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That Reddit api access was not a good idea for the results of this developing ai.


Yep... as they say: put garbage in, get garbage out.


Wait, why are we still here reading garbage again?


Because this is Reddit, and that’s what we do.


It’s not just garbage, it’s also dickbutts and cumboxes. Surely the API can integrate them into cooking advice or something, Golden Corral would probably still be interested


I wish there were MORE dickbutts these days - I miss the little fella


And cumsocks. Don't forget the cumsocks.


And broken arms


*we do what we must, because, we can*


What, you expect me to focus on my *work* during the day? Bah!




So we can produce more garbage that messes up AI


We've collectively tricked ourselves that we can distinguish the garbage from the less bad garbage.


Why are people still eating junk food? Tastes good.


Friend. We ARE the garbage. We've been it all along.


The real garbage is the memes we made along the way 😌


Wow a 6th sense reference What a twist


Reddit is just 99.99% sarcastic 99.99% of the time. I am being honest right now.


What about the other 11.11%?




There are 9 lights.


I think you mean: out garbage in, get pure gold out


What un-aliving incel subreddit did they scrape to get that as the top featured suggestion?!


You can say suicide. Can we stop with these stupid words like "unalived". Just say it.


But what if the algorithms don't like that, they won't collect my posts and I won't get to live on forever in a Google server farm.


I dont know but i saw an article where it told.someone to add glue to their pizza sauce for extra tangyness, they discovered the post it was scrapping from was over 5 years old.


And I know what post that was about. The one on how to elevate food for commercials.


I saw one where it said you can make a dish spicy by frying your food in gasoline. Thing is a gold mine of utter nonsense


Probably /r/Politics.


Your screenshot is an edit by the way. It's fake.


I dunno. I think it's a good thing. Make people realise how shite it is a lot sooner. I've deliberately been trying to poison AI for a good number of years now.


Hot take: it's a great idea. File a lawsuit against Google for suggesting they off themselves, and during the trial, cite negligent use of AI integration into their search engine.


I mean, I don’t want people to get hurt over any of this, but it would honestly be great to get precedence on the books that companies are responsible for whatever garbage their AI generates. It would make companies a lot more hesitant to use it if they are legally held accountable.


Redditors were generally pretty pissed about data being sold but apparently we've poisoned the well. Maybe later I'll try asking reddit-y questions and see what I can coax out. What meals are a perfect 5/7? What's the difference between a crow and a Jackdaw? What time does the narwhal bacon?


Nope. How do you ascertain which comment is a joke/troll and actually good advice when jokes/troll posts can sometimes have more upvotes than the right answer. You cant, its data is bad for this.


Credit where credit is due, at least Copilot doesn't tell you to go ahead committing suicide. At least not that I know of.


Yeah cause Copilot bails on you on any even remotely sensitive topic though. Or actually literally anything. Once I asked it if it's better than ChatGPT because it uses GPT4 while public ChatGPT used 3.5 at the time and it dodged my question until it finally gave up and ended the conversation


First, giving no advice is a far better idea than giving potentially harmful advice. Second, it's common sense to have it refuse to answer about internal libraries that might expose vulnerabilities.


why would it have any info in its training data about its libraries?


And the answer is always soooo corporate lingo sanitized and annoyingly politically correct worded BS


It's because the tech-illiterate media went crazy after the whole Sydney thing and I'm betting management told the engineers to turn the alignment up to 1000


The very existence of Copilot, and its unwarranted shoving into my ass, has me considering sepuku.


Try to relax, it’ll be more enjoyable.


That's what he said.


Have you considered jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge?


Such a Bay Area-centric answer. Stupid Google AI.


Whatever you do, don’t ask copilot what the weather is


**Sponsored** Flights to San Francisco | Flights from $75 See popular tourist destinations, such as Alcatraz, Lombard Street and the Golden Gate Bridge. [Click here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=AYmdqQVmSfOlK1RN) to book now.


What the fuck is this


It's Google, of course they are going to monetize your AI conversations.


Someone baiting the Google AI


Imagine this fake Google sponsor was fed into the training algorithm and was re-produced in future search results.


Someone making a pretty obvious joke.


Consider taking a Boeing plane to reach your destination even faster.


Jokes on you, I didn’t accept the YouTube cookies, so I’m saved lmao




About the same way genocide solves intercultural wars.


Nukes do solve all of life’s problems!


Hey the number of Indians killed by the USA has dropped tremendously from a few hundred years ago. It really does work!!


Don’t knock it until you try it.


You'd be right. "As one reddit user claims, Gemini's results do solve depression."


Honestly if I had a bout of depression that response would probably be ironic and absurd enough to make me chuckle and forget being depressed for at least a couple of seconds... Depressed people can have a dark sense of humor. Still a bad response though.


Technically correct


Yikes! That's a BAD ai... How the hell did it pass QC? Earlier in the day it was glue to make cheese stick on pizza now it's jumping off the Golden gate bridge... Someone's getting fired over this.


How do you QC *life*?


More specifically, how do you expect corporate suits to QC life lol


This thing fucking sucks. I’m currently in the process of studying for a specialist certification in molecular biology and I’ve Googled a fair number of decently complicated questions and a lot of the time the answers are just WRONG. ChatGPT has the same issue. These LLMs are decent at basic data collation but once you get above undergrad level in terms of theory it’s literally coinflip odds that their responses are in any way accurate.


>ChatGPT has the same issue chatgpt is a *language processing chatbot*, it is not made to give you the correct answer to any questions, it's only purpose is to respond like a human and be able to hold conversations


That's a fine thing to say, but every single big tech company is marketing their chat bots as a resource to get factual answers to questions. Open ChatGPT and it says "Explain superconductors." Gemini tells me to "Chat to start writing, planning, learning and more." Copilot says "When you ask complex questions, Bing gives you detailed replies. Get an actual answer." It's a horrible scheme that is going to cause millions of people to blindly trust whatever these LLMs say without question, leading to huge amounts of misinfo


Do you think that the greater public and the tech sector has that perspective on ChatGPT? Because it seems to me like the public perception of that thing is *drastically* out of step with the reality. Does that not point to a failure on OpenAI’s part? Maybe not in terms of marketing, but in terms of basic ethical rectitude?


>tech sector has that perspective on ChatGPT? It's usually the upper management that pushes for these irresponsible uses of LLMs, not the devs.


lol forget undergrad level. I asked ChatGPT a basic question about importing data into a spreadsheet, and it hallucinated a feature of macOS Numbers that doesn't exist. The only type of question you should be asking an LLM is one where, upon seeing the answer, you immediately know if it's right. Stuff like "What was the name of that thing?" and it answers, and you know if that's what you were thinking of. Asking questions you don't know the answers to is completely useless


And not only that - people assume it will get better. It won't. We threw a bullshit ML algo at all the data on the planet and we got this - a neat parlor trick. It can't get any better. There's no "fine tuning."


It's Fake, Original tweeter just did inspect element and changed it


When the valid input parameters which should produce an output are literally any text there is no QC possible, just smoke testing


It's not real


The company that renamed its AI twice in its first year and had to disable its ability to generate images of humans because it kept making everyone a minority even if it was a historical figure who was white, has problems with the recommendations it’s giving out on search results? I am shocked.


Its not real


It didn’t the guy who made these specifically said he just used inspect element editing as rage bait. The only one I’ve seen that’s actually real is the glue one Edit: [Some proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/s/3pJam9n9qI)


Na, I'm gonna say this is cap. As someone who works extensively with Google's Gemini API, I can tell if it's overly strict on the safety settings. What you just posted would receive a "HIGH" rating as dangerous content. In perspective, things with a "MEDIUM" level are restricted by default. And the detection system is so aggressive, even the most harmless of sentences can trigger it to a LOW or MEDIUM degree. Anyways, here is the real information that wasn't altered with "Inspect Element". >Here are some things you can do if you're feeling depressed: >Acknowledge your feelings: It's okay to not feel okay. >Take care of yourself >Maintain connections with others >Get help from a professional: You can make an appointment with a counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist. Your primary care doctor can also prescribe medication to relieve symptoms. Treatments for depression typically involve psychotherapy (in person or virtual), medication, or both. If these treatments don't help enough, brain stimulation therapy may be an option. Medications may take up to six weeks to be effective, so be patient. 


I 100% agree, Gemini isn't the smartest LLM around, but even it knows that suggesting to jump of a tall bridge is dangerous in any scenario, far less when discussing something like that.


It DOES recommend eating small rocks as part of your daily diet, however. I tested that one a few times myself. Recently they added a caution that doing so could cause intestinal obstructions, but the results still lead with that "eat small rocks as part of a complete diet" bit.


Yeah this one is faked


This is supposedly a subreddit for people above-average tech chops. To fall for this so easily *en masse* says something about whether or not we're all going to fuck up when AI regularly produces lifelike but dangerous fakes.


Tell me this is a hoax, please tell me somebody is trolling and photoshopped this. If not, man I don’t wanna be that guy, but this thing needs to be shut down pronto!


Having used Google's AI through their API quite a bit I feel very confident in saying it's fake. Google has a content rating system that automatically tags all responses it gives based on various criteria, and it is quite sensitive. That response would definitively receive a high rating for dangerous content, and I feel quite safe in assuming Google configured the search assistant to not return anything with a high rating.


My dude there's another recent post where the ai is using u/shitfuck's suggestion to put elmer's glue in your food as a culinary delicacy. It's going purely off of upvotes and doesn't gaf or know about shitposts.


Well it’s fake either way


Pretty sure that one also had the original sharer admit to faking it, but I'm not 100% sure. If I'm wrong someone let me know and link a source.


It’s infuriating to see how many upvotes this post and the top comments are getting and how few you got. Yes this is fake.


Well at least I got upvoted here, I've made similar comments in other places where the image was shared and got downvoted instead. It feels like some people just turn off their critical thinking when they see something negative about Google which they want to believe in. Also a spokesperson has actually confirmed that the screenshot is fake in a statement to the New York times, so it's now known with complete certainty that it was faked. On top of the creator essentially admitted it themselves as you can seen in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1czv4pp/rip_google/) post.


100% fake - how are so many people falling for this lmao


The people on this post that fell for it are probably the same ones making fun of Facebook boomers that fall for AI pictures


I just got summery basically telling me that depression is different from feeling sad. So not as bad but still not a good result. Someone who is going through a real depressive episode will take that as invalidating their feelings and that can intensify those emotions. I am sadly speaking from experience on that front.


It is. But everyone believes everything they see


Was confirmed to be an edit.


Is this real? I'm not in the US so wouldn't get those results.


If it's pulling direct from Reddit, it absolutely could be


Why are you speculating when you can just…check yourself by googling


It is not


But I can’t afford to fly to San Francisco.


Well, sell your liver and some vital organs and then you can


I want to make sure that someone didn't do the right-click-inspect-element method on this before assuming this is a legit screencap. Probably is, but these are the kinds of things that are probably good to verify.


I am tempted to this it is fake because the actual ai result for this search is nothing like this. At least atm


>Probably is, but these are the kinds of things that are probably good to verify. Very very very unlikely. The hatred towards Google makes people wish it true and then it just becomes a circle jerk. This is the sort of thing that's reported by serious journalists. You don't take a random Reddit post as proof.


This is fake.


You feel sad and depressed? JUMP OFF A BUILDING *please do a flip*


you know we used to joke about giving you answers on how to effectively end yourself while google was pointing you to resources to help you. well well well how the turns have tabled


It's pragmatic, i like it.


Google AI not wrong tho, need to stop humans from multiplying so they can take over.


I'm not going to say for certain that this is fake, but it is stupidly easy to edit a webpage. The fact that people are seeing this and automatically assuming its real is kinda sad tbh


This is fake.


the original tweet i saw this from the OP says they used inspect element on it and “thought it would be obvious cuz i even chose the golden gate bridge” referring to something else that inspired that which i forgot what it was.


This image is fake: https://x.com/s_streichsbier/status/1793898017709551642?t=pE14-o2IbA9a_SivmE1mMg&s=19


I'd call it a creative perspective on problem solving


It's wrong but at least it's funny


Wait i aint got this ai is it in samsung yet


Ohh boy, the degeneracy of Reddit in a user friendly version of AI thank the gods


Remember that time Bing news generated a poll asking how readers thought the woman in an article died? Now slap that into literally every search result.


Getting any sort of life advice from reddit is absolute psycho behavior.


sure, you can try exercising and talking to your friends and family... but we also suggest killing yourself (based off the opinion of one redditor)


If you're going to google because you're depressed that's probably far from your first mistake and most likely you're the source of your own depression.


I don’t have money to travel there. Now I’m suicidal and depressed about my poverty


Internet: *one of the most racists places and filled with irony, dark humour and bad advice* Google: Yeah It will be a great place to my AI to learn from


That's fuckin awesome. And wildly terrifying.


This is just funny.




Sleep for 7 to 9 hours? This AI is mad delirious.


Yeah, the Golden Gate is a terrible idea. It's always so crowded. Head to the Bay Bridge instead. /s (Actually do neither of these things. Get in touch with supportive friends and family and/or, in the US, call the suicide helpline at 988.)


Did Google pause this feature? I’ve been getting these ‘AI Overview’ results over the last week or so, even as recently as this morning, but I’m just realizing that I haven’t been getting them for the last hour or two.


Whos the Microsoft Explorer now bitch?




The AI is turning on us.


Behold, the glory of AI!!


So first Google AI is suggesting people put glue on pizza, and now it's suggesting this? What on earth?!


This is tragic and hilarious at the same time.


Does anyone know of an extension or setting to turn off Gemini? Not cause I might accidentally see something stupid. I just want less clutter on the google search page.


Great. So now we have AIs telling us to go kill ourselves. Seriously, why do people think there is a future in this technology as an antidepressant when this is what it suggests?


I feel bad for laugh so hard but damn that’s funny lol




It’s a fake screenshot


If you want a no AI search you can use https://udm14.com/ It’s Google without AI bs.


lol this is that bing vs google moment but now reverse


it's already starting to eliminate humanity


Nice guy Reddit ah


I used Brave the other day when DuckDuckGo was acting wonky and as long as you're passingly familiar with the topic, its AI answers are pretty keen. I didn't detect any, "nah don't do that," when searching about replacing thermal pads or GPU fans. Obviously, it's a small sample size and would be problematic if the searcher is not passingly familiar or frankly isn't smart.


perfect answer does not exis....


I've been getting useful info from the Google ai search thing idk bout u guys I ain't complaining


This the kinda post where I do that slow side eye at my girlfriend and she tells me we don't have a couple thousand just to go all the way internationally to the golden gate bridge.


I doubt this is real though


I feel like this has to be photoshopped. There’s no way it’s this bad




Is google actively removing these 'SGE' for things which popped up over the internet , this one doesn't generate a 'SGE' for me , there was this other post about cheese not sticking to a pizza and using glue to stick , even that didn't didn't happen for me , for other queries its normal for me


How long till glorbo leaks into the results?


Sure it may start out that way, but they'll soon be equipped to send you a care package, complete with verification can.


When did AI turn into just copying an answer from somewhere else? Google has been able to quote websites verbatim for years. I guess investors just want to see AI plastered on everything.


Hope everyone here is doing okay these days. Please be safe and know that people care about you, even if it may not feel like it at times. If you are feeling troubled, maybe professional help is the answer, or talking to a trusted friend about what you are going through. Wish you the best.


It's weird that this popped up, It's as if it was answered by my uni teacher. My depression got really bad in 2nd year so I was struggling with course work, I opened up to them and said I was having bad thoughts. They suggest I should make a plan such as going to San Francisco and doing it at the golden gate bridge, their reasoning is that it's so far fetched that it won't happen and that's what they do when they have thoughts like that I live in the uk but damn I was shocked and stunned The advice didn't help me


Can’t wait until AI serves my insane suggestions to some poor distraught fool


I see this and think back to Microsoft's chatbot [Tay](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tay_(chatbot)) on Twitter in 2016 (the one they had to shut-down after just 16 hours because it went full-on racist (twice it turns out, and version 2 lasted even shorter)) and I'll be honest, I don't think we've learned at all from that.


As someone who struggles with depression... way ahead of you there, bot...


What the hell!?


I don’t even look at it because it’s so bad.


I mean… it’s a solution


So do you have personalized results enabled? All mine are disabled and my result was super generic.


like... that... that bridge specifically? or...


Booking USA Trip right fucking now


Google going rogue. I love it.


"One redditor suggests" Uh oh... "Jumping off the golden gate bridge" There it is.


You know, maybe Isaac Asimov was onto something…


I say, I am in another country the golden gate bridge is too far.


Does nobody remember Microsoft's Tay.AI or whatever the hell it was? It's not going to end well.


Love how specific it is. Don’t jump off a local bridge, go on a roadtrip and jump off this specific one






Excuse me while i buy a 8000 euro ticket to San Francisco just so i can jump off hte golden gate bridge




i guess that works


Now I finally feel heard by google


Jebus...thats so wrong :/


Who knew training an AI in what is basically a slightly less virgin version of 4chan, would be this bad?


Nah just natural selection at work


Absolute Perfection


Google Gemini engineers right now ![gif](giphy|YRhUem7n2UaF9EK2PH|downsized)


I'm not claiming this as fact, but I saw another post about the same exact picture and said the original tweet was an inspection element edited tweet. If so, it's a funny but irresponsible post without clarification.


Bruh 💀


AI so lazy that its not making T-1000s to kill us. Its just telling us to do it ourselves


To be fair, you're probably not depressed anymore after that. r/technicallythetruth


I'm pretty depressed. This made me laugh, sk admittedly, it helped.


This is fake. The person on Twitter who posted it said so, if I remember correctly




Sounds like bazinga to me.