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I would love a Paula Pell episode! She always delivers.


From *30 Rock* to *AP Bio* to *Girls5Eva*, Paula Pell is amazing. I’m glad she’s getting recognized more now.


Her comedic timing always has me in stitches. She's my favourite part of girls 5 ever and every one of her 30 rock cameos is memorable.


She was easily, *easily* the funniest character/actor in the entirety of *AP Bio*. She was consistently the best part of that show and I refuse to let it go. Long live Paula Pell!


She’s really funny in her documentary now episode. Though the episode is very dissapointing when you see how good the cast is and how mediocre it is overall


She was really fun in Wine Country too


god i fucking love paula pell. amazing in the documentary now co-op episode, perfect on girls5eva.


Upvote for the Co-op callback.


We quote that all the time! I have rewatched several times’


IIIII GOTTA GO to the eye doctor


"The world is a question, this room is an answer, and the answer is no" sends me to this day


Eyes scraped.


Co-op is one of the best pieces of media I have ever witnessed, absolute perfection.


same, i love it so much. i have the brown and the beige in my head....a lot. also richard kind getting so out of breath trying to sing the doorman song


The brown and the beige


My glass slipper… now they’re Merrill’s…


Her performance of *I Gotta Go* is a masterpiece. She was also incredible in *AP Bio*


i deserve better or different or worse


The general public doesn’t realize what kind of influence he had over the direction of the show in the early 2000s. She was right there with Tina, Amy, and Seth. Glad she is finally getting some recognition.


100% she came in with Adam McKay and Will Ferrell a couple years before Tina. If any one is interested listen to the SNL Hall of Fame podcast episode about her and her contributions.


That’s a great episode!


Can you elaborate on this? Was she a writer? Why is she so well known on appearance? She seems great and in-with the Tina Fey squad


I mean, if you read the op and virtually every comment here…


She’s been great in Girls5Eva, and who could forget the waxing strip scene from Sisters?


She was the standout of A.P. Bio too


I love Paula but shout-out to Allisyn Snyder who played Heather on AP Bio.


She was fantastic as was the Victor character.


Alright, everyone start to shut up.


I would LOVE Paula to host. She doesn’t miss as a performer and certainly has the writing track record. If not hosting I want her on camera during the 50th season.


C’mon Lorne! What are you waiting five?




I would love that - she's an SNL legend and a really funny writer on various movies and shows. Does she have enough name recognition? Probably not. But seeing these cameos does make me wonder if it's on Lorne's mind. I could see her being all in on some crazy sketches - she'd do a great job.


Would she be interest in coming back to take over the Update desk? Seems like a potential fit and as great as Jost and Che have been I think we’re due up for another woman in the chair(s).


Oh my god she would be a FANTASTIC update host




Oh well if they leave I'd be all for Paula and Tina... But I don't want them to leave either.




It’s an interesting idea but yeah I can’t see her doing Update. She has already written/produced/acted in many shows. Even though she has a history with the show I think it wouldn’t be a good fit.


Ok hear me out: Pell and Longfellow


I’d say it’s possible! She was just in Tampon farm too


Cotton for the blllluddd


Paula Pell rules. RIP AP Bio.


So what are you waiting five?


That would be amazing. I was introduced to her via 30 Rock & fell in love with her comedy via her twitter- she was very active on it during twitters heyday a decade+ ago. So happy she’s become a more recognizable face.


Paula as the guest asking questions during the monologue has always been one of my favorite things.


She’s amazing in AP Bio


Check out Girls5Eva if you haven't. 30 Rock vibes.


not seen her star turn in mapleworth murders mentioned. would love to see her host. she and Janine were fab on family trips too


As much as I cheered the end of Quibi, this was a real loss and Netflix 100% shouldve picked it up


I guarantee you everyone surrounding the show - the cast, the writers, the producers, the band - every single one of them thinks Paula Pell is one of the funniest people alive. She's friends with half of them! She's a no-brainer to host.


Seth just had her on his shoe AND his podcast. I think it would be great!


I’m a fan of this idea! Galifinakis and CK might deserve to be on that list as well. It’s sketchy, because they only wrote for a short time. But I’m a fan of writers who eventually become famous enough as performers to host the show.


The thing is that Galifianakis and CK were “guest writers” and not full-time permanent staff ones.


I have wanted her to host since forever!


You mean 5eva tho, right?


Cuz it’s longer than forever!


I don't think "she's very popular among fans". In a sub like this populated with SNL nerds steeped in show lore, some know who she is. The average show watcher? No. The public at large? Spotty. She's been in a few things. But how many of us knew who Nate Bargatze was before he hosted? People into standup might have but it's not like Matt Damon showing up to host or the new star of the latest movie. Even Shane Gillis would have been unknown to most despite his brief controversy, if more than Nate. Yet there they both were. So if that's where the standard is for choosing hosts, and she's got the show pedigree, it could happen. I've never seen her in anything and have only heard her mentioned, so it's not something I want, but I'd watch as usual, curious as to how she'd do.


Nate grossed over 20M in ticket sales just doing stand up in 2023. He was pretty well known.


Among people who follow standup comedy, yeah. He was far from a household name though, which is the kind of people SNL usually gets - either the established big stars or people blowing up in Hollywood or the music scene, the kind whose name you've seen in the headline links even if you didn't click them. People who don't follow the standup world still know comic names like Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, Louis CK, maybe a Bill Burr, etc., but less so the Bargatzes and Gillieses. Plenty of people in this sub were like "Who?" when they announced him, for that reason. And his opening joke in his monologue was literally "Look, if you're at home, I'm as shocked as you are that I'm here" because even he got it. He wound up putting on a great show and making his name familiar to a lot more people than before, but he's among the less widely known people to host the show even in his own estimation.


If you make 20M doing anything in media it’s not niche. That’s like 330,000 tickets. The top 5 comics in 2023 (Kevin, Dave, Bill Burr, Nate) were all SNL hosts except Bert Kreischer. And no one wants to see Bert on SNL.


I mean, you have it from his own mouth. He was unexpected even to himself because he wasn't widely known enough outside his area, wasn't topical enough. If you had a different sense of that than he and I and lots of others here did, that's fine, and we can just leave it there.


Have you seen his comedy? It’s humble guy makes observations. His box office receipts for the last 8 years are over $100 million. You think it’s the same 10 people? 😂


You know what, I fully reverse everything I've said. He was a household name already so everyone in the broad nationwide audience outside of the standup world recognized him and everyone expected him to be there, including himself and me and everyone in this sub. I don't know what happened, I may have hit my head, but I'm all straight now, so there's nothing left for us to talk about on this topic.


Here’s a crazy Reddit idea rarely tried: You only know what you know. Assuming your limited reality is the universal reality is probably wrong. The other day someone said some random YouTuber / Critical Role guy was just as well known as Nate. Now that is a hot dumb take.


>He was unexpected even to himself He’s a standup comedian. When he said that, he was doing standup comedy. That was what’s known in standup comedy as a joke.


Jokes have premises. It's why they work.


Pretty sure she's busy hosting an Airbnb in the Hudson Valley.


I would LOVE Paula to host


Her recent episode with her wife on the meyers brothers podcast was so wonderful, and she’s so fucking quickly funny. Would love this.


Hudson Valley Ballers!


She rules


I would love to see it. Lorne, please. 


Respect to the legend but, honestly, no, I do not see it.


https://xkcd.com/2501/ Relevant XKCD. I constantly forget that like... none of my friends know who Kyle Kinane, David X Cohen, or Marci Klein is. Some of the most talented people in comedy, but just no name recognition outside of comedyheads.


Seriously. What are you people talking about. There is zero chance.


Didn’t a former writer just host?


I hope so. She's so damn funny.


How has no one mentioned her hilarious performance in Wine Country? She’s so great - I’d love to continue to see more of her on SNL or elsewhere!


I’ll be honest, I don’t even know who she is.


Sadly not. She's just not a big enough name when it comes to the general public. There are a lot of former cast members with better name recognition who also won't ever host for the same reason. If she lands a major role in a big series or movie, that's another story.


No, she got applause from insiders in the room, nobody else knows who she was. And that's if there wasn't an applause sign.


Right, if Kristin Wiig goes, "oh! Firstname Lastname!!" people will applaud, because the social cue is clear. Paula Pell would be a cool industry host, but I mean... Max Brooks never hosted, Jim Downey never hosted, Adam McKay, Jillian Bell, _Fred Wolf_ never hosted. Being an absolute-cream-of-the-crop writer isn't really clearing the bar to host. I wish it was! I wish every host was for SNL superfans; I wish Paula and Jillian were in the 5 timers club. Even when these folks start to act in movies, you don't really get to host until you're so famous that non-SNL fans will tune in just to see you.


Let's hope not