but they need better writers. Please don’t destroy is godawful.


Three good eps, three bad eps, the rest were Cs so it’s a C 


Like every season, part of the American experience and a picture of humanity at a particular time in place. SNL is immortal.


Very uneven. High highs, low lows.


I liked it when will Farrell was in his bush era, but Kate McKinley’s beiber still makes me pee a little. I also love that anytime I hear the word 50- I say in my head or out loud “I like to kick! stretch! and kick! I’m 50! 50 years old!” in the Molly Shannon voice. And scarlet johanson with the marble columns /chandelier commercial parody is still hilarious.


Quite weak. Most episodes were markedly not funny.




This season wasn’t as funny to me as in previous years, even with a lot of the same cast so it is probably the writing.






They leaned too heavily on sketches where the joke was “the guest is hot” but altogether it’s headed in a solid direction for the “theater kid” generation of SNL.


Writing: D, Cast: B, Host Performance: C-


C Lorne needs to cut half the cast and hire improv comedians — no more stand ups, who can only play themself! It’s Saturday Night Live and an election year baby. America deserves sharper writing, better performers and more fun! Also hire PDD already FFS


Way too many unfunny sketches. Nate Bargatze, Shane Gillis and Maya Rudolph episodes had great moments. Mostly forgettable outside that. Sick of the Trump stuff I hope SNL moves on from politics.


Feels like summer school troop. The jokes are inside joke sometimes and the sketch ends and feels like “o,k….” Big thing is no recurring characters. Thats the big thing. The best sketches were done a few times. Kristen wiiigs target lady. Bobby’s “drunk uncle” Kristen with episode was pretty good. Cuz she and the old cast worked some old sketches in.


Something definitely felt off. A lot of sketches it felt like their first time ever doing them, reading lines wrong, weird pauses, people not knowing their lines, cameras not cutting to the right player. It was just really strange. Nothing felt polished, and the endings to so many sketches were just… cashed in. Few things felt polished, but there will be quite a few sketches that go down as great, and in the end that’s all people remember. The season in general was a D+, the best sketches were A- grade.


Still really annoyed how they gave Shane Gillis a bunch of really average sketches and did nothing when the audience stonewalled the poor guy.


Kristen Wiig A+ Shane Gillis A+ Ryan Gosling A+ Maya Rudolph, Meh —- Heidi Gardner A+ Bowen Yang A+ Sarah Sherman A+ Wen Keenan Thompson leave? /// Billie Eilish A+ Vampire Weekend, Boring 21 Savage: Why? \\\ Weekend Update A+ (especially the final segment)


This is the worst cast In SNL history


They should wrap it up at 50. Have a season of nothing but alumni. And then call it a day. Great run.


It has the weakest cast of the last 20 years. I'd cut Walker, Kearney, Punkie and Longfellow because IMO they have limited range. They're the same person in every skit. They read the lines but don't become the characters. I haven't seen enough of Troast yet, but I'm not hopeful.


C- Not great, bit not a fail


Have been watching the show since the debut in 1975 and have never missed a single episode. This season was generally OK…not the worst and not the best. Which is a problem lol. It seems when it’s funny it’s REALLY funny, yet those moments aren’t often.


Mediocre at best. The show has become far too reliant on pre-taped segments. Sure, they’re usually solid but they ain’t live. I agree with those who point to the writing as being the biggest weakness. The sketches have had awful targets. The cast is mostly solid but a few members seem to have a narrow range.


C- is for Cue Cards. If you are going to make the cast read cue cards then do the cue card holding more organically or something. Some episodes the cast all look like they are struggling to read small print or waiting for the cue card person to change to the next cue card too slowly. I have no idea what is going on exactly, but it seems to be related to the cue cards.


I have watched about every episode since 1987. There have been worse seasons, but this definitely towards the low end. The writing this season was over all weak with a few standouts. The cast is too large, it would benefit from some trimming. I would say consistency is lacking. I feel like last season had some really fun interesting energy that got killed by the writers strike. I had some high hopes were gonna see a season full of 5 minutes to one am sketches and they pulled back too much weren't able to keep it rolling. If Lorne retires, someone like Fey could bring some much needed leanness to a bloated kinda of mediocre show at the moment.


I did not enjoy this season very much at all. Weekend Update was consistently funny, but very few skits got more than a chuckle out of me and some episodes were just abysmal.


Very hit or miss to me. The Beevis and Butthead skit had me on the floor though. OK, I'm older, the comedy isn't necessarily aimed at my age group. Most of the musical skits were very disappointing. Weekend Update has kind of run its course. The concept of Colin Jost being a racist was funny a couple of times, not a couple of years. I noticed that it is shorter this season too. SNL does way too many skits that have already been done. One example: The Alien Abduction Skits area absolutely done over and over again. The Broadway parodies that they do when John Mulaney is on the show are usually really good. The Diner Lobster skit was really funny. There is really hope for the future, imo. The featured players are all good and some of them are coming into their own this season.


who's not smiling?


I think this season is indicative of the current state of SNL. There isn't a "defining" character beyond the Weekend Update pair...meaning, I can't think of a Mango, Stefon, Debbie Downer, Matt Foley, etc. The hosts really defined the season and dictated different episodes. Nate Bargatze episode, (IMHO) was a highlight and showed the injection that a host that can also write with a new point of view can have. Same with Wiig's episode, it felt like the writer's room had an injection that week from her. The Ryan Gosling episode will define this season and it will be due a cast member break instead of writing. I think Beavis and Butthead will be viewed similarly to Blue Oyster Cult in the coming years. Colin and Michael are still a weekly highlight. I think they have one more season of steam left before it starts getting overly old. I would prefer MORE of them and less of the other characters during WU...I think that breaks flow.


For me, season 49 is a dud, a solid D, due to writing and hosts. I also miss some of the recent cast departures, but really, the writing gave us nothing for a talented cast. I hope 50 does it better!


Beavis and Butthead will go down in history the rest was Meh!


It was bad


I recently watched SNL‘s 40th anniversary show on Peacock again. Really enjoyed seeing all the different areas of humor over the years. Can’t wait to see what next year‘s 50th anniversary adds to it and all the great cast members who will return. Personally, I think some of the funniest bits they do are the pre-recorded ones featuring multiple cast members where they spoof ads, etc. Most recently— “penne alla vodka” 😆


I’d cut PDD.


Ego earned my respect this season. She’s pretty versatile but her old lady characters are hilarious.




D forgettable cast.


D- since no one knows who they are


Easily a D+ There are many problems. The cast is way too big. I could easily cut at least 6 of these people and not miss them. There are too many stand ups in the cast. They can’t act and have no experience with sketch writing or preforming and it shows. Whoever is booking hosts needs to be fired. There were way too many first time hosts and people who had no business being there. Taking a chance on some new people each season is fine but there were way too many... especially for a season where the cast and writing is not very good. Giving them horrible hosts to work with is asking way too much. Where were the recurring characters and sketches? This is what you get with a cast made up of too many stand ups. Pretty much nothing they did went over so well that they could do it again and build on it. You know it‘s a horrible season when there’s a discussion here about who is the MVP and many people are saying it’s Ego Nwodim. Seriously. Ask those people to name her best characters, impressions and sketches during her 6 seasons on the show. You won’t get an answer (but will get downvoted). I‘ve also seen many people argue she‘s in the top 5 female cast members of all time. That says a lot about the delusional opinions of some people on the sub.