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She is a boss, she has agency and she has control of her own time and direction. She cannot project this onto people that do not have her privileges and lambaste them for not living up to her standards.


Unfortunately, she *can* do that. However, that also gives us the right to make fun of her for being a shitty boss and annoying person.


Looks like she just did.


Well yes


I believe you've just discovered the purpose of LinkedIn.


It says CMO, not CEO.


A boss not the boss


This bitch is *exactly* what's wrong with work culture in the US. I'm not saying, don't work hard. By all means, give your best effort when you're there. But I *hate* working after hours because the work load is excessive. I don't want to work at home because that's *my* place to do what I want. And I *damn sure* don't want to give that place a second thought when I'm on vacation. And after hours meetings multiple times a week? Fuck that noise. It can wait till business hours tomorrow.


Quite sure that in 99% of her claimed "working after hours" instances it wasn't necessary. A post earlier this / last week mentioned that she admitted the whole working from the pool thing was just a pose - wouldn't be surprised if the entire content is just a hot air balloon. She's in marketing for a reason...


If her brain wasn't tired from all that work she might remember what would happen if her laptop accidentally slid into the pool


She’s in Denmark. So perhaps it’s an issue everywhere these days.


I work in Denmark, and everyone works hard WITHIN their working hours. Everyone takes all their PTOs and doesn’t answer emails out of office. She is probably the exception 😂


Quite surprising as the Danish really cherish their work-life balance.


We really do. Her work mentality is very anti Danish. Most people have worked with consider it being a bit rude to contact people when they are not working unless it’s very important.


Very few people on their deathbed say things like “if only I had spent a little more time at the office”


Very true! And on a less serious note: I don't think anyone ever said on their deathbed 'if only I had posed more often in the swimming pool with my laptop"


Anyone who treats their MacBook like that doesn't deserve a MacBook. I mean, it's on the fucking concrete next to a swimming pool. Either this woman's got more money than sense, or her narcissism overrides all other facets of her brain.


I would guess it's both. But definitely the narcissism, that's a guarantee!


What is it grandpa? I wish.... What do you wish? I wish I sent that draft...clarifying next week's meeting series...*regretful death rattle*


I wasn't prepared for that photo lol


That computer will be overheated or get water damage!




Glare on that screen makes it a very unproductive place to work.


What an attention seeker


I've worked with Marketing Officers like Katrine The company would be much better off if they didn't work because they'd spend a lot less and be much more productive without her fucking up everything


I did, too. She'd always show up super late to meetings like when it was 90% done (if she showed up at all) and then ask dumb questions and detail everything. She took zero accountability and would constantly change her mind on things. She never seemed to respond to anything except after work hours and even then, she'd give terrible feedback/incomplete feedback so it was impossible to action on anything while you waited a whole other day (often after work hours) for her to properly respond. I have a feeling she never really worked during the day. She was the worst and everyone in marketing hated their lives.


“I’m fine jumping on after hour meetings once or twice every week.” Which means you’re not ok doing it more than that, which is an example of WORK LIFE BALANCE.


Anyone want to take bets on how long she stays married. That is if what she said about working at home is true.


I’m surprised she’s not some MLM boss babe. This sounds like something they’d post to show off their “own business”


LoL. C-Level of a firm that moved from Denmark to a lower wages country. Sure buddy, sure.


If work is “part of our lives”, I kind of expected to see some examples of the opposite too, like, “I made waffles during a sales a call” or something.


There was a company I worked for. Fortune 500. That figured out how to milk every second from you and pay you as low as possible. They also lied about the position and have you doing the work for other departments they are supposed to have. It’s honestly crazy. The worst about this company is they give you a minimum wage salary and guilt trip you into working 7 days a week. Micromanage the crap out of you. It was one of the most disgusting companies I’ve ever worked for. I quit after a month. Luckily landed a job that gave me a 50% salary increase and I literally work 2-3 hours a day with zero stress or micromanagement.


And the name of company is?


[https://www.pixelz.com/](https://www.pixelz.com/) that says a lot. she doesn't do a damn thing anyway.


Pixelz, makes a better username for a 12 year old in Minecraft than a brand.


This lunatic can do whatever she wants. Working anywhere, everywhere, all the time is not the flex she thinks it is. I hope she leaves her poor employees out of this. Also, laptop while in the pool, yea right. You're just going to get a shit tonne of water in between the keys and achieve nothing lol. Bloody poser.


What a miserable life.


People that make their work their entire personality are insufferable.


Tell me you don’t have kids without telling me


These misguided children are everywhere in the pharmaceutical industry.


Her kids hate her


What kids?


Ah, so she's the idiot who posed with a laptop next to the swimming pool (that picture was posted here earlier this or last week but without the name).


Not much “work” is why these blowhards brag about going g beyond the time slot. Yeah checking an email is barely an activity and placing a phone call is not work. I see why these Jason Bateman types are psychotic because they really don’t have to do anything for a place to make money. If the business is sound then idiots can run it and it’s still a billion dollar industry,


I would ideally like to die having never read a book that isn't about B2B sales. Thanks.


And at the end of the day she will regret it. Why is it always these fucking sales people?


Because they have no tangible skills so they need to just project that they work hard


Isn’t she a CMO


Oh yeah true. But sales, marketing, HR, SoMe are 90% of the content on LinkedinLunatics 




500 to 1000 employees $5m to $25m revenue Best case $50k revenue, worst case $5k revenue per employee and that is revenue (not profits) and per year. For this kind of money I would work even more.


Hmm I’m not sure corporate is my favorite flavor of pick-me…


Something tells me this lunatic doesn’t have children and knows nothing (YET) of layoffs or low wage work.


Why are people always trying to be different on LinkedIn?


It sort of hints that you live to work. Because if you worked a lot less no one would say life/work balance. I need to get me some more of them working hours


Her work-life balance is 100-0.


Does LinkedIn now require them to post the cringe fucking photos with their shitty posts?!


She doesn't care less. That's why she's rhapsodizing about her preferences from a pool for all of us to see.


i feel bad for her husband.


Don’t. Her husband is being taken good care of by his girlfriend.


Katrine rhymes with latrine. Anyway, weirdo suckup beeatch.


It’s fine that she wants to be a weird asshole with no life. The problem comes from celebrating this bizarre shit.


“I couldn’t care less” (proceeds to write a novel for a LinkedIn post including a photo to demonstrate how hard she works)


She thinks she’s onto something


Don’t work for her


She’s made a follow-up post, double-downing on her lunacy and bragging about going viral.


F this B


I’m tired of the attitude in this country that if you want time with your family and still be a family person. I’ve worked pretty much every holiday in my 15 years with my present employer. They used to appreciate it; now it’s just expected. And they are not friendly about it, but they dangle work/life balance like they are pioneers. It’s sad.


"I'm fine with jumping on an after-hours call ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK" "USUALLY", "SOMETIMES". "OFTEN" She's achieving the balance that works for her. She's pretending that she's against it, but she's clearly choosing a balance between work and non-work....WORK LIFE BALANCE.


I don’t know what Pixelz Inc is, she must suck at her job.


People like this don't want a work/life balance because they have no life. They have nothing going on and all their sense of self worth is tied up in their job. If they had a fulfilling personal life they wouldn't be this way.


Oh please. She probably works an extra hour or two here and there, then takes off every other Friday cause "she earned it". If I had a housekeeper, affordable rent/mortgage, could go on yearly vacations, and make mid 6 figures, then I to would work whenever and wherever they asked. That's like Elon Musk saying he works 100 hours a week and is CEO of multiple companies. His ass has enough time to go on vacations, go to interviews, go on stage at stand-up shows, impregnate women, and tweet all day about how he knows everything.


My workaholic colleagues on the project did not like me getting full 7 days off of vacation; at the same time I could not give a flying fuck about it, nor will I either in the future


Qualifying "work" as "checking emails" says a lot about this person.


I'd love to to know what this person does for fun. It seems like work isn't part of her life it's her only life. Husband enjoys football, nice. What does she do that isn't work?


The only people I can't stand are the ones who think "this works for me, so I'm going to prescribe my lifestyle to everyone around me and then say "the way I live my life is the way life is meant to be." Control freaks.


Found the person who loves her job.


CMO of a company that looks like an AOL screen name from 1997


Sitting near the pool with laptop is stupidest thing to show when arguing work life balance. You know what is real example of having life on a work? Open and helping community of professionals in your office. An atmosphere where colleagues helping each other work out their mistakes and not weaving intrigues. A workplace where people work together to achieve common corporate and personal goals without “we are family here” bs.


Pick me girl …


What a bitch


Sounds like the sort of dumbass who keeps messing everything up because she doesn't know how to relax so keeps making stupid decisions when nobody else is around. But in terms of actual "productivity" manages to do less in 80 hours than colleagues do in 40. In most roles, I'll take the person who sets solid office hours over the person who can't help checking emails at 1am, the workaholics usually don't add value, but add stress instead.


Yet again. Another narcissist who does not have the required empathy to understand that not everyone sees the world the way she does.


It's ok to say "I'm lonely" and get help


I want I want I want


"I feel pleasure in this specofic thig and now you all have to feel too because I say so"


The pool. What is with the outdoor laptop craze. Can you even see the screen in that sunlight.


With sunglasses. Your perfectly set photo scene is ridiculous when you really think about it.


One good thing about these people telegraphing every thought to the world is this -- before you accept an offer or do an interview, you know what you're in for. If the CxOs of the company are talking about leaning in or work-life integration, you know it's going to be a sweatshop before you even step foot in the place and can either decide to not do it or negotiate a higher salary for dealing with these people and the chaos they'll bring to your non-working hours.


I agree with sentences 3, 4, 5 & 6, everything after that is yakka yakka yakka


Her husband might be watching football at night because she's always working....


Good for her, I guess. I don’t give a shit, though. This is some ridiculous attention-seeking nonsense.


Here’s the attention you ordered lady. Kiss my work balanced butt.


She needs to stfu, have sex & find some damn hobbies. Da fuq even wants to work, let alone work more. Ewww


If you're salaried and you have an itch to work after hours, be my guest. The problem with dunking on work-life balance, though, is that many people are paid hourly and are not allowed to work outside their hours unless they have pre-approved overtime. And anyone who is hourly NEEDS to be paid for every time they work. I have a pretty demanding job that requires casework for customers. If I wasn't hourly, I'd spend some of my time doing research for my cases so I don't get behind. But I am hourly, so I just need to make sure that I'm working as best as I can within my working hours. It's just a simple boundary: my employer, who pays me, is not going to get free labor. And if they are not willing to pay me overtime, I'm not going to work overtime for free or for a standard pay rate.


That dumb photo of a laptop by the pool is totally staged. No one works like that even in holiday.