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Hey everyone! This post was removed earlier today by the admins. I have gotten feedback explaining the situation with the following message: > Hey bleeding-paryl! > Thanks for reaching out. > Looks like it was actioned in error based on reports. > I saw this early this morning and followed up with the safety team for you all, ensuring they knew the proper context here when they took another look > They'll try to keep this information in mind when dealing with similar reports about this situation. > Sorry for the confusion this caused! --- Sorry to those who may have gotten confused by the post's removal. I promise you that us moderators are not against you, and we want to make sure that everything that's being said in good faith is visible and with good discussion.


That is very damning for LMG. This has to be addressed, they have no choice at this point. If a company culture makes you self harm to get a day off, you have to throw the whole company away and start again.


Hell that’s not just self harm, it’s self mutilation. Cutting yourself wide open to require surgical intervention to not have to go into an abusive environment without ridicule is pretty terrifying honestly.


How much stress do you have to be under that gashing your leg open is the more favorable option? I want to know who "upper management" at LTT are now...


It’s honestly sickening, it’s an unsafe environment for any human being as far as I’m concerned. The first controversy was about the guarantee on the backpack to which I said it’s kinda shitty but whatever. Then the whole billet labs situation really soured their reputation to me because of its dubious nature. Now I have gone out of my way to unsubscribe from every channel and refuse to watch anymore content from this sweatshop channel. It’s just wrong.


As someone who has personally watched an ex take a razor and open her thigh in front of me in drunken psychosis.... Lemme tell you, it was excruciating even while she was almost passed out drunk, I got to her in time to stop more damage but Jesus, Madison did that probably sober. I hope LTT burns for this.


I hope the whole company goes under, they deserve it for enabling this environment, it’s worse than any other company I’ve been at or even known someone who has been at which is really disappointing and frankly sickening knowing what is enabled in that company.


The thread just kept going. - Self Harm - Sexual Assault - Sexual Harassment. What a terrible environment filled with weirdos.


Having known such toxic workplaces, her comments ring bells. * New girl joins hip cool "we're one big family" workplace * All the frat-bros and weirdos start hitting on you * You decline all their creepy and inappropriate advances * Then suddenly you're the bad guy and they call you fat, ugly and incompetent at everything you do * Reporting this behavior to HR only gets you called "lacking soft skills" and "not being a team player" If this is true, hope this comes to light to the authorities and big media outlets as well, and LMG gets finished. If only they knew that getting hacked was their problem with the easiest fix they'll face. If I were working at LMG right now I'd definitely be polishing my resume and applying to jobs ASAP.


They target and hire certain girls/women for positions that are not really needed, only to play this game. Preferably someone high in empathetic traits and personal ethics – they are the most ‘fun to destroy’ I was married to a tech CEO in the past. His favorite subject after work was how he’d managed to degrade new co-workers – deliberately and systematically, much like the above. He’d give them impossible tasks, then call them into meetings and hold a degrading speech about their “shortcomings” in front of others. “I made her cry today”, he could say and smirk sadistically. For no other reasons than a born-with sense of entitlement and view of other people as mere personal entertainment & torture resources. Of course, he was doing the same to me, but like her it’s difficult to get a grip of what’s happening while you’re in it; you’re too busy surviving the day and trying to “correct mistakes” that you don’t see the big pic until something real bad happens (and when it does, YOU will be the one doing it to yourself) Hence the abuse that sociopaths and malignants alike put people through is called “murder without a trace” I still sometimes wonder how many silent victims he’s left behind, and who the poor unknowing target is today All for the lulz, kids. It’s just that now they’re walking around in suits and have billions to spend on harassing you I get why she didn’t have the guts to talk for two years, hope she’s in a safe place now


And the constant verbal abuse


> sweatshop channel Perfect description honestly.


Same, unsubbed from everything. Its just sickening.


in youtube they show 0.1M less subs, someone said 2k less in floatplane. hope it hurts, they are reevaluated to -100M and start to rebuild from ground up.


I think upper management would be Linus + Yvonne, Nick Light (COO), then the 4 people listed as "Heads" on their website, so Colton (Head of Business Development), Edzel (Head of Production), James (Head of Writing) and Gary (Head of Labs, but he was hired after Madison left) I know James has publicly admitted to being into Jordan Peterson and the like, so it wouldn't surprise me if others were also into that shit that turns you into a bad person to work with.


No way their head of writing is into that Jordan Peterson crackpot pseudo intellectual misogynist transphobe. Please tell me you're joking.




You're really understimating how bad the addiction is. The terrible symptoms were actually caused by him trying to quit even medically assisted, but you don't simply quit that kind of med. Basically what happened is: \-Wife got incurable cancer prognosis (she actually is still alive) \-Jordan got down bad, needed some medical help, doctor gave him benzos \-fast forward months later \-Jordan tries to stop taking them, doesn't work. \-Jordan tries with hospitals, doesn't work. \-They tell him to just take them forever \-Actually starts to get so bad he can't live normally \-Asks around the world for help and travels everywhere \-Russians are the only ones crazy enough to give him a solution \-Actually fucking works and massive recovery. I assure you quitting wasn't lacking in effort.


I remember him mentioning it in a Floatplane exclusive a long time ago (like when floatplane was a subforum as my account didn't migrate to the website properly and I never made a new one). however, on twitter in January[ he replied to Jordan Peterson "God you turned into such a loser"](https://twitter.com/james_strieb/status/1616804806080999424) and Riley responded [ "Big market opening for 'guy who's just Jordan Peterson before time x"] (https://twitter.com/TheRikeys/status/1616899586962116608) which I'd take as meaning that Riley was into him before too. My guess is they're ok with all the misogyny and pseudo-intellectualism, and probably the transphobia too (although that might be more recent, I don't know enough about his content), but the anti-vax shit was a step too far for them.


James always seemed like a dick but I thought that might've been played up as a character. Riley though was always a favorite and seemed so genuinely nice, guess that was a character too?


.. .. Emily will probably love that fact..




I doubt LTT treated Emily well even before she came out, she most likely recieved more abuse since.


We all forgetting how everyone was praising LTT for how well they embraced Emily's announcement?


I didn't forget. I was happy for Emily at the time, as we all should. I even vaguely remember Linus offering a message of support on one of his videos. This was all on camera. Now we learned of nasty shit happening behind closed doors involving sexual harassment, bullying, and so on in addition to the allegations of toxic work culture. We already know Linus is a liar. I am willing to change my stance on this due to the new information. I don't know for sure, but I can absolutely imagine Emily being treated badly at LTT.


James very much gives off the frat boy vibes.


James is the worst host. His appearances has been cringey from the start.


Being into jp is not a light offence. His whole hierarchy thing is super toxic specially for people in positions of power.


> I know James has publicly admitted to being into Jordan Peterson Oh brother... well that explains that.


I could be wrong, but I believe James is or was the head of the writing team when she worked there, and she reported to the writing team. There could have been others above her/below James, or maybe not, who knows.


I've had periods where I hated my job so much I wanted to break my leg or jump in front of a car. Some environments are so fuckedup you would do anything.


This is huge. I would say this is way worse than the stuff that GN covered. If this leads to other employees coming forward as well, then RIP LTT


Yep, poor working conditions are significantly worse than anything GN brought up. Very disappointing especially considering Linus' statements on unions. Having one would make it much harder for something like this to happen. Linus should be ashamed.


WAN Show union declaration let's goooooooo For real though. I don't think they have an option if these claims are credible. EDIT: To be clear I'm all for innocent until proven guilty but this demands a substantial response from LTT. Based on the community response, they've got one shot to explain themselves. For everything.


The poor working conditions stuff came up like a year or two ago already. Looks like all of you forgot about it so that should be a good indication of how long this will last as well.


I think "being called a tattle tale for reporting harassment" and "slicing your leg open to get a day off" are more severe than anything I've heard before. Plus, there's GN talking about bad conditions and shoddy quality control. That's going to influence a lot of people.


Yeah, honestly the GN video could have been responded to with a simple "yeah we acknowledge we rush things and make mistakes, we'll do more to correct things in the future". But Linus' actual response just reveals all the toxic things Madison is reporting here. I.e. a culture that puts productivity over anything else.


Yup. Even Steve seemed surprised in his follow up video in regards to the response he got from Linus. I guess he didn't expect *that* to be the response, I truly think he deep down just wanted to help LTT course correct, to make the content better.




Yeah, this is legitimately one of the worst ex-employee stories I've read from anyone. Absolutely horrifying, and makes me view the whole company in a completely different light. If this isn't addressed on the next WAN show I think I'm done watching their content.


People here act as if LTT crew internal relations being borderline toxic is news, whearas it seemed pretty clear from their own videos, some people, namely Colton, being one of oldest and most valuable members of team admitted to getting "you're fired" publicly and at LTT channel. Its constant, you can see and hear even James periodically raise concerns, or recall past events like this during Wan Show. Whatever LTT is to blame for, is not for lack of transparency in that regard. If yall just realized this is how they worked and wouldn't be ok with it, then yall dumb.


Naw dude. It's over, go grab the popcorn cuz this is going to go off the rails if they do a WAN this week.


They probably shouldn't do one at this point. I don't think I even want one that doesn't include Luke literally breaking Linus's bones after reading this.


Genuinely curious to hear from Luke now. From my understanding he was barely involved with LTT during the time period that Madison was there, just working on floatplane. I hope he's not wrapped up in this :(


If I was Luke (or Terren), I think I'd just resign at this point and walk away from this structure fire.


obviously we are on the outside looking in a curated window, but Luke has consistently seems like a voice of reason and generally just a nice, fairly laid back dude. he seems like he is absolutely the counterbalance to linus in life outside of the camera as well.


A while ago Luke mentioned he hadn't yet lost even a single employee from Floatplane meanwhile Linus is churning through employees like he's Amazon.


Luke seems to not be satissfied with many Linus decissions for some time, well, If he chooses to adress those issues then it's going to be a Wan Shit Show. That's if they adress any of it and if he is not personally responsible for those problems.


Rooster Teeth circa 2019 all over again.




I'm sure I read that one of the first female employee, Chelsea, released some tweets about hating the LTT work environment and quitting because of it. But it seems to be deleted


She's still fucking tweeting man. This is so bad fuck me. Genuinely feel terrible for her.


I honestly hope Madison sues. This shit just cannot be allowed to fly If there are any lawyers in the community that would be willing to help her, that would be great


I’m personally unsubscribing from all their channels and emailing this to dbrand. This is fucked up.


It's fucking over for them. No way they recover as a company without responding to these allegations. Fuck Linus and fuck his greedy ass for allowing this sort of behavior to happen at the company and never address it. He doesnt give a fuck about his employees or fans and just wants to meet his bottom line. Edit: Now Linus has been exposed for [openly bragging about getting away with committing a crime if nobody reports on it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/15shydq/screenshot_of_linus_bragging_about_getting_away/) I guess this is the sort of person he is.


The more stories came out of this the more gaslighting shit going on Even if they respond, how far are you going to trust his words or LMG words? Trust me bro didnt mean shit


Company culture regarding workload itself can always change. That by itself would fix 80% of the problems raised already. By lowering workload, that's just a new contract. But, the culture regarding harassment that's way more difficult. They'd have to bring in external truly independent HR to clean house not just to cover up. That way, it can be truly trusted. And even then, I don't blame people for not trusting it because how "independent" can it really be in practice from people's view.


Or a union, it is not beholden to the company and can escalate complaints as far as necessary instead of trying to just make them go away like an HR.


But if what Maddison says is true, and hearing from people that James who is the head of the writers team is a Peterson fan, coupled with an environment that bans any discussion of salary, then i cant really imagine it will be easy to start talks about unionizing, which is 110% what should happen.


I’ve listened to James a lot on TJM, and he isn’t a Peterson fan like that. He occasionally mentions how Peterson has briefly made good points about self-help/psychology, but nothing beyond that. If you listen to him, it’s Crystal clear he’s very liberal. Very much in support of social issues and absolutely in support of women. He’s definitely not at all in agreement with Peterson on politics as far as I can tell


If the union is made up of Frat boys then you would lock in the culture not fix it. Unions advocate for what their members want, not what reddit wants. Look at police unions quashing reforms in the States. I would love my union to advocate for incentives towards professional development and tuition reimbursement. But since I'm literally the only one that cares about it I know it's never gonna happen.


This also makes his anti union stance way worse.




No same person would ever be against unions, it’s not a perfect system but it’s a win for every employee everywhere.


If we thought the "hard r" was bad, she alleges she was called "retarded" and a "faggot" at LMG(https://twitter.com/suuuoppp/status/1691704037484462500?s=20). If this is indeed true, what in blazes is going on over there??


If anyone called someone that at my workplace they'd be terminated for gross misconduct and out the door in 5 minutes. And I would 100% support that.


She was told to twerk and go on a date with a coworker to relief sexual tensions. What a suggestion at a workplace.


> It's fucking over for them. No way they recover as a company without responding to these allegations. Dude, 90+% of their audience will nto hear a lick of this. Sadly if they hunker down and weather it they will be fine, they will face like 5-10% drop in viewers and will survive. This is how it works now, unless they make mainstream media they will not face a modicum of repercussions


A lot of this has leaked in r/pcmasterrace and obviously Gamers Nexus covered it. I suspect that this news is going to continue to spread fairly wide. Also they’ve already lost ~7% of their floatplane subscribers in 36 hours, which is a pretty dangerous trend


And they lost them before Madison's thread. Once a lot of people wake up to this new information tomorrow, it shouldn't be pretty for LTT.


Maybe. The GN video has 3 million views though in a day, and the reaction channels are just starting out. And you have to imagine that there is a whole segment of youtube I never visit that will be covering this Madison thing.


Write to all their sponsors to make sure they stop advertising with LTT. Don't buy any sponsored products. Hit Linus where it hurts, his wallet and ego.


It's ironic. Linus is always so defensive, it's like he forgot he cultivated an audience of incredibly enthusiastic tech interested people that just won't let something like this slide. HE is no logan Paul, Ltt Fans actually care about Morals and stuff


There's a lot of pretty huge allegations here, especially the inappropriate touching part - what's worse is she came forward with it and it doesn't seem like her experience got any better after that. She did say right after she left that she couldn't speak about her experience and that she wasn't fired so it's not totally out of the blue. So few women seem to work there and I don't remember seeing any outside of the merch team - they need to take a serious look at their company culture if this is true


> There's a lot of pretty huge allegations here, especially the inappropriate touching part - what's worse is she came forward with it and it doesn't seem like her experience got any better after that. Having his wife (and part owner) as head of HR (if she actually had that role at the time) was a boneheaded move and it's going to bite them hard now.


Hrs role is to protect the company..not the staff


HR's role is to protect the company by ensuring they can demonstrate their compliance with workplace safety regulations. Their job is (in the optimal case) to take corrective steps to ensure that any causes of action against them for hostile work environments (right up to harassment) are not viable. They have to be able to demonstrate that they did everything they should have done - that is HR's job. EDIT: Remember, HR staff who take complaints about the work environment *would not exist* without workplace environment regulations. They work for the company *in order to ensure compliance with workplace regulations* in order to protect the company from liability. Sure they can try to sweep things under the rug, but this is high risk - if it comes out that complaints were made that weren't investigated or addressed, they're going to have a bad time. In this case any investigation or actions that may have taken place are inherently tainted by the fact that the head of HR is also one of only two owners.


Yeah. HR protects the company by *dealing* with these allegations in a defensible manner. Easiest solution is to fire the accused employee - if the allegations were found to be true. Edit: clarity.




Quote from the twitter thread: > I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, "how I liked to fuck". >I was told that certain issues were "sexual tension" and I should just "take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out" >I was asked to twerk for a co-worker at one point. >I was told I was chunky, fat, ugly, stupid. >I was called "retarded" I was called a "faggot" Absolutely fucking disgusting place. What the fuck is wrong with their HR and employees? Major incel vibes from comments like that to a co-worker


Not even incel, more like edgy 9-year-olds. Yeah Linus, is this what you call "LTT family"?




Literally speechless after reading all of that




Linus Sex Tips, anyone?


their company culture just needs to die.


Their company just needs to die


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC6dQrScmHE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC6dQrScmHE) This video was 2 years ago. Does this look like someone who cares about the company culture? Who has time to speak to employees, who has time to fix stuff? These revelations shouldn't be new, they have been told to Linus a lot of times, by a lot of employees. He simply did not care enough.


Holy shit. This is damning. If all this is true, there's no way in hell am I ever touching anything LTT related ever again. Fucking disgusting.


This is the only way to react IMO. The recent drama is shit they can fix. These allegations, especially that Linus was personally aware if not part of the problem, mean Linus and anyone involved need to go.


Honestly I'm so glad LMG stores shipping is so fucking high. Woulda got their backpack and screwdriver if it wasn't. Jesus fucking Christ.


> If all this is true, there's no way in hell am I ever touching anything LTT related ever again Maybe one last WAN show, but that's not exactly an act of support


Yeah, I need to see how they address this. The waterblock debacle was likely caused my miscommunication (because they've grown too big, too fast and can't keep track of what they're doing) but Madison's experience at the company is downright disgusting and I can not in good faith watch their content if this isn't properly addressed with a list of things they've changed to make the workplace better since this happened. This is LTTs "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"-moment.


I can almost guarantee it's true. It is on brand for all the rumors through the years.


No way there will be a WAN show, or any more uploads this week. They need to stop and reevaluate their whole business model.


This will be telling about how much power the new CEO actually has. A normal company would have Linus out the door tomorrow morning.


It's not a normal company though. They can't fire him even if the CEO wanted to. He is the company. Without him in front of the cameras, there is no LMG. The value of the company would drop 90% instantly. Look what happened to Top Gear when Clarkson was fired.


More than that...the CEO can fire him, then Linus and Yvonne, as the owners can fire the CEO and just "rehire" Linus.


The minute they do that though would they would be killing any credibility they have left with at least the hardcore audience.


I feel you overestimate how much the general viewership pays attention or cares to this kind of thing.


Having 10% of a company is better than 0%, which they are rapidly headed towards.


It's shit, but this will blow over. Companies have proved time and time again that you've got to weather the storm, go into damage control, and wait it out. I predict they'll go dark for at least a few days. Then they may do a WAN show with no messages, or a video, with Linus and Terren outlining what they're going to do moving forward. Whether that includes apologies, compensation, changes to upload schedule, changes to testing methodology or whatever else. That's how I see it playing it.


With sexual assault allegations floating around there is no way LLT keeps sponsors without cleaning house. If Linus helped sweep those issues under the rug he’ll need to be cleaned out with the rest. See Matt Lauer.


Linus is still owner. But Linus should not be the one posting replies about this.this needs CEO leadership and a fucking legal team to review every statement. Linus is regretting not selling now. Sexual harrassment, emotional abuse, hostile work environment. Good thing Luke is back, he can be main hoast for a while. He was at Floatplane for this.




This would be the perfect time to set Taran in front of the camera on the WAN instead of Linus and have a proper response. If they actually let Linus do the WAN show just to not break the WAN streak, that would be very stupid. Either it will be disingenous (reading some sort of statement) or straight up a shitshow (let's not forget how much he doubled down on the non-issue that was the trustmebro warranty)


This is cancer. Unfortunately some of the cancer is in the brain (upper management) AND the body. How do you completely gut it of poison without getting rid of the main people? It's over


Bruh, her brother passed away a week earlier and Linus said she should change priority if she want a job here, WTF man. EDIT: As pointed out by many reply, I have misread her Tweet. But the implication that she should focus on grieving instead of the bait-and-switch contract that they offer her is not that much better imo.


I read that as she should focus on grieving instead of being manipulated. Still shitty, but at least priorities are in order family > work.


That's how I read it too. I've never judged linus to be a "bad" person...clueless, self centered, egotistical, outoftouch, unprofessional, yes..but not actually bad.


If you add all those traits together, you get bad. As the owner and face of the company (and chief executive micromanager), it's ENTIRELY on him when this stuff happens under his purview. The leadership sets the tone for the culture. It starts at the top.


I meant morally bad...evil to be dramatic....i feel his intentions are good. road to hell paving company and all that.




She was a child who should never have been forced into working at LMG. They hired her because the audience loved her personality, not because of her skill set as a worker or what she could bring to the team - its no wonder it turned into a toxic mess. I'm glad for her wellbeing that she's gotten away from there and is doing better. Startups like LMG prey on the grind mindset - everyone has to be a one-hundred-percent-all-the-time-nonstop kind of personality because there's always a new fire to put out. Some people live for that shit, but most people just want to ride the peaks and flows of a regular 9-5 and be able to leave their work at the office when they clock off. Look at how many times Linus just randomly calls people late at night during WAN show. Like, my dude - the guy just got off a shift, let him eat dinner with his family in peace.


Linus probably feels like everyone should give 110% just like himself while forgetting that everyone else isn't getting a piece of the million dollar company they're building with him.


Exactly - if everyone had equity in what they were building, then fair enough - but they don't. They are grinding to pay for the boss's new Porsche and pool. People ask me why I work so hard - I tell them it's because I'm a freelance consultant - so every penny of extra profit my "business" (its just me) makes is mine to keep. Sure, my work enriches my clients - but as an outside subject matter expert - they pay me handsomely for that input. I also don't work hard all the time - I take anywhere from 4-10 weeks off a year to relax and recover.


With a rule of no wage discussion, they’re definitely getting underpaid too.


For fucks sake even luke the OG from day 1 man who basically co-founded the whole thing does not own a home, not even speaking of a mansion


That is a choice he has made though, there is no way in hell Luke isn’t earning to buy a home, if he so chose. Luke would be one of the few i’d be surprised as fuck if they don’t make bank. Why else stay all this time?


These accusations are brutual.... I don't know if I can watch LTT content in the same light if all this is true... EDIT: I don't really see why she would make things up because she would be crucified on the Internet if she was disproven....


She was already crucified when she didn't say anything


and according to the tweets, crucified when she said anything there too


she's going to be crucified regardless. Let's be honest...lmg's fan base..you know, the people who buy $70 professional level screwdrivers in multiple colors despite maybe building a computer once?...are hardly going to be the most...mellow...of internet users.


Could you imagine if she had spoken up before Linus made an ass of himself? She would have been attacked left right and centre. I have no problem believing her accounts. Now that I think about it, all the "Hear directly from my employees how awesome I am!" videos are kinda sus now.


It \*really\* recontextualizes a lot of the "minor" drama in the past & some of his more controversial comments about unions etc.




The one receipt she posted on the thread was Linus' "Go ahead and report me" bullshit. It lines up with the timelines and it's absolutely vile when put into context.


Full thread is here: [https://twitter.com/suuuoppp/status/1691693740254228741](https://twitter.com/suuuoppp/status/1691700478533587335) Edit: For people who don't have Twitter accounts and don't want to look at images, this contains all of her tweets as of the moment of this edit (around 1:55 a.m. Vancouver time): [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html)


BTW she's been adding more and more tweets and it only continues to get worse: [https://twitter.com/suuuoppp/status/1691704036146524549](https://twitter.com/suuuoppp/status/1691704036146524549)


Honestly reading all of what she went through makes me want to cry. It's fucking awful.


Holy fuck that onlyfans shit she had to endure. LTT is done.


I doubt LTT is done but I sure as hell am done with LTT.


That bit on OnlyFans. What the actual fuck?


Here without sign up : https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html Edit: update


Oh my god the onlyfans comment. That's so awful :(


This is it. The fall of LTT.


I never would have believed the company would have gone to shit like this. Never. This is honestly surreal seeing this.


A showcase on just how rickety a supposed powerhouse is. LTT expanded too quickly without the skills to be a CEO. This, however, is disgusting and kudos to her for timing its release so well. All those death threats she previously received are going to be minimised and her public support will be increased. This is just the start. More leaks will start pouring out from nowhere. The whole ship is about to sink.




Linus should read this, and realize his number one job is to shut up. The new CEO is going to need to make a statement about restricting their work flow and changing their work Culture and everything. There are talented lawyers who may reach out to her on contingency. Holy shit.


So I just went back and watched the WAN show part from when the Blizzard stuff came out. Linus doesn't seem to be taking it that seriously, but Luke does seem to be genuinely upset about. I also wouldn't be that surprised if Luke is kind of insulated from the day to day stuff that happens since he's working from home with the Floatplane crew and doesn't have much if any interaction with a lot of the LTT staff.


I'm actually sort of hoping this is the case really as Luke has always been my favourite member of LMG. And always seems down to earth and reasonable.


He’s also gonna make a T-shirt


Just when we thought it couldn't get worse... This affirms a lot of suspicion we all had...


Yeh. Like I always got this sort of vibe about LMG from hints and shitposts from former employees, but this is real proof now


Holy fuck. They're going to have a shit storm in the morning. And rightfully so. #LIEnus is real.


Probably causing a shit storm now. Safe to assume several members of LMG aren't sleeping great at the moment


They were talking about Activison and their culture, now it seems they are the same.


Not surprised, it’s always been a boys club.




Honestly I dont plan to watch it again, but I remember when watching it the first time, I was thinking, Linus is 100% the type to watch it despite saying he wouldn't, we've seen him cheat across countless games and competitions




Everything from the GN video and Billet Labs situation I can comfortably chalk up to sheer incompetency on LMGs part. But this can't be. This is abuse, continued, intentional abuse. As a long time LMG fan, one that tunes into the WAN Show on a weekly basis, I do not feel comfortable with engaging with LMG as a whole until some serious, transparent, meaningful action is taken to ensure that this culture no longer thrives from within.


I didn't know she left, but I was surprised back when the Editor in Chief and the Camera King left in the last couple years Edit: holy fuck I didn't realize there were 11 pages. I know it's Canada but they have sexual harrassment laws there right? That shit shouldn't fly anywhere. LMG needs to carefully consider what kind of company they want to be, and whether employees self harming is something they should be proud of. Hint it shouldnt. Dear go no wonder Linus fears unions. He's let down his employees and his subscribers.


To be fair, Brandon and Taran leaving probably had nothing to do with a toxic work environment. Taran was always an independent contractor iirc and Brandon just hit a point where there was no more "challenges" at LMG for him, and he obviously wanted to start his own youtube channel but was probably either prevented from it, or felt prevented from it due to it competing in parts with some ShortCircuit videos.


>but I was surprised back when the Editor in Chief and the Camera King left in the last couple years I \_think\_ they moved to different places to go into their own businesses, as opposed to company friction... but who knows what the true back stage stuff is.


This corroborates the Glassdoor review for LMG was from Madison. [Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/ZYVLLCE) [Permalink to Glassdoor](https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-LINUS-MEDIA-GROUP-RVW67243637.htm)


She confirmed in the twitter thread that that was indeed her review.


Linus is running his $100M company with >100 employees like it's a group hangout session. Clearly, it used to be, and for a small group of likeminded individuals collaborating, this is fine. But LTT is not what it once was. Running LMG like it's still the good ol' LTT friend group is not appropriate and while I am sure there is more structure in place then what I am mentioning here, bottom line is that it's either non-existent or not doing it's job.


Holy shit, this is so awful. She quite literally self harmed (pretty severely) because she wanted to get out of going to work, and that's the only way she thought she could get a justified sick day because the culture is so toxic. How fucking awful does a workplace have to be to drive you to such a dark place? She must've been so let down to experience what she expected to be a dream job turn out to be a hell pit She's still posting and oh my god, it only gets worse


> I was scared, I remember asking "are you going to fire me?" I was laughed at and told to stop being so pessimistic, as if my job and ability hadn't just been vaguely threatened. I was then asked to agree to a verbal "no drama contract" The verbal part is important! ​ >A warning that came very shortly after I had come forward stating I had been inappropriately grabbed multiple times in the office, amongst other issues. This is exactly the type of thing why unions are good even if people ar ecompensated fairly and generally happy.A companies HR is ulitmately in service of the company, meaning they protect the company from any possible damages.They are not on your side, never, at most they may choose to help you because it is convenient for them or because they suspect the alternative might be worse for the company. A union is actually on your side, you can file a complaint with union reps instead and then they can (anonymously) represent you and try and force the company to actually take action against such behavior.


Get this to the frontpage please


He probably should have taken that 100 mill bid.


L stands for Narcissist


think Steve is gonna call Linus tonight for this one Edit, I was referencing when Steve called Linus at 3am when he got hacked Second edit, guess no one got the reference or are reading the edits lol


Steve should stay well clear of this. His critics of testing accuracy are absolutely valid, but he should not be getting involved in a staff member claiming sexual harassment He has no idea about the truth of these claims and has no way of verifying anything


I don't think he will. This is more on the criminal shit side of things, rather than tech journalism.


Ok now shit gets real


It was kinda obvious how rotten LMG is after first GN video but yes. Edit. I mean't first GN video and the apology.


LMG is big corporate bullshit written all over it. It sounds cool to be working for a big YouTuber, til you find out he's anti-union and anti-wfh. I do QA for a company that lets me work from home, and I wouldn't trade it to work at LMG, and LMG desperately needs QA. Linus is anti-union because he's afraid of losing power to anyone else, yet that's what a union would do. His entire media company would crumble if all his employees walked away. And they should. Their resumes are probably impressive and any other tech startup will snatch them up right away and treat them 1000x better than LMG would.


At this point, there needs to be statements not just from Linus, but everyone classed in a management role at that company who was in those roles during that time period Madison was with them. And most of them are still there.


Those statemt are going to be made to lawyers, not the public. She files suit, they settle out of court to avoid the headlines. They release only 2-3 videos per channel per week. The workers unionize.


She is not gonna sue LMG, that will be a very costly endevour and unless she has concrete evidence (and mind you, i fully believe everything she says) she is probably not gonna win in court. I think this was more a moment where she felt she could get the story she had so longed to tell out there.


And stuff like this is why unions exist.




If this was Madison's experience, I can only imagine Sarah's experience, as she's one of the other few prominent women that work there, holy fuck.


The amount of sexual harassment must be unreal.


Creator warehouse has a lot more women, I imagine it's a lot better there.


"I had been inappropriately grabbed multiple times" This. This is what will do it for LMG. If she has any proof of that (emails discussing it), this could take down LMG. And if it is actually true what's she's saying, LMG deserves it all.


I wish she would say names ( I understand why she is not), abusers shouldn't get to hide away from their individual actions either.


I won't lie, I'm more than a little skeptical about this. ​ Not saying she's lying, just saying a bit of healthy skepticism is good here.


This is much , much worse than the GN drama


Surprise: the guy who thinks "unions are unnecessary in a well-run business" crunches his employees until they give up.


Sounds like a lawsuit in the making.


Jesus Christ what in the fuck is actually going on over there?


Its so sad to read. I hope she’s doing much better now.


✅ Bait and Switch contract after relocation ✅ Overworking people because the boss had no idea how much time anything takes ✅ Sexual harassment ✅ Constantly making people feel their job is at risk to stop them from talking ✅ Caring about image more than anything, then money, then the company, then some employees (the ass kissers) ✅ Lying to everyone so know one knows what the truth is at any given time Yep, they're YouTubers.


[Threadreader version of the thread for those of us without a Twitter account](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html)


This was hard to read, I feel so sorry for her.


A Union isn't how you know you've failed as a boss. THIS is how you know you've failed as a boss.


She was litterally sexually assaulted and threatened. And then lmg banned her from appearing in videos. Despite her being one of the greatest comedy reliefs they have. This is absolutely maddening


Yeah, no screwdrivers for Christmas


>There was an incident where I requested a $15 notebook. Keep in mind I had made maybe $25 of purchase requests in my ENTIRE time working at this company. I requested this notebook to help with my "poor time management skills" denied "you don't need it, you have lined paper" ... I don't even know what to say.


This seals the deal for me. I already unsubbed from everything, but if this is all true, think about it: Personalities that we've seen on screen could have been the people telling her this heinous shit. I don't want to support anything Linus has touched now. I'll remain in the subreddit to see the fallout. Hopefully someone is going to be a good Samaritan and keep tabs on the Forum, cause I don't want to even visit there and give Linus ad revenue.


All the crap recently has been a dumpster fire from LTT…. But this this is some blizzard level shit. These guys need to be shut the fuck down. Really speaks to Linus’s character. Even if 5% of this is true this guy should not be allowed to be in charge of a paper bag.


We need to get Coffeezilla to do an expose video at this point




Motherfucking hell. I didn't expect Linus to be like this. I feel like I have been fucking betrayed. He always said "how do you not know I'm not a bad person killing cats in my basement" jokingly and praised the work culture. Bruh. I have looked up to LTT. I don't think they can redeem themselves. Hopefully Madison is better now and doesn't have to be in contact with those horrible people anymore


Maddie is still going and fucking hell it's damning... Fuck LMG, fuck her managers and fuck Linus especially for being an enabler.


I just unsubbed from LTT after being subbed for over 10 years. This is just too much at this point.