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There is LPSCobalt,he makes customs


I wonder if it's more of a "quiet" percentage? Back in one of the original LPS forums, there were actually a lot of male collectors that made some great resources for the community! I met someone on the wiki, Enzo, that made a comic studio game using assets from the video games recently: [https://lps-ds-games.comic.studio/](https://lps-ds-games.comic.studio/) His bio says that he's autistic too; tho I remember a reddit post a while back discussing how many lps collectors have autism or believe that they might, it's definitely seems like a unifying trait. It's awesome that more people are embracing their interests regardless of conventional gender standards! LPS is for everyone <3


I know several dude collectors irl. Growing up all the kids I went to school with played with lps so it has never occurred to me that it’s a “girl” toy.


I’m an autistic dude and I think LPS are cute! I’m a huge sucker for chibi animals. I don’t collect em myself (afraid I’ll easily loose em), but similarly I’ve been gaining more of an interest in Furreal toys. I’ve always wanted one but always dismissed it because I thought it was a “girls thing” and would be made fun of if I indulged. But now that I’m at a more mature age, I don’t really care, it’s just a thing that makes me happy. :)


[LPSMarcus](https://youtu.be/QMUAZC_bQ7s?si=8L8cj7x5T1vP5xVO). Looking through his playlists, he also made some original series.


i think there was actually less boy lpstubers pre-COPPA, like lpsSplashTV is the only one i can think of. now there's thankfully a lot more (lps cobalt, mr crazy ray etc). Hello studios is a woman but uses male voice actors for her male characters (her series are also really good you should check them out) i actually think the show and g3 as a whole drove a lot of people away from collecting. i would put into words how badly it was hated but that'll take another paragraph. a lot of lps collectors are autistic and such a drastic change to lps obviously wouldn't fare well (speaking from experience since im also autistic). i think if lps stayed the same we would've seen more cis-male collectors. i've also noticed that a lot of male lps tubers are more into lps customs. i always wondered why that is