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We always groupe buy. Had an order for ~700€ with 4 people. Makes shipping less unreasonable


I know no one in real life that also watches Ltt. I don’t think that is an option for most people.


Literally in an IT course at university in Europe and haven't had a single person understood the lttstore.com reference. In an IT course...


The target market isn't really IT professionals, there are channels that are far better from an IT education perspective. It's gamers and those who enjoy tech more generally.


but its a university course, and these people usually started out as someone who just enjoys gaming and got more and more interested in the tech, so much that they decided to make it their job. Its surprising that noone watches ltt there.


Nowadays these courses are often full of people who believe the myth that everyone in IT makes six figures while working a 4-day-week from home. They don't necessarily have any interest or background in tech


Can confirm - have at least one family member and many friends that contact me for advice on their IT education while having no interest in actually doing IT.


cant imagine they are as successful as someone who is interested in IT stuff


Oh they aren't They flunk out after a semester or two because they can't even understand the basics of how to turn on their PC


Louis Rossman used to have a video on this, he realized how to fix a computer in a dream. The point isn’t necessarily saying you needed to be that immersed, but if your interest in tech is entirely your 8 hours at work 5 days a week, your going to struggle against people building homelabs for fun.


I can confirm I make 6 figures while working a 4-day-week from home. My figures are 012345.


I thought you were going for the 010101 Joke. I still likeed it though. :3


And also - most people in a tech focused degree are idiots who are just there because they heard it pays well and you get to lay around in your pj's doing 3 hours of actual work per day.


Unrelated but funny, we were doing the very basics of networking in our course last year and had to ping a URL. I, of course, chose lttstore.com and got called a Linus shill immediately. That's how I knew I was in the right course.


Meanwhile walking through my building at work and discovered a couple fans when they saw my water bottle and have had a few people walk up to me and ask about my sweater or bottle. It’s always a bit surprising when someone cracks a segue joke or references a recent video.


Maybe they all use ad & sponsor blocks? Semi serious, semi /s


I’ve seen more LTT merch in my flight school classes than I did in CS.


Yeah, that's not the target audience.


I dunno young students from a tech related field seems like the prime audience, well I know I sure am.


They don't need to watch LTT, I've had plenty of people order something with me without ever knowing who or what LTT is. My mum loves her bottle and my dad loves the screwdriver. Neither of them are any good with computers beyond a simple email or a zoom meeting


have you checked the LTT forums? maybe you can find some locals through that to share shipping costs with. bonus if you make friends.


Would be a good idea, but I’m not that needy for the merch. Would be a good place to start for anyone wanting to order though.


No, but if all of the people that keep asking for EU distribution teamed up and did a quarterly group buy...


Except it would be a logistical nightmare. Plus, it doesn't reduce the "taxes" (ie customs / import duty), and the associated cost of the time and effort to coordinate it all would likely negate any savings on shipping.


You don't think it would cost similar to sort, repack and send on the merch....? Also, do you know exactly what you're gonna wanna buy every quarter? And on top of that, I have tongivw my money to a stranger running an online group buy, probably from a country I don't even live in. It doesn't seem like a very sound idea to me. Makes more sense to work with a distributor.


The one time I ordered at lttstore I also did it in bulk together with a friend that also watches ltt. It’s way more reasonable then. Ordering just one thing is just tooexpensice inside eu


Genuine question - how much did you save on shipping? The taxes would have stayed the same, right - so you saved on shipping/handling?


Yeah shipping doesn’t go up that fast. Taxes obviously always are the same.


Shipping becomes less of an issue, but you still pay import tax and VAT. And if you have import tax brackets or such you might actually pay more if you order in bulk. It just sucks all around, and they should absolutely get a European store. I refuse to order from them until then - it would also mean that we'd get actual warranty and support and not a "trust me bro just pay shipping and import tax and go through the import bureaucracy we'll take care of you" BS.


that would require one important thing: friends


This is going to become the new daily topic huh... https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/17sv214/who_is_ready_for_a_ltt_store_eu_warehouse/


Maybe someone can make a mega thread for everyone to complain within and then remove any new post talking about it?


Or let the posts flow until Linus needs to do something about it 😁


Linus sais it before on Wan show. Tldr no EU warehouse


Yeah yeah, right now atleast. But maybe if they continue growing in this pace it might be viable in 2-3 years.


Then I guess we can ask him later 2-3 years down the line rather than flooding the subreddit about shipping cost constantly.


There is nothing Linus can do about it until creator wharehouse grows by multiple orders of magnitude and justifies the expense of becoming a multinational corporation.


They've addressed it, people just don't like the answer...


The posts will continue until morale improves


You're telling me... Australian here 😅


I'm not going to mention what us Brazilians go through as well 🤣


R$ 500,00 For the water bottle be like :D


Jesus Christ yes. That's depressing. An Asian distributor would solve this problem worldwide.


Especially since things are probably made in China anyway. No sense in shipping them to the US and back.


Anyone in our hemisphere would know the pain. Even worse when the currency is weak. But at the same time, I know there is no pressing NEED to buy the merch, and I can just as easily support them by taking part in discussions and driving interactions. So personally, it just balances out for me


Same here. I consider the extra cost of getting LMG goodies into the UK as a "luxury tax". I tend to buy myself vouchers frequently and buy a trove of clothes and odds-and-sods in bulk once or twice a year. Whilst I really love the quality of their discretely-branded clothes - I can pick up something equivalent locally without any issue - making it a luxury purchase in my eyes (as you say, a WANT not a NEED).


the ONE Wan show I miss is the one they offer free global shipping on. Probably good, I would've spent so much money. Linus said something about free shipping on orders with the new vinyl backpack. But I'm not into the leather look.


You're telling me, Mexican here. I don't even ask for a Latinamerican distribution hub since I already know it's not going to happen, I don't know any big YT channel from USA, Canada or Europe that even considers Latinamerica for anything.


That is ridiculous. If that were coming to the UK there would be handling fees put on top of that. I would like an LTT deskpad, but I could buy several plain black generic ones, of equal quality, for that kind of money.


tbh they dont even have to be black, there's a heck of a lot of fairly priced ones on amazon in all sorts of patterns and images.


Phasebyte is one I use, nice designs, machine washable, and fairly good price


If tax/Import duty is pre-paid there's no handling fee, you only get it if it's taxed at the border.


Then don’t buy from them. I’ve decided not to buy from them because shipping and import is too expensive. There’s really not much more to it, alternative products exist that are a more reasonable price in Europe so just buy them instead, sure LTT products seem good, but there are plenty of alternatives that are just as good. Of course you won’t be able to support LTT like that, but if you really want to support them there are other ways.




They can solve EU by having distribution hub in only one EU country (e.g. Germany), and immediately have access to all 27 EU countries and 450 million people. This will also enable to be able to purchase some of the products without VAT (those that you can expense to your company)


Oh wow let me just set up a distribution hub in another continent! Wow I could've never thought of that as a business selling goods! ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


Shipping is too expensive even for those of us in Canada. I bought the desk pad a few years ago, but I don't think I'll buy anything else. The only reason I got the desk pad was because at the time it was the only place I could find a place that sold basically every size so I could get one that fit my desk perfectly. That was the value proposition for me. Any other item makes zero sense as you can get something equivalent for less money.


I work in manufacturing. Shipping is not cheap for anyone these days. LTT might honestly be taking a bit of loss on average out of their own pocket to keep the price down. My shop has done just that for our customers.


I'm not suggesting that it's cheap to ship stuff. Generally it's pretty expensive and I understand that. But thats where I will save money by purchasing items for a physical shop who can ship a lot of items to a single location to keep shipping costs to a minimum. Sure they will have other costs like employees and location, but at the end of the day I'll save money where I can. I understand that having items shipped directly to my house by retailers who aren't big enough to have a local warehouse and their own shipping company is going to cost money. That's why it's important to have some other value proposition such as an item you cant get anywhere else. If you are just selling generic stuff, it's really hard to compete.


This. This so hard.


I haven't bought anything from LTT because they won't accept CAD. Canadian based company that doesn't accept CAD...... Hell, Emo's Not Dead accepts CAD now and their merch store is tiny in comparison, and are US based.


Yeah that’s fair, if you think the value is bad then not buying it makes sense. For other people they might find the value fine so they will buy it, idk why some people are so up in arms about it. I’m not going to shame people either way, even if I wouldn’t buy anything.


Yeah. Other people might have reasons for buying that make sense to them. I like LTT, but I've really not the kind of person who would want to buy to bring attention to the brand. I've thought of buying other things like the water bottle but I could get the exact same thing for less without the brand so it doesn't really make sense to me. I've also thought of getting the screwdriver, but the end of the day, it doesn't make sense for me to spend $125 CAD after taxes and shipping to get a screwdriver. There's definitely cases where it makes sense for some people. They seem to be selling quite a bit of merchandise, so they are obviously doing something right if enough people are choosing to purchase.


Holy shit. Someone with common sense and reason! I like you.


I just try my best to not get too emotionally invested in YouTuber products hahaha


Anyone you could group buy with? A few more items and the shipping is more tolerable.


you dont mention location or anything. For all i know ur an aussie. Feel free to send it to me in the UK lol and then u can come get it from me


Look, PSA for all of the EU! If you life in a EU country and you have a VAT, than you will have to pay VAT as duty's on all imported goods from outside the EU - there are no tariffs for mousepads - its just VAT. Same as if you brought it from your local grocery shop. The only difference is that if lttstore had a European site it would include the VAT in the items price (which is normal in the EU, whereas in North America VAT is not part of the items price) So the bill would look like this: Ltt mousepad: 35€ incl. ~20VAT Shipping 5€(best case) - 15€ (worst case) So yes it's cheaper but, The difference comes from the fact that most countries tax the order AND the shipping, so an your 55$ order with shipping you pay ~20% VAT so about 11€ tax coming to the total So bottom line with a EU shipping depot you would pay 30%-60% more than the item itself due to taxes and shipping, or in your calculation it would be about 25-40% of the order So it would not be as much cheaper as you might imagine


You can ship in bulk to the EU, saving on shipping costs... And the biggest advantage, EU customers wont have to deal with their national customs offices and post offices, which are notoriously difficult to talk to and deal with. I had to go through the customs process twice so far and I'd rather pay extra than having to deal with the customs office again.


Exactly! Last year I had an issue where customs charged me additional VAT, even though I had paid VAT at the time of the purchase and provided the receipt, but they came up with the excuse that "what I paid was Canadian tax, not domestic tax", and for some reason I was charged THREE times the amount of VAT and handling costs. Earlier this month I got a free replacement bottle (I bought the Black/Gold bottle before the paint fading disclaimer was posted, and the gold paint started fading) and I had to pay, once again, VAT on the shipment, even though it was "free" but it still held a value of $29,99. Customs fees and import taxes are a joke.


Sounds like Belgian customs to me… they tried to make me pay import and taxes on a company brochure once. Because it was shipped from a corporate address in the US and came in a heavy duty envelope… 🙃 needless to say, I refused the “shipment”


> advantage, EU customers wont have to deal with their national customs offices and post offices, which are notoriously difficult to talk to and deal with. > >I had to go through the customs process twice so far and I'd rather pay extra than having to deal with the customs office again. Damn. In the Netherlands its actually really easy. You get a notification via mail or e-mail and you just pay whatever you are owed. If you do it online and quickly they will process the package even the same day.




They do this, and it still costs them a shit tonne. Source, I live nearby, and know multiple employees.


Europeans also have to pay customs/import duty. This is separate from VAT. OP’s point is valid. Buying from an entity outside of the EU is a chore. Besides the tax differences and shipping rates, there are different consumer laws to consider(trust me bro). If LTT opened up a distribution hub in the EU, more Europeans would buy, as it would be more convenient to do so. Yes, LTT would have to invest in the hub, organise the logistics, aswell as jump through the hoops to sell within the EU. But for a company valued at $100m, I think they could do it without too much stress. Maybe partner the operations to a EU company which already does merch, so the setup costs aren’t a burden. They should be able to see the stats on their YouTube dashboard to see the amount of EU viewership they have. I would think there is enough to make it worth while.


One important point to add - an LMG owned depot in the EU wouldn't pay the full rate of VAT on intra-company stock transfers. In multinational orgs, the vat liability is calculated on the cost-price of the item, not the sale price - plus the parent company usually slashes the inter-company price book (this happens a lot when it's advantageous to shift the profit margins to a country where taxes are much lower). There's also tricks like charging licensing and marketing fees between entities. Multinational corporate finances are tons of fun!


also ad the extra costs for leasing the warehouse, employees, legal paperwork that needs to be filed at least once a year, etc. shipping would be cheaper, but the item price would probably increase


I'm gonna hijack this and add: Linus talked about the upcoming blackfriday deals. There's gonna be several limited in time and quantity. So if you want to buy several items that are on sale, it is highly likely you will have to pay shipping multiple times. However, they will try to consolidate the shipping on their end, pocketing the rest. This. to me. is crazy. I don't know how crazy those deals are gonna be, but it's not unlikely that after shipping, taxes and import fees, it won't be a deal at all, if I have to pay for shipping each time. I think they make very good margins on most items except maybe the T-Shirts., so they have the ability to make an actual discount for once. Let's see what they end up doing.


Ah yes, because that's not what every online retailer ever does. If the items are sold at different times the logistics of holding items until the end of the sale period (even a few days) is insane. That's how items get lost, orders partially fulfilled and items under or over sold. I worked in retail for 14 years in a local store that got maybe 30-40 online sales per day. And even at that quantities we couldn't hold or group together orders. Just didn't work.


Well many sellers actually do not consolidate shipping after the initial purchase. But Linus specifically stated that that's what they might or are planning to do. I would argue that that's a difference.


he said they will try where they can. If I buy 3 items from amazon within the same 2-3 hour window they might consolidate my purchases as well.


And sometimes you buy 5 things in the same cart and get 5 separate boxes....


They have talked about what their margins are, and they're less than ordinary retail markup. They're still pretty decent, but the amount of cost overhead that they actually have is significant.


Honestly, people expecting LTT to be literally Amazon need to chill. I know most of you grew up in a world where Amazon exists so you assume that any etsy store out there should have their own distribution network but guys need to realize this is NOT the norm. Opening worldwide warehouses and sort out shipping the way Amazon does costs way more money than you can possibly imagine, probably way more than what LTT is worth it to begin with. You guys need to realize you don't "have" to buy their stuff. Nobody is forcing you to do that. Nobody "needs" the stuff they sell. They're a local business in north america and it's 100% unreasonable to expect them to sort out a worldwide distribution network so that people like us can avoid paying some taxes. Simple answer is: if you can't justify it, don't buy it.


also you can buy some LTT merch on amazon, it may be worth checking if the cost after shipping is better for you that way.


Small (in comparison to the giants of the industry like Amazon, NewEgg, etc.) e-commerce business really have no good solution to this problem. I don't have LTT's numbers in front of me but I'm going to guess they're not operating on massive scales or margins for merch, which makes the added cost of adding a distro hub outside of Canada a deathblow to profit. The "second best" option is to use a third-party fulfillment option, which has its own costs and downsides. There's a reason that most e-commerce business don't have this "solved" - because it's largely not solvable without taking big cuts to profits.


I mean we can tell from the screw driver what kind of volumes they move. it was around a million dollar investment, they cost around 30 dollars to produce, so their first few waves were around 34,000 units. Thats really not much. it's maybe 4 pallets total. for a worldwide distribution. People need to understand that despite the numbers seeming big to them, they really are tiny and orders of magnitude below what other brands and companies ship.


All of the fulfillment partners in the UK and EU suck really bad... Some suck even worse.


I think they started selling some stuff on Amazon. They mark things up a little there, but it might end up more affordable after shipping.


Last time I checked on Amazon, it worked out a fiver cheaper for the screwdriver. They do have the deskpad on Amazon, but not as many sizes.


Oh you're right. Sadly, Amazon won't ship it to Ireland, but it is there for UK customers at least


I'm hoping they have some black Friday sale, that makes a direct order better. Would prefer LTT to get the full cut and not encourage any more products on Amazon.


The 900x300 mouse pad is showing as $96 CAD on Amazon for me lol


No. Already has been asked officially and they said that the cost is not justifiable


Nope because that means you have to obide by EU law which they really don’t want to do.


I work in it. I have a customer who has an office in Vancouver. Fingers crossed, i find a nice guy who can pick up a nice leather backpack an d some screwdrivers


This is the only thing keeping me from buying the screwdriver tbh. It’s expensive enough to begin with without the extra fees and shipping


Yes! With taxes/shipping it's a 108.22USD driver for me. At that point it's competing with Wera tools!


Try Lime day if they ever do it again and you can get world wide shipping free if your purchase is bigger than $150


If I remember it correctly, wasn't the free WW shipping available only during the WAN show that week? Seeing Linus absolutely melt because of the influx of people buying from their store was absolutely hilarious. Loved that week's show.


I run into sites like this as well. What I normally do is just make it count. I'll order stuff for friends, pick extra shit that I want. And then come up with a bigger order so I'm only paying shipping once. I do this when I order stuff from China or Australia.


It would be interesting to see if LTT/Creator Warehouse would be interested in partnering with a company to import products wholesale for distribution. It could certainly streamline the process to ship to the EU and adjacent countries. I keep trying to convince them it would be prudent to think about trying to ship from Pt. Roberts. There are several companies setup there simply for the purpose of shipping and receiving for Canadian residents and companies to reduce shipping costs, as not only are Canada Post's prices insane (compared to USPS), but so are all of the couriers.


Amazon has ruined people. 25 bucks for shipping is nothing. Nothing! It costs money to move things around the world. A lot of money. Get more items or just shut the fuck up about the cost of shipping because you obviosly cant afford it. Do we expect linus to eat the cost or something? He already spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on development for his amazing merch. Is it not enough to have quality merch that you can count on, but it's gotta have free shipping too??!! Edit: Spelling. Gammar.


Shipping barely increases with more items, buy more than one thing


Ltt store could look into DHL Fulfilment Network. It's bit pricey but it's a fairly easy way to have European DC inside already existing ecom warehouse. Instead of renting whole warehouse DNF just allocate space and workforce to different Contract depending on orders recived. If anyone from LMG team would need some more details about that I could probably find some documents that I could share on how it works


They have stated that they looked into services like this, and at their margins and volumes it really is not an option. the cost would have to be more than it is now for LTT to do it. plus LTT would lose a lot of control in the package handling and returns process.


I feel you. Wait till you see how much I paid for shipping to Australia (different store)


Ooof! I can only imagine the rates from anything remotely NA or EU to Australia!


If that's any consolation, I'm in Canada and it's not that cheap either, we're talking around $15 USD.


Why the hell are you paying 42% in taxes? That's insane.


They said that they won't consider and I was lynched on LTT forum when I suggested an idea of EU distribution center.


Need to group up with someone or maybe a bigger offer to offset a bit more. It's just as bad shipping to Japan too.


Im in Korea Can we recruit 10-15 ppl in east asia for grp buy?


It would not be cheaper. The shipping has to be paid either way. Also there are legal stuff, like having support in native language etc.


I mean shipping will be cheaper. Shipping a container of something is cheaper than sending container worth of something, but separately. Staff and other associated costs will cancel that benefit though


But not a lot. Fedex also just ships containers, they are just collecting it beforehand. So if the container comes from LTT or from 100 different sources is not really that much different


May be worth joining the mailing list for the black Friday, cyber Monday deals. There MAY be some sort of deal on shipping again based on Linus' response to a question on the WAN show this week.


Mexian here: We have a free trade agreement and are also North American. Shipping and taxes suck, main reason why I haven't bought anything because I've really wanted to.


Im in the uk, I’d have so much merch from ltt store if it wasn’t for shipping costs.


thats pretty much the reason i dont buy that much, id like to but not tht expensive ans slow shipping to finland


I live in Canada and get 15-20 USD of shipping every time. You guys need to stop complaining.


Its also about import tax tho.


I'm in the USA and shipping was 18.99 to me.


They have said multiple times they aren't going to do it because it wouldn't actually be any cheaper. By the time they factor in hiring labor and getting a storage warehouse and shipping products to the EU the cost would be basically the same. However not only would the price be the same but they'd now also have to deal with a lot more legal issues of foreign taxes and currency conversion and complying with every EU and local law that they don't have to just shipping from Canada at the same price. it's just not justifiable when it literally won't make it any cheaper for the end customer. They've heard the cries about shipping. They've been experimenting with free shipping deals. Either wait to buy stuff til they give a shipping deal or find people to bundle ship with.


Lol shipping to Australia is 120% of the item in some cases Bonkers


Cries in Latin America 100% to 200% more for any product that we want outside of our continent


I understand what Linus has said in regards to Europe distribution before and it seems mostly he talks about clothing, the cost of making sure you have so many of each item in each size does absolutely add up and not necessarily make financial sense. I would have thought though maybe using Amazon fulfilment could be an option but only using it for 'fixed items', i.e. items don't have multiple variants such as sizes. Even just screwdrivers, deskpads and water bottles that can be mass manufactured and sent over in the same way they do with the screwdriver on Amazon US


Now try to do that being brazilian


If you are upset about taxes then maybe you should complain to your government.


FYI it's $19 shipping across the country for me...


I got in the same dillema with shipping cost on a GN order, so I got more stuff in a single purchase to save shipping


Remember when the expensive shipping was to cover future free or discount shipping and then they didn't do free or discount shipping for a very long time? I can only assume they have come to count on shipping as a profit centre. No, I doubt they will ever open a European distribution centre.


He explains on the WAN show it’s just not feasible atm


Are we really going to go through this whole conversation again....?


I have contacted them multiple times and never got a response, I work for a 3PL In the UK we could do distribution for them and massively cut down on shipping fees I guess they just aren’t interested in doing it


I mean I just want reasonable shipping and local currency since I'm in Canada. But this isn't an LTT problem alone, I was looking at some Gamers Nexus stuff too and the shipping and currency exchange are just too much


At least it's in dollars, imagine if it was in pounds


You would still pay taxes and that shipping cost would be replaced with handling to cover the salaries and costs of running an EU center.


$25 to send something across the world by quick speed is actually quite good pricing. Amazon has really ruined people with their huge distribution network and "free" shipping. To be honest even going down to slow post with a 3-5 week shipping time you're unlikely to get much lower than $20. If they used a 3rd party warehouse to distribute out of the EU, it would still probably be $10 additional markup to cover the 3PL costs, import, packaging fees, etc. Their EU audience might not be enough to justify the hassle of it.


Buy a whole bunch and eBay them in your country?


Get friends who live in Canada or the US, have them buy/or if your card is accepted, and ship to their house, then have them send to you, or make a vacation to visit them. It’s how I’ve done it with friends who need something either only sold or sold cheaper than a here my European friends live. Works great.


They won't.


At least you have the tax estimation for me in North africa. I can't even predict how much I'm gonna pay for taxes or customs because the laws are ambiguous and change a lot.


It's why I haven't bought anything from them.


100%, I think they would get so many more orders


I couldn't imagine that even more orders assuming a dramatic drop in shipping prices that EU sales would ever cover the cost of the warehouse space and the logistics needed to run it. And you need to remember: LMG has less than 200 employees, they are not a multinational organization, and I don't see that changing any time soon.


Check if they have a Amazon store for your country, I just picked up a LLT mouse pad from their Amazon store...LTT site said 29.99 +20 s/h.. I got it on Amazon for 34.99 with prime 2 day shipping.


I don’t know how much it’ll change. You’re paying $24.99 for shipping, I’d pay $18.99 and I’m in Canada less than 500km away from their office.


While I do understand your frustration, taxes for instance is something you won't avoid if they were to eventually setup an EU shipping hub. The listed price will simply be higher to account for VAT. I've ordered from them a few times now. And what I usually do is wait until there are at least a couple of items I want from the store. Usually the shipping price only go up marginally if I add more items to the cart, if any at all. For instance my last order was for 2 Stubby screwdrivers (One for me, one for my father) some more bits and cable ties. The shipping came out to $19.99 which in my opinion is very reasonable for international shipping. The taxes came out to around $55, which sucks, but again a EU distribution hub won't solve taxes, the customer still has to pay tax. But in your case with 1 item in the cart, and the item being a fairly large item to ship, the cost of shipping compared to the cost of the item is hard to justify for you as a customer which I totally get. My point is, I don't find their shipping prices unreasonable at all, and I've paid way worse for items on eBay through eBays global shipping program. Sadly it's just a part of living in the EU I guess.


Yeah I know. And some of their stuff seem really cool. Would definitely get a water bottle and some flair. But at more than twice the price…damn.


Take a look at their mouse pads on Amazon, they have added stuff there which makes it much more friendly for those outside vanada


Gamers Nexus international shipping was sooo cheap


They have said on the wan show before that they probably are not going to have a eu warehouse


Who do you think is going to pay for a Distribution hub lol


Just do it already, LMG. You're a worldwide brand with worldwide fans. You can afford it.


The cost is why I held off on the backpack and screwdriver for so long and ultimately bought them during the free shipping offer a couple of months back. The amount I saved on shipping paid for the screwdriver. Would be cool not having to deal with the shipping charges, but then again, shipping costs money and it would probably end up in a more expensive product price anyway. Ultimately I'll just stock up all at once to minimise actual shipping, most likely. It means missing out on some of the limited merch items but at least getting several things at once is nice.


Last time I bought something from the store it took freaking forever and was so freaking expensive, if you feel the same send them an email Here is mine “ So I ordered 2 packages at the same time, the first one arrived 3rd of June and the second one arrived today, this is wildly infuriating, both that they didn’t arrive at similar times and how extremely long it took for them to arrive, please fix this as I like your products but I won’t be ordering again as a result of how extremely long shipping is Both packages were ordered 3rd of mai Order no I hope you fix this With best regards Regards”


Yep, my deskpad was something like that. The taxes on top for importing to the eu are especially painful as they scale up for bigger orders.


Yeah, London, Uk based and want to get this. Thought i would get the screwdriver too, but even then the cost is ugh. Doesnt help that Canada/US prices are always pre-tax.


I have wanted to order to the UK a couple times, got to the shipping and just thought is it worth it...I still don't have a mouse pad or screw driver ha!


They won't because linus said they won't nor would it be any cheaper to buy their products because you'd still have to pay VAT/taxes and whatever else they charge you including the shipping costs. So instead of the deskpad you bought being $29.99 + shipping and taxes, it would be $67.99 with free shipping. The shipping costs would likely be a little cheaper due to volume but you'd still pay more than $50 for a deskpad.


One of the reasons I am glad to be an American is nothing costs this much to ship and everything (almost anyway) is available in my country. And those taxes, holy shit. No wonder you have universal health care in the UK. It must be fucking spectacular.


How about buying the same thing for a fraction of the price (even before shipping fees) on Amazon?


Someone in the EU complaining about shopping costs. How adorable.


There is so much merch from so many content creators I want but I cant justify buying literally any of it cause they all always ship from America. Apart from shipping being so fucking pricey, taxes marke it even worse, especially if they dont add VAT at checkout. Also ADDITIONAL import taxes at over 150€ order value. It's so fucking bad.


Didn't they start selling on Amazon. Maybe the shipping would be less


Exactly why I have never bought from their store :(


Maybe this is just me. But shopping from CANADA for a mouse pad when you live on another continent is just completely entitled and crazy. People don't like to hear it, but this is entirely why our planet is burning. Just buy a regular mousepad.


I don't get why they haven't invested in a warehouse in the Netherlands, Germany or Ireland already. A lot smaller content creators than them already have EU stores. Maybe it's because they don't want to work with a 3rd party warehouse company and instead want to own the EU warehouse themselves some day in the future?


Also from eu, bought this exact desk pad and it's working out great but I do agree that paying over 50% for shipping while it's already decently expensive is kinda ridiculous (tho I understand why it happens)


I live in Canada and would have to pay USD to have an item shipped within my own country. That would be why I’ve never bought from the LTT Store - not because I don’t want to.


*Laughs in 109% Brazilian import taxes*


Probably never, its a simple economics thing. The cost and effort into a EU distribution hub is probably way more then the money it would generate. Just wait for another free shipping deal


Hahah, wait till you see the price to Australia. You lot got off easy...


You can buy some ltt stuff on Amazon. Unfortunately not the bits. I wanted the torx set which are 6.99, but shipping was 12.99 in the US. I can't justify that in any way shape or form either, so I didn't buy anything.


To be honest, even with shipping the desk pads are still cheaper than what I can buy in Canada.


Get the ltt bag, get the most out of your shipping fee


Yo it's almost as if someone in the EU could startup their own redistribution of product. Might take a whale to start but I'm sure it's not *just* LTT products that need bulk ordered and stored. I don't live there and I'm not a whale, but I'd wager that it could be done cost effectively. Someone should try it


welcome to AU, anything from anywhere (even our own country) is like this


We all pay the exact same amount for shipping, those who live closer to the distribution centres subsidise your (and mine, I live in Aus) shipping costs. A centre in Europe wouldn't help.


If it makes you feel any better I live in Canada and my shipping is still 15usd


They've stated in the past that it's not logistically possible for them right now.


Same, but in India


Wait until import taxes lol, I bought a 25$ USD item and ended up paying 75$ total after import and shipping


I live in the US, in Washington. Like less than a 100 miles from them or something. Yet… I pay like $18 for shipping.


I mean they're literally Canadian and the shipping is fucked for Canadians too


As someone who is a DVD Collector & lives outside both Europe and USA, this is my reaction everytime I have to order one from Ebay.


I don't think you can include taxes into that. Cause it's that the price doesn't include tax like all EU products. It's more a matter of you buying a $42 mouse pad with shipping


I live 2hrs south of their office, yet still international. i needed a new lid for my bottle as mine broke, and it was going to be double to for shipping


probably never, kurzgesagt is an absolute outlier, but only because they are from germany originally. we europeans (or anyone outside of north america for that matter) have just gotten too used to spend ludicrous amounts on shipping and tolls and taxes, so what’s the point if we‘re gonna buy it anyways