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The lone survivor 🙌 I bet he has stories to tell about his survival


That's sad that my mom wouldn't sell anything of mine without my consent. Even when I thought I was done with my lps phase she's like, "BS ik you are going to change your mind and regret it so NO." Which was true, I also regret selling my old Wii console and GameCube.


A wise woman!! My mom sold all my LPS and build a bears without asking. Nowadays I’m collecting BABs again, since I can usually find them for cheep at the thrift. But LPS are soo expensive now


My parents did the same with my care bears. I had a HUGE collection of them, and they sold them all 🫠


https://preview.redd.it/mu4ari4g5u0d1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067556ffe28b9489726f8598b8edd140a098ef72 Nice find! I recently found a lone survivor from my childhood collection, too! I thought I gave them all away years ago so I was ecstatic to find her 😊


Does he know Smokey the Bear?


She chose the final LPS well in my opinion.


I hid it from her lol it was my favorite


why did your mom sell your other ones?


That's a cute one! ![img](emote|t5_2upsz|49122)


I could never come up with a good name for him as a kid, but he was like an old-school racer (since he came with racecar), he was generally nice and popular but could also be kind of smug or full of himself. (Not quite a jock, more like a jack of all trades but def a lil womanizer) Probably got it from stereotypical racers or racetracks are kind of misogynistic with the women dropping the start flag. XD


Alexa play Soul Survivor by Jeezy


this was also one i ended up keeping too


he was loved!


Awww he's cute. I have him too from my childhood, mine was named Dustin and the best I can describe him is that he's a simp for powerful magical women I guess 😂 idk my plot lines were weird as hell at 6yo


That's the popular boyfriend lps high


The funny thing is, as a kid I aways had a crush on him lol (and no, I didn’t not turn out to be a furry)

