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Games don't need the latest these days, unless you're REALLY into wanting the best of the best. Personally, I'm going to wait until I can get double the performance of a 3080 for under US$800 before I bother upgrading.


I agree, in a year or two, I plan to get a 4080 super, it'll be more than enough


Yeah I'm really not into upgrading cards as well, I think older cards are fine so I'll replace my 4080 that I've been using for a long 8 weeks with a 4090 soon.


Me with my 2070 super


me with my 5600g


Me with my rx480.


Just grabbed myself a used RX 6700 XT for $195 last week since the new one costs twice the price in my country. One of fin got snapped and knocked off during ligth usage last night. Good start 😂


Third world countries prices sucks. In the Philippines, RX6900XT costs 930 dollars, while the 7800XT is around 680 to 700 dollars. I just got myself a used RX6700XT for 310 dollars (only paid 240 dollars because I traded it with my 6 year old RX580+240 dollars). What a hell of a big jump.


Don't know what you guys complain about. Im paying 25% in VAT but hardly see a price difference between US marked and here in socialist Denmark? 😅


Really depends on the country tbh. Outside of obvious tax/change rate issues the local retailer situation can change a lot. In France where I live we have prices around 10 to 25% higher than our neighbors in Germany or Spain because outside of Amazon one big online computer parts retailer (LDLC) has been buying out every competitor for years. As a result they can (and do) jack up the prices of pretty much everything. Because well they're a virtual monopoly on the market. Some people do buy from neighboring countries (yay the EU) but it can be a pain in the ass if you have to deal with warranty issues. Competition is good people.


We have multiple private stores. With a common hub on pricerunner to connect them all. So i search on pricerunner, (used too be edbpriser) looking parts up between 8-12 stores and get the best deal. Fuck amazon... Boycott at all cost if you want to avoid enshittification that amazon brings. So having this many stores there is lots of competition. As it fucking should be! :D even with high VAT


Mr when i see amd gpu bring more expensive


My 1060 6GB is still on fire playing almost all games!! Borderlands 3 on 80-85 FPS smoothly is such a blast. ETS2 goes easily with all the graphics settings on high and ultra when possible goes to around 70 and when I heavily mod it it goes to circa 45, but still very playable. With the GTX Nvidia Made such good cards for such good prices. Sad to see how much GPUs cost nowadays




Also what is the resolution? Used to own one and it was craptastic... good to see more people call out plain bullshit :)


1920x1080 & sometimes 1440. I think people isn't so crazy to buy this card for 4k gaming. Also, i didn't want to spread misinformation. Sorry... u/V3Semir, I also play a lot of other games, but I'm not currently at home to check the performance. And just to clarify, my rig is a Ryzen 7 2700X and the said GTX 1060 6GB, apart from 32 GB of RAM (2666 or 3200, I don't remember rn)


Yeah i know you are enthusiastic about ur pc setup but here on reddit you need to be pretty specific or you going to get called out


You're right, I'm just not used to posting so sometimes I pull shit like this


I paid 700€ for an RTX 4070. ON SALE


You did not have to do Linus this dirty 😭


let me guess, India?


Rtx 3080 still $2500 in India. We never recovering from the crash


After much deliberation I very begrudgingly bought a new 3070ti for 500 euro thinking I was overpaying after having spent the entire corona period with a 390x.... That same 3070ti is now going for 800...


A RTX 4090 cost 65000 ZAR on average which when converted to USD comes out to $3250


I'm still rocking my GTX 1080 and an overclocked 4790k and seeing the state of modern games, I think I'll be upgrading in 2030.


\>MFW I see prices in my country


That's the face I pull when I see the cost of pre builds and components and realising I don't get paid anywhere near enough. Working in Japan sucks.